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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest runninggirl6

No idea whats up with JKs new messy hair- for fashion king I think- but he looks so cool XD it's so gravity defying

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Chingu, let me express my feelings.. ;) I like gary, he's so funny, and he has so much aegyo.. :D .
i just dont like MC's moment.. esp RM eps. 206th! X_X
I really want to see running man gave KJK and SJH the heartbeat test too.. i was really curious about the result. ^^
Anyway.. . To be honest, after i watched Emergency couple, i saw gary as cameo, but at that time i never watched running man, but so many people talked about gary and ji hyo, i was curious and i watched running man just to see MC,
but episode by episode, i never saw the chemistry between SJH and KG, they just look like acted as a lover at eachother, i couldnt see true love there,
but i see something different between KJK and SJH, i see true secret love between them! :x :x :x :x
I think SJH's behavior with KG was so natural, just like with Kwang Soo, Suk Jin, Jae suk, and Haha.. \m/
But she's pretty shy and she likes to play "Love Live" hide and seek, push and pull with KJK, that's what i see on her body gestures.. :-B
I think SJH is waiting for KJK confession, but KJK still confuse with SJH's behavior,
and they also thought about MC which already attached on running man! :-w
Ahhh.. But the most frustated is me!
SpartAce Fans.. Kyaaaaccccckkk #-o [-O<

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Guest pxy2006

Did you guys send any email about the heartbeat test to SBS yesterday? The deadline has passed. I am also really interested in the result. Even if the questions are not so direct, we can still infer their current emotion based on other information such as their facial expression and reaction when related questions are asked. I know it is not good, but I am really curious about how they are going. I am a poor fan of SA...

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I just watched the recent episode, and noticed when jh won the first mission, js kept teasing jk. When she was choosing the number, he said to jk, "I hope she'll get your number." & when she was getting her key, he, once again, said "You saw it again right?" to jk oppa with his sneaky grin. Isn't it weird that he focused his attention on jk when it was jh's matter? Something fishy~ And as far as I recognized, jk didn't say he saw the number on jh's key? I think haha is the one who said that.

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secreta said: Guys, check this out. Can you tell me what episode is this? I'm quite sure its the latest ep. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAvdPmAUwAEA6c6.jpg:large Credit as tagged. From teamspartace. You should check his glare. I thought his glare could killed someone! :D

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wooow... Eps. 228.. Eps. 228..
SpartAce couple ice pepero game... why did it failed... whyyyyy whyyy.. were they nervous?
after i watched this episode, my final decision is "they're really in love"
if they havent any feeling of each other :
1. why did KJK refuse to did that? (suk jin ahjussi is an exception) he looks so shy, SJH seems dissapointed of that :P...
2. why did they look like freaking out, their behavior became awkward, looks so happy too, to did that...
sff_zpspmoelsdt.jpg wfrg_zpsnplzyrlv.jpg efwferg_zps5a4uq6fl.jpgerfererg_zps77ywz5ia.jpg
(everybody seems knew their secret love (even KG too, i've never seen KG jealous like this before ^^))
3. KJK cant stare JH eye, even song ji hyo as an actress, cant stare JK's eye too.. their face gone red..

(KG disturbed them by singing KJK's Song ("One Man" LOL :D he knew that KJK's feeling to SJH just like that song) and make them more nervous, but they failed.. :()
they're mad to KG, even Jae suk looks mad too (in positive way)... coz everybody really curious about this secret love couple.
their body gestures express all of their feelings...

i have so many explanation of that video, but i couldnt tell all of them, coz my bad englsh :(
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^Lol we really shouldn't be talking about K* because this is an SA forum. Not an M* vs SA forum. 
But personally I think K* wasn't jealous and I don't think anybody was mad at him. Whenever someone tries to flirt with Ji Hyo, K* would act jealous but to our surprise K* didn't do his usual act. He was actually excited. He even said 'oh my god! oh my god!' plus he said 'kiss her' plus he sang 'one man' 
lol honestly, K* was into it as much as everyone else was! 

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I agree with @kolin
gary looked excited rather than jealous... (I see that it's weird)...
so I concluded (my self) that our spartace is real and all members know that...

I saw that pepero game is awkward moment but no awkward pepero before when they did it with other..and why PD show their pepero game with other couple which succeed...lil bit fishy rite?....

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@lov3lyqu33n. for me, I don't think js mad at kg. Actually, he is excited that sa failed because its mean their team win because they got the smallest size. But of course I agree with you that this scene shows a lot of their true feeling. And for some reason, these two keep adjusting their hat. (Maybe tries to hide their nervous?) And you can clearly see how nervous they are especially jh. She looks so scared that sj keep saying "its just a game" to ease her mind lol. And when jk close his eyes tightly (scared to make any eye contact) sj ask him "why did you close your eyes?" And jk says "Because I love her, hyung" is the words I would really wants to hear from him but of course he won't say. Heheh.

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@secreta oooh sorry, that's not what i mean... i mean they're "mad" in funny way :o) ... :D ... i swear, i like KG, really like him... i confess i just not really like when MC's Moment appear.. :)>- just their moment... :)

secreta said: @lov3lyqu33n. for me, I don't think js mad at kg. Actually, he is excited that sa failed because its mean their team win because they got the smallest size. But of course I agree with you that this scene shows a lot of their true feeling. And for some reason, these two keep adjusting their hat. (Maybe tries to hide their nervous?) And you can clearly see how nervous they are especially jh. She looks so scared that sj keep saying "its just a game" to ease her mind lol. And when jk close his eyes tightly (scared to make any eye contact) sj ask him "why did you close your eyes?" And jk says "Because I love her, hyung" is the words I would really wants to hear from him but of course he won't say. Heheh.

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okay.. i'll not bring him here again... :) :)>-
anyway chingu... dd you realise,,,
Look at KJK's oppa tie and SJH's unnie dress, were really match,,
actually a man seldom use that color...,
hmmm... were they in promise to wear that?
were they try to show us about their secret relationship?

aah there're too many secrets should be solve... actually the secret was resolved, but they just dont want to confess at each other...

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I am really hoping that there will have another chance that Our couple do their pepero game..... And not with ice.... I want the yellow gummy stuff that they used last time when they competed against each other... Cause surely it will not accidentally break!! Just imagine how much more awkward their gestures will be! I can imagine them already hahaha Daebak!!! :x

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maplekist said: I am really hoping that there will have another chance that Our couple do their pepero game..... And not with ice.... I want the yellow gummy stuff that they used last time when they competed against each other... Cause surely it will not accidentally break!! Just imagine how much more awkward their gestures will be! I can imagine them already hahaha Daebak!!! :x

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