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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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12 hours ago, linzer03 said:

@luvspartace I doubt they would film it if there were two people (of opposite genders) under there. That crosses a line of intrusiveness. Most likely KJK's posing for the camera before actually going to bed and that's not the position he'd actually sleep in. Also, never underestimate the fluffiness of hotel duvet covers - those things can make it look like there's a mountain underneath when there's really only one person. 

thank for you for your clarification, i was asking if someone could do a snapshot of it and look at the top part of jk head near the pillow you see a longer hair their then jk own so if u could check you could see it, frm the angle it is set it couldn't have been his maybe am wrong but pls check and see.

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Guest ktiminie

@luvspartace Hmmm I guess you're speaking of that, where exactly do you see something suspicious?


PS: I love our thread is so lively these days ^_^


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10 minutes ago, ktiminie said:

@luvspartace Hmmm I guess you're speaking of that, where exactly do you see something suspicious?


PS: I love our thread is so lively these days ^_^

at the top of his head at the back near the pillow bottom left could it be his hair or no it seems long and he doesn't have long hair that could reach that far


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Guest ktiminie

@luvspartace ah ok I get what you meant but as others here I think it's just KJK's hair lying down ;)

I agree with what has been said, there weren't that many SpartAce moments in this episode, except maybe the first part... Yet I was literally screaming when I saw them in the car. It was enough to make my day LOL. Let me share (again) that moment :w00t:









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both jk and jh seem happy to be side by side and in the first part she was sitting between sj and kg after they fell in the water she found her self beside jk and she didn't move an inch even if jk doesn't stand beside jh then she herself would find her space beside him. what i notice with jh too ever since ep 93 she would rather help jk then go against him alway looking out for him and helping him when need to even when they are not on the same team.


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10 hours ago, linzer03 said:

My only complaint right now, really, is the games. In ep 296, there was nothing the cast could do to stop Red Sun, and in this ep, there was nothing No Man could do to stop the cast. The RM members are very good at deceiving and figuring things out when given the freedom to do so, so I wish the games were more balanced.


That's the point. At least, they should give the spy role missions to win the game or give the chasing team more hints. In ep 297, they didn't have enough hints to figure out who the red sun is. And, I still don't get the reason why the casts could avoid the pirate ship punishment after answering Yes or No. The only thing that brings up the fun atmosphere is the casts' jokes.


Talking about the car scene, it's been  JK's hand habit, right?


cre twitter @SpartAceCouple


I read somewhere on insta that JK got his back hurt during ep 300 filming, is that true? I'm tired scrolling down spartace post on insta since someone post things inappropriate using spartace hastags, if y'all know what I mean...

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@WhasianDaddy This is in response to your post about ep 250. One thing that makes me think spartace is dating now is how comfortable SJH and KJK are with one another's bodies and how that’s changed over the years. I’ll try to add pictures or videos for every scene I mention (they will be under the spoilers tag) so prepare yourselves for a really long post. 

Before I begin, I just want to say that, for the most part, I’m not including holding hands or linking arms in this, because I don’t quite count those in the category of being comfortable with someone’s body. (You can be comfortable holding hands with a friend, but being comfortable touching someone’s waist or chest is different). I also want to add that the RM members are more likely to touch someone “inappropriately” when ripping off a nametag or fighting over something so I’m trying not to include those scenes unless it’s really obvious that SJH and KJK wouldn’t do that with anyone else.

To begin with, think of the early episodes of Running Man, specifically episode 32 during the office basketball game. When KJK’s hand gets close of SJH’s chest, she snaps at him, and he immediately backtracks and apologizes. And when SJH pokes his chest, KJK freaks out. This is their initial feelings about touching one another inappropriately. They're not close, and there are clear boundaries as to what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.


KJK's reaction to a female he's not familiar with touching his chest. See the fluster.

We also have to remember KJK’s manner hands in ep 103. Which, while it’s a big spartace episode with lots of flirting (she rests her chin on his shoulder and he kneels in front of her when giving her the beasts’ nametag at the end), still shows that there’s a distance between them in terms of touching.



KJK's manner hands exist even while playing a game... But can we just appreciate for a second how cute these two are..

