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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@kdaddict1 Good decision, go for the second guy. You'll never know he has hidden charms that you alone can unravel...You are funny, how could you do that in the middle of a date, checking out for the next chapter of a fanfic,LOL! Classic! But obviously he is not the one...you can't even give him your full attention. And the other guy that is totally a player? Beware!

@chic-chic try messaging me the scenario and I'll try speaking to my friend:) And you are right, can't have double standards. WY can play cute with whoever he wants. I'm sure it's nothing personal just as Seyoung's kissing scenes are in the drama.

@2handsintertwined keep the spirit!

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Everywhere I look it is Song-song,  Not complaining, they are so A-list and the way they did this took the K-world by storm.   Wedding announcement of the year.  

  @standingtallyy  Agree, your friend's YY fanfic is timely as well.  Nice, dreamy fanfic, really, lapped up every chapter.   I hope she keeps writing.

@kdaddict1  To be single and hanging out with guys....cool!   Great to meet people,  the more choices, the better (and the merrier :)).  My days of  meeting guys and being set up for a period  back in my 20s were interesting times.   


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3 hours ago, kdaddict1 said:

@standingtallyy the epilogue was as exciting as even. Got carried over imaging myself into seoyoung' shoes, feels like getting married, having baby from someone you really loved is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I want that too.  @2handsintertwined don't get me wrong (hehehe)I wasn't asked for a date, I was forced to. I was hanging out with friends since we always do on Monday afternoons. I told my friends about you guys YY nation. Invited them to visit the page because it's fun. But I was set-up that Monday. (I'm happy to tell my stories to you guys because I wont get any bias views from you).

All of a sudden, a tall man went to join us. After a couple of drinks (I don't drink wine neither alcohol Just had Coke Zero with lemon) 3 left one after the other. I was stunned to death. Don't know what to do. It's just like I'm being interviewed for a job as a wife. He's too straightforward, it made me uneasy that I have to reach for my phone to check on the next chapter @standingtallyy is about to post. A rude question was thrown to me "are you waiting for someone's call?". I blurted "Nope, I'm just waiting for a story to come out!" I'm too honest! Hahahaha! To cut the long story short, I don't like him. He is the type of guy who'll grab you by your neck & command you to stay. 

Yeah, Hanging out is the term! 2nd guy is same as my age, nothing to tell coz he is shy, good looks but innocent & boring. 3rd guy is tall, cute, stylish, funny, he gets the lead, no dull moment, I always laugh & enjoyed his company, only he is 2 years younger. He lied about his age at first, but I caught him. He works for an ad agency, We had a lot in common, we have common friends in modeling & showbiz world. I get called to style some friends for print ad. That is where he first had an eye on me. My flutters. He's a player!

Thinking out loud, I'd like to give this 2nd guy a chance, he may look shy but he became a mystery to me. 

While our friend is still writing the next story, bear with my story in the meantime. 

I'm sorry I misunderstood. Wow. No offense, but you don't drink wine or alcohol? I can't believe it! You're interesting. You drink Coke Zero with lemon? I've never tried it. I will have to try it. So this tall guy joined you. I like how you said you felt like you were being interviewed for a job as a wife. LOL! You checked your phone looking for an update on the next chapter? Nice! I'm sorry but I understand why he asked if you were waiting for someone's call. He was trying to get your attention and he saw you looking at your phone. He wanted you to focus on him and only him. You seriously blurted out, "Nope, I'm just waiting for a story to come out" ?? Wow. I bet he was puzzled. He was like, "This story is more interesting than me?" But yeah you are too honest but it's okay. Honesty is important, right?

You didn't like the tall man? Ok. I understand. If he's the type of guy who will grab you by the neck and command you to stay then I don't blame you. I wouldn't like him either. You're smart.

