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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@Gerry58 I guess it's really a typical weekend drama wherein they  will show the story starting with the characters' childhood. Yes they went to Busan to shoot. SY can meet with Wy's parents if she's free hehehe. She can visit their shop there or she can also meet Junho who is also shooting in Busan hehehe. Jang Hyuk's been posting pictures of himself while shooting the drama. SY is so quiet. 


The teenage SY is from JYP hehehe. SY had been working with a lot of JYP artists hehehe.

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171019 BARFOUT! November 2017 Volume 266 - WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) interview

Speaking of WOOYOUNG, a powerful image from 2PM may still linger, plus his previously released single『Party Shots』from April this year with a shocking yet richly original concept might also create a high hurdle to be able to immediately permeate among Japanese fans of pop music. However, with the newly released mini album『Mada boku wa…』, his existing image is rubbed off completely, making it an album anyone would like to have. Another reasons can also be given - that is WOOYOUNG’s popularity is rising rapidly. And every song from this album is remarkably exceptional. There you can hear a distant singing voice sparkling out spontaneously. Just by listening to that profound voice echoing from far, far away, somehow there is a nostalgic feeling gradually surging forwards. As is we’re hearing a singing voice from decades ago that has passed through the flow of time. Yet at the same time, it also takes us into a pool of sensation where even unforeseen sceneries of future come up. We’ll be overwhelmed with an eminently strange feeling.

「I may become even better from now on, 
that’s why I want to spend a greater effort」, he said

BARF. It’s a very airy and comforting album. When we got the chance to interview you about the mini album『Party Shots』last time, we remember that was a very active and aggressive piece of work. However, this time your album focuses mainly on ballads. Could it be that this timing was the right moment for you to get into calming down mood?

WOOYOUNG: You’re right. Since I’m also a normal human, depending on different periods, my emotions will change. Which being said, songs that I want to hear, and songs that I want to make change accordingly too. As this album is the preparation for my Japan tour starting from October, I wanted to present songs that fit the ambiance of this season. Among them, the title track『Mada boku wa…』(I’m still…) is a messager of my genuine feeling right now, telling “I still want to stand on stage,” true to the meaning of its title.

BARF. First of all, we have to say that your singing voice at the intro “Still the same, I’m still…” in『Mada boku wa…』is too enchanting. It’s like a strong force suddenly pulls us into the particular view on the world in this song, yet the way it enters our ear is direct like a blow of wind.

WOOYOUNG: Thank you. It actually is my intention: to make a voice drifting out from somewhere, a sound as if had been heard in a dream. To depict it visually, it’s like you’re in an awfully tranquil place then suddenly a singing voice is brought to you along the wind. I wanted to set an atmosphere for it where that part, despite being the intro, can already make you taste the afterimage of the whole song. I started by writing the melody at first, however if I put an impact to the singing voice right at this intro it would become a bit “too much”, so I wanted to make the voice tender to the max so that it can flow into the ear of listeners smoothly as much as possible.

BARF. There is one thing I’m quite concerned about, that is even though the message of this song is a feeling that says “I’m still…”, why does the phrase “onaji sa” (it’s the same) keep being repeated many times? Since it’s the first time I ever heard such a song with hook parts sung in “onaji sa” lyrics like this, listening to it feels pretty strange to me.

WOOYOUNG: While preparing for this album and my concert tour, the first words sprung up in my mind were “I’m still” and “as I’ve ever been”. Those words kept being repeated again and again inside my head, so I was sure they are feelings I wanted to convey the most this time. However, now hearing that from you, I wonder if I should have used “Onaji sa” as its title? Even though the meanings of both two parts “mada boku wa” and “onaji sa” are connected anyways, the phrase I accidentally chose to be title was “Mada boku wa…”. But I feel the same as you – to me, perhaps the main phrase of this song, the words that hold such important meaning is nothing else but “onaji sa”. The choice of words is so difficult, but interesting nonetheless, right? (laughs)

BARF. But I really like your voice while singing that phrase. The piano tune that lays out the motif for this song is quite impressive too, but I have the feeling arrangement work in it was minimized quite a lot as if to enhance the effect of raw singing voice.

