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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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5 hours ago, yun84 said:

Wy brought a lot of stuff from Japan.

Is that souvenir?

Maybe, for someone upcoming birthday?

Delulu mode

You're right. I agree with you. It's for someone's upcoming birthday! Who else would it be for?

Aww Wooyoung is so thoughtful! I think she'll love it. Also in delulu mode! :) 

@young30 Welcome, dear :)

@chic-chic Why post the video with Seyoung and Wooyoung celebrating her birthday? You hurt my feelings! I am crying. Oh I can't take it anymore. I think they are so cute in this video. I think Seyoung was truly touched. I think she was happy when they finished the puzzle and it showed a picture of Wooyoung kissing her forehead. Now I'm thinking of the marriage scene! Thanks a lot! What have you done?! :D 


Edited by 2handsintertwined
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Another picture of WY for The Star and a part of his interview from Soompi. Hope on this interview we may see hints like on CanCam interviews before. 

2PM’s Wooyoung, who has just successfully finished Japanese solo activities, graced the cover of The Star magazine.

In the interview that followed, Wooyoung said, “In Japan, I released a solo album and performed concerts. I didn’t expect it, but I got lots of love, so I was very grateful.”

He was also asked about his ideal relationship. He said, “I don’t have one. I want to have a very realistic relationship. If I keep thinking about fantasy, I start making my own standards and I keep comparing. I want a relationship that’s just as it is.” (Then please have a real relationship with SY hehehe)

As 2PM is approaching their 10th year since debut, Wooyoung talked about what keeps them going, saying, “There’s a lot, but I think there’s been a lot of luck. With our effort and thanks to the people around us, I think there was a lot of luck and blessings. 2PM is very blessed.”

Meanwhile, you can find the full interview and pictorial in the August issue of The Star



LOL :grin:

They are wearing the same shirt? hehehe


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@2handsintertwined I love all WY's gifts for SY on her birthday during WGM. His video is what I like the most. I love WY's message for her. He doesn't have to say I love you on national television but he did. His message is heartfelt.

Happy birthday.
For the one and only in this world, my wife SeYoung, I prepare this video message. I was very touched by the birthday gift you gave me. I am really appreciated. My gifts today might not be perfect but I hope you really like it. Happy birthday. My wife, I love you!



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@chic-chic Aww! I agree with you his message is heartfelt. I think he is so sweet to her. I think he really means the words in the message. I like his video too. Ahhh I think he's so sweet to her. I think he really cares about her feelings :D. I like this part of his message:

15 minutes ago, chic-chic said:

My gifts today might not be perfect but I hope you really like it. Happy birthday. My wife, I love you!


I think it means he might not be perfect,  but he is being real with her. I think he knows that no one is perfect and he's doing the best he can.


I think seyoung was blushing after the video message :D I think she is so cute.


Edited by 2handsintertwined
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I like this part @chic-chic

Happy birthday.
For the one and only in this world, my wife SeYoung, I prepare this video message. I was very touched by the birthday gift you gave me. I am really appreciated. My gifts today might not be perfect but I hope you really like it. Happy birthday. My wife, I love you!


I keep to re watch those eps.

Yes, he didn't have to say "i love you" to her at that time, but still he did.


And the piano scene when he said "from now on too, I hope we can be together"


They're already together, right? Why should he say it?


No hints?

Let's ask junho or junK, :D

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I think when they celebrated SY's birthday, that was the turning point of their relationship. I think it was the first time he said I love you. Also when he said "hope we can be together", it seems that's what he wanted for real and not just for the show. That part seems like a real confession. After they celebrated Sy's birthday, they felt more comfortable with each other and a lot of skinships happened. 

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@yun84  Yes  I agree, their Paldang episode was hot. It seems that both of them especially WY was controlling theirselves hahaha.

She danced on her fan meeting. Hope we can see another dance from her hehehe.

One commented on this video it should not be Mr. Chu but Mr. Jang hahaha. 


And an old video that Wy was able to see during WGM and he teased her for this hahaha 


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English Translation of The Star interview.

No hints. He just said he just wants to make a dating scandal. We are also waiting for your scandal WY. Make it quick please hahaha. However he also said he just wants to meet anybody. He's not a drinker but he's been drinking a lot lately. 


