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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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A little off topic: Sad reading the article over a harmless promotional posting of a famous actress helping out an actor/idol male friend to promote his song/mv, who is also a star in his own right. Fans are way out of line. One scary reality and downside when you are too famous, too popular, too in demand, with too many fans and the gold mine of her agency. These obssessive/possessive fans think they have the god-given right to dictate her every move, who she eats with, who she should be photographed with, who she date (no, she is not allowed to date!)... even when she can sleep, when she can breathe ???(sorry, I'm only exagerating)...I'm sure, this is the price this actress has to pay for being where she is now, with a million of followers in all her social network accounts too. Few months back, when the dating scandal of her current leading man and herself surfaced, despite all the photo evidences and Dispatch stood firm on their report...both agencies WERE VERY QUICK to deny & dispel the news of them dating (the actor in question is also very famous) -can't afford to upset the fans, they need to protect the business and the revenues. Very sad for this actress...

I'm so glad that our Park Seyoung and Jang Wooyoung are in control of their private lives. Seyoung stood firm in what she believed was not fair and faced her ex-agency head on, took the risk of being away from the profession she loved for nearly a year...and WON.I guess, one thing that this actress (under attacked by her own fans, HER OWN FANS!?!) do not have that Seoyung got - it's called GUTS. We didn't read negative write ups or expression of dissatisfaction against Seyoung when she honestly said in an interview, that her and Wooyoung were frequently in contact after WGM. And this my Chinggus, what makes me so proud of us! :wub:

(Apologies on my long post and went a little off topic...)


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@Gerry58: Thanks again…If more people think Oh Hye Sang is a real evil and expect what will she do in the drama,  more success that she gains from it. Happy news…SY fighting….waiting for her appearance in the final year acting awards….

@chic-chic: Thanks for your sharing, It’s glad to hearing the rating of SY’s drama reached nearly 30%. Hope we can see more news about SY….

@amera46: Thanks for your picture of SY and I’m so excited when I see it….

In fact, I love all your delulu…I enjoyed every comment after amera46 posted SY’s photo…..However, please let me to share my view….

SY’s clothes is not the same as she promoted MDGSW with other leadings. SY wore leather vest in the promotion but she wore a leather jacket this time.

About a man who appeared in the picture, I don’t think it’s WY cos he kept this hair style before 2PM's come back in Korea. It didn’t match SY’s style…..

According to the source from YY Fans in China, this photo was posted by park_tae_I who is a staff of a bar named as Pandora and located in Gangnam. He wrote something to describe this picture and the translation as follow:

“They are shooting <My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol> now, many people are playing in our bar, please enjoy and create a happy moment.” CR: 布魯斯藍的思念@百度兔絨夫婦吧 - Chinese Version

Thus, as Gerry58 said before, SY filmed for the drama in this bar….

@standingtallyy: Why you apologized? I really like your comment. For me, it’s not enough…..hehehe. To be honest, I really don’t know who this famous actress you mentioned and I only focused on SY’s part.

Not so many artists are brave as SY. It’s risky for her to mediate with her agency cos it’s rare for artists to win via mediation. She fought for her career even she knew she may lose in this mediation. She was determined for her decision. Luckily, she won in this battle. If you remembered her interview in Get it K, she selected Teacher Na Moon Hee as her role model, not other famous actresses. That’s mean she wants to be a good actress rather than a popular one. Although she has IG and Twitter, does she post everyday to promote her drama? No, we always requests her to update her Twitter or IG. It’s really fun to support this actress. She emphasis on her work and she tries her best to do it even she understands how difficult to play a villain and people have high expectation on this character. She tolerated different criticisms and put effort to play Oh Hye Sang

Of course, I also like her personality, no matter in WGM and after WGM. As I said before, she can use her acting skill in WGM but did she? If she acts in WGM, we don’t need to wait for their hugs, holding hands and kisses. Also, we will not watch a perfect ending if she’s afraid of her agency or protect her image or career. Park Se young is Park Se young, like what she said in Vogue April 2014. I think few people (even you are an ordinary girl) are brave enough to confess their feelings in national TV. This confession may not success at the end and WY’s fans may hate her. However, SY did it. I think she didn’t want to regret, who guarantee WY’s reactions after WGM end? If WY refused, it can clear their relationship but it recorded forever. It’s risky for an actress to do it.

