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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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I just hope that if they are really dating, they should reveal it soon. It would give RM a new perspective even though MC fans would not like it. RM is successful not just because of the MC loveline, i think that it's funny when people say that RM would stop airing if they reveal it. I think that TRUE RM fans wouldn't mind, we just want them to be happy and enjoy filming RM for us. They are not getting any younger too. :)

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Guest reikaharu

There's still a lot of SA sweet moments in FM...I'm sooo happy... If MC is real, I don't think SA can act like that on stage happily and looks so free and comfortable... after all the two must considering KG's feeling as a good manner as human being... but look, when SA happily sing and dance and hugs, KG looks comfortable with HaHa and other member...

About the shoes... before this we can see SA wear the identical shoe with different lace color, and SA shipper believe that's a couple shoes, but MC shipper said that's just sponsored shoe for KJK ( if that sponsored shoe for KJK, how come SJH have the same model?)...and now MC's shipper mention about MC's couple shoes...yes, the model is the same, but this can be same with SA's shoes last time, this is sponsored shoes...  not necessary as a couple item... many time, celebrities like them, wear anything provided by their stylish or sponsored thing, on stage or when they on the show,,, so,,,it's not mean anything I guess...

Anyway... SA hwaiting! I will say this again : Hearts move their bodies and acts ^^

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Guest scraite0084_stv

030715 SpartAce 2015 Race Start Season 3 In Hong Kong 

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbecpJswEHk&feature=youtu.be




Credit: owner

Why MC shipper have critical delusion. Not same but say same shose....aigoo...aigoo... Just sharing...

But after watch SpartAce_JKJH video, Honestly I think It the same model for sure just different color. JH is black but KG's red.

I just want to point out the fact that the laces of the shoes posted on the collage is black, while the one SJH is wearing has while laces. Furthermore, if you look closely behind KJK's foot, there is someone wearing a similar type of shoes with black laces. Well this is solely based on the evidence presented, and if I am wrong, then I apologize in advance since I wasn't present during the fan meet in HK. I just wanted to air my thoughts. (spartace fighting!)

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Guest forsomeotherreasons


Credit: owner

Why MC shipper have critical delusion. Not same but say same shose....aigoo...aigoo... Just sharing...

hmm first pic...everyone's wearing black for the closing except SA?

I guess they didn't get the memo ;p

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I rarely believe a couple which created on camera... I mean an official couple is scripted and not even near to be called as a real couple...so, I kinda not give my support to scripted couples...never ship scripted couples...

so, I'm not worried with the RM official loveline, because it's just for a business like other scripted couples...

I more believe to a couple which is created 'out' camera...

why I ship SA couple is because their interactions were caught by some viewers, then those viewers believe that there's something sweet and real behind their acts.

it was happened to me, when I saw them for couples episode, especially eps >70 to 100 ... I found out that there's something special between them...and nowadays, they show that special acts more...

so, don't worry when the official couple fans claim this and that, because we believe that our couple is real (maybe they are real, because we think that they are real based on our eyes...hihihi...we don't know that they are really 'real')

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What's absolutely lovely about Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo onstage together is every time SJH would look somewhat "lost", awkward, or left out (because most of the RM members are performers, singers, etc), KJK would turn around and look for her, then he'll come towards her to put an arm around her, pat her back/shoulder, and whatever else to make her feel at ease. Or if KJK is performing, SJH would be trailing behind him, then once he turns to her, you'll see the huge grins on their faces as they sing together.

I think that's the one thing that somewhat lessens every time Gary comes with them during fan meets because those two have to do fan service stuff. (I don't hate Gary at all, by the way. Maybe just every time he comes out as being too... greasy every time he tries to "hit on" SJH.) The difference between the show's official love line and Spartace, though, is that KJK is more attentive to SJH onstage unlike her "Monday Boyfriend", whose main focus is just to perform and not pay attention to his "Monday Girlfriend". 



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I really hope they are real because it looked like JK grabbed JH's head really hard. I feel that only a boyfriend should be allowed to do that. Kinda like that one time JK had his hand on JH's hip. 

And you took the words right out of my mouth @everyoursjamie 

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I really hope they are real because it looked like JK grabbed JH's head really hard. I feel that only a boyfriend should be allowed to do that. Kinda like that one time JK had his hand on JH's hip. 

And you took the words right out of my mouth @everyoursjamie 

Hi, Kolin. *wave* Don't hate me for this, but I'm not sure if they're actually together, like "boyfriend-and-girlfriend" together, but I do believe they're very close. Maybe it's at that "mutual understanding" level, where they're both attracted to each other, but they're in the middle of that thin line of being close friends and being a real couple. I really do hope they get together soon, though.

What I find funny about the Monday Couple and Spartace's (sometimes + Haha) "Turn Off The TV" performances is the fact that JH seems to be smiling more watching KJK and Haha's antics onstage instead of trying to be all couple-y with Gary. The smile on her face is always so big whenever KJK carries her after the song, sometimes even forgetting to shout her Monday Boyfriend's name. 



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Happy Anniversary to this forum.. it's exactly 2years since this was created thank you @firstnadya007 for starting this thread.. I'm happy that there are still a  lot of who continuously update and share their thoughts in this forum.. we've been in ups and downs in this ship but still we're together and continuously supporting our SpartAce..

what I love about this thread is we are all open minded and we learn to accept their individuality... we really like them to end together but we respect their own life and decision.. I wish them both happiness and more success in their career... I hope one day we can wake up with the news that they are together or they already confirmed their own partners beside both of them are no longer young..

By the way, @airplanegirl and @wanz I miss you guys.. I miss your thoughts and posts...


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SpartAce fighting

Edited by SureworxM
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