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Chilbong/Yoo Yeon Seok's Fan Project (Updated with book video)

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The purpose of Activity 4 was to create this awesome puzzle. Thank you @JunnieZa for creating it! Have fun guys! The words that is mix in the puzzle are the words that you guys have mentioned. (This includes FB, Soompi, Twitter, Tumblr responses) This puzzle will be in the project book. (Note: As stated on Pg 11 in the project thread, Activity 4 is closed but for all the late submissions before this post, do not worry, we will still give you credit.)

Option: You guys can print it out, solve it, and post a picture of the result in spoiler tag! Or use photoshop to hi-light it. Whatever way will work...just have fun!

Here is the link to the picture. 
>> click here <<



1Aint Over
12Channel No 5
15Cucumber Mask
26Happy New Year
41Magic Eyes
42Major Leaguer
49Outdoor Gear
56Rich Owner Kim
57Rule of 10000
63Six-Pack Abs
70Tous Les Jours
75Yogi Berra
76Yonsei University

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Rules to participate:
1) All responses must be post in the project thread and it will be put under Ch. 5 – Life Lessons from Chilbong.
2) What to include:
- How you plan to apply these lessons in your everyday lives or how you have already used these lessons in your everyday lives.
- Name, and country


Chilbong's 10,000 hours of hard work made me realize that I should work hard toward my goal. From now on, I will always put effort into everything that I do. My goal is to be a teacher who students can learn from and rely on.

Chilbong never gave up even when life was hard. I never gave up on my studies even though I was stuggling with my classes and juggling a full-time job.

Chilbong taught me how to become a forgiving person. I forgave someone who hurt me.

We look forward to your answers! This activity closes in 3 days!

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Guest pompango

Chilbong's optimism made me realize that even though life sucks sometimes, it will get better and I'll move on. I remind myself this when I struggle with my school work and when I struggle with low points in my life, Chilbong's efforts inspire me to do the same.

Tracy, USA

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Chilbong make me believe that miracle of hardwork and 10.000 hours rule are really exist. I'm failed in taking the entrance exam two times and I almost gave up. But after I saw Chilbong's spirit, I decide to not give up and I'm going to take the test again.

Irene, Indonesia

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Guest lightingstar

Chilbong's lesson: Sometimes, even you have tried hard, even you have given 10,000 hour keep making effort, but if it is necessary, you still need to give up. It is sad, but it is truly right and it is what life is. 
However it is not the fact that you give up but what you do after giving up is important. Giving up doesnt mean you stop but start a new beginging, you will somehow find a new way to continue without hurting yourself and others. It is especially true in love, you cant force your heart or anyone's heart do what your brain wants. Similarly, if even you have tried 10,000 hours rule but the result is still unlike what you expect, just give up, take a rest and think about it, "ok, this is not for me, let try another one".  
This lesson reminds me about a fable story of a fly. He gets in a room through an opened glass window. Then the window is closed but because of the transparency of glass, the fly thought it was still open. The fly wants to get out of the room so he flies straight forward to the window and hit the window so hard, he cant escape anymore. He tries once again, and once again, gets hit. He just keeps trying until he gets exhauted and dies. Fool the fly, if he gives up after trying some times, calms down and looks around,  he will see the door is open and he can get out by this way. Thus, the rule "never give up" is not necessary always true, sometimes you need to know how and when to "give up".
I find myself a determined and stubborn person and strongly affected by the rule "never give up". I'm studying science so my life accompanies with many experiments and testings, so does many failures. Once I meet failure, I stop and try to figure out the reason, then I re-try the experiment. But sometimes, this process doesnt work and I get mad and under many pressure and stress. Now I learn that, may be I should give up sometimes and reconsider my first hypothesis, may be the hypothesis from the begining is not right at all, so stop blaming the experiment process but restart from the hypothesis.
Ok that's all, it is a little bit long but it is truly one of many lessons I learn from Chilbong :)

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Activity 5!
(We are still accepting answers for Activity 5)
You can either answer the question or just pick your favorite quote or do BOTH!) :D
In addition to ^ this banner... we want to know which quote that revolves around Chilbong is your favorite!
Please do not forget to include your name, and country!

