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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@yun84 Shall do...actually she visits us here. I guess, we need to cheer her on so she'll continue to share her work...waiting for the next chapter? Here it is. Enjoy!


The day is getting long for Seyoung. She struggled to focus 100% because of Wooyoung's presence. She couldn't understand why he still have this effect on her, it's been over two years. Life has changed for her and for sure,Wooyoung as well.. She knew he's been watching her because Seyoung caught him few times and that doesn't help either.
Seyoung was on her way to the washroom, getting there means she has to walk past where he was sitting . She overheard his assistant asking if he was fine because he sounded more sniffly. Wooyoung told him not to worry, he can finish the filming and will go straight home to rest.
Is Wooyoung sick? Seyoung asked herself but continued walking.
Few minutes later Seyoung saw Wooyoung still on his chair as she was returning to her spot. His assistant nowhere in sight. Couldn't contain her concern,she went to sit on the empty chair next to his.
"Kenchanayeo?" Seyoung asked but not looking at him.
"Don't worry. I'll be alright," Wooyoung replied.
"I'm not worried. I'm only asking how you are."Seyoung said in her 'not worried' tone.
"Thank you for not worrying," Wooyoung stated, secretly smiling.
"Wooyoung-shi..."  Seyoung couldn't finish her words because Wooyoung's attention was called by the PD for him to resume filming.
"You were saying?" Wooyoung asked not caring of the PD.
"Nothing important. You should go," Seyoung said, stood up and walked back to her spot. Not looking back.
After things wrapped up in Dongdaemun, Seyoung headed straight to the office to make the report for today's incident and few phone calls to do. Today, she purposely avoided being in close proximity from Wooyoung . But was kicking herself for approaching him.
What? To make sure he is okay? It's none of your business Park Seyoung! Seyoung telling herself off.
The ringing of the phone brought her back to reality, it was an unidentified number but picked up anyhow in case it is from a client.
"Yeobosaeyo," Seyoung greeted.
"Seyoung-ah." Wooyoung replied. Cough.
"Wooyoung-shi. Is that you?"
"Yes. It's me."
"What can I do for you?"
"Can you please come?"
"To my place." Sniff.
"Waeyo? "
"I'm sick." Cough.
"Why are you calling me? Where is your assistant?"
"I sent him home after I got here. I'm cold and have a temperature."
"Take some fever reducing medicines."
"I got none here. And I don't have the strength to drive back out."
"I'm sorry, Wooyoung but I'm busy right now. Bye." And just like that Seyoung hanged up.
Seyoung realized it was rude to hang up on Wooyoung, but her mind is saying she shouldn't get affected by him. It was the right thing to do.
Seyoung continued with her work for another two hours but couldn't stop feeling bad for what she did. She knew he was genuinely sick. At the moment, her mind and heart are debating. Unable to continue with work anymore, she decided to go home.
Yet the thought of Wooyoung sick is not making Seyoung at ease even at home. Eventually, she decided to send an SMS message to Wooyoung, to find out if he was okay. Browsing through her phone, he found his number.
"How are you?" Seyoung typed. Send.
"I hope you are feeling better," She typed again. Send.
After nearly thirty minutes without receiving a reply, Seyoung called.
"Yaboseayo." Wooyoung answered faintly, after the sixth ring.
"It's me,Seyoung," Seyoung answered.
"I know," Woyoung replied. Cough. Cough.
"I'm just checking if you are okay," Seyoung asked. He sound worst,she thought.
"I'm not really, but I'll survive." Wooyoung replied. Cough. Sniff.
"Is someone with you? I mean, is your assistant with you?" Seyoung asked.
"Anii- mida." Wooyoung replied. Sniff. Cough.
"Give me your address. I'll come over." Seyoung said quickly before changing her mind.
"It's late.You had a long day. I don't want you to drive anymore," Wooyoung said.Sniff.
"Jang Wooyoung! Give me your address now. Please," Seyoung asked firmly but politely.
"I thought you are busy," Wooyoung replied. No sniff.
"I was," Seyoung answered. "I'm coming over."
After writing his address and instructions how to get in to his apartment building,Seyoung droved to his place. She dropped by the pharmacy to get medication for his fever and tonic drinks, then went to a convenience store to buy some reheatable food. Seyoung reached his apartment. At the door, she punched in the password Wooyoung gave her. It was a combination of their birthdates and months - 3047. When she got in, the corridor was dark but can see a night lamp coming from the living room where the corridor leads. That's where she found Wooyoung, lying on the couch under a thick quilt.
"Wooyoung-ah. What are you doing lying here? You should be in bed," Seyoung whispered, kneeling down to him.She touched his forehead, he is burning!
Wooyoung slowly opened his eyes. Blinking few times, making sure he wasn't seeing things.
Seyoung came,Wooyoung thought, he reached out to touch her face.
"I was waiting for you." Wooyoung replied faintly.
"Pabo-yah? You could have just waited in your room. Come on, let's get you back to bed," Seyoung said, now holding the hand that was on her cheek.
Wooyoung put his arms around Seyoung's shoulders while she wrapped her arms to his waist to help him up, then walked back to his room. When they got there, she helped him lay back in bed,when she stood up, Wooyoung grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her.
"Don't go,"Wooyoung said.
"I'm not leaving. I'll get a bowl of water and towels to cool you down. When was the last time you took medicine?" Wooyoung's hold now relaxed but still holding her.
"I haven't taken any,"Wooyoung answered.
"I bought some with me.You need to take it." Seyoung told him.
Few minutes later, she returned with the tablets and glass of water for Wooyoung.
"You need to look after yourself," Seyoung said him while he took the tablets.
"I need you to take care of me," Wooyoung reaching out to hold her hand again.
"Wooyoung-ah. You're a grown up man. You don't need me." Seyoung told him.
"If you are confident that I can look after myself, why did you come?" Wooyoung said, teasing her.
"Sounds to me you are okay now. I should leave then," Seyoung attempted to get up but Wooyoung's hold stopped her.
"No! Please don't go Seyoung-ah...mianhe, mianhe," Wooyoung quickly apologised.
"Hey. I was only joking, " Squeezing his arm for reassurance and went to the bathroom for the towels. Seyoung could see the panic in his eyes.
She came back with the things she needed. She then went to his wardrobe to get him fresh shirt to change. Wooyoung happily watching making herself at home.
"Wooyoung-ah, you need to take off your shirt so I can do sponges on your chest and back. This will help cool you down." Seyoung said.
Wooyoung sat up to pull his shirt up, leaving his upper body bare. Seyoung started to do sponges on him,leaving one damp wash cloth on his forehead, she continued to wipe his chest, back and arms. His body is exactly how she remembered it. Not skinny, just firm,lean muscles.And his six-pack abs...
Park Seyoung! What are you thinking? Seyoung secretly telling herself off the second time.
"I miss this," Wooyoung said, not leaving her out of his sight.
"Go get married then," Seyoung replied bluntly.
"When do you want to get married?" Wooyoung asked.
"Huh?" Seyoung surprised by the question.
"You said that I should get married. When can WE get married?" Wooyoung asked her again, with emphasis on WE.
"You're fever has gone down a little, but you seem delirious," Seyoung replied.
"I am deliriously happy you came," Wooyoung replied.
That's good to know, Seyoung thought quietly to herself, while she continue to sponge him.
"I'm the one with fever but your cheeks are red," Wooyoung said.
Seyoung pretended she did not hear what he just said because he was right. She patted him dry with the towel and gave him a fresh T-shirt to wear back on.
"Please help me.I feel weak," Wooyoung now sounded very sleepy.Seyoung took the shirt and put it on for him, tucked him to bed like a child.
"Seyoung-ah. Promise you'll be here when I wake up." Wooyoung said, holding on to her hand.
"I'll be here. Promise," Seyoung said brushing the hair away from his eyes using her fingers. Wooyoung then kissed that hand, not letting go, placing it on his chest before closing his eyes.