Then we get to ep 113’s wrestling match. There's a tension between them as they begin the game. I think the best way to describe it is that they're far more aware that they're going to be in physical contact. After KJK picks her up, SJH pokes him in the chest and stomach multiple times, which he mildly protests by shouting "Yeh!" Well, it’s an advancement from ep 32 since he doesn’t threaten to call the police on her this time. But even though they've grown closer and KJK is more okay with SJH touching his chest than before, I think we can still see some tension between them in terms of games like this.



 KJK vs SJH Wrestling Round 1

In ep 117, we have the race where KJK piggybacks SJH in under 20 seconds, and he collapses at the end. SJH massages his left arm and left thigh after he collapses. The left arm isn’t weird, but the thigh is. That’s getting into suspicious territory. I don’t think I’ve seen her touch any other RM male in that area like that before. That shows a level a comfort she has with him. KJK doesn’t really respond to this, possibly because he’s exhausted at that moment. It’s interesting that SJH is the one who is more comfortable at first. That is possibly because of gender roles in the industry and as well as their personalities. There seems to be a bigger emphasis on men looking after women’s reputations than the other way around, so KJK would be judged more for touching SJH than she would be for touching him. KJK is also often reserved around women whereas SJH does not seem that way around men (though she does have certain boundaries that are not to be crossed). She had to put aside her "feminine" side to some extent while filming RM to prove that she can “hang with the guys”. So while we see some female guests being very cautious about being touched inappropriately, SJH has had to just accept that it can happen during games, So that might also be why she is fairly relaxed about touching her coworker in a familiar way.

 (I couldn't find a good image for ep 117, but I'm sure y'all have seen it before.)

So now we’re moving into 2013 (which is the year in which some of us think they started dating). There's the ep 127 Zodiac Race (which was technically filmed in 2012) where KJK is carrying SJH (they are on opposite teams) and to stop KJK from winning, SJH pinches his butt. KJK is understandably upset by this. I don’t quite count this as progress in their familiarity beyond friendship since SJH also hits LKS’s butt when fighting, so she’s more comfortable with touching the guys when in action. But KJK has a very flustered response. which I want you to compare to KJK versus SJH Wrestling Match Round 2 when we get there.


 He pretty collapses in embarrassment/laughter. 

One episode I found curious was ep 145 with the Law of the Jungle team (while I dislike the episode, it has some interesting spartace moments). During the first relay race, there’s an obstacle that requires one member to sit on the shoulders of another in the pool while the person on the bottom takes off a pair of socks. The first round, KJK and SJH are on that obstacle. However, because JSJ couldn’t jump rope in flippers, spartace don't do their obstacle and KJk ends up switch to the lfipper jump rope. SJH also moves away from the pool obstacle, so that two male members end up doing it instead (JSJ and YJS). Then, after JSJ and YJS fail, they decide that SJH needs to be the one carried for that obstacle. But rather than have SJH and YJS, they have SJH and KJK on that obstacle again. I can see how, in a swimsuit, that can be an uncomfortable situation for a woman. Interesting that, KJK is the only one allowed to carry SJH in that situation. However, it should be noted that other RM members have carried her on their shoulders in other episodes (the one that comes to mind is LKS during the basketball game in ep 205), so it may be that they thought they strongest guy should be given that task. Or it may be that a wet swimsuit made the situation SJH too uncomfortable to do it with the other RM males (there’s a similar situation in ep 199 but I’ll get to that…)



A whole collection of images of the two of them together in that relay... Does this look like an intimate position?

And then we have the infamous backhug of ep 155. Here is where we start seeing a definite change in how comfortable SJH and KJK are with each other’s bodies. KJK is the one who hugs her from behind and continues hugging her until he reaches the hallway (that’s a long time to maintain that position and to be moving while doing it…). This is a fairly personal gesture to do (LKS and his friend can't do it as their pose in ep 253). But here, KJK does it and neither one of them is embarrassed or angry about it. They both laugh. They’re perfectly okay with it and, from what we’re shown, the RM cast doesn’t seem all that surprised with it either. Again, KJK is not usually comfortable touching females intimately and this is definitely intimate. If spartace started dating in 2013, then if was definitely before this point. Probably a decent enough time for them to become comfortable enough to hug each other like this in front of others.



Is this suspicious yet?

