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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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I'm Korean, and I've been a huge fan of 1n2d season 3 since the first episode, and been lurking here for a while...

Decided to delurk because Gutaengi Hyung appeared in my dream (don't know why, must have been because I've been rewatching 1n2d again)

Actually it was funny, in the dream he fixed the front gate of his house (it was broken, so he got a new one installed) and opened it wide...

I'm hoping it's an omen that he's going to come back, but not getting my hopes up too much, don't want to be disappointed...

Neways, as a Korean I just wanted to say something to the int'l fans about the Harbin trip...

Last time I saw someone mention that the Chinese fans were not happy about what the program said about Chinese food being too greasy, so I just wanted to say something in their defence...

The thing is, Chinese food is a little too rich for Korean people, and when you have such rich food over and over again, you are bound to find it's too much.

And for Koreans, a popular way to counteract greasy food is by eating something spicy (like ramyeon or kimchi), that's why they were clamoring for ramyeon...

Of course, some people might think ramyeon is greasy too, but we think of it more as spicy than greasy...

And the reason why they were eating that black ramyeon instead of the spicy ramyeon is I think because of PPL.

(in case you're not familiar with PPL, it's Product Placement and a kind of indirect advertising, companies pay for their products to be shown on the program)

It must have cost a fortune to go to Harbin, so I think they received money from sponsors and that's why they had to show those products,

like the chips they were eating at the airport, their pocket money was definitely not enough for them to buy so many packets of chips but they were all eating it and praising it,

which makes me think it was also PPL.

Neways, hope the Chinese fans were not too offended about that...

Am glad the program's doing well, and am wishing all the best for the members, going back to lurk again...

Sorry for the extremely long post....




PS. about HHJ, I also hate her so I'm not going to watch the next two episodes (a first for me, I've watched the other episodes like five times each)

To explain about that situation, her problem is not that she didn't apologize for her brother, the situation is briefly this:

Her brother bullied a boy while in the army to such an extent that the boy killed himself, then he refused to apologize or acknowledge it,

then the parents of the victim boy went public with the story and there were several articles about it,

but HHJ's agency had those articles taken down, and instead flooded the internet with hundreds of articles about how she saved a deer on the road

That's why she is called Deer Mom (sarcastically) among many Koreans.

And because of that, the parents of the victim could not get any form of justice, and I feel for them because my brother is also about to go to the army,

and if he meets someone like HHJ's brother there and something similar happened to him, I would really really freak out.


Edited by lsylvia
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48 minutes ago, lsylvia said:


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PS. about HHJ, I also hate her so I'm not going to watch the next two episodes (a first for me, I've watched the other episodes like five times each)

To explain about that situation, her problem is not that she didn't apologize for her brother, the situation is briefly this:

Her brother bullied a boy while in the army to such an extent that the boy killed himself, then he refused to apologize or acknowledge it,

then the parents of the victim boy went public with the story and there were several articles about it,

but HHJ's agency had those articles taken down, and instead flooded the internet with hundreds of articles about how she saved a deer on the road

That's why she is called Deer Mom (sarcastically) among many Koreans.

And because of that, the parents of the victim could not get any form of justice, and I feel for them because my brother is also about to go to the army,

and if he meets someone like HHJ's brother there and something similar happened to him, I would really really freak out.



hi there,im just state my own opinion,how can a human being hate people for a long time.Maybe we are t0 perception about people and think that we are the hero of community.We want justice but we are to judgemental.I dont like how netizen in korea hate people based on the article.They judgemental and sometimes overreacted.I think many celebrity tend to kill her/himself because of perception by netizen but WHO's will take responsible?netizen?no because they are just the keyboard warrior with 0% guilty.