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10 hours ago, standingtallyy said:
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Jang Wooyoung was informed two weeks ago that he will be shooting a commercial film from one of the new product endorsement he signed up. JYP confirmed the date and will be under the production of ChunTech Media, a company he never heard of but was told that despite the fact it was new-ish in the field, has gained good reputation. Wooyoung always find interests in success stories, maybe because he is one of them. Years of grueling training, Idols like him invested their best to succeed in this very competitive and cruel world of K-Entertainment. Night before he was to shoot the CF he researched about Chun-Tech.The CEO is only in his mid-thirties who received their first client two months after it opened. The first commercial filmed by the company received very good reviews hence a string of projects started to roll in. The company have twenty employees, ranging from graphic artists,business & marketing staff, some employees have degrees in film and media. The company staff photo were also posted on the company's website. Curiously Wooyoung started browsing at them when a familiar face caught his attention.He zoomed the screen to have a closer look. Wooyoung can't be wrong,it's her! The face he knew too well.
Wooyoung arrived an hour before the shoot like he consistently do. Being early gives himself time to prepare and not rushing, despite not feeling his best, it's like he is brewing a cold. Yet he didn't want to cancel, this is the only schedule for today and will have a free day tomorrow. While his style team were prepping him up, message from PD came that they are doing some last minute review and there will be a delay in shoot. Wooyoung was okay with it as he has the time anyway, he can wait. He looked at his watch and noticed it's close to lunch time, he suddenly announced he is buying lunch for everyone, and asked his assistant to take care of it. Wooyoung excused himself and went to the dressing room assigned to him. On his way back, he thought he could use a bit of quiet time and rest. Passing by one of the rooms, he saw a big note on one of the doors saying "Production Team, Do Not Disturb". In a whim he removed the note and sticked it on the door of his dressing room before going in. Just when he thought everything was quiet, he heard a knock on the door, thinking it was one of the production staff, he called out to come in. Then he heard that familiar voice, the voice he's been longing to hear .