And then we have ep 163 with the idol olympics. During the pool game where teams must try to stay on the platform, SJH can’t keep her hands of KJK. She’s sitting behind him and she places her hand on his back and on his waist. And it’s not brief, she leaves her hands there as she watches the idols push each other off the platform. It’s not a huge moment like the back hug, but the fact that she places her hands on him naturally and that neither one of them is surprised by this gesture shows the comfort they now have with physical contact. It’s different from when they’re in conflict (such as ep 155). There’s no need for SJH to hold onto KJK. She is under no threat of being pushed off the platform. I don’t think there’s any comparable scene (let me know if I’m wrong) where she touches another RM member like this.



SJH tends to be very touchy when laughing, but I want to point out that KJK is wearing a wet shirt and there is really no need to be touching him like that.


Is there any reason for her to hold his waist like that? KJK doesn't seem to mind.


And then she holds on tighter. Hmm...

Then there's ep 196 with the flashback to old RM episodes. We all know the scene during the Yooames Bond segment where SJH feels up KJK while looking for a watergun. This scene is interesting because KJK seems shocked that SJH is touching his chest and legs. It’s hard to tell because of the constant slowmotion, but KJK’s a little slow to respond with surprise. He doesn’t even flinch when she first touches his waist and legs. It isn’t until she touches his peck that he stops her. But it’s not a strong reaction and he lets her finish her search (touching his thighs as well hmm…). Again, we see that SJH is comfortable touching KJK, and it’s interesting that he doesn’t stop her and he doesn’t get seriously upset. It’s difficult to tell KJK’s true reaction in this scene because he’s acting like he’s not Bond so he might be trying to act indignant that she’s searching him or he might be acting a little flustered because he knows there’s cameras or he might genuinely be flustered at her touching his chest.

Now we’ve reached ep 199 in which I want to highlight the relay race where, in the first run through, SJH and KJK are positioned so that SJH will have to run and jump onto KJK in a celebratory manner. We never get to see them do this because LKS runs out the clock, and then KJK switches positions with PJS and SJH switches with YJS. We’re never told why they switch, maybe KJK wasn’t confident kicking the ball to HH or they were told to switch when the PDs realized what would happen. However, it’s interesting that they were in those positions to begin with, similar to ep 145 where only KJK carries SJH on his shoulders, here SJH only jumps into KJK’s arms. Though, I suppose she’s much less comfortable with PJS, and if KJK had switched with another RM male she may have stayed in position. There are explanations for both these relay incidents in ep 145 and ep 199. What makes it suspicious is that is happens twice where in a leg of a relay that gets fairly physical, SJH will only do it with KJK. In this episode, SJH also massages KJK’s arm before the match with the idols. She does this naturally and (from what we’re shown) he’s not surprised by this. It’s normal for her to start massaging his bicep. I don’t know about y’all but I’ve never casually massaged my friend’s arm while listening to instructions – have you?



Oh, and then we have the infamous wrestling scene in 209 where SJH bites KJK’s chest in order to win. Now, compare this to ep 32 where he freaks out when she pokes him or ep 113 where she only pokes his stomach and chest and he gets upset. Here, she bits him in the chest (she’s never bitten another RM male in that area and I really can’t imagine her doing such a thing to another RM male). He cries out in pain and later rolls around for comedic purposes (you can see one of his teammates ask him if he’s okay), yes, but he never scolds her but only says, “She meant business.” He’s completely fine with it. This is a level of comfort that KJK only has with SJH. He’s also not flustered by it. They weren’t close in ep 32 so his freak out in response to her touching his chest makes sense. And even after they are good friends in 2012, we still see flustered KJK in response to SJH pinching his butt (ep 127). However, at this point they’re close. From KJK's perspective, they’re either just friends, KJK likes her but no relationship, or they’re dating. People with crushes or unrequited loves don’t generally just accept it when their person of interest bites them in the chest. There’s usually at least some immediate flustered, what’s-the-meaning-of-this response (think back to the butt-pinching in ep 127). The fact that KJK is so calm about it (besides the comedic rolling around in pain) shows that he’s not flustered. So either 1) he’s fine with it because they’re just friends and he knows that or 2) they’re dating and he knows the meaning behind it (she wants to win and is perfectly fine biting his peck).


It's not shown in the video but he's so calm about it. No "What are you doing?" or "How could you do that?" just "She meant business." This is the KJK who is shy around women.

Which brings me to the 2014 Race Start in Singapore where, during Loveable, SJH hugs KJK’s leg while he shows his abs to the fans. And she looks at his abs while hugging his leg then they make eye contact when she stands up. Most of the time in these early fanmeets where KJK shows his abs, he makes eye contact with SJH to see her reaction.



