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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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7 minutes ago, pinsc said:

I'm glad that ji hyo came into a new company on time, before this mess happened, I liked their pronouncements as well. Seems like a good company.


Yes i totally agree, I'm also happy that she found a new agency before this mess happened, and I can't wait for her latest photoshoot to be released soon, she looks drop dead gorgeous


by the way guys, this is a beauty contest between the most beautiful stars in Asia, please vote for SJH whenever you have time, she is among the top contestants (like always) I want her to win the title :)

here is the liink: http://topm.vdfly.com/

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1 hour ago, pinsc said:

I'm glad that ji hyo came into a new company on time, before this mess happened, I liked their pronouncements as well. Seems like a good company.

It's her 10 year manager and long time staff who started this company exclusively for her (for the moment, idk if they will venture and recruit other people). 

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the coincidence of the last episode and the current events was mind boggling though. The last episode was entitled "united or divided" and they did make a real and serious decision of staying united. Wow, life has its way of making ironies and coincidences just unbelievable. Well that's life it has its own way of relating things :)

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11 hours ago, innis2 said:

lol, many people here wont like my post, but dont just blind hate to sbs guys, you need to see from both side ahahahaha (after i work and realise the richard simmons of real world ,dont know why but now i often saw problem from enemy side)

RM already have 6% rating for like more than 70 episodes, if this is others program, they will already axed it long time ago (you cant compare them to midnight show which 6% is already great, or other days show...cause its sunday night show which hope to get big ratings).... and dont say "its better stay 6% than they leave", cause you need MONEY to produce an episode ...

if im higher up and need to do something maybe i will decide to fired KJK & SJH too, because :

>SJH - she is kinda useless in many episode, sometimes she shines the most, but thats not often, and she kinda cant take care a guest (to makes the guest shine), even JSJ is doing more stable and better now

>KJK - his health maybe is the reason that they dont do intense running often, its a good thing that the PD is considerate to him but the episode maybe gonna be bored one...

maybe for KJK is better not to fired him, but give him a break to really heal his health, but if i want to fire them i definitely make a grand good bye episode to make it more meaningful and not like this mess



but after this mess, i hope if they really dating (hopefully) and going on public , knetz wont remind this mess again and backfire them by saying they fired from the show cause they dating =.=

i understand, but the problem is not WHY they fired KJK n SJH, but more about HOW they fired them

they only knew about the firing just a couple of days and hours before the announcement ? c'mon that's so disrespectful.....especially from a company as big as SBS

it's KJK and SJH, who along with the other members, work very hard from the early episodes for 7 years in RM

if you wanna fired someone who has been loyal and work hard for your company, then do it properly

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2 hours ago, pinsc said:

is this really true? :bawling::bawling::bawling:


She is much older than me but I feel very protective of her just like she's my baby...I just wish Running Man could end now. No more filming, no more awkwardness with the cast and PD. How will they film in the future knowing what had happened. She has stated before she doesn't open up to people easily (took her 1 year to speak comfortably with KJK, dunno about other members), but when she did, SBS just betrayed the trust she gave sincerely. 

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15 minutes ago, tuffygarcia said:


She is much older than me but I feel very protective of her just like she's my baby...I just wish Running Man could end now. No more filming, no more awkwardness with the cast and PD. How will they film in the future knowing what had happened. She has stated before she doesn't open up to people easily (took her 1 year to speak comfortably with KJK, dunno about other members), but when she did, SBS just betrayed the trust she gave sincerely. 

Yeah, I always thought that too, she's a more reserved person, and people like that always suffer alone, I feel so sad for her, until I cried reading this, I wanted her to seek comfort in her family and the other members of RM, Kook, for example, that was going through the same .. So sad to know she cried alone. I wish they had not convinced her to come back, you can tell that she's still hurt. Even being on running man for so long she still has a reserved and shy side. Also, she looks strong, but this past year she cried a lot, she's a sensitive person too, I remember the episodes with chen bolin and some on running man that she cried...