Yep. Hanging out is the term :) 

I was going to say I like the shy, goodlooking, innocent, and boring guy. You said he's a mystery to you. What if he is hiding his "wild" side? :D. No to 3rd guy. You said he lied about his age? I think that should be strike number 1 for him. I don't think lying is attractive and you probably don't think it is either because you didn't like him. The 3rd guy is stylish, tall, cute, funny, he gets the lead, there is no dull moment with him, and you enjoyed his company. He works for an ad agency, which I think is really cool, you have a lot in common and you have common friends in the modeling and showbiz world. He's a player. So no! You don't want a player, right? Wave goodbye to him. I am liking second guy already. So give the second guy a chance. I like your story. Please tell us more, I want to know what happens next with the second guy. Have you given him a chance yet? What's going on right now? 

I think it's really cool that you get called to style some friends for a print ad. Sounds fun! :) 

@standingtallyy Keep the spirit? Thank you. You are so kind. I will try :) 

@chic-chic  Thank you for the update on WY. I agree with you. WY does fit this show. I look forward to it :) 

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7 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

@kdaddict1 Good decision, go for the second guy. You'll never know he has hidden charms that you alone can unravel...You are funny, how could you do that in the middle of a date, checking out for the next chapter of a fanfic,LOL! Classic! But obviously he is not the one...you can't even give him your full attention. And the other guy that is totally a player? Beware!

@chic-chic try messaging me the scenario and I'll try speaking to my friend:) And you are right, can't have double standards. WY can play cute with whoever he wants. I'm sure it's nothing personal just as Seyoung's kissing scenes are in the drama.

@2handsintertwined keep the spirit!


7 hours ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

Everywhere I look it is Song-song,  Not complaining, they are so A-list and the way they did this took the K-world by storm.   Wedding announcement of the year.  

  @standingtallyy  Agree, your friend's YY fanfic is timely as well.  Nice, dreamy fanfic, really, lapped up every chapter.   I hope she keeps writing.

@kdaddict1  To be single and hanging out with guys....cool!   Great to meet people,  the more choices, the better (and the merrier :)).  My days of  meeting guys and being set up for a period  back in my 20s were interesting times.   



I don't know why I'm getting scared every time we talk about WY pairing with another girl. I don't even want to search that girl to check on her like some of you did. I don't want to know anything about her. Am I too possessive? I'm even scared viewing the hidden messages except from @standingtallyy which I know it's always been the continuation of the last chapter.

now I've started to open up to you guys, this is who I am, I'm easily hurt when it comes to our YYcouple (give me time to accept) Good that there were no news about them in years (totally news blackout) we didn't know if they dated or not,  out of your imagination, YY nation was born, thanks to @chic-chic & the rest of the original founders/shippers. 

To my knowledge, I want to believe that they dated, because both were not link to anyone else. WY's recent interview, he said, he's single. That doesnt mean, he's ready to date again. 

Now tell me girls, how can I not check on my phone in between dates, when my heart & soul is with you girls -YY nation? 

@standingtallyy  @hazeljrr_c922 @2handsintertwined Thank you for the good words, I'd like to know more about our 2nd guy. He has to make the first move.  

The 3rd guy lied about his age, because he thought I might step back if I knew he's younger than me "dongsaeng"? Tho I think he's a player, I find him interesting because he knows I like Koreans. He even greeted me "annyeonghaseyo" while extending his right hand the first time we met. He knows me so well. That's maybe the reason why the ball keeps rolling. I took my brother to Solaire Hotel Wednesday, because Samsung has an event launching (sorry I'm an iPhone lover), my brother handles Samsung's social media campaign. He's there to take a photos of Event. We were there as early as 3pm. I'm having dinner with the girls at 7, I saw one of my friend's boyfriend, we had coffee together while waiting for the girls, suddenly he waved his hand to an approaching guy, in denim ripped pants & white shirt covered with navy blazer- it's our 3rd guy! My friend excuses himself but never came back. My phone rang & heard a girl's voice telling me they're not coming, &  yes it's really a set up. I had the most comfortable conversation with a man that night, it's all about Koreans-songs & fashion, he even mentioned Kim Soo-Hyun, coming here last 2 weeks ago to promote something. At first, didn't know who that was, coz I'm not familiar with Korean names (he's the actor from My Love from Another Star). We both didn't realize that it was nearly 7pm. We had light dinner & drinks on the side -wine & cola w/ lemon for me. Another call from the girls came in, asking if I'm okay. They're so impatient to know what's happening. After dinner, I need to cut the conversation short to go elsewhere. He asked for my personal number & i politely responded yes I can only give him my business number. Let's see what's next.  By the way, I slip a few bucks under my glass & told him I'm paying for my meal. He stood up & saw him smile. We have shook hands & I casually walk away.