SJH, where is your head?


"We're just friends"?

In the beginning of ep 218, when the RM cast are playing the ceiling piano, KJK takes on the job of lifting SJH so that she can hit the key. Once again, I’m reminded of ep 145 and 199 where only KJK takes on certain roles (though YJS takes over in the end for this one) but it seems as though KJK is the automatic choice for lifting SJH. However, we can see that even the way KJK holds SJH is different. YJS holds her under the arms and removes his hands right away after he lifts SJH. KJK holds her at the waist and lets his hands linger.



And then there’s the car scene in the opening of ep 248 where, out of all the members there, SJH ends up sitting underneath KJK. The RM members clearly draw the line at shoving a female into a car full of men (if you watch ep 170 when the RM team and guests all have to fit into a car after tearing off toilet plungers, SJH and the female guest are allowed in the front two seats while all the men cram into the back), but rather than put SJH comfortably in the front, they put her underneath KJK. Again, KJK is allowed to be physically close to her when other RM mem are not.



SJH has no problem touching KJK's chest and he has no problem with her doing it.

The hugging scene in ep 250 when KJK has no pants on is probably the best example of how close they now are. That is definitely not an appropriate instant for SJH to be blocking him like that. There are plenty of other effective ways for her to block him without her needing to throw herself on him like that. Perhaps SJH forgot that he wasn't wearing any pants in the heat of the moment, but if that were the case there would probably be a moment where she suddenly remembers and lets go of him. Nothing like that happens. Her hand lingers on his side after the point is scored. And KJK himself isn’t shocked by her familiar behavior.



Is it really necessary to block him that way?


And then that lingering hand...

What’s interesting in ep 258 is during the convenience store race (where KJK and SJH totally forgot they were supposed to be competing and kept helping each other out) one of the guest comments on KJK’s actions. When they’re trying (and failing) to hide from the camera, KJK crouches behind SJH with his hands on her back and his head around her waist, and one of the guests asks, “What is he doing?” Even the captions say, “Just friends” (which I always took to be sarcastic on behalf of the editors, like it’s something you say when you’ve been caught and are trying to deny it).




There aren’t as many incidents in late 2015 and 2016, but as many of us on the thread have pointed out there aren’t many spartace moments in that time frame and it probably relates more with the staff promoting MC and spartace trying to minimize their interactions rather than spartace being less close.

Sorry for making such a long post but I just wanted to highlight the change in how KJK and SJH touch each other. 2013 really is where the change takes place and you can see KJK being completely fine with SJH touching him intimately and vice versa. If he had an unrequited love, I think he would be even more aware and flustered by intimate touches rather than fine with it, which is why I’m convinced they started dating in 2013. I’m sure I missed a lot of moments, and if you want to add or disagree please feel free to do so.

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@linzer03 OMG... can you be more careful please? That's a SA overdose... really dangerous :wub::heart:


9 hours ago, linzer03 said:

. KJK picks up SJH and says that he doesn’t feel comfortable holding her like this (I’m not entirely sure what he meant by this statement, but I assumed it was because he felt like it was an awkward position for a guy to hold a girl).

I think KJK said that because he was joking about SJH's weight, so he's wondering how he was able to hold her like that when she weights that much.


You did a great job... thank you!!!

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@linzer03 Can I add one to your list? Episode 256. Since I'm in a bit of a rush (and am kinda behind in technology), here's the link to the gifs of the scene, from the thread pages from last summer. The biggest thing that stands out for me is the last image when JH is standing up. She's got her hand on his upper thigh. Now, like you said, they just went through a nametag battle, and sometimes those inappropriate touches happen during those. But, this was at the end of it, and, from my perspective, there has to be a certain level of closeness between two people for that hand placement to happen.

ETA: Speaking from the experience of someone who has dated a co-worker and has had to keep the relationship under wraps, you get very creative about how you can still be around your significant other and have those little moments of contact with each other, but not so blatant that you tip other people off. Sometimes you get too comfortable and slip up, but really, you're always aware of your surroundings and who may be watching. So, in my mind, that knee touch in the car ride is a perfect example of this. 