Scans: 해피해피

Kor-Eng: Egle0702

The Star August 2017, Wooyoung Interview


Far away, but distinctly. Even if he’s on his own, 2PM’s Wooyoung knows how to fly high.


While we couldn’t see him in Korea for quite a while, 2PM’s Wooyoung has risen to the very top as he released a solo album in Japan accompanied by a concert tour. This September “The Star” releases its first issue in Japan, and Wooyoung is definitely the star that fits to be on the August issue cover the most. We have missed his unique wit, and he is still just as cheerful and vivid. We then figured out that he was born in the same year and month as our editor. Perhaps it was because of that. It was the most cheerful interview. Wooyoung is such an interesting and good person. Perhaps, as you read the interview, you will also think “How come he is so much fun?”



It’s been such a long while. We haven’t seen you in Korea for a very long time, what have you been up to?
The most recent activity in Korea was 2PM’s last concert as six before the enlistment. Before that, I released a solo album in Japan and had a concert tour. I also filmed a web variety show in Korea. And personally, I’ve been only working on music.

Your Japanese solo album “Party Shots” that you released after a 2-year gap placed 1ston the Tower Records chart, and 2nd on the Oricon! It’s late, but congratulations.
It was just a genuine wish, and I couldn’t expect something like that to happen, so I was really thankful.

Through your solo album, you displayed an unexpected 2PM’s Wooyoung. I think we saw a more diverse image. What is the main difference between a 2PM album and a solo album?
When we work as a team, the only thing I really care about is teamwork. I think whether we can maintain our teamwork if we do this or that. As a singer, it is important the kind of album you are about to release, but it is the second problem to solve. If each of us gets greedy we would end up fighting, so I think it’s important to always give way and be considerate.


I think the importance of self-composed songs have grown too.
Actually, for a singer, it’s enough to just sing well. Somewhere along the line, I definitely felt that I was an entertainer. Because I do both, sing and perform. It’s not just about our seniors, our juniors are good at what they do too, so I think it’s impossible to judge who is doing well based only on someone’s singing skills. It’s different based on your preference. Of course, if everyone thinks someone is doing well, then that person must be good, right? In my opinion, I don’t really fit that standard. Rather than saying I’ve given up, I guess you could say I have finally acknowledged myself.

Does that mean you cast away your greed and ambition?
Yes, if I had vague confidence before, now I have something certain, something strong. I think that the moment you concern yourself with who’s doing the best, it’s over.

You have successfully completed your solo tour in Japan. Is there a stage that lingers in your memory?
To me, all 11 concerts felt too short. When you think of all the staff members who worked hard for it, I really wanted it to last a lot longer.


2PM completed the final concert as six before enlistment this June.
It felt like we wrapped up our 20s. Since we have spent all of our 20s together, everyone broke down in loud sobs.

It’s disappointing we won’t be seeing you all together for a while. Do you have any plans for Korean solo or unit activities until you come all together again?
I wonder. I’m not sure about a unit, but I think solo activities are quite plausible? I can go forward when everyone in the company agrees to it (laughs). I have to try.

Do you have any plans for other activities besides music?
You know, I also did some acting. The good thing about acting is that I can display myself through another channel, but I’m still so overwhelmed with music alone. It’s really something I want to do. I debuted as an idol, while the so-called ordinary singers and those who work underground find it relatively hard to receive attention. Thankfully, I received a lot of interest as 2PM’s Wooyoung, and I think I was able to appear in drama “Dream High” because of JYPE. I was really thankful for that popularity and interest shown in me, but I thought a lot about the things I must do. I didn’t want to become an issue by getting the “acting idol” label and popularity through acting. It felt like throwing music away. It was more important when I could release an album. If nothing bad happens and I’m still healthy by the time I reach my 40s or 50s, I’m going to venture into acting then. Chansung and I always say half-jokingly half-seriously that we should take an open gagman test audition when we’re in our 40s. I think that then I would be able to make even the smallest role meaningful.

Is it the same with the variety programs?
It’s a little bit different. It depends on whether you’re an MC or a guest. I think that those who work as MCs have that position because they have a lot more experience and lessons under their belt. Personally, I really like documentaries. So I’d like to try filming an experience documentary. I’d also like to do the narration. I think that my strengths come out a lot in variety.