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Well i think this is the best ending because better to end the show with 6 members rather than keep going with season 2 with this negativity, hats off to kang ho dong for take a wise decission, no matter what the reason be it because of his friendship woth jong kook or playing safe at least he knew that enter running man will make him target from fans anger.

now about it's no strange about a company fired their employee that is correct , sbs have the right to fired jong kook, ji hyo or others members that they think not used anymore but what i want to underline here fans anger and unleashed is to sbs not because sbs fired jong kook and ji hyo, but how they handle that matter, i believe none of want when we work for so long for one company and we dedicated our time and mind to it but one day bam we got called from office that we are fired so for this matter i can understand jong kook and ji hyo feeling, so in the end fans getting angry because they knew how hard jong kook and ji hyo along other members for running man and sbs just fired jong kook and ji hyo just like that esp ji hyo wihout prior notice, for a big and respectable company like sbs this incident is like throw mud on their own face, so do not missunderstanding why fans in rage when they found out jong kook and ji hyo being fired with unprofessional manner, it's ok to gave lay off to employee but there is ethical rule how to do that.

about other members i think they were in shocked too with the fired of jong kook and ji hyo and dont know what to do esp jae suk i think since i heard he help persuade kang ho dong to joint running man not realized that two of his family being axed to make a way for ho dong, and i really proud and appreciate that all of them decide to stick together till the end, and i read lot comment why must in feb they ended the show, i think it's related to taiwan fm, and they must want to make sure crews of running man prepare themselves since i know it must be hard to look for another job, and i give standing ovation for ji hyo and jong kook who willing to come back untill the end and can imagine it's hard for them, and i still can feel ji hyo anger toward sbs based on her press release ( i assume she approve the statement through her agency ), i mean not every artist had gut to said what she said and both jong kook and ji hyo stated clearly they are doing it for the sake of other members and fans not for sbs, ironic that sbs put them down yet in the end they bow to them and called them back after throw them out.

last i really feel sad for ji hyo after read how she cry, isolated herself and unreachable ( cant contact her ), but i want to have positive and delulu mind that i think jong kook will be there for her, may be he is worry about her more than himself since she got the news from media, and i wonder how ji hyo can persuaded to come to that emergency meeting . . . 

i will watch running man till the end for support all members and hope pd can give beautiful closure for everyone because they all deserved that, be it members, crews and fans . . . wish these thread keep alive and keep give update about spartace . . 


note : my prediction about running man will end on feb is true just the how it end never occured in my mind so hope my other prediction about jong kook ji hyo are right too . . . 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Could you please translate this @bogummish ? http://www.mediaus.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=74463

This one says RM's decline is the production team's fault and not that of the cast. http://entermedia.co.kr/news/news_view.html?idx=6063

I am still enraged. Till now, we have been focusing on how they were fired. But now I want to talk about why they were fired. Like the K-article says, it is not the MCs who make or break a show. There are so many entertainers out there who have half the talent of any of the RM members, but the shows they are in have good PDs and writers who know how to highlight them. They have the capability to even make their weaknesses appear as strengths.

So we have to seriously think why it were just JK and JH who got the sack. It shows that at least the top brass thought their roles in the show had become redundant. Even after they were fired, more questions were raised about the unceremonious way in which they were fired than about why they were fired in the first place. That shows us something is really wrong which takes us to the lack of focus these two along with some of the others have been getting in RM for some time now. This show had an advantage over many other shows - it had a kickass female member. Yet down the years, she was reduced to just a love interest. I am reminded of the Dubai episodes where JH was left to play house on the beach while the scaredy cat members of the team were forced to do challenges that were too difficult for them. Yes, it is funny to see JS and KS get petrified doing a height mission, but as the member who loves heights, it was JH's day to shine. That she wasn't allowed to do even one of the height missions meant she missed out on the one chance she got after long to showcase her skills and personality. Yes, there may be female guests who are equally kickass, but finally a show has the responsibility to show its loyalty to its main members. With JH, what has impressed me is not that she has done these challenges which others find scary. What has impressed me is the sheer joy with which she does them. She got a Princess episode as a special, but that wasn't really about her skills as the ACE. JH proved her abilities as the ddakji queen recently, but then was there any follow up to that in a show which has many members good at the game? Why couldn't they go for another version of the ultimate ddakji? Why should JH be merely reduced to the "luckiest" one? Doesn't it show how talentless the writers are that they couldn't even make use of something right in front of their eyes? That JH, in her free time, continued to improve by herself at games which rarely featured on the show in its later years is such an irony!