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4 hours ago, jayne1874 said:

I know I am the minority here, but Han Hyo Joo never really pique my interest. Other than she's pretty. But hey, anything for 1N2D. If they're happy, I'm happy too.

jayne1874 I feel the same way.. :)

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Guest chocmagma

Hello members! :love:

Last night I managed to watch the latest episode before going to bed. HAHAHA so funny I cannot stop laughing! I really really really love washing feet ceremony. It was funny yet a heartwarming washing feet ceremony. They have so many things to be thankful and apologise for. Defconn-Junho's moments, gahhhh so funny! They're like two kids fighting over something trivial lol. Junho promised not to mention the two words: Worrisome Pig, and Motae Solo but he ended up mentioning them non stop HAHAHA!




And as one of the fans, I really wanna thank every members for not leaving and I hope we can stay together till the end. 2D1N manse! \^_^/

  • [+187, -2] Crayfish PD: “It’s was SUUUUUUUU~CH a great idea” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I love his tone.


I also love the scene when Yoo PD said after done with washing, they have to kiss each other's foot :joy:


Also, how they team up to make Jongmin drives:


5 hours ago, jayne1874 said:

I know I am the minority here, but Han Hyo Joo never really pique my interest. Other than she's pretty. But hey, anything for 1N2D. If they're happy, I'm happy too.

I'm not her fan but I like her acting in Shining Inheritance.

But so long as the members are happy, I'm happy too :kiss_wink:

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Guest pink_dolphins

The members are all smiling so i'm cool with her guesting in 1n2d. Just like what others said I hope the ratings won't suffer because of her bro's scandal though. Honestly I still like her. She is her own person apart from her family. :)

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I only learn or discover variety shows, movies, celebrities and k music through this show so I only know HHJ because of the members. I think Yoo PD is aware of the issue, and anyone would ask, why would the production take a risk knowing Koreans' reaction towards her (only learn recently about her 'issue')? I'm not in the position to call the viewers out re their stand on the issue, but I'm really curious what the production will do next week. I mean, Yoo PD stood by Junho despite the slack Junho received online last year because of his issue. I think they also considered the issue hounding around HHJ, so it makes me more curious about the turn out of next week's episode. :)

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The latest episode gave me laugh and also gave such a touching moments during washing feet ceremony when they expressed what they feel sorry and thankful for. It started awkward with Defconn-KJM, then turn into random confession about the blind date with KJM-JJY, then heartfelt moment with JJY-CTH when JJY said he's so thankful that CTH always being next to him and CTH-KJH when CTH said he's thankful that KJH stay in the show after the scandal and they ended it with big laugh with KJH-Defconn because KJH just couldn't stop teasing Defconn even though he promised he would stop. :joy: I'm also thankful that KJH chose to stay and Yoo PD stood by him during the scandal. He's the only comedian in the show and he always know how to bring laugh with everything he say and do. These guys are the best with their brotherhood. They could fight and mad at each other like KJH to Defconn in Harbin just like best friends/brothers do, but it never last long. I hope they can stay together as long as possible. Oh and let's keep the tradition, JJY has to be the one who dunk into the water first next year too. :D Last week, KJM vs AlphaO was the highest ratings moment, this week, it's when JJY dunk into the water (http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000593778&lfrom=twitter)

The "drop the towel" game was also funny. The crew were worried the game would end up as a non-event because everyone dropped their towel into KJH's tent, but CTH saved it with his scheme. Everyone tried to protect their room/tent except KJH. JJY protected his room with blocking the door with his body looked like a scene from a suspense/crime/mystery movie lol, plus he looked terrified while hugging his pillow made it even more real. However, except KJH who got some sleep and would stay sleep if CTH didn't wake him up, the rest of them had to stay up all night and I feel bad for them. They didn't have proper rest for more than 24 hours. The members and crew have such a strong dedication for this show, so I'm glad their hard work is paid off with the ratings.

