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Food/meal and beverages that you saw in K-dramas


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KyoRean said:
LOL =)) haha.. My Chingu ^chibiottoman   kamsahamnida   ^:)^  .. Thank You for lurking here. I am so happy to see you. My English is bad  , and I am not capable to write good reviewing for food & drama. That is why I just make post copy and paste from article taken from blogs and other sources ;)) . Just to share with us all in this thread and make the thread lively hihihi :))

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chibiottoman said: nov6060 - I saw your edit a bit late, sorry. Ah it's so great to be here, thank you. :DI I'm trying to get accustomed to how to share things. I have give a break to watching dramas because of my school work so I have no new "food" captions however, I have good memories with food.

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chibiottoman said:

KyoRean is a talented "K-food hunter" =D> woaaah! so many foods! But that clam thing didn't seem so tasty to me due to cultural difference. I mean.. I used to play with empty clam shells on the beach, and haven't thought they could be food. We have a phrase like "Denizden babam çıksa yerim." [i eat/swallow anything comes from sea doesn't matter whether it's my own father] which people who love seafood too much but.. I guess we should give our phrase to dear Koreans.. =))

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Guest chibiottoman

All people around me keep asking "oh have you tried sushi?! you must have tried it, how was it? öğk (irritation mark) i can't believe you have eaten that! " because, they associate all slanted eyes people with sushi and my answer is always, with a cold tone "no". [At those times I feel like I'm the most cool character in an shounen anime who does serious business and doesn't talk with people often because of seeing them useless. On contrary to my imagination, the reality is just being a stingy Asia lover.] Then their facial expression changes into something like "what?! what kinda asia lover you are?!" But I have a baaad and sad memory about it.
Again me, was strolling at the shopping mall, having 10 TL in purse [around 6 $ ?] and decided to buy some ramen and check the stuff like soy beans etc. I could buy a can of soy beans, a bottle of soy sauce, some packets of ramen and a little packet of curry with that money so I was glad to have it, and also had some more money because I was told to get some tomatoes, milk etc. Anyway, when I went to that part of the mall where Asian stuff are, I was like "what to buy..." and I saw seaweed there, thanks to the company it was written in hiragana so I could read the name "nori". Then I saw that rice noodles which were 3 TL. Because I paid too much attention to that price I haven't seen the nori one. I quickly got the nori some ramen, soy sauce etc and started to go to the cash desk. I was happy! I was thinking like "now when I go home back, I'll cook sushi and maybe bibimbap! " then I thought "If I make everything more "perfect" I don't get a kimchi thing again.." and found Japanese rice, it was 11 TL as far as I remember. I didn't buy it saying "errr just 600 gr rice and 11 TL? I can buy10 kg rice with that money!"  Me went to cash desk smiling, happy, flying with delight.. and then thought.. "Why did I buy two chicken flavoured ramen? I should change one of them to beef one. " I went back there and.. saw something like "prawn cracker" [it was put near the nori] I saw its price, 4.5TL and then saw something like.. 36 TL .. 36?! I was like "whaaaat's thaaaat?!" and it said "dried seaweed" me thinking "seaweed.. weed.. no.. nori..?!" >and wishing it's 3.6 not 36 .. < then... me putting the nori packet in my hand carefully back to its place back checking if I had done any harm to the packet..  and went home with a sulking face. :(:

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chibiottoman said: All people around me keep asking "oh have you tried sushi?! you must have tried it, how was it? öğk (irritation mark) i can't believe you have eaten that! " because, they associate all slanted eyes people with sushi and my answer is always, with a cold tone "no". [At those times I feel like I'm the most cool character in an shounen anime who does serious business and doesn't talk with people often because of seeing them useless. On contrary to my imagination, the reality is just being a stingy Asia lover.] Then their facial expression changes into something like "what?! what kinda asia lover you are?!" But I have a baaad and sad memory about it.
Again me, was strolling at the shopping mall, having 10 TL in purse [around 6 $ ?] and decided to buy some ramen and check the stuff like soy beans etc. I could buy a can of soy beans, a bottle of soy sauce, some packets of ramen and a little packet of curry with that money so I was glad to have it, and also had some more money because I was told to get some tomatoes, milk etc. Anyway, when I went to that part of the mall where Asian stuff are, I was like "what to buy..." and I saw seaweed there, thanks to the company it was written in hiragana so I could read the name "nori". Then I saw that rice noodles which were 3 TL. Because I paid too much attention to that price I haven't seen the nori one. I quickly got the nori some ramen, soy sauce etc and started to go to the cash desk. I was happy! I was thinking like "now when I go home back, I'll cook sushi and maybe bibimbap! " then I thought "If I make everything more "perfect" I don't get a kimchi thing again.." and found Japanese rice, it was 11 TL as far as I remember. I didn't buy it saying "errr just 600 gr rice and 11 TL? I can buy10 kg rice with that money!"  Me went to cash desk smiling, happy, flying with delight.. and then thought.. "Why did I buy two chicken flavoured ramen? I should change one of them to beef one. " I went back there and.. saw something like "prawn cracker" [it was put near the nori] I saw its price, 4.5TL and then saw something like.. 36 TL .. 36?! I was like "whaaaat's thaaaat?!" and it said "dried seaweed" me thinking "seaweed.. weed.. no.. nori..?!" >and wishing it's 3.6 not 36 .. < then... me putting the nori packet in my hand carefully back to its place back checking if I had done any harm to the packet..  and went home with a sulking face. :(:

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From wikipedia, Black Day(블랙데이) (April 14) is a South Korean informal tradition for single people to get together and eat jajangmyeon (noodles with black bean sauce). The idea is that those who did not give or receive gifts on Valentine's Day (February 14) or White Day (March 14) can get together and eat jajangmyeon, white Korean noodles with black bean sauce, to celebrate their singledom.




Cr to google, wikipedia, reuters

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Guest chibiottoman

It's so great if it's less expensive. My geography teacher [who always goes to Asia] says the sushi is tastier there and also cheaper. I sometimes envy him because he tours there a lot.
By the way where are you from?
[got shock and can't comment more.. like crackers.. or biscuits...öhö öhöö (coughing, can't take breath! ) ]

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chibiottoman said: It's so great if it's less expensive. My geography teacher [who always goes to Asia] says the sushi is tastier there and also cheaper. I sometimes envy him because he tours there a lot.
By the way where are you from?
[got shock and can't comment more.. like crackers.. or biscuits...öhö öhöö (coughing, can't take breath! ) ]

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Aha, I got it now, those pics explain why in full house k-drama, the girl was so lazy to wash dishes and just left all dirty plates in the sink... too many plates to wash for one meal...




cr to google

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In the last episode of k-drama rooftop prince, ha ji min ate dried persimmons. I'd like to discuss about this delicious tasty fruit with a unique and distinct taste here...


Persimmon is not available throughout the year. It requires a bit cold weather for its production. The good thing about dried persimmons is that it does not lose their taste and aroma.This process of drying this fruit goes back 700 years ago. Drying of this fruit not only preserves this fruit but also brings healthy attributes to it.

Making dried persimmon requires patience and careful monitoring. The process starts by peeling the persimmon, and then hanging the fruit, several on a string or over a pole.  After 3 to 7 days, the persimmon will form a skin that needs to be massaged in order to break up the hard inner pulp.  The massage process goes on every 3 to 5 days for three to five weeks.  By the end of this lengthy process, the sugars will come to the surface of the fruits, leaving a white bloom. The process is complete when the pulp sets and you can no longer roll it.


Drying persimmon also concentrates its nutritional values. Pound for pound, dried persimmon has over four times the fiber of a fresh persimmon, three times the energy, and more than twice the protein content. Dried persimmon also has concentrated amounts of Vitamin A, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. There are also trace amounts of iron and zinc.


cr to http://driedpersimmon.com/ and google

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Guest OreoVampire

Aigoo .. chingu ^nov6060 yah !... those persimmon looks so beautiful and it's golden orange.

I like it if it taste a bit sour and sweet. I also wonder if it does gives smell like Orange. Interesting chingu! kamsahamnida !  :)

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Guest nana544

@nov6060, thank you for the warm welcoming :). I've been on Soompi for awhile; just not constantly on this thread often :). And what yummy food you have!!!

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KyoRean said:

Aigoo .. chingu ^nov6060 yah !... those persimmon looks so beautiful and it's golden orange.

I like it if it taste a bit sour and sweet. I also wonder if it does gives smell like Orange. Interesting chingu! kamsahamnida !  :)

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