Coming to KJK, it is true that the injuries he sustained as well as his own worsening health condition made it hard for him to be the Commander he was in the early days of the show. Yet he was stronger than 70-80% of the men who came as guests on the show for the past 7 years. When fans used to complain about JK not getting even one special during these 7 years, I used to feel that he was the kind of guy who didn't need a special. After all, as he himself joked, he had the ability to destroy any special. But now I realise that it was important for the team to take care of JK more. Many of the RM viewers blame JK for the lack of athletic missions in the show and conveniently forget that whenever there has been a really difficult athletic mission, he has delivered and how! Instead of giving him humanly possible challenges which he could do, in recent episodes, he was saddled with things that may have been difficult even for a much younger him. Imagine having to beat 53 people in a row in arm wrestling! Imagine having to do a couple limbo mission where the height of the pole decreased each time he won (even with his bad back, he was the only one on his team who had the ability to do it) ! Imagine having to take down an MMA fighter in wrestling! Couldn't there have been missions which involved physical activity that weren't so taxing? Instead of food missions (recently, food missions don't even involve a mission - it is basically a food show) or random chat sessions, he should have been used to do missions that skilfully used the vast amounts of strength he still possessed. Otherwise, other aspects of his character as the Commander should have been highlighted. As we have been discussing recently, he is a singer with a wonderful voice. Like someone mentioned here, there was even a mission where he got the song wrong, but the PD made him sing again just to listen to his wonderful voice. Yet his singing (other than in the X-man episode last December where he blew everyone away with his soulful rendering of 'Just the way you are') was never highlighted. Yes, Jo Jung Seok has a wonderful voice and is a musical actor, but that the singer in the team who is a 3 time daesang winner gets cut off when he sings, shows how much value they gave him. When I used to watch him in TFS, I used to get the feeling that he was funnier and much more relaxed there compared to what I was seeing of him on RM. So, there were so many things he had that were never used on RM.

The other members have also suffered as a result of the lack of creativity in the format, but that these two were singled out for the sack indicates to me that they have been neglected the most. Their sad fate also indicates to me the decline of the concept behind Running Man. After all, it were the name-tag ripping missions in the beginning of the show that gave both of them their identities as Sparta and the Ace - the perfect chaser and the perfect runner. When running man was still about "running" n competitive missions and these two had been fired, can you imagine the kind of backlash there would have been? That there has not been much backlash about them being fired (yes, RM fans are furious at the members being fired, but they would have done it for any member), only the way in which they were fired, tells me many things have gone wrong with this show over the years - that almost 90% of the audience have accepted that the show is not about running any more.

I hope that once RM ends in Feb, they can join shows that truly respect their talents and know how to showcase them! I had really enjoyed JK's and KS' stint in 'Amazing Race China'. I would love to see these two on a show that is competitive or uses their other skills!

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Tha article abt SJH says that during the 3 days (from reading the news to emergency meeting) she took it really hard, she isolated herself and cut contact with people (i guess they mean she shut off her phone?) and cried. Artcile says she was already hurt by the departure of Gary and this was another emotional trauma for her

@athoughtcloud1 i can't type everything rn but first article is an opinion piece. Journalist says that the mistake the broadcaster made in cutting off members like that is underestimating the presence and reaction of international audieces since RM is the only korean variety program who has an international audience. Audiences demanded the program be stopped rather than going on with four. He also questions what were SBS thinking with season 2, it will only anger overseas fans some more since you have to consider their bond with all the members so if you want season 2 without the original members then you will have to change everything including the concept of the show, so it wont be RM anymore. He says it'svery difficult to make a grand picture of a second season that will satisfy everyone. He asks korean and overseas audiences to reconsider their appeal to finish (ban) RM completely. (as in, be open to a new season w new pple sometimes down the road so RM as a brand can survive i guess). He advises the producers to get help from experts and start listening to audiences including overseas.

PS: I dont really agree w that journalist, I can never connect w a season 2 without the 6 or 7 members alltogether. It's been 7 years and 329 eps and we remember all the events in every episode by heart, that's too deep a bond to move on from. Even worse if you're a spartace fan because you remember hundreds of details that the neutral RM fan never even paid attention to to begin with.


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Also abt the SJH article, no amount of apologies can fix this, not even friendship can fix it because she got humiliated as a celebrity and she will start being insecure abt keeping a job from now on. They truly did her dirty, way more than KJK. I'm just happy her manager and staff who know her so well started an agency just for her, because now it seems they dealt w the situation on their own as she was too shocked. And they did well, they were classy abt it and i now understand why they added "the relationship w SBS is still not good" after the emergency meeting, KJK agency didnt even talk abt it, but i guess SJH's side wanted to state clearly that she will be hurt for a long time about this.