I love how they handle their relationship. Of course open-ended ending made people confuse. If you believed, you just support them, like us, if not; you can watch them as a show, it’s okay. It’s normal for them to avoid mentioning each other after WGM, did they? If you follow their interview, you will know it. I don’t want to repeat their sharing or hints. It's not easy for them to do it, especially SY cos she restarts her career and how she answered about WGM and WY? Still using their relationship to draw people’s attention? It’s a show which finished a year and is it better to use other actors in her drama to do this? Of course, SY didn’t do these; please see her actions in MDGSW’s BTS. She’s friendly with other actors but you can see the difference between WY and them.

All these reasons made me support them. Even though I’m busy at work, I spent time to find their news, translated into English in order to give the latest information to all of you. Please support them, especially SY so that more people like her.

Like standingtallyy, Sorry for my long post….

We remembered it's a part of WGM which WY recorded a birthday video for SY's birthday. WY didn't have any make up in this video. If he made for WGM, he should make up and show his dancing or singing skill. The fact is no, he invited some of their friends and produced this video by himself. Please see SY's reactions when she watched it. It's a big different between WY and other friends. She concerned WY's birthday message very much. If you are YY friends, you will understand my comment..... 

Happy weekend, my YY friends

Edited by wingting
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@elfart - thanks for the post. Hmm, so wy won't allow his 2pm Brothers to go his house but gf can?? 

@wingting- enjoy your long post. So I was right, sy was filming drama. She don't look the type to frequent bars etc. saw the bbq eatery she went to cos the owner posted her signature- very ordinary, almost like what the every day man will go, very open, no private rooms etc. wouldn't expect a celebrity to go this small restaurant 

Edited by Gerry58
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Good day Chinggus :D weekend weather is gonna be hot in my part of the world. I think we are beginning to have an early taste of summer B)

But @elfart's posting is hotter! Dating plan for Christmas Wooyoung? I'm sure, someone we know will be glad to grant you that wish :wub:

@wingting thank you for enjoying my posting, likewise here, I do enjoy reading yours, and EVERYONE of course :wub:. The actress I'm referring to is from Seyoung's previous agency.


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@standingtallyy- the price of fame. Everything you do and say gets scrutinized. The actress you mentioned  already got bad publicity cos of dating scandal. There were evidence but they denied. Usually they lay low for a while- there were no news except she went fashion show and had fan meeting overseas. I think it is media play- so she can win some sympathy as she wants to make a comeback. If u delay too long, u get replaced seeing that there are so many young and new starlets waiting 

Sy is smart, she doesn't post much, cos u reveal too much of your personal life, can create envy- eg going Europe and enjoying expensive food (that's what some stars post).

Also she doesn't have many guy friends esp idols- they have possessive fans. Even with male actors, she is careful of her behavior cos now there are so many cameras. 

Also she is not ambitious to become A lister, she just want to act and be good at her work- that's why we love her

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@Gerry58 So true. It all boils down to what motivates them. I know that majority of the K-entertainment A-listers come from humble backgrounds.Of course, main focus is to be famous and get rich! But the higher their celebrity status become, they have forgotten the values and the humility, they get high on the glitz and glamour and unfortunately, they get into a situation where they ask themselves, "Can I afford to let go of the luxurious lifestyle I am living now?" And answer it with,"Oh well, what the heck, I can date after two years, this millions of ₩on worth of contract is too big to let go." That's why there's a lot of (soon to be spinsters) actresses getting paired with much younger actors in dramas nowadays...and a lot of them suffer from  depression. Because the real question some high profile celebrity fail or avoid to ask themselves is, "Am I happy?"...because they know what the REAL answer is.

I had a private discussion with another YY fan and totally agree with what she said, if Park Seyoung's ex-label mate and supposed to be a friend(?) was sensitive of Seyoung's plight (agency dispute), why would she make a media release on how well she is treated and looked after hence she renewed her contract,announcing it simply would have been enough. We felt, she added insult to Seyoung's injury. It may have proved my theory correct, that if Seyoung followed everything the previous agency told her to do --- she would have become a much bigger star than she is now. But thanks to them, Seyoung got to work with respected actresses and (good-looking) actors.And of course, WOOYOUNG & SEYOUNG met, they (agency) just didn't expect what was coming though...and totally misjudged Seyoung.Now they know, they messed with the wrong girl.  :)

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