WOOYOUNG: Thank you. It’s also my intention (laughs). Like a boat swaying to and fro on a river very quietly… To put it figuratively, my voice in there is a boat folded from origami floating tenderly on a river. I wanted to present something soothing and comfortable like that when listening to those sounds by the ear, that’s why I aimed to minimize the arrangement as much as possible so that the lyrics and melody can get through.

BARF. There is something I was aware of before our interview began. WOOYOUNG-ssi ‘s way of expressing is very romantic. Are you often told so?

WOOYOUNG: Ah~ (laughs).

BARF. (laughs) What does that reaction mean?

WOOYOUNG: It’s true that I’m sometimes told so (laughs), but it’s not that often. I’m not good at romance at all, so being called a romanticist while being totally hopeless in love somehow feels quite sad. As a result, that sadness is just voiced out (laughs).

BARF. (laughs) Anyways, created under the same vector like 『Mada boku wa…』and also filled with echoing distant singing voice is a song titled 『AND END』. Especially at the part “Your umbrella no longer shelters me”, I wonder if that is also the same singing voice used in the former?

WOOYOUNG: Since a passionate way of singing doesn’t fit the concept of this album, I tend to think it’s more like I was feeling my way for the balance of emotions. If I used a singing voice that expresses myself more openly in 『Party Shots』,『Chill OUT』or『Going Going』before, this time I’m going for a lighter image with the intention to express my songs more smoothly. Consequently, my effort is showed the most clearly in these two songs.

BARF. Besides, I think the factor which makes this album coherent while having its music played in a consistent tension is that the tone colors of, for example, your synthesizer are similar to each other. In that aspect, how did you choose the tones for this album?

WOOYOUNG: It’s not like I especially paid attention to that aspect. If I had to say then, it was my sensation. Or it’s the result of me staying faithful to my own emotions. However, as I said earlier, I wanted to set a right balance in the ambiance of the entire album or in the mood of every song. Since it’s hard to describe that process by words, I can only say I created them all while believing in my sensations (laughs). Of course it’s also true as you said, the point that tone colors from devices such as synthesizer are mutually resembling is a choice from my sensations too. If you say it’s my intention then it’d probably be, but there are natural factors too, or signs of my unconscious expression.

BARF. Meanwhile in『MORE』, your singing voice changes completely from the others, as if it’s leaping around and that feels very good.

WOOYOUNG: 『MORE』is the track recommended to me by my song-writing partners. They said that “Doesn’t this song suit you well?” and I did think that it sounds very good. So I didn’t change any of its core factors, just completed the song after thinking out which kind of lyrics, melody and emotions I should put into.

BARF. It begins with “Right now it’s the best, all the things I’ve dreamt of are coming true. Ah~ I’ve been picturing a day like this every night”. These lyrics really get straight to the point of this song.

WOOYOUNG: Thank you. When I listened to this song, I felt like confidence were swelling up in me greatly… I’m satisfied with myself right now too, but isn’t that I still can get better and better from now on? Therefore I want to put more effort and work harder – this positive feeling was how I’d become. And then I transformed it into my lyrics.

Written by Doumae Akane
Jpn-Eng by coded4d9dc

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Video for his Line broadcast




Seeing him make a shake with vegetables remind me of SY making a health drink for him made of vegetable during WGM.


WY Kstyle news. Contains photos of his live line broadcast. 


WOOYOUNG (From 2PM) Singing a song by imitating a chick? ! My fans also thoughtfully thinking comedy to speak that is obedient and too personal



KSTYLE |October 20, 2017 13: 52 minutes

On October 11, WOOYOUNG (From 2 PM) delivering LINE LIVE on September 26, refraining from releasing 2nd Mini Album "I am still ...". I challenged the song explanation and the game of the album, and interacted with many fans in the comment. 

On this day, I signed a camera lens through 3 million hearts, WOOYOUNG can be seen at a close distance with 5 million hearts, MC started "old house camera" started, 1 phrase singing with 7 million hearts, breaking through 10 million hearts "I am still ..." MV full ver. Public and luxurious gifts were prepared.


Suddenly "Piyo" great service!

As Mr. Furuke of MC talks about gifts already, we are already talking about "Piyo !!" with a chicken soup, "I do not mind being able to do it", beginning with singing "Service spirit is strong It was WOOYOUNG.