I just found out last night that the 3rd guy happens to be the Creative Director of the Ad Agency where my younger brother works for.

He will soon find out my personal number if he'll exert more effort. 

What? Noona-dongsaeng?

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Hi everyone 

Today managed to go to Toyota museum- my hubby is very happy cos he loves cars. There are 160 to look at

Very happy wy is doing new variety show. Recognized the female- saw her in a travel/ food show- she can speak English very well. Still no news of sy. Junho is so lucky to be offered lead in new drama. Gosh now 2pm so active in acting, I can't keep up watching all their dramas 

@kdaddict1- glad u are taking our advice to date more guys. Take it as networking and making new friends rather than looking for marriage partner so u don't get stressed. In fact can use Internet- there are reputable ones where u can put your requirements and the guys are genuine ones not scammers. My friend found her bf by going for coffee, he is a lawyer, single, over 30. Those older are not out for fun, most more keen on a relationship. Have fun! 

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27 minutes ago, Gerry58 said:

Hi everyone 

Today managed to go to Toyota museum- my hubby is very happy cos he loves cars. There are 160 to look at

Very happy wy is doing new variety show. Recognized the female- saw her in a travel/ food show- she can speak English very well. Still no news of sy. Junho is so lucky to be offered lead in new drama. Gosh now 2pm so active in acting, I can't keep up watching all their dramas 

@kdaddict1- glad u are taking our advice to date more guys. Take it as networking and making new friends rather than looking for marriage partner so u don't get stressed. In fact can use Internet- there are reputable ones where u can put your requirements and the guys are genuine ones not scammers. My friend found her bf by going for coffee, he is a lawyer, single, over 30. Those older are not out for fun, most more keen on a relationship. Have fun! 

@Gerry58 so nice of you making time to read & reply even in the midst of a grand vacation. Thank you for the info re internet. I'm not in a hurry looking for a marriage partner as yet. I have you guys anyway. 

@2handsintertwined I would really be lying if I tell I haven't tasted wine or alcohol. The first time I've tasted wine was when I was in Aschaffenburg, Germany, where wine is cheaper than water. I didn't like it, even if they'll hand me the most expensive wine. I really don't like the taste. Once, I had a shot of alcohol drink from my neighbor's house, went home immediately after the shot, I got drunk, what happened next was I felt my dad's palm slapping my face. It didn't hurt because my face felt numb. That's the end of it! I promised not to drink anymore especially with men around. Cola with a slice of lemon is my favorite. 


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@kdaddict1 I love reading your posts :). It reminded me when I was your age.I got lots of stories I can share with you that my closest friends couldn't believe how funny it was. I was never the attractive type. I wore glasses since I was thirteen.I was a nerd and I've always been on the chunky side. Back then, I always thought I will end up a spinster. For some very odd reason, when I hit twenty-three (this was after my big heartbreak),good- looking men seem to notice me (my line of work is in medicine). I am not bragging or anything. I am being honest. Here's one story. Met someone through a common friend in a party. You know a man that's really oozing with charm and sex appeal at first glance?That was him and he noticed me! I thought there was something wrong with his head because out of girls there...me?. His charm worked and we dated for three months only, I couldn't do it. He was way out of my league so I broke up with him. Too many women wanted his attention. But he couldn't let go and wanted to continue hanging out with me as friends. Then this other guy came, joined our department. I was assigned to be his mentor/buddy the first two weeks on the job, meaning we worked the same hours - shift work. One day he started calling me 'Love' and not my name anymore. Me being 'one of the boys' (I worked with a lot of men that time) called him 'Sweetheart' for fun! And that's how it started, while the other guy was still hanging around:D.Both men were 185cms tall. My height? 155cms only. Did not end up with any of them. I left (them). Both fell for my 'deadly charms?' LOL!!! 