Ladies, what do you think? Not bad so far right?


Oh come on, spill it!!!

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9 hours ago, standingtallyy said:
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Seyoung couldn't believe her eyes when the man turned around to face her is Wooyoung. Jang Wooyoung? She asked herself.
"Seyoung-ah. Anyonghasaeyo." He stood up, walking towards her.
"Wooyoung-ah," Unable to contain her surprise, "How? Why? Are you the endorser for this commercial film?"
"And good to see you too," Wooyoung replied, looking back at her smiling, "Yes, to your question."
Seyoung and Wooyoung stood there just staring at each other for few seconds, unsure of what to say or do next. It was Wooyoung who moved a step closer and pulled Seyoung into a hug. She was stunned at Wooyoung's action but surprisingly, at that very moment  memories came flooding back when she smelled that familiar scent of him.
It is Wooyoung,Seyoung thought.
Seyoung-ah,I miss you so much. Wooyoung thought.
It was Seyoung who broke the embrace when she suddenly remembered the reason why she was there.
I didn't come for this, Seyoung said to herself.
"Wooyoung-shi," Seyoung said, stepping backward away from him. But Wooyoung was quick to hold her hand tight enough so she can't go further.
"How are you?" Wooyoung asked.
"I'm good. Thank you. I think, I went to the wrong room." Seyoung replied, feeling her hand beginning to sweat.
"You are looking for the PD you said? It's few doors away to your left as you go out." Wooyoung said, still holding her hand.
"Thank you.I have to go." Seyoung said pulling her hands from his.
"Seyoung-ah.Will you be here all day? I mean, while we are filming?" Wooyoung asked.
"I don't know. It depends how serious the problem is. How do you know why I'm here?" Seyoung asked curiously.
"You work for Chun- Tech Media," Wooyoung answered.
"I have to go," Seyoung said turning to leave.
"Seyoung-ah, wait! Can I please have your number?" Wooyoung blurted out quickly, he didn't want to miss the chance.
"Waeyo?" Seyoung asked curiuosly. Surprised how straight forward he was.
"Because, I want to see you again."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why? Are you married? Are you dating someone?"
"Please," Wooyoung pleaded."Please, Seyoung-ah."
Wooyoung-ah...don't do this to me.Seyoung thought. Looking at him right now, simply melts her heart. Seyoung then looked into her bag to give him her business card.
After receiving it, Wooyoung quickly reached for his mobile phone frorm his suit pocket, dialled the number. Her phone rang. Immediately looked at Seyoung's phone that was in her hand making sure his number is showing on the screen.
"Gomawo," Wooyoung said.
"Hyung, lunch is coming....Sorry," Woyoung's assistant suddenly barged in. He immediately apologised when he noticed Seyoung in the room.
"Anyonghasaeyo. It's okay," Seyoung greeted Wooyoung's assistant and started to leave.
"I'll walk you to the where the production team is," Wooyoung offered.
"No need. I'll find my way there," Seyoung replied.
"I insist. I know which room I took the sign from," Seyoung looked at him. Surprised, couldn't believe he did that! He then led Seyoung to the room, his hand on her back guiding her. Wooyoung knocked before opening the door to let Seyoung in. PD, Wooyoung and Seyoung exchanged greetings then Wooyoung left her with the team..
The meeting lasted for half an hour. Seyoung was asked to stay back until the shoot finishes just in case new problem occurs. Seyoung stayed as requested. She was shown a quiet corner and observed the entire filming. It was very hard not to notice Wooyoung. From last minute instructions by the director, to his make-up retouching and even when he drinks the bottled water placed next to him.
Wooyoung was happy to know Seyoung was staying until the end of the shoot. His eyes would wander around discreetly, looking for Seyoung. Once he knew where she is, his focus is back to the filming

Apologies ladies...here's more.

