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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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I don't know why  but im scared at the end of the drama that YJ will die because of her ex boyfriend Ahn Do hoon he is going to protect himself and  in melo drama its always like that fashion king for example is a good example he died at the end and i was so shocked and sad ! 

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-_JiYeon_- said: I don't know why  but im scared at the end of the drama that YJ will die because of her ex boyfriend Ahn Do hoon he is going to protect himself and  in melo drama its always like that fashion king for example is a good example he died at the end and i was so shocked and sad ! 

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Has this been posted yet? So sweet of Ji Sung's fans:


Re Fashion King - hope you won't mind my saying something about this even though I never watched it :) Although I watch very few K-dramas, I enjoy reading what others have to say about dramas. Based on what we have seen so far - writers of FK 2/10  writers of Secret 9.5/10 (depends on how Secret ends, a 10/10 if YJ and MH end up happily together with baby San)
On second thought, maybe I should watch FK first before giving my opinion because there are some people who have dismissed Secret based on what (a) they have seen of a couple of early episodes or (B) based on what others wrote.

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As far as the receipt.

My guess:

It is time stamped at a place nearby, so she knows DH was with him then?

@jomo143 I don't know if this has been answered already.

I believe the receipt is for the hospital bill. She must have realized that MH payed for it.

Edit : actually strike that. I read the other comments and looks like I'm way off base.

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Guest secret274

@jomo143 I don't know if this has been answered already.

I believe the receipt is for the hospital bill. She must have realized that MH payed for it.


That's what I thought at first but a lot of people said its sth related to YJ 's dad and what proves their point is that: it was the jacket that he wore on the day of his death and correct me if I am wrong when YJ went to the hospital she wasn't wearing it and it makes no sense that MH stuffed the receipt in the pockets of the jacket so its probably food or sth that DH bought for her dad before finishing him

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Guest secret274


I have never watched it but some say its not that bad .....you are totally right you shouldn't be influenced by what other viewers say it happend with me with master's sun people kept saying really negative reviews about it saying its boring but when I forced my self to watch it I was hooked from the first episode .....I am not a big fan of watchin melo that ends with the death of sb I didn't even watch innocent man until I was sure it had a happy ending

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annyeong chingus...
i am still doing my chocolate cookies BUT with a restless heartbasically...when he asked YJ,what have u done...i really hope that qns is a wake up call for YJI THINK SHE NEED SOMEONE TO SHOUT AT HER EARS SO THAT IT REGISTER ON HER MIND THAT SHE HAS DONE SUCH A STUPID MISTAKE IN HER LIFE...a mistake that lead her to all the sufferings...
u knw..while waiting for my cookies to be ready in the oven i rewatch the episodes again...all along YJ has not even once thinking...hey..what have i done???she is like a walking zombie who suffers,lead by DH,pathetic with no self respect...of cos..no doubt she is a strong person cos she has endure all the humiliation that everyone had caused..MH..MH's stepmother,SY,JH's mum...and even DH and his mum...i have read comments in one of the web where i watch the episodes..they were fuming with anger over MH...well..of cos i don't say it was wrong for them to be angry BUT..i think...we should not see things just as it is..we must really think why and what is the outcome of MH being like that..
basically..i am sure i might appear as MH's biased cos i really like him in this drama..i like his character even though he may appear as cruel to most of the viewers...
but...if we think abt it back...if MH is not like that,what do u think will be the reason for YJ to open her eyes to reality and not just follow her good,naive heart??in his seeking for justice,indirectly he is seeking for YJ's rights...yes..he started of with hatred but if his intention is to just revenge,he can just leave her to die...he may say that if she die early it was not fun but who knows he is saying that to cover his own intuition or listening to his heart that keep telling him that hey,there must be more than this...u know sometimes human has that kind of instinct?
i guess with him doing this to YJ,he is pressuring her to give up her stubborn heart..yes she may love DH but she must remember that she has her own pride to protect....
i do hope that in episode 9,YJ will actually turn to MH to help her investigate her father's death..cos,at the moment,she has no more to hide even though she didn't really say it through her own mouth that DH is the culprit..remember what that bad guy said to MH??he can let it go once BUT NEVER TWICE...so...i pray the same for YJ...once is enough..please don't giv him the chance to repeat it another time...
regardless what,i hope MH will be the one who help her find her self..and make her stand in life again..they need each other cos obviously MH need YJ's pure heart to change and add new meaning to life...