1 hour ago, kdaddict1 said:

@Gerry58 so nice of you making time to read & reply even in the midst of a grand vacation. Thank you for the info re internet. I'm not in a hurry looking for a marriage partner as yet. I have you guys anyway. 

So sweet of you feel free to share anything. You got good listeners and Unnies here. Don't let age come between you. My sister's husband is nine years younger than her. It's okay..

So all you single ladies here in YY Nation, you enjoy the ride. You will find your 'Wooyoung' one day.

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I remember @blame2pm also had written a fan fic about YY wedding. Thanks again.



If anyone had told Wooyoung and Seyoung before they did ‘We Got Married’ that they would find their soulmate on the show, they wouldn’t have believed it. But fate has a funny way of working itself out when you least expected it. At the time, Wooyoung had just gotten out of a relationship and wasn’t looking for anything special. While Seyoung was too busy with drama and film shooting to even think about being a relationship. They both thought that ‘We Got Married’ was going to be just another work commitment. But then they met on the show and instantly clicked. 

Seyoung was apprehensive at first that their relationship could work due to their busy schedules and his world tour. But Wooyoung made it a point to Facetime her every day and they would date secretly every time he had a break in between shows. Their relationship was going amazingly well with their fans being continuously happy and supportive of them. Two years after the fated first day of their meeting, Wooyoung proposed to her and she had said yes.

As the wedding day rolled around, everything was a chaotic blur. They had been planning for it for three months with Seyoung juggling everything in between filming while Wooyoung was on his Japan solo tour. She wanted a simple and traditional wedding, nothing too big or extravagant with only close friends and family in attendance.  

That morning Seyoung was getting her makeup done in the holding room of the church. It was 10am and it was another hour to the wedding. She laughed as Ha Young, her niece and also the flower girl threw flower petals in the air repeatedly, practicing her big entrance.

“Seyoung-ah,” a voice called out. Her maid of honour, Eun Hye entered the room carrying her wedding bouquet in hand. Wooyoung was in charge of the flowers for the wedding and he had chosen white roses for his rose girl.

“OMG I can’t believe my best friend is getting married!” Eun Hye stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders.  

“I know, right?” Seyoung sighed, smiling into their reflections in the mirror.

“Remember that time when you used to complain about Wooyoung not holding your hand in your fake wedding?” Another of Seyoung’s best friend and bridesmaid, Soo Jin chimed in.

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Seyoung laughed. “Do you think he will hold my hand today?”

“Judging by how hot you’re looking right now, I bet he won’t be able to take his hands off of you!” The group of girls cracked up again.

Meanwhile, in another room Wooyoung was pacing back and forth as the other 2pm members lounged around him, chatting and joking up a storm. The night before, the members had thrown him a bachelor party and if Wooyoung hadn’t known any better he’d think that they were still drunk from last night. He had to yell above the racket to tell them, “Guys, I’m trying to memorize my vows here.”

Minjun started motioning his two hands to quiet down the group. “Okay, okay, let’s hear what you’ve written,” he said.  

Wooyoung looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and took a deep breath, “Our love story began like a drama…” He didn’t get to finish his sentence before the group burst out in laughter.

Yah- that is so cheesy,” Chansung said in between chortles while Taecyeon fell to all fours and made gagging noises.

