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Super Junior Siwon and SNSD's Taeyeon fan thread


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Guest benk4reds

ahh your analysis really make my day @evok :D
actually we didn't know if it's Tae and Tiff, but the possibility of them together in the public and hangout makes me happy :)
i want Taewon to be expose although SM will deny them but their picture together will make any Tae coupling fans re-think about their fantasy :D
and it will increase our effort to publicize Taewon...
ahhh please don't go far away, you two :D

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Guest delulusarepsychos

can you guys please stop OVER analyzing EVERYTHING?! as in EVERY SINGLE F*CKING THING!

at first, i was convinced with this possible couple,because of that one video where Taeyeon and Siwon were exchanging glances, but then you guys started to CONNECT EVERY SINGLE F*CKING THING,  I stopped believing this couple because it's just the same as other over-analyzed couplesare you guys HIGH or something?

dont you all realize you're being too DESPERATE TO MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE A REAL COUPLE? as in, you guys are becoming even more PATHETIC each day!

just STOP...i swear to GOD, im ok with TaeWon, Siwon is a good guy anyways, but really, ALL OF THESE DESPERATE AND PATHETIC observation and connection ARE GETTING HELLA ANNOYING AS richard simmons!

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Guest delulusarepsychos

you guys said, you hate TaeNy shippers for being so delusional and desperate, but what are you? arent you guys just like them? except your ship is much more LEGAL and ACCEPTABLE to many because it's a HETERO SHIP! richard simmons double standards!

and please, im so not a TaeNy shipper! i swear! dont treat every single person who are against with all of you a TaeNy shipper because it's not like that. and im irritated not because i dont like TaeWon, but because of annoying SHIPPERS like you guys! 

like, im so f*cking done with Locksmiths (taeny shippers' name) for connecting the depression of Taeyeon to KhunFany; for claiming that Taeyeon has a one-sided love to her bestfriend and that she's much better than Khun for Fany; so please, just please, DONT GET ME STARTED with this!

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Guest delulusarepsychos

cant you guys, just once, leave Taeyeon alone? let the poor girl be in peace! she's so tired! not only she has a tight schedule, but also a NAME that she needs to protect or get going. oh, did i already mention that immature fans are everywhere on her IG? that she has fans who so badly wanted her to end up as a lesbian? dont get me started with all the evil knetz, journalists and paparazzis who like to watch her every single move. and of course, last but DEFINITELY not the least, she has these so called "fans" who like to link her to every idol they want; be it a girl or a boy. how could i forget the oh so lovely shippers, how could i forget you guys? lol  

imagine the pressure she has? and you still question why she's becoming emo or not her usual dorky self these past days? it's all because of those people mentioned above. and yes, you guys are included to it as well. dont ever claim that you "love" her or you are "concerned" with her because i really dont think so. you're nothing but nuisance to her, and she's nothing but a puppet for you guys to play with.

are my words hurting you guys real hard? it hurts? well, it's nothing compared to Taeyeon's. she's hurt. our idol is hurt. badly hurt. and it hurts me that i cant do anything about it, that's why im just here, releasing my frustration to my "fellow-fans"
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Guest delulusarepsychos

dont be so hypocrite. you guys always like to say taeny shippers or sones are so not helping the situation. cant you guys realize that you, too, are being burden as well? if, lets say, you guys are correct. these two are indeed dating each other. but WHY DO YOU GUYS NEED TO SPREAD IT OUT TO THE PUBLIC? DID IT EVER HIT YOU THAT THEY MIGHT NOT BE READY TO REVEAL THEIR RELATIONSHIP and yet, here you are, being SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE and keep on continuing to spread the supposed "secret" to the public?!

f * c k you guys, f * c k you! i am so mad! you're definitely not helping them either! those two are at the peak of their careers, they wanna protect it until the public gets tired of them once the new generation idols come and/or they are already oldies. 