Another thought, kinda related, but kinda not, is about JH's behaviors. I think someone could look at how she acts with some of the guys, and how flirty she can be (and maybe flirty is a bad word choice, I don't know. It's all I've got at the moment). Meaning, just the little arm touches, the hugs, whatever. While I think she is fine with extending that to other guys, I think she is very, very selective on what guys she allows into her personal space. But, in addition to that, I think there may be different levels of whom she allows to do what in her personal space. She'll allow KS and HaHa to hug her, but letting their knees touch in a car ride? Not likely. It's all just a theory, I don't have any hard evidence to back it up at the moment, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

Now...back to breakfast! 

Edited by aschae
Additional info. Now I'm really late!
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36 minutes ago, tushe0511 said:

I think KJK said that because he was joking about SJH's weight, so he's wondering how he was able to hold her like that when she weights that much.


You did a great job... thank you!!!


I agree, it was a weight joke.

Also, remember the ep where Suzy was the "hallyu rabbit"? When she was being revealed Running Men were surprised and Ji Hyo hid behind JK who put his arms back as if to cover her as JH was clinging to his shirt. One was seeking protection which the other gave, all quite naturally and even if not as gf/bf then definitely as very close friends.

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@tushe05111 lol I know what you mean. I rewatched the scene in ep 113 with different subs and I agree with y’all. He’s talking about her weight. The site I originally used had a different translation that left things kind of vague. Still, the main reason I wanted to post that scene is to that you can see the difference between what SJH is willing to do in ep 113 and in ep 209.

@eselyemii In ep 208 with Suzy, I took KJK reaching back to touch SJH as him checking to see where she is. He’s stepping backwards and I think he wanted to make sure he didn’t walk into her. I know a lot of people say that he barely touched her, but there’s definitely a lack of surprise from either of them when he touches her thigh/hips. KJK may not have realized where he touched (though at that height, where did he think his hand was?), but SJH definitely did and she seems completely fine with it.  

@aschae The leg touch in ep 256 might have been an accident – it’s hard to tell, but what’s interesting is that she pauses for a second to check on KJK before moving on to the last nametag. It’s hard to tell because of the editing, but she glances down at him, her hand still on his shoulder, before moving on to KG. For someone so competitive whose being timed, she still pauses of KJK.

I think SJH can come across as flirty from things she does naturally. As I mentioned earlier, I think she also tried to throw away the “feminine” part of her in order to be the Ace on RM (which includes being nervous about possibly touching guys inappropriately). However, there are definite tiers of comfort that she has with guys, most notably the RM coworkers. KG I’d say is on the lowest out of the RM guys. For example, she doesn’t like it when KG touches her head (ep 230), but in ep 132, she has no problem with YJS and KJK touching her head. In a way, you can see SJH’s comfort levels with where she bites people. She bites Chen Bolin’s hand in WAIL ep 1. WAIL is obviously acting, but it’s interesting that SJH chooses to bite her love line partner. Rather than an act of aggression, I think she sees biting as more a playful act with someone you’re comfortable with, therefore it would make sense for her to bite CB (her love line partner). She’s not rejecting him or driving him away but showing her playful, comfortable side. She bites LKS’s shoulder in ep 208 after he bites her back. We all know she and LKS are close plus she’s the older of the two so she probably feels she can do this. With KJK, she bites his chest in ep 209, his arm in ep 250, and his leg in ep 256. Those are the only times I can remember/find of SJH biting someone, let me know if I missed any.

I was also curious as to what people who don't think spartace are dating think of the change in their familiarity with touching one another. It's always good to hear other perspectives.

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@linzer03 Can I add the Shinhwa episode? The one where JH and KJK rode a helicopter together. Although he said the viewers loved seeing MC together, SA were linking arms and she was leaning towards him. And also the Big Bang Princess Jihyo ep. Gosh he was blatantly saying he was not treating JH well for the prize, but for JH herself. *faints*

I think that episode was filmed around 2013, about the time JH split with her then-boyfriend. I feel that around that time SA started to get much closer to each other.


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i don't know when i will b finish watching last ep ? :D

but there is part at the end i love it , even if it's not mean anything 





JSJ went to  jihyo , say : KJK was say ..bla bla 

as what haha say as what jihyo agree 

as a two are more close to kjk that why they shouldn’t make  mistake 

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honestly, the thing that worries me the most is how jk abusively checks his phone all the time. i've never seen him checks his phone this much, especially during filming. and we know jihyo was there so low chance he was texting her. for me personally, its a strong indicator that he's seeing someone. who it may be we don't know or we may never know until he confirms it. yet, the chance its jihyo, based from this personal worriness of mine, is a bit doubtful to me.

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