Do you know how  a 27 yo woman (going 28who never had a man in her life) feels like? Longing for romantic excitement thru this blog site? I want a fairytale please continue...

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7 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

@yun84 Shall do...actually she visits us here. I guess, we need to cheer her on so she'll continue to share her work...waiting for the next chapter? Here it is. Enjoy!


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The day is getting long for Seyoung. She struggled to focus 100% because of Wooyoung's presence. She couldn't understand why he still have this effect on her, it's been over two years. Life has changed for her and for sure,Wooyoung as well.. She knew he's been watching her because Seyoung caught him few times and that doesn't help either.
Seyoung was on her way to the washroom, getting there means she has to walk past where he was sitting . She overheard his assistant asking if he was fine because he sounded more sniffly. Wooyoung told him not to worry, he can finish the filming and will go straight home to rest.
Is Wooyoung sick? Seyoung asked herself but continued walking.
Few minutes later Seyoung saw Wooyoung still on his chair as she was returning to her spot. His assistant nowhere in sight. Couldn't contain her concern,she went to sit on the empty chair next to his.
"Kenchanayeo?" Seyoung asked but not looking at him.
"Don't worry. I'll be alright," Wooyoung replied.
"I'm not worried. I'm only asking how you are."Seyoung said in her 'not worried' tone.
"Thank you for not worrying," Wooyoung stated, secretly smiling.
"Wooyoung-shi..."  Seyoung couldn't finish her words because Wooyoung's attention was called by the PD for him to resume filming.
"You were saying?" Wooyoung asked not caring of the PD.
"Nothing important. You should go," Seyoung said, stood up and walked back to her spot. Not looking back.
After things wrapped up in Dongdaemun, Seyoung headed straight to the office to do the report for today's incident and to make few phone calls. Today, she purposely avoided being in close proximity from Wooyoung . But was kicking herself for approaching him.
What? To make sure he is okay? It's none of your business Park Seyoung! Seyoung telling herself off.
The ringing of the phone brought her back to reality, it was an unidentified number but picked up anyhow in case it is from a client.
"Yeobosaeyo," Seyoung greeted.
"Seyoung-ah." Wooyoung replied. Cough.
"Wooyoung-shi. Is that you?"
"Yes. It's me."
"What can I do for you?"
"Can you please come?"
"To my place." Sniff.
"Waeyo? "
"I'm sick." Cough.
"Why are you calling me? Where is your assistant?"
"I sent him home after I got here. I'm cold and have a temperature."
"Take some fever reducing medicines."
"I got none here. And I don't have the strength to drive back out."
"I'm sorry, Wooyoung but I'm busy right now. Bye." And just like that Seyoung hanged up.
Seyoung realized it was rude to hang up on Wooyoung, but her mind is saying she shouldn't get affected by him. It was the right thing to do.
Seyoung continued with her work for another two hours but couldn't stop feeling bad for what she did. She knew he was genuinely sick. At the moment, her mind and heart are debating. Unable to continue with work anymore, she decided to go home.
Yet the thought of Wooyoung sick is not making Seyoung at ease even at home. Eventually, she decided to send an SMS message to Wooyoung, to find out if he was okay. Browsing through her phone, he found his number.
"How are you?" Seyoung typed. Send.
"I hope you are feeling better," She typed again. Send.
After nearly thirty minutes without receiving a reply, Seyoung called.
"Yaboseayo." Wooyoung answered faintly, after the sixth ring.
"It's me,Seyoung," Seyoung answered.
"I know," Woyoung replied. Cough. Cough.
"I'm just checking if you are okay," Seyoung asked. He sound worst,she thought.
"I'm not really, but I'll survive." Wooyoung replied. Cough. Sniff.
"Is someone with you? I mean, is your assistant with you?" Seyoung asked.
"Anii- mida." Wooyoung replied. Sniff. Cough.
"Give me your address. I'll come over." Seyoung said quickly before changing her mind.
"It's late.You had a long day. I don't want you to drive anymore," Wooyoung said.Sniff.
"Jang Wooyoung! Give me your address now. Please," Seyoung asked firmly but politely.
"I thought you are busy," Wooyoung replied. No sniff.
"I was," Seyoung answered. "I'm coming over."