How do you spend your free or resting time?
Hmm… alcohol? (laughs) I like working on music at home, and sometimes going out to meet people. That feels human (laugh).


You’re not active on the SNS. Is there a reason for it?
I know that for celebrities SNS platforms are really good for promotion. It gives you inspiration, and it’s a good thing that even the people who didn’t know you find out about you. Now this might sound profound, but I want to be honest to myself. I’m at Level 1, but the SNS would always make look like Level 10. Like I was inventing fake things by force. I really disliked that.

So you don’t even check out the feed from others?
I don’t have any apps. I only have Twitter, and I sometimes log in randomly. Because if I delete that account too, people might think 2PM is disbanding (laughs).

LP lover Wooyoung. If you were to talk about your love for LPs…?
A few years ago a fan gave me an LP as a present. Back then, I didn’t even have a turntable, but for some reason I wanted to keep it close to me. Then after a while, there came a time when I was close to getting sick of music. That was when I got fully interested in LPs. Its biggest charm is that I can hold and change it myself, that I have to maintain it. LP is pure. I listen to a lot of old music, and shall I say that it feels like riding a time machine? I liked that extremely light feeling, and so I grew to love music even more. Sometimes it’s really bothersome, but I like even that aspect. I try to experience analogue on purpose. I always buy it if I go abroad, and our manager’s shoulders suffer a lot from it (laughs). I think the most expensive LP I have is the one Chansung bought me for 500,000KRW (~$500USD) on my birthday.

What is the song you listen to the most lately?
It’s not like I try to listen only to old songs on LPs. I like funky and jazz music. The one that has piano and trumpet, and saxophone sounds.


Unlike your nickname “Beastly idols,” you say you haven’t worked out properly for 7 years.
I think it doesn’t concern me at all now. It’s really been a long while. I think this status quo will continue for a long while in the future too (laughs).

You don’t gain weight?
I do gain weight. When you listen to the music, you sometimes want to drink some alcohol. I listen to some music, get a drink, and dance all by myself at home. And then I sweat a lot. That does feel like working out somewhat.

But why don’t you work out? You overdid it in the past?
It’s because I’m overwhelmed and sweating from the thoughts about music alone (laughs). But sometimes I feel sorry for by body, so I run or ride a bike like crazy. If I feel that my body doesn’t feel like mine anymore, I may suddenly start doing push-ups, too. “Consistently” doesn’t work. I’m living my life wrong (laughs).

Thankfully, you don’t seem too much of a glutton.
Hmm… When you think about it, it’s true. I just eat when I’m hungry.

You seem to like being at home on your own. What on earth do you do at home?
I read. It’s a bit embarrassing to say something like this (laughs), but if there’s something I want to do, I think I have to do it. That’s how I can focus. It’s both my strength and weakness. But I find it hard to do something consistently. If I want to play the piano, I play the piano, if I don’t want to, I don’t do it at all. The same with drinks, it all depends on my mood when I want to drink.

What are your favorite alcohol snacks?
Oh. What a fresh question? I hear it for the first time. When I think about it, I’m not that greedy about snacks, too.

When you write songs, I think you have to have a lot of experience, do you usually write songs about your personal stories?
Rather than using my personal stories, I’d say I write down a lot of my own thoughts.

You don’t think you want to date?
Who wouldn’t want it? At this point, I’d like to make a scandal (laughs). I’m joking. It’s not like I can do it just because I want to. If there’s really a good person, I wouldn’t want to force it.

You seem to prefer a natural meeting.
Yes. Now I just want to meet anybody (laughs). As I wrote for song lyrics for my Japanese solo: I don’t know if I can’t date or if I don’t date on purpose.

Is there a romance you dream about?
No. I want the dating to be very real. If I fantasize about it, I create my own standards, and it leads to judgement. I just want to date someone just as they are, with disagreements and all.


It’s the 10th year since 2PM’s debut. What is your driving force?
It’s been this long… There are many driving forces, but I think we were very fortunate. We did put a lot of effort into it, but I think that I was lucky and fortunate to have the members, the company, and the good people around us together. As I began working at such a young age, somewhere along I was struck with the “celebrity puberty.” Then, I think I came up with a small but firm new dream. In the past, I was embarrassed to hear things like “He can’t sing,” but now I feel a lot stronger and comfortable when I need to speak about where I stand. I am thankful. I think we are really blessed.