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23 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Also abt the SJH article, no amount of apologies can fix this, not even friendship can fix it because she got humiliated as a celebrity and she will start being insecure abt keeping a job from now on. They truly did her dirty, way more than KJK. I'm just happy her manager and staff who know her so well started an agency just for her, because now it seems they dealt w the situation on their own as she was too shocked. And they did well, they were classy abt it and i now understand why they added "the relationship w SBS is still not good" after the emergency meeting, KJK agency didnt even talk abt it, but i guess SJH's side wanted to state clearly that she will be hurt for a long time about this.


But in the end they couldn't go on without either KJK or SJH and apologized and called them back begging them to stay until the end, so now she should just forget it, and take the backlach sbs got for their shameful acts as a testament to how loved, popular and cherished she is for the korean and international public and remember that everyone was on SJH's and KJK's side on the matter, and stood up for her, even the media heavily criticized the one behind it, I remember one article that said the apology that was officially given to them is not accepted, that showed that SBS and the ones behind it lost their reputation, their image was strained, and the public and media openly cursed, hated and humiliated SBS and the ones behind it. On the other hand SJH and KJK came out as hero's by how they handled this whole mess, created by one richard simmons person!

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A lot of opinion pieces are coming out now. This one journalist said RM producers were too greedy for their own good. They tried to start the YJS KHD combo by free riding on the RM name forgetting that RM isnt just the title of the show but the members. Just because the china doors closed, doesnt mean you can go to these le lengths. He also said it would have been better to announce tje end of RM and move on w YJS KHD combo under a new and different program.

Well, it is what it is now. I hope SJH gets help in dealing with her pain before filming starts again. Poor girl. 

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1 hour ago, bogummish said:

PS: I dont really agree w that journalist, I can never connect w a season 2 without the 6 or 7 members alltogether. It's been 7 years and 329 eps and we remember all the events in every episode by heart, that's too deep a bond to move on from. Even worse if you're a spartace fan because you remember hundreds of details that the neutral RM fan never even paid attention to to begin with.


i remember reading a comment about spartace that says Spartace fans have an exceptional sharp eyes / detective eyes that can saw those details about their skinships, hugs, staring at each other, bickerings, interlock fingers, high five, etc. especially when it happen not in the center of the view

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Would love to read the k-netz responses to the SJH article. @bogummish I hope this one re-stokes the netizen anger against SBS all the more! I knew right when they put out that first statement that they were trying to keep her dignity with all that 'she has been thinking of quitting RM all along' statement. In the case of JH, from whatever I have seen of her, she is really careful about whom she lets enter her private world. She doesn't let many enter that world, but those she lets, she guards with all her heart. She loves the members, she loves the crew. That is why I suspect that in the Sechs Kies episode, when one of the Sechs Kies membes joked that he wouldn't give the kimchi to the camera crew, she went around and gave a piece to each one of them. So this must have hurt her a lot since it came from the last place she expected - from RM which has been her home for these 7 years. Being the sole woman in the cast, she had to change herself in many ways to fit in with the gang. I remember her saying that though she used to take her shower really fast to keep up with the guys, she could never get out of the shower as fast as them. She was always wondering how they did it and what she needed to do to be as fast as them. To be treated as just a member and not a female member, there must have been many a little thing she did like this which may not have been known to the cast or the crew coz she never made a big deal out of them. I don't know if even JH realises that the things she never made a big deal out of were actually really hard things for a person to do. The statement of the agency about her planning to quit at one point to focus on her acting career, I feel, was to preserve her dignity. I think she would have stayed till the end of RM.

I don't think we should go by JK's agency's statement to gauge what he is really feeling. His eyes were looking really puffy in the birthday video with Jessi, but he can never say he cried coz there are different societal expectations from him as a man and that too a 'strong man'. Again, if you look at his agency's statement, it says he wasn't upset about being fired, but at the way he was fired. As an industry veteran, he can never say that the production team had no right to fire him from a show that he may feel was built on his sweat and blood. That would not sound appropriate. He can only criticise them for firing him that way. Look at the tone of one of those articles written about the firing! It said entertainers had become freelancers and should not ask for job security in today's world, that the real victim was Kang Ho dong. It said Ji Hyo was also a victim since she was not given notice, but implied that JK should not complain since he was given notice, even if it be of just 2 days! That even after all this fiasco, no other entertainers have sided openly with these two show how these things are considered pretty routine in the entertainment industry. There might be scores who are fired but say they resigned to put up a face! 