After writing his address and instructions how to get in to his apartment building,Seyoung droved to his place. She dropped by the pharmacy to get medication for his fever and tonic drinks, then went to a convenience store to buy some reheatable food. Seyoung reached his apartment. At the door, she punched in the password Wooyoung gave her. It was a combination of their birthdates and months - 3047. When she got in, the corridor was dark but can see a night lamp coming from the living room where the corridor leads. That's where she found Wooyoung, lying on the couch under a thick quilt.
"Wooyoung-ah. What are you doing lying here? You should be in bed," Seyoung whispered, kneeling down to him.She touched his forehead, he is burning!
Wooyoung slowly opened his eyes. Blinking few times, making sure he wasn't seeing things.
Seyoung came,Wooyoung thought, he reached out to touch her face.
"I was waiting for you." Wooyoung replied faintly.
"Pabo-yah? You could have just waited in your room. Come on, let's get you back to bed," Seyoung said, now holding the hand that was on her cheek.
Wooyoung put his arms around Seyoung's shoulders while she wrapped her arms to his waist to help him up, then walked back to his room. When they got there, she helped him lay back in bed,when she stood up, Wooyoung grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her.
"Don't go,"Wooyoung said.
"I'm not leaving. I'll get a bowl of water and towels to cool you down. When was the last time you took medicine?" Wooyoung's hold now relaxed but still holding her.
"I haven't taken any,"Wooyoung answered.
"I bought some with me.You need to take it." Seyoung told him.
Few minutes later, she returned with the tablets and glass of water for Wooyoung.
"You need to look after yourself," Seyoung said him while he took the tablets.
"I need you to take care of me," Wooyoung reaching out to hold her hand again.
"Wooyoung-ah. You're a grown up man. You don't need me." Seyoung told him.
"If you are confident that I can look after myself, why did you come?" Wooyoung said, teasing her.
"Sounds to me you are okay now. I should leave then," Seyoung attempted to get up but Wooyoung's hold stopped her.
"No! Please don't go Seyoung-ah...mianhe, mianhe," Wooyoung quickly apologised.
"Hey. I was only joking, " Squeezing his arm for reassurance and went to the bathroom for the towels. Seyoung could see the panic in his eyes.
She came back with the things she needed. She then went to his wardrobe to get him fresh shirt to change. Wooyoung happily watching making herself at home.
"Wooyoung-ah, you need to take off your shirt so I can do sponges on your chest and back. This will help cool you down." Seyoung said.
Wooyoung sat up to pull his shirt up, leaving his upper body bare. Seyoung started to do sponges on him,leaving one damp wash cloth on his forehead, she continued to wipe his chest, back and arms. His body is exactly how she remembered it. Not skinny, just firm,lean muscles.And his six-pack abs...
Park Seyoung! What are you thinking? Seyoung secretly telling herself off again.
"I miss this," Wooyoung said, not leaving her out of his sight.
"Go get married then," Seyoung replied bluntly.
"When do you want to get married?" Wooyoung asked.
"Huh?" Seyoung surprised by the question.
"You said that I should get married. When can WE get married?" Wooyoung asked her again, with emphasis on WE.
"You're fever has gone down a little, but you seem delirious," Seyoung replied.
"I am deliriously happy you came," Wooyoung replied.
That's good to know, Seyoung thought quietly to herself, while she continue to sponge him.
"I'm the one with fever but your cheeks are red," Wooyoung said.
Seyoung pretended she did not hear what he just said because he was right. She patted him dry with the towel and gave him a fresh T-shirt to wear back on.
"Please help me.I feel weak," Wooyoung now sounded very sleepy.Seyoung took the shirt and put it on for him, tucked him to bed like a child.
"Seyoung-ah. Promise you'll be here when I wake up." Wooyoung said, holding on to her hand.
"I'll be here. Promise," Seyoung said brushing the hair away from his eyes using her fingers. Wooyoung then kissed that hand, not letting go, placing it on his chest before closing his eyes.


Yaaaah! You left us hanging!

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13 hours ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

The Periscope was a surprise, and the tweets.    Been way too long.   