“But it literally is like a drama! We met on tv!” Wooyoung yelled out in frustration. He loves these guys like his own blood but right now they weren’t being particularly helpful. Seeing how stressed he was, Nichkhun took the written vow from Wooyoung’s hand and kept it in his pocket. “I know you’re a singer-songwriter but you could do better than ‘Our love is like a drama’. Just say something from your heart bro.” Nichkhun said, patting him lightly on the chest.

An hour later, Seyoung stood in front of the mirror in her wedding dress while everyone in the room gasped and crooned about how beautiful she looked. She felt like a princess. Seyoung had chosen a long sleeve gown featuring an intricate lace appliqué bodice with a low v-neckline. The high-waisted, full-skirted silhouette hugged her slim waist perfectly. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun accentuating her collarbones. She couldn’t wait for Woooyung to see her in the dress.

A knock came on the door. “Seyoung-ah, you ready?” Her father entered the room. His gaze immediately fell on her and the sight of his baby girl brought tears to his eyes. “Uri Seyoungie is so beautiful,” he said as he quickly brushed his eyes.

“Appa, don’t cry or you’re going to make me cry,” she said with a laugh, hugging her father. She took a last look at herself in the mirror before reaching for her bouquet in one hand and her dad’s arm in the other.

Wooyoung now stood at the altar, fidgeting with his hands. “You have the ring right?” he asked Taecyeon who nodded swiftly. He could see everyone from the altar; his family, his friends, her family were all seated and waiting for the procession. The corners of his lips turned upwards slightly. Soon they were all going to be family, he thought. Before he knew it the piano started playing and Ha Young was walking down the aisle, gracefully throwing rose petals up in the air.

Then, like a beautiful angel Seyoung appeared before him. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her as a lone tear slipped through his eye. She took his breath away, in fact she took everyone’s breath away as she walked down the aisle with her face glowing as bright as her smile. She truly was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen. Wooyoung grinned broadly at her as she stepped closer towards him, their eyes locked. In that instance, their surroundings melted away as they stared lovingly at each other.

“She’s your responsibility now. Take good care of her,” her dad said as he passed her hand to Wooyoung.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered as they took a step together towards the priest.

“Friends and family,” the priest began. “We are gathered here today on this joyful occasion, to celebrate the joining of Jang Wooyoung and Park Seyoung in marriage. Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honour by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one’s self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another.” The priest spoke while Wooyoung and Seyoung faced each other.

“Jang Wooyoung and Park Seyoung, in the days ahead of you, there will be good times and stormy times, times of joy and times of conflict. But I hope that you will always remember this from First Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 4: Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful, nor conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but the light and the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.” The priest continued.

“I love you,” Wooyoung mouthed, silently.

“I love you too,” Seyoung replied with a smile.

“Now please join hands and say your vows,” the priest announced.

Wooyoung swallowed nervously before he spoke. “I had written this whole thing down but the members kind of took my note away,” he began while glaring at his best men. He ignored the snickering laughter from his friends and continued. “So here goes. Park Seyoung, I remember the day of our last WGM filming, you were so sad that our relationship was ending and I asked you to get married for real. At that time, everyone thought that it was a joke, but I don’t think they understood the love that I had for you. Because if they did, they would never had doubted that I wanted to marry you all over again, for real.  Seyoung-ah, you are my best friend, my greatest fan, my toughest challenge,” he paused. “I had a really hard time making her fall for me,” Wooyoung addressed the crowd in the middle of the vow causing them to laugh. “From loving you on screen to loving you off screen, I vow to keep on loving you, to always be honest, to be faithful to you, for all the days of my life.” He finished earnestly while staring into her now teary eyes.

