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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Sorry, not SA related but really, When will RM bring Hyun Bin as a guest?!  ̄︿ ̄ I really want to see how JH reacted as she is Hyun Bin fans. He had new drama in SBS now, so I thought they will invited him but nope -_-b

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Tonight's episode is pretty entertaining to me, despite not knowing the dialogues. I find it so interesting that after sitting a few seats away from JK, our SA ended up standing side by side after the briefing for their 2nd game ended. It's a short moment but still sweet out of its unexpectedness. :)

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WanZ said: Tonight's episode is pretty entertaining to me, despite not knowing the dialogues. I find it so interesting that after sitting a few seats away from JK, our SA ended up standing side by side after the briefing for their 2nd game ended. It's a short moment but still sweet out of its unexpectedness. :)

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We can keep on hoping but somehow I feel SA's dynamic in RM is like this now... avoidance, non-interaction. We may not know everything there is to their relationship, but what we don't know can be something great too, right? :) And I love thinking that our Aces stay true to what YJS once said, that everything is allowed in front of camera...

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Guest luigee10


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i dont know how to post an instagram Video here.. :(( there's an amazing SpartAce moment Video.. :((
but this one is not bad..

anyway,, to be honest, im really afraid if someday our SpartAce moment will be disappear because of bussiness running man's couple.. :(
Kim Jong Kook Oppa Please take care our Ji Hyo Unnie like before..
Ji Hyo Unnie pls hug, hold, and stand beside Jong Kook Oppa like before..
Dont Sacrifice your true love, we know that you both are in love, real love..
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'she need to (spoiler alert?) get him down to (complete the mission) so she needed to “hug” him in that sense. Hugging is quite normal for her though...'

Quote credit to mongjifan, pics credit to owners via mongjifan

We can see SA hug mostly when they are most happy, like these..

Credits to spartacecouple and spartacejj

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Guest ligercouple

I wanna ask you guys oppinion about this. Why do you think RM lately is so eager to create a new loveline for JK? If i'm not mistaken starting from ep where JS saying goodbye to YEH, we rarely see the member matchmaking JK with anyone or teasing him about YEH again.Not only that, SA moment also reduce day by day. Furthermore, now they even more eager to bring back MC loveline again. I'm so disappointed with a PD's.It's not like MC loveline will increase RM rating more higher each ep. After 5 years, it's really tiring to see all loveline in RM. I hope PD's stop focus on that thing and improve a program with interesting game where members can show their smart and competitive side.Somehow i realize because of this loveline thing i'm not as excited as before to watch RM.I only watch ep where all the guest is men because i know they will trying hard to complete a mission including jihyo without focus on stupid loveline and matchmaking everytime they have a chance. Sorry for my long comment.

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I don't remember which of the member said this, but in their interview last year it was mentioned that they do sit together with the PDs and writers of RM from time to time to discuss about the show. I imagine it must involve lots of brainstorming and hot discussions! Anyway, JK has always stated that he doesn't want a loveline, full stop... and maybe the members are tired of teasing him because he doesn't respond in the fun way that he should (like he couldn't be bothered about the teases anymore). As for the loveline, recently the 'proof' might be showing that it's still going strong... for example, it won the best couple award here on Soompi Award 2014. RM gets new fans everyday, and with it they might love the loveline too... also, their cf product might be selling well? (JH is good in selling products anyway... :) ) plus fans requests to see it active. All these might contribute for it... like any business, sell what the buyers want. Show what the viewers want to see. I wonder too, is loveline a staple in variety shows? In this, though I'd love to see more SA moment, I refuse to beg the PDs just for the sake of my own fulfillment... SA is not the loveline, and somehow our couple is restraining themselves. I believe they know what they're doing and respect them for that. Yes, 'them' not only the PDs, but JK and JH too.

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Guest pxy2006

I really don't think the loveline helps with the rating of RM. This ep contains a lot of MC moments. Gary even has few pictures without Ji Hyo. But the rating dropped so much. Therefore, I prefer to think that the PD uses the loveline to improve the cameras for Gary because he really has little to shoot about without Ji Hyo. As for SA, I think they are still not together. But JK really shows great jealousy when MC are together and this ep is not the first time. I think he must be a little bit shy for his love and I am really worried this may make him miss Ji Hyo although he loves her so much. 

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I think for this time, PD still cant get a right strategy to increase RM rating. eventhough love line its not a must in a variety show, but love line take a big part in this show cz many fans like it. We can see how much they try to bringing back MC and maybe they want to create another love line for JK or KS. Like others, I hope the same thing too that PD can find another way out to increase the rating soon, not just bring love line for the members. if PD and members already sit together to discuss about their show, then JH and JK absolutely know what will happen/what will PD creates for them.

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