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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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Guest Mary1430292397

thank you for welcoming me  >:D< @suchadiva42  :x hi @laquetahodge  :-h nice to see you.
i just watched the live streaming of the drama. i'm so excited for next week's ep. Jealousy already?  ;))

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leaaaaa said:

I t The adoptive 'parents' are more emotional attached to KH than JS. We can see that in episode 5 when KH calls Mr Kim 'appa' and when they talk like real father-daughter. Furthermore, he trusts her with the company. You can see that he sees her as his daughter. I can't see DoYoung's husband will really care for JungSoo at the end, since he never really got to know her and I doubt he will want to get to know anyone of her family after all the things get revealed.  

When it comes to DoYoung, it is a bit harder. She took care of JungSoo for some weeks but then got into the accident. She probably will always have a soft spot for her BUT KyungHee was HER daughter for a longer time. It is naturally that she will care for her more. Furthermore, JungSoo is not her real daughter.

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I'd better add that my guess that it would be some sort of KH-inspired villainy that got  JS thrown out of her store was mistaken. For once, KY doesn't have a hand in the misfortune (which of course is duly converted into a piece of good luck when stripey Prince Charming comes cruising by and makes a job offer).  JS and her aunt have sub-leased the stall from someone who has now just gone bust, after failing to pay the real-estate owner the head rent. As a consequence, the repo guys are on their way and plan to seize all the stocks of the stalls rented out by the defaulting landlord.  That's why they have to bundle their wares together and make a quick getaway, then set up an illegal street stall, which is also soon rumbled.

BTW, we'll know that big romantic trouble is brewing if Min Ki takes to wearing stripey jackets, too. The closest he comes to stripes at the moment are those monster eyebrows.

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Guest leaaaaa

lol let us hope that we won't get a cancer patient in this drama. It gets slowly too cliche. Btw I  really hope they won't use cancer for KH to get her forgiven by JS and everyone else. lol  She also had a headache in this episode and she is the bio niece of JS' Mom. 



Because though mother's ashes went over the cliff long long ago, we all know who and where Daddy is, don't we, and since you can bet his plots to grab the company (hinted at in today's episode) will come to nothing, discovering he has a long-lost daughter who needs a body part pronto might just give him a new purpose in life: or death, if it's a one-off body part.
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I was thinking about something JS uncle said that evil aunty was JS mother's best friend.  Don't you tell your best friend everything? I think evil aunty knows who JS father is.  I would not be to surprised if she did something that destroyed the relationship between JS mother and father either.  It is quite possible she is the link to JS father.   I hope JS gets JH. their chemistry is great. I already see them running in the rain toghether holding hands.  So sweet how he took care of her and can't seem to get her out of his head.

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The sub there is a bit misleading. They are arguing about why they should take JS in. Nasty aunt grudgingly concedes that her hubby has to do something or other for the girl since her mother was his sister, to which he retorts that she was a good friend of his sister's in their young days, so she should feel some responsibiity in her own right, too (the Korean in-group membership thing: an eternal bond with everyone who happened to be in the same elementary school class with you yonks ago) But the aunt indicates (and she will later viciously make the same point to JS, too, on several occasions) that JS's mother made herself a pariah by getting pregnant out of wedlock and being rightly thrown out by her family. Auntie dear is far too respectable and 'moral' to be friends with such a trollope.

I very much doubt that the aunt has any idea who the father is, otherwise she wouldn't torment the child, as she does, by mockingly pointing out that her mother was so mortified over her sluttish past that she was ashamed to tell her child who her father was, and if she did indeed know, I can't see her passing up the chance to offload JS on to a prosperous director of a major company (and maybe extort some study sponsorship and a cushy job for her darling KY into the bargain).  I also suspect that's why JS's mother didn't try to give her brother any clue as to the child's father in her final message or in some note meant to be found after her death. We know she knew she had a terminal illness, so she might easily have decided to do just that, had she thought fit.

That "lucky" purse might play a role in opening JS's father's eyes, too. After all, it was made by JS's grandfather, who treated the orphan boy who  became JS's father like his own son and preferred him to JS's uncle, his own flesh and blood. If he gets to see the purse, he might well recognize it as his adoptive father's handiwork and start to draw conclusions about its subsequent possessors.

As for JH, I hope he doesn't go too near the zoo in that black and white jacket and find himself followed everywhere by a lovesick zebra filly who gets ferociously jealous of JS and chews up all her bags. Though I think I'd prefer even that plot twist to the outworn fatal illness trope. It would be quite credible by comparison, and refreshingly different for once.

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I have got to learn Korean.  It is difficult I find though because the sound is unfamiliar to my ears. Sometimes they are saying one consanant and its another.  But I will try harder.  I have to learn to be able to do my own translation, sometimes I fell that it lot is left out or that the translation is not acurate.

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Guest leaaaaa

nikkij said: I have got to learn Korean.  It is difficult I find though because the sound is unfamiliar to my ears. Sometimes they are saying one consanant and its another.  But I will try harder.  I have to learn to be able to do my own translation, sometimes I fell that it lot is left out or that the translation is not acurate.

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It's getting more exciting!!!! happy-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?129279110On the new preview, it seems that JH was jealous when he saw JS and MK together.. Not sure. I just based it on his facial expression. cute-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?1292791100

And I think her Uncle already told her the truth about what he and his wife did in the past that's why she went to Woo family's house. (?)Will the truth come out as soon as we never expected?? So excited for next week!!!

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