“Gee, thank you for ruining my makeup.” Seyoung said as she wiped her tears and jokingly hit his arm, making everyone chuckle. “Wooyoung-ah, I love everything about you. I love the way you look at me, the way you make me laugh, and the way you love me. You taught me to trust, how to let someone in and what it means to truly fall in love. I found myself in you, you make me a better person and you make me feel special.  So I promise to always make you feel special, to appreciate you, to wait for you while you serve in the army, to be faithful and supportive, to continue keeping you on your toes and to always make our happiness my priority. I will walk hand in hand beside you through whatever our lives may bring. This I vow to you today and always, forever.”

Everyone in attendance smiled as they finished exchanging their vows. “May I have the rings please?” The minister asked. “Repeat after me. With these ring, I thee wed. As this ring has no end, neither shall my love for you.” They both repeated after the priest and placed the rings on each other’s fingers.

“With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The priest announced.  Wooyoung stepped forward, grabbed Seyoung by the waist and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. He dipped her backward as the sounds of people clapping and cheering engulfed around them. When they finally broke away, they raised their intertwined hands in the air and faced the crowd. 

Together, with a permanent smile plastered on their faces, they yelled, “We got married!”

Here's her manip



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Dear friends....prepare ur heart when u watch wy show...i watched it already in twitter vlive...

They seem very close n comfortable to each other like friend...but....today eps they went to massage therapy..emmm....seyoung wooyoung had massage in sg too last time but sy towel cover up only show shoulder....but irene towel cover bottom part only..in the show..u can see her back w her bra on...omg..very sexy ..u know....very sure wy wil look at it...cos they turn face each other talking...

Wy called irene .."noona".. but irene called wy " wooyoungie" sigh... ok..at least..i happy when wy called irene noona ..(delulu mode...for wy ..sy is not a noona...)

Prepare ur heart again for next eps...cos in preview..i think they will doing yoga....those couple postures de . .ok...no mood again....haaaa

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Very funny...i had a conversation w my hubby..i told him..im not very happy seeing wy very close w other women in the show...then my hubby said...u know wat...its unfair...y sy in her drama can kiss or hug other guy but wy cannot being close or act cute in his show??..they both doing their job only..

yes yes..i know..i know actually....but...still i dont like it....haaa....then my hubby said to me...u know wat.."women are diffiçult to understand sumtime"..ok...i admitted..haaa

But stilll...i need time to adjust my feeling...cos for me i stil new in yy world..only started follow yy 2 mth ago...but stil cannot move on from them...so i think i need time to learn n receive alot of positive spirit n be chill from yy  senior here....haaa


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@kho39 your hubby is so cool! I agree with him though. Wooyoung's got to be his charming self, it's part of the job. Plus he is a veteran in variety shows, he's got to make people watch it.For him to call the girl Noona, means he doesn't see her as a woman. With Seyoung before, he outrightly refused calling her Noona, and never saw her as an older sister. Second, he isn't dressed to impress, like he did when he is with Seyoung.Third, he used to make comments if Seyoung wears short skirts, short shorts or see through clothes. Basically asking why are you dressed like that? He even covered Seyoung portrait with bubble wraps for camera men not to see her legs, because it was too revealing:D. Even if Irene wears sexy and revealing outfits, I'm not worried because that isn't what Wooyoung like. We also noticed how Seyoung's wardrobe has changed since she left the previous agency. She is dressed more conservatively even on red carpets events. Usually donning t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. With barely there make-up..

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It's work, it's a show.    WY is a guest.   The girl has many kpop acquiantances,  and WY happens to be one of them.   Noona is right, she is older than WY.  

Why is she in a skimpy top with a towel on bottom?   The only way I can answer this is....She's Irene Kim.  

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2 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

@kho39 your hubby is so cool! I agree with him though. Wooyoung's got to be his charming self, it's part of the job. Plus he is a veteran in variety shows, he's got to make people watch it.For him to call the girl Noona, means he doesn't see her as a woman. With Seyoung before, he outrightly refused calling her Noona, and never saw her as an older sister. Second, he isn't dressed to impress, like he did when he is with Seyoung.Third, he used to make comments if Seyoung wears short skirts, short shorts or see through clothes. Basically asking why are you dressed like that? He even covered Seyoung portrait with bubble wraps for camera men not to see her legs, because it was too revealing:D. Even if Irene wears sexy and revealing outfits, I'm not worried because that isn't what Wooyoung like. We also noticed how Seyoung's wardrobe has changed since she left the previous agency. She is dressed more conservatively even on red carpets events. Usually donning t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. With barely there make-up..