But from JK's point of view, that he ditched other stations to side with SBS for RM may hurt him more. It may be really hard for a man like him to understand, someone for whom loyalty is the last word on any matter. Look at Turbo! What does he get out of reviving a group whose other members don't add in any significant way to its popularity? If he wanted, he could have started Turbo with a younger rapper or focused on his solo career. Mikey though he knows English isn't the popular celebrity he used to be. Kim Jung Nam, when he brought him back, was a 'deadweight' (sorry to use that expression) - he hadn't been in the industry for a long long time and neither had the physicality nor the energy to perform for a long time. If he wanted to, he could have relaunched Turbo with Mikey alone. It is coz he wanted to help Kim Jung Nam who had taken care of him during his early Turbo days that he brought him back to the group. Yes, Turbo may have created some excitement in the first year of reunion coz of the nostalgia factor, but it is really hard to keep up that excitement unless they continue to produce quality work. At the moment, the audience for Turbo comes in for him, not for the other two, so the burden on him is huge. The production costs of his albums all are from his pocket - neither of the other two Turbo members are even financially stable enough to stand on their feet in S.K. Yet he continues to ignore his solo career to focus on Turbo. To such a man, this betrayal may seem really hard to digest. He has always believed RM to be his show and you can see that in how he keeps inviting celebs he meets in other functions or on other shows to guest on RM believing that his word is enough for the production team to invite them. It must have certainly dented his self-esteem and his assessment of his status in the entertainment industry. Also, JK had no real plans to quit RM. He has never really wanted to quit being an entertainer to focus on his music unlike Gary or JH who might have thought of doing so from time to time.

Betrayal is always something that cuts him deep. Remember that shoe-stealer episode where his Cordi 'betrayed' him by giving his shoes to JS. He got upset at her, but he wanted her to give him her reason. If it was a valid reason, he would have accepted it. KS also once told the guest that you could do whatever you wanted with JK, just that you needed to apologise to him afterwards. So he is the kind of guy who gets upset when he is betrayed but forgives that person quickly if he gets a decent apology. In this case too, I think he would have come to terms with his being fired from the show, however unfair it was, if he had got a decent apology from the Chief Producer. But I really don't think he got one. 

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Really the thought of SJH cutting contact with people for 3 days hurts me more than RM ending. I bet she didnt even answer the members...

The article @athoughtcloud1 doesnt have a lot of comments, some 20. Everyone feels sorry for her. Too bad this article isnt getting much buzz. 

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2 hours ago, bogummish said:

Really the thought of SJH cutting contact with people for 3 days hurts me more than RM ending. I bet she didnt even answer the members...

The article @athoughtcloud1 doesnt have a lot of comments, some 20. Everyone feels sorry for her. Too bad this article isnt getting much buzz. 


Let's just see the damn show end now, o happy the member decided to end it all together, SBS and the ones who made this mess are the ones at loss, they were greedy, shameful and plain stupid for doing this to their most popular members, and karma hit them and their plans faster then they could imagine!

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I honestly don't think the plan for RM 2 has been shelved. It may not be called that, but from the tone of the article that @bogummish translated, seems like it is an SBS tactic to soothe the ruffled feathers of the fans in preparation for season 2 of RM. So they might (pretend to) treat JK and JH really well since they would want the fans to feel they have given them a really good send off. Then when fans feel satisfied that SA have left the show on good terms, they will re-launch the new show. Yes, there might be some hue and cry in the beginning among the i-fans, but most will say that since RM 1 has ended so well, there is nothing wrong in starting a new show. I am not sure how many of the 4 members will continue, but there is a possibility some of them may. Kang Ho Dong will most probably come back - who will blame him when he left it once just for the sake of the fans? 

Right now, the sentiment on the SBS insta has changed - it is more about RM ending than any issues JK and JH may have about coming back to this show after being 'betrayed'. So I think once RM ends, there will be fans wanting to see a second season. 

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