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Guest delulusarepsychos

you guys say, if they are true fans, they would stay even if their bias is in a relationship, but come on! lets be real here, Taeyeon and other idols are not thinking like that. because no matter what, these fans invest to them, and once you invest, feelings grow! and if there's feelings, then pain is inevitable. if you hurt them, then they would leave. simple logic there for all of you. 

i wish all fans can be like us, we wouldnt leave our bias no matter what happens, but they arent so taeyeon and other idols, unless caught by paparazzis, would never like to reveal their relationships, not until they get old and decide to retire or lie-low from showbiz industry.

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Guest delulusarepsychos

i dont know with Siwon, but Taeyeon, the leader and main vocalist of Nation's Girl Group, is loved and desired in South Korea. she wouldnt be named as the most popular snsd member for nothing and she has arguably the largest fanbase within the sone fandom with her being the apple-eye of both girls and boys. im not saying these facts to flaunt her incredible celebrity status, im saying these for you people to realize that Taeyeon isnt like anyone else, she's a superstar; she has a career to manage, a big name and group to protect, and an image to sustain. 

we all know that aside from Taeng, Yoona is also the most popular among the public and the fandom. she has a boyfriend but Lee Seunggi isnt an idol (he's considered as a singer-actor; learn the difference) and has a very good reputation. he's well respected and loved in Korea so it was easy for SM to confirm the couple. his relationship with Yoona was well-accepted and received good feedback from the so called "evil" k-netizens.

assuming TaeWon is real, do you think their relationship would receive good feedback from k-netizens or public in general? i know, Siwon is nice, rich and handsome and has acting gigs, but remember, he's still considered as an idol. not to mention, he's from Super Junior. sorry for saying this but if im not mistaken, Super Junior's image and reputation in Korea isnt that good (because of some members' comments, scandals etc.). 
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Guest delulusarepsychos

im sorry for all the elfs here, i dont have any bad intention, i just had to make a point and i know for sure that you guys also know that 'fact'. dont judge the sone fandom just because of me! my comment isnt associated with my fandom. peace.

so, i know you guys are not that oblivious to not get what i was trying to pin-point. i dont wanna say goodbye yet because i dont know if this will be my first and last post here, it would depend on your reaction and replies. and yes, im ready for it even if im the only person here who are so against with what you're doing.

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Guest delulusarepsychos

again, you guys are comparable to every single damn annoying shippers in my fandom and kpop in general. dont act as if you're better than Locksmiths or other same sex shippers because aside from shipping a hetero otp, you guys have nothing but gut feelings, videos, cropped pics/gifs, normal moments, and pathetic, desperate and over-analyzed connecting posts from twitter and IG! 

you guys are creeping me out. over-analyzing and connecting every single f*cking damn thing is not so healthy =] and the pathetic and desperate spreading of this so called "secret" couple to other fans and public, is even more unhealthy =]

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Guest delulusarepsychos

one more thing, stop hating or laughing on other shippers because they keep on pushing their ship, you guys think you're not being like that? LOL 

stop claiming that others' speculations (like BaekYeon, GTae, JunTae etc.) arent true or just plain delusional! remember, you guys are just like them. your ship, TaeWon, is just a mere speculation as well. PMSL it's nothing but a fan ship, unless, proven wise. 

you guys cant be all arrogant and claim in twitter that your ship is real just because you said so or your supposed evidence is the legit one when in reality, it's nothing but a slowed-gif from videos, cropped-pic from moments, shameless connecting of SNS posts etc. LMAO try harder!

all of you are just bunch of anon people who like to spend their oh so precious time collecting "evidences" that would solidify their very own ship. you guys like to watch videos and slow it and then make suspicions out of 1 or few second eye contact/glance. and then you will print-screen it and post it and claim that "omfg they are so f*cking real! they made eye contact! they secretly glance at one another! they must be f*cking!" ROFL!

and worse, even the SNS posts are being used by shippers nowadays as well FML arent you guys just like that? so from now on, you all have no right to claim that TaeNy shipper or other shippers are being pathetic, baseless and desperate because all of you are just the same as them. 

ISTG dont make me choose which is better between you shippers and sasaengs because im afraid i wouldnt and couldnt spot the difference between you two. the worst case scenario would be to choose  sasaengs over you creepy pathetic shippers because at least the sasaengs can shut their mouths up when they got some personal and private info from their biases.