Hi everyone..

@kdaddict1, keep spirit. There will be a good guy coming to your life.. I'm sure because you're a nice girl.

@standingtallyy, heehee you can always calm my heart. Thank you so much. At the first I saw his show with Irene Noona, I felt... Mmmm, my forehead creased. Hahaaaa, just like @kho39 said, I was not happy seeing him with another girl at the show. But I also agreed with @kho39 hubby.,it's not fair, because I'm okay when Sy had romantic scene with her Co-Star. Hihii, it's better now because of you.

Please send my regard to your friend. If she visit our forum, I would like to say, "Hi.. I like your fanfic. Thank you so much. Keep writing,please".


@Gerry58 it looks like your vacation is a lot of fun. I'm jelous,hehe.


Sorry I don't mention everyone here.

@chic-chic, please, I need a friend to go to delulu island,heheee.. Why Sy is so quiet now? (please ask her, hihii). Wy show's remaind me of what he did with Sy in the past. Like deja vu. The massage chair and spa :D. Perhaps, the PD-nim is one of YY shipper, could it be? Haha, I'm talking nonsense, sorry. But I really miss her. One more. I don't know why.. Wy's signature always looks like "W", "S", "Y". Woo Se Young :lol:.

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@kdaddict1 You're welcome! :) You want him to make the first move? Ok. Let's wait for him to make the first move. Keep us updated, please :) I think I misunderstood the 3rd guy. Thank for explaining what happened with him. After reading about you and 3rd guy, it sounds like you had fun with him. 3rd guy happens to be the Creative Director of the Ad Agency where my younger brother works for? Small world! After you explained him a bit more, I think I'm starting to like the 3rd guy too. Keep us updated on 3rd guy too. I agree with @Gerry58. I'm also glad you are taking everyone's advice and dating more guys but you should take it as networking and making new friends rather than looking for a marriage partner. You don't want to jump into anything too soon because I think it's important to find the right person for you without rushing into anything. I agree with @Gerry58 again. She said you can use the internet. She's right there are places that don't have scammers. You can put in all the requirements you want your guy to have. Sounds cool, doesn't it? :) I hope you have fun too :) So you have tasted wine and alcohol? Nice. The first time you tasted wine was when you were in Aschaffenburg, Germany? Well, that sounds really cool. I've never been outside of the United States where I live, but I hope you liked it there. I didn't know that wine was cheaper than water in Germany. Thanks for the info :). You didn't like the wine in Germany? Well, that's okay. Your taste buds didn't like it. It's interesting that you said even if someone handed you the most expensive wine, you still wouldn't like it. I guess you just don't like wine. That's okay. Wine isn't for everyone :). You should just stick to your cola with a slice lemon :) I think that's really cool. I still need to try it. You're full of wonderful ideas.

@standingtallyy I'm sorry that you don't think you were attractive. I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing glasses and I don't think there's anything wrong with being a nerd. You said "good-looking" men started to notice you. Well, some say that "beauty is the eye of the beholder." You might not think you are attractive, but others might think you are.  You said, "You know a man that's really oozing with charm and sex appeal at first glance?" Yes! I know what you mean. Haha. So that kind of guy noticed you. Lucky! You only dated this guy for three months because he was way out of your league? Give me a break! Don't say that. Please don't put yourself down. So you didn't end up with the other guy either? How is that possible? You made them both sound so attractive. They were 185 cms tall! That's ideal, right? Well, good things come to those who wait. I'm going to put it like this: One day you'll find the right guy who deserves you. By the way, you said your line of work in medicine, what do you do?