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I think we all know DH is despicable which is why I don't even want to bother wasting my breath on him (and yeah, this character is worse than the one in 49 Days).  He's the one who hit the girl and left her to die so he's the reason MH is vengeful in the first place. And now it's clear that he feels no remorse for the life YJ lives because of him.

YJ is being an idiot. Even if I don't know that DH actually saw the body, at this point, I would absolute tell on his richard simmons right now. Yeah, let everyone know that he was driving too. I don't care if it means I committed perjury or they don't believe me.

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and when in ep 9 preview she was walking alone i hope she is doing a serious thinking abt herself..that...how come he still have the cheek to tell her that MH is going to tag him along since he laready knew that they are together....please YJ...that richardsimmons is trying to make u run all ur life for his benefits.....how long more u can run and will run?how far can u go??as long as DH is the one that u r trying to protect,ur heart is the one that will be badly hurt...
MH...EITHER U HELP HER AND I WILL FORGIVE UR non spiky,no gel HAIR or i will personally go there and hunt ur hairstylists....LOL

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@Pavlichenko - thanks for the info about the logo.  Let's hope hope hope for continued high ratings and a Secret special where all will be explained.
Watching the scene again when DH found JH's body ...
is there a possibility he thinks JH is already dead (honestly I am not trying to defend DH, he shouldn't have done what he did but if he didn't, then there wouldn't be a drama for us to enjoy)

and the Secret logo pops up after that scene (03:16) so there's a secret there - what?

 In the washroom - 00:49 - a teardrop from DH? Tears of remorse? Fear? What? http://youtu.be/czsrUFm_6cI

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Fashion King is an epic failure and I was laughing my brain's off at the end of that drama. I know Secrets is a dark mellow genre drama and a happy ending would be a miracle for us.. but I know MH will have a very deep and emotional love for YJ since she is a woman that he can't have or touch with his money and feeling (that is a soul murderer for his chaebol persona) so he will definitely grow an overwhelming obsession towards her.. that obsession, when it based on an unstoppable loving feeling (contain of a mixed feeling of care, compassion, protect, similar hurt, curiousity, wondering, anger and vendetta to DH) will be an extremely rough and curvy road full of sharp stones and dangerous intersections for him. When DH and SY join hands to attack him, things will be even more dangerous since both DH and SY are equally smart but evil. I just can't wait to watch the next 2 episodes of this heart breaking drama.. and as a mother, to lost a child is a total hell in life.. Both MH and YJ share the same unbearable pain that only they know how hurt it feels. I hope they can support each other and start over base on trust, emotional strength and most important.. LOVE.

This drama is no bullsheeet and I really enjoy and feel no waste on every tears that I dropped...

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Guest kfzahraa

lovelybluehoneyz.. said: oh yah....btw...did they show any SAN's ashes???for them they burnt their dead bodies right??didn't it occur to her that there isn't any ashes??or am i remembering it wrongly???or DID HE SAYS THAT HE THROW THE ASHES IN THE SEA??SORRY YA...i concentrated more on MH..HEHEEHEH...

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kfzahraa said: lovelybluehoneyz.. said: oh yah....btw...did they show any SAN's ashes???for them they burnt their dead bodies right??didn't it occur to her that there isn't any ashes??or am i remembering it wrongly???or DID HE SAYS THAT HE THROW THE ASHES IN THE SEA??SORRY YA...i concentrated more on MH..HEHEEHEH...

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