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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Yesterday's episode..

Credit to pic and translation as tagged

My smile is much wider than the girl!

Now if only our SA give some hint to us from wherever they are... just to let us know they are fine... (LOL I can be sneaky too ;) )
Please know that we here are praying for your happiness... :) (Honestly I am!)

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you made my day im so happy cant wait for eng sub. i really dont get it why some people dont see this, like @WanZ posted if theres nothing special going with spartace why she need to message kjk and  not kg and it sound it's normal for her and kjk to message each other on a daily basis. thank you WanZ now my day is good

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Just thought I clarify and I don't mean to burst any bubble but there shouldn't be any misunderstandings either.  I'm not sure how that translation came about but KJK never said "She'll definitely message me".  When I first saw that post, I thought I must have not heard it so I went back and listened to it several times and just like I thought, he did not say that.  After they found out it was Gary, KJK did make the comment that unbelievably SJH is there and then Gary made the comment that SJH will text him after the show to complain about him.  To which SJH made the comment "since when have I ever?" Then KJK made some comments referring to the other members (our "kids") on the team worrying about them. (He never said full sentences but just comments like "they...." and "ah our kids...." But that was all that was said.

I know there's been quite a few happenings lately but I guess we just have to wait until KJK makes any news.  He's very private about his life and right now to be honest, its hard to tell when or with whom that will be.  He also mentioned in HC that his "international age" was 38 so not sure if it will be this year that he will even get married.  He's so busy right now and to celebrate his 20 years, he's going to have his album sometime in the fall?  So I'm thinking if anything happens it would be after then.  But that's just my opinion.  Like in last week's episode when his friend told him that he should get married, KJK said he had to work and then HKM said you've been working 20 years what more work are you going to do?  Which is true, work will always be there.  But he has to feel right so when the timing is right, then I'm sure he will announce the news. 

I don't know if he's still in NYC?  To think I was just there 2 weekends ago!  Missed my chance to see him again....

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Regarding that naver site, I wouldn't read too much into that.  It looks like its just a Q&A forum so its not very reliable at all.  Someone asked what kind of relationship KJK & SJH had because they take all these pics together and it didn't seem like it was just because they were close....The next person said yes its true that they admitted to being in a dating relationship and congratulating them.  Then the 3rd person said it best by saying that without any confirmation, just to be still (in a formal way of speaking)  LOL. :))

사실 확인 된 정보가 없으니 그냥 가만히 계십시오.

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Thank you @byul2014 for the insight... Well peeps, now I have to apologize for unintentionally misinforming! The original poster must have her reason for writing so I believe. Anyway, JH's comeback is valid so I for one is still happy for it.. :)

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Allright, I looked again at the owner's IG and from it, it seemed she is confident with her translation (correct me if I'm mistaken)... so now I'm thinking there must be multi-version of yesterday's episode or in some way she can listen to what @byul2014 missed, somehow? If any other Korean speaking kind-hearted soul can clarify on this, it'll be much appreciated... not to slight anyone (far from it!) but just for the sake of knowing... :)

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The Chinese subs do say "She will definitely message me", so I wonder where the Chinese subs are getting that from...
I don't know if KJK will wait much longer if he does have plans to marry, though; unless his partner is like, 8+ years younger than he is, they will probably want to marry soon if they plan on having kids... but whoever it is, so long KJK and SJH are happy (together or not), I'm happy. ^^

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Guest o_simply

We all know we are hoping for good news and we all know that at some time we are delusional.... yet, that is our hope for our spartace! N yes sometimes being in a delusional mode is not that bad. I really love it!!!

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Byul is 100% correct. I want all the mc fans snooping around here to remember that it was Gary who fed you the most amount of bull richard simmons until the bitter end. When things fall apart in your end, be sure to direct your anger accordingly.

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WanZ said: Allright, I looked again at the owner's IG and from it, it seemed she is confident with her translation (correct me if I'm mistaken)... so now I'm thinking there must be multi-version of yesterday's episode or in some way she can listen to what @byul2014 missed, somehow? If any other Korean speaking kind-hearted soul can clarify on this, it'll be much appreciated... not to slight anyone (far from it!) but just for the sake of knowing... :)

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Guest ligercouple

When everybody seem so busy discuss about mistranslation, am i the only one who still wonder what happen to SA. Do you think there is any possibilities that they already heading back to korea? Now it's sunday night in NY. Don't they have to filming RM for tomorrow? Maybe they already arrive at incheon airport early morning. Thats why nobody notice them. It seem imposible they will go for trip one week straight because they have other commitment especially JK. Mianhe cingu, i just can't stay still as long as i don't know where they are. Please be patient with me. :D

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