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Guest delulusarepsychos

Let me clear myself once again, Im not a TaeNy shipper, I didn’t post here in behalf of my fandom and im not against with TaeWon being real, I came here as a Taeyeon stan who isn’t pleased with all the annoying, selfish and inconsiderate fans and shippers (both hetero and homo).

and yes, SORRY NOT SORRY! that's it. im done. So f*cking done with all your sh*ts.

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what the F is this? how can you troll a thread like this? this is SHIPPING THREAD!! CAN YOU GET ITTT??? We are not only trying to make delulu fanfictions over delulu couples!  Can you read the title? "SUPER JUNIOR SIWON AND SNSD TEYEON A SECRET COUPLE??" ıts not official Taewon couple thread... even ıf ıt was, like EVERY OTHER SHIPPER THREAD we have a right to examine their every moment... WHY ITS BOTHERS YOU???....sorry why all the other Shıpper have a right to claim Taeyeon is dating with Leeteuk or Baekhyun, Tiffany, Jessica..blah blah with putting lovely friendly delulu moments also have a chance to bash and fight other shippers WHO ARE TRYING TO EXPLAİN THEM the right situations, other OPTIONS...but we dont have a right to examine their moment????  we are talking about logical facts with putting time lines.. we are also trying to help them bc SOMEDAY IT WILL REVEALLLL!!! Dont make me talk... we know smth that why we are talking!!!!!... OKKKK!!!!!... we are trying to help them with gaining some more supporters bc they will need ittt..SOMEDAY.... !!!

this couple facts are getting more real for fans and people from other fandoms are disturbed about this facts... we never really bashed them we are critising them bc of their childish acts... so many fandom are doing this... a lot of Sones critising Locksmiths and find them annoying and keep make fan of them but we are doing this when we faced with extraordinary reactions like Khunfany incidents... also they are bashing us and other shippers everyday with using bad words ??... we are not going their threads and fighting with them..

the things you called richard simmons is now helping a lot of people respect them , having sempathy over them and support them... Bc Khunfany fans examined all their moments and show the fans, today some fans took it easy and said we already know it... do you think ıf one day they reveal and no one knows about them, what would happen? can you imagine it?

we like to examine their secret moments and we are not really trying to reveal it to world... do you think ıts not easy? we are here for more than a year we can go everywhere and say they are dating, they are dating.. we would even spread lies like we saw photos, we saw them.. someone saw them at street balh blah... ıts so easy to spread them and pull interest to their moments but we are not doing it we are not doing extraordinary things... of course we knows smth but we are trying to gain people interest with showing their moments with saying.. WE THINK THEY WOULD BE A REAL COUPLE!!...

we are the only shippers who are not doing sexual fantasies, who are not doing fanfictions, we are talking in a small group of people and we are always welcome to people who wants to examine or giving their opinion in a respectful ways... Not like you... you are so wrong... and you cant see it...

I will give flag to your posts bc we dont like this kind of talks in here.. ıf you continue to talk like this I will ask admin to delete your account... ıf you can understand what we are doing here, please delete your disrespectful posts or I will try to do it with other ways...

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Guest delulusarepsychos

fyi, im not trolling. did you even read my posts? if so, then tryna read it again because you obviously didnt get my point! you even accused me of trolling? WTH!
"this is SHIPPING THREAD!! CAN YOU GET ITTT???" - yes i get it, and yes i know im not a taewon shipper so a fan like me is not welcome here. but as a Taeyeon fan i think i have every right to post here when shippers like you got me so annoyed. 