In the talk of the new album, I also reveal my mind to solo activities

About the new album "I am still ...", "It has become an album with songs to be healed, it has become one piece of lyrics and music that feels like hoping to work hard with me and you" Explain WOOYOUNG. Responds pleasantly to the desire from fans saying "I want you somewhere else", rushed to the emotional comments that "good voice ~" "healed ♡" "nice ... ...."
Regarding what will be the second solo activity this year, including the tour, "I feel pressure when I stand on stage by myself. (In 2PM) Because there are other members, I am relaxing and having plenty of room, but stronger I want to become myself. " 

About the beautiful landscape shot in the album jacket, "I shot in Karuizawa" That's right. "Because he likes green and trees or mountains, he was very healed," WOOYOUNG told me, "My fans are surprised at surprising aspect as" I like mountains though they are from Busan! "
In response to the question from the MC that the tour also has a healing directive in accordance with the taste of the album, while thinking a little, "Well, maybe the fans may be shocked" may be WOOYOUNG. The solo album of the previous work is a moment when a serious attitude towards WOOYOUNG's music activity keeps constantly challenging new expressions with the sound of Norinori with the theme of the party, the new album "I am still ..." is a healing sound It was.

Service shots one after another with the introduction of "old house camera"! Face exchange realized

As early as 20 minutes after the start of LIVE 5 million hearts break through WOOYOUNG as soon as possible from the close range "old home camera" was introduced, service shots such as up lips are delivered one after another. MC exchanged his face with Mr. Furuke, and there was a big reaction with "Oh! Smiley!" "I can not stop stopping" "Oshiro image that Mr. Furuya's face will enter into WOOYOUNG's red color hair style.

Also consultation from junior GOT 7 for consultation ...!

Next corner consultation concerns. "I want to make a phone with him everyday, but I do not want people to call every day," I said, "I can call (every day) (phone), but every person has different character, I do not know, "WOOYOUNG. Others, "There is a boss who dislikes the company, what should I do?" Was asked and answered in an obedient word like WOOYOUNG. Lastly, your troubles from the office's junior GOT 7 arrived at the surprise. "There is a national tour from now on, but distribution of strength and tension can not be done well, how are you doing in the usual way?" In a video message from GOT 7 "Stretch is important, self-management is solid", commented like a senior.

First challenge to smoothie! What hidden taste was ...?

In the latter half of the show, WOOYOUNG challenged the project "I have never done ◯◯ with a program yet" according to the album title. WOOYOUNG that "I am careful about health but I am not interested in cooking" challenges making smoothies. From 15 kinds of ingredients, we picked up melons, blueberries, bananas, spinach, pineapple, milk, honey, a small amount of wasabi (!), Which is my favorite fruit, and made original smoothies.

WOOYOUNG original smoothie completed! That taste is ...! What?

As for the taste that I care about, "I thought that the taste is a bit heavy, but it's okay, not Yasui but the taste of Yasai!" And WOOYOUNG. Mr. Furuke also tasted it "I can sell this."

Thanks to the fans for achieving 10 million hearts! "I am still ... ..." full MV publication

In the end, watching full MV with 10 million hearts achieved. WOOYOUNG who unexpectedly expressed many doubts to many hearts, "The fans are pushing hard!" "Everyone is pushing pushing! Haha" and the fans also burst out laughing. It became LINE LIVE like WOOYOUNG from beginning to end.

Writer: Teru Nakamura


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What if life were different for our favourite couple? She is a non-celebrity but an a regular career woman and him a son of a conglomerate family, one of the richest in the country? Read my friends latest work and let's enjoy :)


Chapter One

My name is Park Seyoung. Living in oblivion like any regular girl with a nine to five job. And by the way, still single at thirty years of age. Yes, where millions of lucky women would have been married, and have a kid or kids. You see, I am the youngest amongst the three daughters. It was all fun growing up being the baby in the family. I was spoiled but thankfully, I grew up very level headed and not a brat. Well, sort of, so to speak. I only give my parents the poor and sad look at times when I don’t get what I want. No, I don’t do tantrums and sulking. I was just never the type. When my two lovely sisters got married and had kids two years apart, I was very happy. Thrilled to be exact, because my parent’s attention were focused on both of them, assisting with parenthood. I was twenty-five during the first marriage in my family, then twenty seven for the second one. And a niece and nephew became an addition to the family. I was like non- existent (Yeey!). Provided I come home at reasonable time, my parents were cool. It was the best time of my life. But that didn’t last for long. My parents have become the people I dislike the most in the last few months. A week after my thirtieth birthday, I got their full attention again.