@lsylvia Oh you're Korean? Welcome. Feel free to join our discussion here and not just lurking. It'll be nice to have Korean and we can ask things in the show from Korean's perspective since we all here are foreigner who obviously don't know much outside what we read in translated articles. I know the chips they ate in the airport was PPL because they didn't blur the brand, but they blurred other brand's chips that JJY ate. I'm used to with PPL because every TV show here in my country always have it. I'm thankful for the sponsors who's willing to pay for 1N2D's trip to Harbin and that gave us a memorable and legendary episode.

When will K-Pop Star's final episode? Is it next Sunday? If it is, that's also can give a direct effect to 1N2D's ratings, right? So Han Hyo Joo's appearance won't be the only thing that affect the ratings. I'm with @Sujin-a. I have no say in Koreans' opinion about her, but I will just trust Yoo PD's decision and see how it will turn out.

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10 hours ago, lsylvia said:


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PS. about HHJ, I also hate her so I'm not going to watch the next two episodes (a first for me, I've watched the other episodes like five times each)

To explain about that situation, her problem is not that she didn't apologize for her brother, the situation is briefly this:

Her brother bullied a boy while in the army to such an extent that the boy killed himself, then he refused to apologize or acknowledge it,

then the parents of the victim boy went public with the story and there were several articles about it,

but HHJ's agency had those articles taken down, and instead flooded the internet with hundreds of articles about how she saved a deer on the road

That's why she is called Deer Mom (sarcastically) among many Koreans.

And because of that, the parents of the victim could not get any form of justice, and I feel for them because my brother is also about to go to the army,

and if he meets someone like HHJ's brother there and something similar happened to him, I would really really freak out.



Wa, I've just heard that story. But still, I can't say I hate HHJ. So, I'm gonna watch it. I can't wait to see the members faces when they meet HHJ. Hehe

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Oops!! I'm so sorry to hear about HHJ's story. Me too.. just heard about it :cry:

Looking at the bright side.. No matter what.. we enjoy watching 2D1N not only because of cast, but also the programme and the hardwork of the team. They'll make us laugh at just about anything. Its a remedy for our stressful life sometimes..

All my Chingu here.. cheer up .. kekeke..  ^_^

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@lsylvia Please feel free to delurk. Thanks also for your input regarding the Harbin episode. 

As it relates to the HHJ situation, I've been following up on it since it happened that time. I can understand why some people feel so strongly towards her because from what I've noticed, Koreans take family responsibility very seriously. Her lack of comment on the issue seems to imply 'silence means consent'. On the other hand, it's her family and her father as her authority surely wouldn't allow her to go talk to the media about it. Although I understand the feelings, I cannot accept persecuting one person for an action done by their family member, over which they had no control. I hope that persons will be more forgiving. 

It was an accidental meeting based on the teaser and she ended up joining them. The boys were happy and as long as they're happy I'm perfectly fine. I'll be looking forward to the episode while mentally preparing myself for a possible drop in ratings. 

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@montanari feel free to ask anything, I'll delurk to answer any questions about the Korean perspective to the best of my ability, though I'm no expert in Korean things...

@Arhazivory according to the article I've read, Yu PD staged the accidental meeting as a candid camera thing to trick the members, he actually invited her to join the shooting from way back but asked her to pretend to be surprised to see them, Yu PD really planned this thing from beginning to end for the members, I'm glad at least they are happy.

I don't think the ratings will suffer, 1n2d always did well with guests, and it's only people like me who don't like her (like I said, it's too close to me because my baby brother's soon going to enlist) and a lot of people are not even aware of the situation because it was hushed up so quickly, and her fans will watch it of course, so don't worry about the ratings

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I never really understand the army thingy since I don't hv this in my country, but I surely understand your concern and worry about your brother. I heard that celebrity get hate if they try to escape from it,I also heard that some how joon young don't need to enlist in the army :huh: that's all I know.


Edited by magmrna
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10 hours ago, lsylvia said:

@montanari feel free to ask anything, I'll delurk to answer any questions about the Korean perspective to the best of my ability, though I'm no expert in Korean things...