"We are not only trying to make delulu fanfictions over delulu couples! " -> oh really? how can you say so? how sure are you that TaeWon is real? and how sure are you that other ships arent? SMH

"like EVERY OTHER SHIPPER THREAD we have a right to examine their every moment... WHY ITS BOTHERS YOU???" - lemme clear myself here, IM NOT BOTHERED BY THE POSSIBILITY OF TAEWON, IM BOTHRED BY CREEPY AND ANNOYING SHIPPERS LIKE YOU! and yes, you have every right to examine, but are those even moments to begin with? it's just a shameless, desperate and pathetic connecting of SNS posts and other things! fml

"but we dont have a right to examine their moment????  we are talking about logical facts with putting time lines" -> did i ever say you dont have right to explain their moment? what i said was, "can you guys please stop?!" learn the difference pls. logical facts? omg! again, how sure are you that what you're thinking is a "fact" to begin with?  and other shippers' supposed "logical fact" arent true? you're being biased here.
"we are also trying to help them bc SOMEDAY IT WILL REVEALLLL" - i dont think you guys are being helpful here. you guys are making things even more complicated. 
"Dont make me talk... we know smth that why we are talking!!!!" -> lol arent you talking already? and lmao, what exactly do you know? are you an insider? are you a soshi member? are you acquainted with SuJu members? if you arent one of those, then what made you think you know something that other fans doesnt? unless you are taeyeon or something lol

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Guest delulusarepsychos

"this couple facts are getting more real for fans and people from other fandoms are disturbed about this facts..." - lol why would other fandoms get disturbed by this if they arent elf or  sone? if i know, they are disturbed not because of TaeWon, but because of creepy shippers like you 
"we never really bashed them we are critising them bc of their childish acts... so many fandom are doing this..." -> and im not bashing you either. except, maybe, the way i criticize you guys are much harder lol but can you honestly blame me? you're being too much as well pal
"a lot of Sones critising Locksmiths and find them annoying and keep make fan of them but we are doing this when we faced with extraordinary reactions like Khunfany incidents..."  -> yup and im one of those. i never liked those Locksmiths who are being too delulu and pushy anyways. what do you mean by "doing this"? i didnt get it.
"also they are bashing us and other shippers everyday with using bad words ??... we are not going their threads and fighting with them.." -> good for you then. but sorry, i was lurking your twitter and i know for sure that you also like to fight with other shippers (not in a violent way) using indirect posts. (ex: you always like to pin-point that baekyeon, gtae, juntae arent real and that your ship is the real one lol)
"the things you called Richard Simmons is now helping a lot of people respect them , having sempathy over them and support them..." LOL this is ridiculous. since when people started to respect and support KhunFany? i dont know with others but cant you see that my fandom is kinda messy right now because half of it is still against them? (note: sones who cant accept KhunFany are not just the TaeNy shippers, in fact, some of them have already accepted it so dont generalize!) and if i know, some fans just like to jump to the bandwagon of sympathizing KhunFany especially Khunnie because they hate TaeNy shippers that much lol
"Bc Khunfany fans examined all their moments and show the fans, today some fans took it easy and said we already know it... "-> correction, i know a lot of sones whom already knew about KhunFany since way back then, but they definitely didnt take it easy when it was finally confirmed lol 
"do you think ıf one day they reveal and no one knows about them, what would happen? can you imagine it?" -> i would like to ask you as well, how sure are you that TaeWon is really dating? and how sure are you that when SM finally decides to let the paparazzis reveal Taeyeon's relationship, the guy would still be Siwon? we arent GOD so we can never predict the future! and with this, you are just making things even more complicated. 

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you are totally trolling!!
you never been in shipper channel right? you know what is "shipping" mean right? ıf you were, you would know ıt means examine two people every moment!! examine and put together their every possible connection!! ... like Taeny or Baektae fans doing... we are putting their possible matching SNS post than we are being annoying! =)) what do you want us doing, writing fanfictions like others... why some real facts are disturbing people... ıs ıt that hard to get something more logical?... but when Taeny fans sharing "look tae and Fany is looking each other.. look they are so called using couple bracelet ...they touch each other butts" type things they be a real shippers for everyone... you are so annoying I dont know who you are really shipping... you are not TAEWON FAN... DONT LİE... THİS FACTS ARE DISTURBİNG YOU.. that why you but.thurt and trying to get out your anger with this way... we are not doing anything wrong... how saying "their SNS post looks so similar, can it be for each other" type talks could be wrong!!! how can it be harmful? where is the wrong in this??? we are the most innocent shippers!! why ıts distrub so called TAEWON fan?? we are totally on logical clues and we like to talk about it... you dont have to think like that, you dont have to have same idea like us but you dont have a right to say people you cant do this!!... millions of people doing this so worst ways.. not like us....ıf you disturbed you go to your delulu world and contınue to your other shipping... we cant stand stupid disrespectful people like you..