1Because I was lonely I missed her, and because I missed her I was lonelier.
2It isn't over till it's over. But if it's a game that has no end, I have to end it myself. If it's something that 10,000 hours of heartache can't achieve, then for her sake, I have to lay my heart down. I have to begin the end.
3Another reason why Fate is cruel and strong: timing you can't predict. This is how Fate is cruel.
4Effort isn't seen-what people see is only the result. That's why other people's success might get called genius or luck
5I believe victory as a team is more important rather than my individual success. I would like to contribute to my team's victory.
6It is said that in order to achieve success in one field, ten thousand hours are required. The ten-thousand-hour rule. For Mozart and the Beatles and Steve Jobs and Kim Yuna, it wasn't an innate genius or good luck that created their success, but the effort and pain of more than ten thousand hours of work.
7In order to achieve that accomplishment, you can't wait for an innate something to show up or a stroke of luck-you have to work hard and try and suffer till the very end. It ain't over 'til it's over."
8Life starts at the end of the 9th inning, with two outs!
9Dreams always drive me and cause me to change. But what drives and changes me even more than that is the rival I meet at the corner on my way to those dreams

OPTIONAL: You can explain why the quote is your favorite. :)

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The deadline for Chilbongie Project is just around the corner.. Have you send us your submission already?

If not, no worries.. We still have few more days to go and one survey for your to have fun with. We want to hear from you on your fave YYS's drama or movies. In each category, you are allowed to choose up to 3 dramas or movies. You can write down a message as well at the end of this survey.

This survey will go under Chap 7, a message for YYS. Hope the survey will help you kicking some new ideas for the project.

Click the link below to do the survey


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a bit hard to answer activity 6 as currently I've only watched YYS in Reply 1994 and don't consider it as one my fave drama(still have  love and hate feelings towards it)  but wuri Chilbongie  is the best thing coming out of it

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the best 3 are :
1. Reply 1994 :
 because i knew chilbong first than Yeon seok, and fall in love with Chilbong first. I didn't knew about him and didn't knew his real name before, although i have him in my laptop ( warewolf boy but i didn't noticed him after i watched R.1994) and in Gu family book i knew him but still didn't interest and didn't know his real name.
after i knew him because of Chilbong, then i watched his past project and i choose :
2. Re-encounter ( actually i more like indie movie and  he was great in this movie )
3. Hoya 

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Guest tiffanyndo

YYS/CB International Fan Project Update!

Hi everyone. Here is the sneak peak of the outside covers and the chapter covers. This is taken from the 1st draft of the book, so there are are a lot of small things that need to be fixed (especially the coloring), but hopefully it can give you a general idea how the book will look like.


If you have any concern and question about this, please kindly PM me. ^^

Our deadline, February 14th, is close by already. I know that everyone is busy to prepare for your Valentine date, but please don't forget to submit your messages/fan arts if you haven't done so :"D

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1) This will go under Chapter 2 - First Impression of Chilbong.
2) Post the answers on the project thread
3) What to include: The answer! A, B, C, D, or E? Name and country!
4) Option: You can write an extra comment!

REMINDER: February 14 is the DEADLINE for the project! Please remember to send in your submissions
before the deadline ^^ If you have already sent us the submissions, thank you for participating! Make sure
 you receive a reply from the Chilbongie project team to confirm that your submission has been received.

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My answer will be E. none of the above and a slight leaning to D.

Previously I have watched Reply 1997 and like it so much that  I know I will be watching Reply 1994 too, though I am not impressed from the  initial view of the casts. I watched it 6 episodes late from the initial broadcast and by that time I have already prepared  to like Oppa as I knew he will be the main lead alongside Go Ara who is the only face I knew from the main cast. I have never had a second lead syndrome from any previous dramas I have watched. The first time Chilbongie came out in with his huge smile at breakfast, I didn't pay any attention to him as I relegate him to any other cast such as Hae Tae and Samcheopo. He has a sweet smile and that's it. But then came episode 7 that give such a turnaround and his consistent  character after that just makes me love Chilbongie more and more. By then, I have rewatched his scenes so many time  prior to episode 7 and I loved all of it. No turning back for me then. Only Chilbongie.

Sarafina, Malaysia

@kaylanurul   ...it's okay. I have been a bad fan for not watching yet his other works except the Born too Sing cut which I loved.

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sara2908 said:


My answer will be E. none of the above and a slight leaning to D.

Previously I have watched Reply 1997 and like it so much that  I know I will be watching Reply 1994 too, though I am not impressed from the  initial view of the casts. I watched it 6 episodes late from the initial broadcast and by that time I have already prepared  to like Oppa as I knew he will be the main lead alongside Go Ara who is the only face I knew from the main cast. I have never had a second lead syndrome from any previous dramas I have watched. The first time Chilbongie came out in with his huge smile at breakfast, I didn't pay any attention to him as I relegate him to any other cast such as Hae Tae and Samcheopo. He has a sweet smile and that's it. But then came episode 7 that give such a turnaround and his consistent  character after that just makes me love Chilbongie more and more. By then, I have rewatched his scenes so many time  prior to episode 7 and I loved all of it. No turning back for me then. Only Chilbongie.

Sarafina, Malaysia

@kaylanurul   ...it's okay. I have been a bad fan for not watching yet his other works except the Born too Sing cut which I loved.

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