Is that really WY's living room?  With the strand lights that blink like in xmas trees?  Actually it feels homey, even if we only saw a part of it and not a 360.  I see lots of shelves on the corridor afar.  

I think it was Jimin who was recording it with the way she speaks English.  

@hazeljrr_c922- ya Jimin recording, not very good at it. Some parts shakes. Think they only show his living room cos wy wants his privacy. 

U also notice the x'mas lights :) There is another cute crane light next to his turntable. Notice wy got more stuff than junho, maybe cos junho has pets. Everyone was surprised so he gets lots of tweets. Hope he does it more often, maybe show us his kitchen next? 

@standingtallyy- leaving at night, so reach there, check in, put down luggage and straight go. 

No problem just let me know when u go Japan, I tell u the places must go and shopping  :lol:

Most people start by going Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido first. Now we prefer to go south or central Japan cos mainly locals, visit the traditional markets, castle, parks, museums, gorges etc. Be prepared to walk a lot. I will post for u guys to see. 

Your friend's fanfic is great, she writes well, storyline interesting- tell her to keep writing  :)

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Hi Ladies. I'm glad you enjoyed my friends work. She will be happy:).

@Gerry58 thanks, will do that. A very close cousin actually been to Japan recently. She visited Osaka, Shibouya?(I think) and another city. She said it was great! This is your annual Japan trip right? How time flew! Looking forward to the photos:)

@kdaddict1 and @yun84 I don't know. Like you, I'm just a reader. But I think the story have time jump. You see, she was sending it to my by stages last night, that's why I said she was being stingy. Reading it again, I've appreciated it more. I guess, she got pressured, hahaha! (Sorry friend:)). I'm meeting her actually tonight for dinner with another girlfriend, who doesn't really know about our little secret pleasure - which is YY Nation. This other friend is just not like us but our personalities get along really well for some odd reason.

@chic-chic Don't you worry I'm on her case too:D

I know, she has finished more chapters, because she told me there is a scenario in Busan. So watch this space:)

Talk soon!