When you gather together, do you talk about the past?
*sigh* If we gather together for a few drinks and talk, it’s no joke. It’s really fun and noisy.

Who’s the funniest?
Everyone. To be honest, apart from Junho and me, the other four are pretty good at drinking, all at a similar level. It’s really. Hard. But Junho doesn’t drink often. He can’t stomach alcohol well, so if he drinks, he gets drunk soon and has to go home. My wish is for to Junho to buy me some drinks, but… Junho, are you reading this? I want to be with you (laughs). I used to be bad at drinking, too. Compared to the rest, you could say I couldn’t drink at all, but lately I went in with a swing. In the past the members would laugh at me if I said I was drinking (laughs).

I think now it’s a lot harder to succeed as an idol group. In the midst of all this, 2PM is still holding successful activities. What criteria do you consider the most important in the “idol success?”
The people who’ve been in it for a long time. The people who have been in it for a long time, but haven’t lost their passion. Passion. They would know that the best themselves wouldn’t they? I think it’s responsibility. I think that those who have survived should receive a round of applause just as big as their survival. Everyone, be strong!

There are a lot of junior singers out there now; do you feel any responsibility as a senior?
I hope everyone does well. Hmm. Fighting. Everyone, be strong!

On the contrary, what do you feel when you see the 1st generation senior idol groups active right now?
It’s not an easy feat. I sometimes wonder if I could do something like that in the future. I sometimes get in touch with Lyn nuna, and when I hear that she’s still planning to release an album or preparing a concert, I can’t help but think she’s amazing. To be honest, even when I look at Jinyung hyung who’s the closest to me, I feel that I can’t even stand up to such a person. In our country, actors have long careers, but it’s different with music. I wish that the musicians could also work for a very very long time.


You turn 29 in Korea this year, are you happy?
I’m happy, but I think I constantly pretend that I’m not. There’s no reason to grumble about anything, but I always find something. Eventually, I just need to try. I am the happiest when I sing on stage even when I’m sweating and I’m short of breath. And then I get my personal healing when I listen to jazz on my own. There’s a difference in between. I think I sometimes feel like a child who has lost his way. I need willpower, and I think overcoming this is my homework.

Do you feel impatient about the oncoming 30s?
Absolutely not, I find it fascinating. After all, it’s just a number. It can’t stop so it just goes forward. I think people always say “A New Year has come,” because they feel lonely. When I turn 30, I should have a lot more experience, so wouldn’t my life be a lot more interesting than now? I wish that when people saw me, they would think, “Ah, he is fun, he’s good.”


Please let us know your plans for next activities.
I have a lot of plans, but since our lives don’t go as planned (laughs). I’ll always do my best.

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@chic-chic- thanks for WY's interview- very interesting and lots of good questions from the reporter. So glad he is focusing on music and doesn't want to go the acting route. Love reading about his thoughts and how grateful he is towards all 2pm members and staff. He really is a nice guy and he looks good as he ages. Ya turning 30 not a big deal- just a number. Looking forward to his future works 

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On 7/20/2017 at 9:10 AM, Gerry58 said:

Still no news on sy.

Well at least she got time to exercise and foster a dog. The dog is really cute- such big eyes. 

Any idea when @blame2pm wants the money for Sy's birthday? Only 10 days more 


Hi guys, sorry I haven't been able to update here. We're still proceeding with the birthday project. If you guys want to contribute, please proceed to donating through paypal to izaurasaleh@gmail.com by tonight the latest. Thanks guys. 

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On 7/20/2017 at 10:14 AM, chic-chic said:

@Gerry58 Too bad there are no news for SY. It's her birthday soon and there are no updates for her from her company. It's good though she's still updating her IG. 

No updates yet about the birthday support. 




Sorry I havent been able to update about the project on here and instagram as I have been really busy. But I have contacted SY's manager and he said we can send her birthday gifts to the office and he would get them to her. So if anyone wants to join in to contribute, please proceed to donating through paypal to izaurasaleh@gmail.com. Latest by tonight. Her manager also said they would be announcing good news soon when I asked if Seyoung had any new projects coming. So we can keep a look out for that. :)

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