and yes ıf you cant see it ıts your problem.. ıt helps them... ıt will never happen but ıf Baek-Tae relaiton was real and ıf ıt reveal tomorrow.. bc of Tae-baek fans hardwork..most people take it more easy and like it... bc they know there will be possibility...but ıf suddenly one day ıt goes out Beak is dating Tae, what would happen can you put to your mind? can you imagine it??
also like I said dont make me talk... do you think I will share you my private infos...do you think I dont have connections...you will learn everything and gonna ashamed yourself... all other stupid, disrespectful fans too...so dont talk nonsense... and leave this thread...you delulupsycho.. we dont have a place for rude delulu fans like you... all this people here are so mature and so respectful, friendly to each other... we talks and have fun to talk with each other.. you can go whatever you want to go... or briefly Take it or leave it...

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I dont believe you are against delulu shippings.. people against it dont find our logical and harmless claimings disturbing... we are doing it in most proper way with respecting them as human!

no one gives date but we are trying to help them and we like to examine their secret ways to comminicate with each other... you cant say ıts wrong... when other people are doing this without any examination and claming things without any proof... Taeny is real.. Tae is gay... you have to go and attact them ıf you are against delulu fans.. not people like us who are showing some real moments and emotional actions..

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Guest delulusarepsychos

"we like to examine their secret moments and we are not really trying to reveal it to world... " -> you wanna examine their secrets? omfg fans like you is one of the reasons why kpop idols arent that fond of their fans sometimes. you are being too much. can you not get it? it's a secret because they dont wanna share it to public! you have to respect it and dont try to meddle with their personal lives! my gosh.
"we would even spread lies like we saw photos, we saw them.. someone saw them at street balh blah... ıts so easy to spread them and pull interest to their moments but we are not doing it we are not doing extraordinary things..." -> but i know that if you guys really have the chance (if you have photos of them together), especially you, you would most likely spread it just to let the world that your ship is real. and please, just because you arent doing those things, doesnt mean you're any better because what you are currently doing (like connecting sns posts, treating a few-seconds eye-contact or glance as a moment, anaylyzing every single thing like that shades and heels) arent to be proud of as well.
"of course we knows smth but we are trying to gain people interest with showing their moments with saying.. WE THINK THEY WOULD BE A REAL COUPLE!!... " -> you must be really close with taeyeon and siwon for you to be so sure that you know something and that what you're thinking is definitely real lol i envy you then, can i get a Taeyeon autograph or something? lmao but kidding aside, i admit, im one of those people who became interested with TaeWon, but then you started to over-analyzed everything and decided to spread this supposed "secret" to OH, twitter, youtube etc., that's when i lost all interest because you've become like others, attenion-seeking bish
"we are the only shippers who are not doing sexual fantasies, who are not doing fanfictions" -> excuse me? how about the edited picture of Taeyeon being naughty with Siwon's butt? and the speculation that Taeyeon was touching Siwon's butt on that TTS+Siwon picture? arent those sexual fantasies? lol EVERYTHING THAT ISNT CONFIRMED NOR DENIED ARE CONSIDERED AS FANFICTION, just saying.
"we are talking in a small group of people and we are always welcome to people who wants to examine or giving their opinion in a respectful ways... Not like you... you are so wrong... and you cant see it..." -> ok ok i admit what i did was rude. IM SORRY. i truly am. i was just so annoyed that's why.  but im not sorry with my opinion. i was wrong with the way i approached you, but my words and opinions werent. and no, i definitely can see it. i can see and admit my mistake, not like you =]

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Guest KarenD1430293720


try to examine this video. during Melons Music Awards 2009 , i noticed Taeyeon keep on smiling and winking. Super Junior was there!
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Guest KarenD1430293720


try to examine this video. during Melons Music Awards 2009 , i noticed Taeyeon keep on smiling and winking. Super Junior was there!
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