@chic-chic I really like the manips that @blame2pm made. Those photos look real. It looks like WY and SY are really getting married. Please be real WY and SY. Please get married. 

@kho39 You're new to yy nation? I didn't know that :) Your husband is right when he says, "women are difficult to to understand." It's true, right? I agree. Your hubby is so cool :) 

@yun84Hello! Don't worry :) I see you are online! Hi!


Edited by 2handsintertwined
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R@2handsintertwined your sweet.Well if you are always one of the last girl to get asked in school dances. And your sisters and cousins have these suitors queuing left, right, back and front..you'd wonder would you? LOL! I am married. Have been in the last 9 years. After those two I mentioned, I was single for three years. Only hanged out with a couple of guys (living in Europe can be lonely too), but still wasn't it. Busied with work praying and hoping to meet a 'good man', who loves me more than I love him. And I married to a man, a woman could ever wish for as a husband and up to this day, he tells me he loves me. He is without flaw, he do stuff that just really drives me mental at times and worse, it's like he doesn't live in the house because he could' seem to find anything...grrrr! He has his moments too,yet he always makes the first move when we have a fight - sort of because we don't really fight, even when I'm the one whose silly. True, good things do happen to those who wait.

And I don't like wines either or spirits. Tried before but not really for me.  But will try a bit of red or cocktails though rarely.. When I go out for drinks, it's either coke/pepsi with ice or lemon lime bitters.

@2handsintertwined I'm shy to say what I do...let's just say, I save and promote lives and the 'go to' person for second opinion, if not final decision maker kind of job. Can be stressful at times. This is where I debrief.

That spa and massage trips WY is doing in the variety show...it's all from WGM he did with Seyoung. Is he walking down memory lane to see if the feelings will be the same? Naaaah....

Great news...my friend is open to the idea of writing another fanfic. Let's see what she comes up with:D

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@kho39 I had the same feeling as yours. After WGM, it's really hard to see WY with another girl. Before WGM and been following WY's activities,  I didn't mind him with any other girls. Even if he's intimate with a girl on music videos it was ok. After WGM, the feeling was different. For example, when he shoot the Promise video, seeing him with a girl is :bawling:.  The reason is not because I don't want to see him with another girl, but it's disappointing because I don't see him with Seyoung anymore. They didn't even had a chance to be together even in a show after WGM. Anyway, the show with Irene is fun to watch. WY is so natural on the show. It's seems that they have a Noona-dongsaeng relationship hehe. Also since each episode is only around 11 minutes, they might have shoot the entire show for only 1 or 2 days.  However,  I hope somehow he remembered the moment he had with SY doing the same activities again. 

@Gerry58 Here's the full episode without subs.  

Here's the link for VLive with subs




And also when I feel sad about seeing him with another girl, I just watch this video of SY kissing Jay Park hahaha. 

WY would have been really jealous seeing SY kissing a former 2pm brother hahaha, 




@yun84 I agree his signature looks like W S Y Woo Seyoung hahaha, 

Before,  his signature is so different. 

Image result for 2pm signatures


After  Image result for 2pm signatures

Let's delulu about WY preparing something for SY's birthday hehe. 

SY's featured in Allure 



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Hi everyone, finally back home but very busy, went grocery shopping cos my fridge is bare. 

@kho39- that girl Irene is very westernized- think she is part American, she is used to dressed skimpy. Glad wy addressed her a nunna, wish it was sy though, then viewership will be high cos there are lots of YY shippers. I am ok with wy with another girl as long as they don't get intimate but I guess all the girls will try to 'tackle' him cos he is a good 'catch'.

Sy although does love scenes doesn't do deep kissing, hers are all 'fake' kisses, also she doesn't do seductive scenes cos it will lower her image

Still patiently waiting for Sy's news but Hope Hunus please work faster to get her some projects. 

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