I get up each morning at six, do my daily stretches, go for shower, get dressed and have my first mug of coffee for the day. The bus stop is a short walk from the apartment block I live . Yes, I finally convinced my parents that I should leave home, if they want me to be married by next year. Although I bought myself a car as birthday present, I use public transport at least two or three times a week to get to work. I like blending in with the crowd. It makes me feel, I truly am a working girl.

“Good morning!” I greeted everyone as I walked towards my desk. I work as team leader in the training department of the company I am employed. There is a team of ten including myself, five are men. All are younger than me by two and three years. The four women are aged the same as the men. I am also the Noona or Unnie in my department.

“Unnie. I heard the new Vice President is the son of the CEO.” Eunmi said to me handing today’s training schedule.

“Too early for a gossip.” I told Eunmi,  putting my glasses on in the process and started reading the sheet of paper she gave me.

“It’s true Unnie.” Hyunah confirmed, popping her head from the desk partition.

“Both of you listen here. Who cares whose son is he provided he does a good job. Let’s hope he will do well.” I said to the ladies. “Now. Start working.” I returned my attention to the paper I was reading before I got interrupted. Looking at the names who will be doing the orientation training today.


Chapter Two

I am Jang Wooyoung. They said I am one lucky guy to be born to one of the richest family in the country.  At twenty-nine, I have travelled to the best cities in the world. Tasted the best food, drank the finest wine. And dated beautiful and rich daughters of businessmen, politicians and celebrities. Although I finished my degree in business at home, the last three years were a combination of work and advanced study, mostly overseas. All that I’ve learned in the field were introduced to the company through our able staff from Research and Development and Training Department. But no one knew all ideas came from me. I thought my appointment as Vice President is not happening until next year. That was the deal I had with my father but he said, I am ready. So I made a plea bargain with him, I will come to the office three times on week days. The other two, I am free to use them for my other passion, music. I write songs and records them as hobby. I have two best friends who I grew up with share the same passion as me. It is only a matter of time and we will venture into the music business as producers. I guess, being the only sons of our businessmen fathers, we are expected to follow their footsteps. My dad agreed but after six months, I am to do the five days. We struck an agreement. I get up at seven each morning. Either I go work out at the gym or go for a morning run, depending on the mood. Today, I went for a run. Two hours later, I was heading to work clad in a suit, driving a silver Audi A7 sedan as the new Vice Presidents of JHS Group of Companies.

“Good morning Mr. Vice President. My name is Choi Sang Woo. Your Personal Assistant.”I  was greeted by a handsome gentleman, also dressed impeccably in a suit at the entrance of the basement parking, exclusive only for the company executives.

“Good morning Sangwoo.” I greeted him back.” Please call me Wooyoung.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Sir. My apologies.” Sangwoo replied with a bow.

“How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking.” I asked.

“I am thirty-two years old Sir.” Sang woo replied.

“Then you are Hyung to me.” I replied. “Will that be okay?”

“However way you like Mr Vice President.”

“Sounds great, Hyung.” I extended my hand for a handshake, which Sangwoo accepted.

“So, what is my schedule for today?” I asked Hyung, as we walk towards the lift.


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On 21/10/2017 at 1:21 PM, Gerry58 said:

@blame2pm- nice to see u again. We all miss u too. Do u like WY's new album and did u attend his concerts? 

@chic-chic- ya wy making smoothies reminds me of sy making juice for him. So he doesn't like to cook, maybe should get a wife to cook for him :lol:


Hi @Gerry58 ! I did went to Wooyoung's first 3 concerts in Nagoya. It was the best concerts of his that I have attended so far. He seemed like he was really loving his time on stage arghh I'm missing Wooyoung already! He also interacted with us Malaysian fans asking if we liked the opening and thanking us for coming in English. So that made the concert even more memorable too. :D

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