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Seyoung stayed next to Wooyoung as he sleep. His skin feeling a lot cooler this time and continued with the little sponges a bit longer. Wooyoung moved, shifting on his side, his arms reaching to wrap it around her waist, with eyes still closed. With him positioned that way, it took some work for Seyoung to reach the thermometer she bought him. Moving carefully trying not to wake him up. She eventually managed to get it and checked his temperature. His fever have gone down. Seyoung closed her eyes and gave out a quiet sigh of relief.She was really worried.
"Sleep well, baby," Seyoung whispered, gently rubbing his temple. Unbeknown to Seyoung, he heard it clear. Wooyoung smiled in his sleep.
It was already close to one in the morning by the time Seyoung looked at her watch. She gently extracted herself from Wooyoung's hold. Walked to his wardrobe to borrow a t-shirt and a short for change and went for a quick shower. After showering, Seyoung felt hungry realizing she missed dinner. She went to the kitchen to get herself a light meal. Along the way, she noticed how clean and tidy Wooyoung's apartment is, like how she remembered it. She smiled how between the two of them, he is a lot more organized than she was back then. She opened the fridge and found some cold meats, cheese, tomatoes and bread. She put away the reheatable porridge for Wooyoung in case he'll wake up hungry later on. She sat in the dining table while eating the sandwich she prepared. Once she finished her food and the tidying up, she went back to his room and Wooyoung still sound asleep. Seyoung sat slowly next to the sleeping Wooyoung, touched his forehead, it felt much cooler than before. She got under the cover next to him, half sitting. She noticed there were two books on his bedside table, The Alchemist and Zen Words for Wisdom. Seyoung chose the latter for quick reading, but the events of the day have taken it's toll on her, she fell asleep just after few pages.
Wooyoung woke up couple of hours later. He found Seyoung asleep next to him with book in hand, wearing his clothes. The cover half exposing her beautiful legs, she must have kicked them away sometime ago, unconsciously.
Park Seyoung, you never fail to blow me away. Wooyoung thought and telling himself how sexy and hot she looked wearing his t-shirt and shorts even with the end falling past her knees.
"Gomawa Park Seyoung.Saranghae," Wooyoung whispered to Seyoung's ears before planting a soft kiss on her temple. Seyoung stirred but did not wake up. Wooyoung put the blanket back onto cover her, layed back down and put his arms across to her shoulder, like he is afraid she'll go away and went back to sleep.
Seyoung felt something heavy on her. It took her a minute to realize that she is not home. It must be morning because she can see brightness peeping between the curtains of the room.She looked around her and realized that she is wrapped in Wooyoung's arms. She gently turned to face him, touched his forehead. Fever is gone.
"Good morning, beautiful," Wooyoung said, eyes still closed.
"Good morning. Are you feeling better?" Seyoung asked.
"Hmmnn," Wooyoung nodded, pulling her close.
"Are you hungry? I can reheat the porridge I bought last night."
"Senja? Gomawo. But I like something else for breakfast," Wooyoung opened his eyes now, looking straight at her.
"What is it?" Seyoung asked.
"This," Wooyoung moved closer, kissing her gently on the lips.
Seyoung did not resist.She allowed it.
"Gomawa for coming last night," Wooyoung said when the kiss ended.
"Anniyah.Mianhe for not coming sooner," Seyoung replied, looking into his eyes. Their face are so close, they can feel each others morning breath.
"What changed your mind?" Wooyoung asked.
"I knew you were not faking it and I felt bad hanging up on you just like that," Seyoung replied.
"I'm sorry. I know I put you on the spot by asking you to come. In my misery last night. I could only think of you. I thought my heart was going to burst with joy seeing you yesterday," Wooyoung said, brushing away tendrils of hair out from her eyes.
"I was both surprised and happy to see you too but tried so hard to hold it in. When I knew you were sick, all my logic collapsed.I got worried," Seyoung admitted.
"Senja? Mianhe.I didn't mean to make you worry," Wooyoung said, he reached for her hand, and kissed them. "I'd better stop or else I might not be able to control myself," Loosening his hold from Seyoung.
"I missed you," Seyoung whispered.
"I miss you more," Wooyoung said. He then moved to position himself on top of Seyoung.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to have a good look at you, from up here." Wooyoung replied, trapping Seyoung underneath him.
"You were sick last night, you shouldn't exert yourself." Seyoung said, patting both his arms gently, attempting to loosen his hold.
"I feel good. I think you gave me the magic pill."
"No I didn't. It was just the colds medicine I bought from a pharmacy down the road." Seyoung replied half-laughing.
"It doesn't matter. You put magic to it." Wooyoung then leaned down to kiss her again.
Seyoung kissed him back. Her arms went up to his neck, pulling them closer.
"Are you really here? I'm not dreaming, right?" Wooyoung asked, between kisses.
"This is not a dream. I am here." Seyoung holding his face on both hands. Kissing him on the forehead, nose, cheeks then his lips.
The kiss they shared was sweet, full of longing and passion.
"When did you learn to kiss like that?" Wooyoung asked after the kiss.
"Didn't I say I missed you?" Seyoung replied, loving the surprise look on his face.
Wooyoung flipped her over on top of him like a feather. Hand beginning to explore as they kissed once again, going underneath her over sized shirt touching Seyoung's bare skin that felt as smooth as silk. Then he stopped.
"Is something wrong?" Seyoung asked in surprise.
"Seyoung-ah,if I don't stop now. I can't promise you that I'd be able to hold back and not go all the way." Wooyoung said. He doesn't want her to feel he is taking advantage of the situation. Seyoung is far more precious than that.
"You are right. We shouldn't rush," Seyoung said. "Wooyoung-ah just letting you know. I came here ready for this." She said, assuring him.
"It's not that I don't want to. God knows how much I want you right now. But I don't want you to feel that this is all I'm after."
"I know. Thank you," Seyoung said, and snuggled closer feeling his warmth.
They stayed in that position for a while. Seyoung wrapped in the security of his arms, she must have fallen asleep when Wooyoung heard a sound, like a soft snore coming from her. He couldn't help smile just looking at the sleeping beauty, holding him close as if her life depended on it. Not long after, Wooyoung fell asleep too.                                      
It was late in the afternoon when they finally emerged from the room.Wooyoung ordered some Chinese food for them to eat. He felt he could eat like a horse today. While Seyoung dressed only in his T-shirt, her well toned legs exposed standing by the balcony talking on her mobile phone. He managed to convince her earlier not to wear his shorts, though she still looked hot in those, she looks hotter without them. Seyoung laughed but gave in to to the idea.He went over to where Seyoung was and put his arms around her waist pulling her close to him from behind, kissing the top of her head. Smelling her sweet scent. Seyoung finished the call and turned around.
"Are you okay?" Seyoung asked, touching his forehead.
"A lot better than I've been in a long time, baby."
"Baby?" Seyoung was surprised with the name calling.
"Yes. You called me 'Baby' last night. I heard it clear. You said, sleep well baby."
Seyoung replied with a soft laugh, shaking her head at him.
"Do you realize how hot you look right now wearing only my T-shirt?"
"Senja?" Seyoung replied trying to play innocent.
"I want you," Wooyoung whispered.Then the door bell sounded.
"Food is here," Seyoung said, letting him go to answer the door.
"What a great timing!" Wooyoung complained. Seyoung can only laugh hearing him complain.
He came back with the dishes they ordered. But Wooyoung put it on the kitchen bench and went straight back to where she was.
"I thought we are eating?" Seyoung asked.
"Food can wait. I'm more hungry for you," He lifted her up, Seyoung wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing their way to his bedroom. This time, neither of them held back.