@Arhazivory according to the article I've read, Yu PD staged the accidental meeting as a candid camera thing to trick the members, he actually invited her to join the shooting from way back but asked her to pretend to be surprised to see them, Yu PD really planned this thing from beginning to end for the members, I'm glad at least they are happy.

I don't think the ratings will suffer, 1n2d always did well with guests, and it's only people like me who don't like her (like I said, it's too close to me because my baby brother's soon going to enlist) and a lot of people are not even aware of the situation because it was hushed up so quickly, and her fans will watch it of course, so don't worry about the ratings

im not angry or anyhing.I just hope we move on and please support 2d1n because it quite make me concern about rating and HHJ perception but i hope it will turn positive.@isylvia are you really korean?Its nice to hear more opinion and share many information and suggestion regarding 2d1n here.



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Guest pink_dolphins

I have a question... :sweatingbullets: what is the literal meaning of 'il-ba-il'??? - I mean i keep hearing it but it is 3 syllables which doesn't go along in the title '1 night 2 days' which has 4 words.... :blink: 

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14 minutes ago, pink_dolphins said:

I have a question... :sweatingbullets: what is the literal meaning of 'il-ba-il'??? - I mean i keep hearing it but it is 3 syllables which doesn't go along in the title '1 night 2 days' which has 4 words.... :blink: 

It's ilbak iil. 

1 night,2 days. il= 1 i=2. Correct me if  wrong :) some pronounce it as how it is spelt,but some just go with /ibagil/ aheeee. The /R/ character in korean is pronounced between /r/ and /l/ like curling up your tongue that' why it's not obvious /r/ or /l/. And the /G/ sounds between /k/ and /g/. 

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I hope PD Inseok's show does well too. Female variety shows are not very popular so I'd love to see one that breaks that mold. And I also feel like they're part of the 1N2D family thanks to PD Inseok. :D

9 hours ago, Sujin-a said:

It's ilbak iil. 

1 night,2 days. il= 1 i=2. Correct me if  wrong :) some pronounce it as how it is spelt,but some just go with /ibagil/ aheeee. The /R/ character in korean is pronounced between /r/ and /l/ like curling up your tongue that' why it's not obvious /r/ or /l/. And the /G/ sounds between /k/ and /g/. 


I don't know Korean but I can endorse what you are saying based on the many years I've watched this show. 

il(1)  bak(night)  i(2)  il(days)

I think our new Korean friend can help us out with this one. Delurk~ :D

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Delurking, as requested :D

Korean is a really complex language but at the same time really easy and comfortable once you get the hang of it

1박2일 (or 일박이일 in Korean) would be romanized as Il Bak Yi Il, but when you actually say it without emphasizing each syllable, you would say it comfortably as Il ba gi il, because a rule of pronunciation in Korean is that, in pronouncing the lower or supportive letter of a syllable (like in 일박이일 there are three lower letters or 받침, which are ㄹ under 이, ㄱ under 바 and ㄹ under 이 again, I know it's really confusing, sorry about that), when a lower letter comes before a vowel, the lower letter can be pronounced together with the vowel that comes next, so the ㄱ (k or g) in 박 (bak) will go and join the 이 (yi) behind it, so it would be pronounced as 일바기일 (il ba gi il) instead of 일박이일 (il bak yi il) when you say it as one word.

Sorry for getting technical, I realize many of you probably cannot read Korean so all this will seem like gibberish, hope didn't confuse you more :sweatingbullets:

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Guest chocmagma

Hello members! :blush:

Wow Inseok PD looks so smart and handsome there! He he he. I hope his show will do well too. Fighting Inseok PD! \^_^/

Thank you @Sujin-a @Arhazivory and @lsylvia for the explanation! I learnt something new today :wink: Yeah lsylvia, its quite technical and I really dont understand it at first, but I read again slowly and now I understand :)

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