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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Guest I_Sarang



hi guys...
just want to share with u guys after recovery my feeling bout yy... wy is really make me sad after his ig bout that song..i even dun want to open sns bout them coz will make me miss them more...
i even think being shipper really hard n maybe i should move on from them n just adore them as an individual coz i like wooyoung n park se young too not only as a couple..

but really tq to my best fren.. when i hang out with her i told her that lately i ship a couple in kpop n wish them to be 2gether..
she said... so?.. whats wrong with that ? i even really want bella swan n jacob black being together in real life (character in twilight)...
i just lol.. i said its different feeling.. coz i like them so much..so i'll be really sad if they r not end up 2gether..
she ask me why ?.. just adore them.. why sad.. if ther r not.. so what ? u dun even know them.. its just a show right..? just enjoy the show then move on like usual...
i said i cant coz i really love this 2 not only as a couple but also as individual...
she said u r being addict now.. move on girl...
i said i wish i can... 
she can't understand me but then she ask me.. so do you still believe they r 2gether ?
i said i dun know..
she said just choose one... there only 2 way believe or not...
i said i want to believe them
n she said then just believe ur feeling till the end..if u can't believe ur feeling how can u enjoy being their shipper.. just believe then.. by ur feeling...
i dun know why.. thats word its simple... but really open my mind bout being yy shipper.. i choose to believe my feeling...

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@emiells….kya….kya…this interview…maybe he will give some hint what he is thinking about love :
I make translate from your wooyoung interview cover : 愛に見返りを求めることは無意味だということを知った。
He was finding that : In love a demand to collateral  was knowing that it's meaningless.( sorry for my poor eng grammar)

Why wooyoung ah? 
maybe unni @jann17….or any chingu….make a comment of this interview?

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I make translate from your wooyoung interview cover : 愛に見返りを求めることは無意味だということを知った。
He was finding that : In love a demand to collateral  was knowing that it's meaningless.( sorry for my poor eng grammar)
Me : I think….wooyoung want to say…when we love somebody it's meaningless if we think to return it back ??? or assurance request for love?
Make me think hard  8-} 8-}

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Guest amore00777

I make translate from your wooyoung interview cover : 愛に見返りを求めることは無意味だということを知った。

He was finding that : In love a demand to collateral  was knowing that it's meaningless.( sorry for my poor eng grammar)

Me : I think….wooyoung want to say…when we love somebody it's meaningless if we think to return it back ??? or assurance request for love?

Make me think hard 

8-} 8-}

I think It means that he knows love don't need any price. He doesn't want to demand anything.

This is what I am thinking


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aew_aew_aew said: T_T
It's very not fair for our couple T_______________T

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aew_aew_aew said: T_T
It's very not fair for our couple T_______________T

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not really surprised  about mbc action 
they only seek for money and how to promote their current couple 
so mbc i think i have never hated any thing like i hate you right now X( X( X(
i want say more but let's keep it clean and nice for our couple 
(no offense to the shipper of any other couple ) but our couple is the best bcz simply they are the most real ,loving  couple 
so ,mbc do what you want  we are more than a title and a prize 
now i need some cack :-B

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Hmmm....i am not surprised with the lack of fairness from mbc to 2young...they hv always been the underdog...i keep rolling my eyes...so i m not disappointed coz it was so so expected. When was mbc ever supportive? Beginning from their airtime until the cooking challenge...let me count the ways...Maybe someone in mbc has a huge crush on wy or sy and doesnt wanna see them together..lol

But i hope all this unfairness only makes our couple stronger...coz love requires no awards...some handsomest pairs of lovers also fall apart...i would rather they are real although out of radar...they dont need popularity to stay in love as long as they love each other n are loved by each other's families. It would hv just been a bonus to see them together, that's all...

Stay strong everyone...we know who is number one in our hearts right?

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Ho Ho Ho  :D 
Stay healthy YY Nation, don't catch a cold!!  I hope some one can share new Wooyoung Japanese Interview. 
@emiells @alilla Thank you sharing with us.. I'm trying translate from babylon
'It knew that it was meaningless to demand a reward from love.'


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dear @I_Sarang i'm happy my post can help u.. that word really help me too.. believe ur feeling till the end...so now i can be back as a happy shipper :)

dear @liestiana @missauditor why his pic lately make me feel he is now become more mature or older n his eyes is more calm...

dear @emiells and all... i remember back then one of our yy shipper told us that we can't only count the polling coz the winner its not only based on the online poling its complicated... its really make us frustrated coz if the winner is yy we can see them again onscreen but i think our couple dun need that coz they r now on the different phase.. they r not virtual couple that need promotion coz they r now real couple that need to be careful n stay away from public attention.. coz its a big secret :D

remember guys he said it by his own mouth:"SECRETLY" ;)
be happy guys... :x

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