Is it getting hot in here or just me? LOL!

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Wooyoung and Seyoung are eating the reheated food at the dining table, feeding each other. Seyoung made sure he eats plenty so he can recover quickly.
"I'm full, Yeobo." Wooyoung said.
"Yeobo?" Seyoung was surprised hearing it again.
"Waeyo? Yeobo. I love calling you that."
"I haven't heard that for a long time, that's all."
"Where have you been all this time? Tell me," Wooyoung asked curiously.
"I've been busy.I became active with our church out reach programs for few good months. That's when I travelled around a fair bit. I enrolled and did my masteral studies. Then an opportunity came to work with Chun-Tech Media. I knew it wasn't a far cry from showbusiness and there is the slim possibility that I'll bump into you again. Working behind the camera, doing commercials and documentaries was fun. A lot different from TV dramas or movies I starred in."
"Don't you miss acting?"
"I do. But I'm happy how things are."
"Did you ever think of me?" Wooyoung asked.
Seyoung just looked at him in reply,flashing that beautiful smile of hers."By the way, how did you know I worked for Chun-Tech?"
"I'm good in researching things. Got curious. So I looked it up. That's how I found you working for the company. Your photo was on the company gallery."
"Yes. Staff profiles are on the website. So you knew I was coming?"
"No. I honestly didn't. It was purely by chance. A chance I would be forever grateful. I missed you so much. More than you'll ever know. I wanted to tell you how I regretted letting you go." Wooyoung replied.
"Why?" Seyoung asked.
"Because I realized how much I love you. And how stupid I was."
"Yeobo.It's completely fine with me if you dated someone else. I understand. I'm sorry if I caused you pain. Or made you cry," Wooyoung said, reaching out for her hand.
"It wasn't your fault. It was the circumstances things happened."
Wooyoung stood up, sat next to Seyoung and pulled her to sit on his lap.
"Again, I'm sorry if I hurt you then."
"It's all in the past. Let's look forward to the future and what is now."
"I love you, " Wooyoung said, looking at the beautiful woman sitting on his lap before planting a kiss to her lips."I want you."
"Again? You need to rest. You haven't fully recovered yet."
"I feel good. You make me feel good. Don't you want me?"
"Anii," Seyoung replied shaking her head.Teasing.
"Wae?," Wooyoung replied, forming his mouth into a pout. Pulling her even closer.
"Tell me what you want me to do." Seyoung asked, giving him lazy kisses all over his face.
Wooyoung's hand going underneath her shirt feeling her skin. Wooyoung felt himself burning with so much desire for Seyoung.
"Who are you? Where is that sweet girl I was with not long ago?" He asked jokingly.
"That girl have left the building. So, what do you want me to do?" Seyoung asked again, in her most seductive voice. She could feel Wooyoung's breathing getting heavier by the second.
"Everything."Wooyoung replied before lifting Seyoung up, carrying his woman towards the bedroom.
She did everything as requested.


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18 hours ago, Gerry58 said:

Sy has beautiful features, looks classy in anything, even simple t-shirt and jeans :wub:

I bet she does! I bet she looks good in anything. Can you post a picture of her in a t-shirt and jeans?

And what is going on here? It looks like you ladies are having too much fun. Let me backread.

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3 minutes ago, 2handsintertwined said:

I bet she does! I bet she looks good in anything. Can you post a picture of her in a t-shirt and jeans?

And what is going on here? It looks like you ladies are having too much fun. Let me backread.

@2handsintertwinedI'm sure you will! Palli back read & let's do it all together! I'm really having fun!

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