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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@minnie0103 thanks for the preview. My wish may come true after all. TH and SN will be able to have some alone time together.

Don't really understand about the cheating concubine though.

If ET ever finds out about WY and SN he might try to frame that in them too.

Seriously if was more open to his kids they would have told him everything. He wouldn't be in this situation now where he is blind sided by the people around him.

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Guest seohaseurri22

Thanks for these spoilers @pegster!!! Yeah, the story might be dragging at some point, well I don't care at all. At least, I have some knowledge of what the story is going through....

When will that hunting game scene be shown, this next ep??


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So yea...in the middle of all this plotting and possible abdication, they're having a hunting competition?  :|
And the whole thing with Tana being there is a spoiler from the novel?  =))  So it may or may not happen.  I think I need to drink heavily while watching live next week.  

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Guest tookie18

Lately, everytime I look around the subject regarding the Comfort Women is in the news, the women that were forced primarily to become sex slaves. Many of these women are still living. On the news these poor little old ladies are on T.V. usually with their faces buried in a rag while boohooing their brains out in front of the world. The pain is still so deep they will carry it with them to their graves. Whenever I see them I ask myself, how many of these women have a strory like Empress Ki? Some have been so bold as to say "why can they not stop talking about it and get over it? That is a foolish question, it is like asking the holacost surviors to forget the pain and suffering. I believe if possible we should forgive but never forget. It is a positive thiing that dramas, movies, books, etc. keep these topics in the forefront. By doing this hopefullly these types of atroacities will never happen again. in addition, Where I live in the U.S. we are celebrating African-American History Month, the comparison here for me is the Palace is the same as the Big House. The Big House was where the slaves with rank and previledges worked and lived, usually they were the mistress of the master and had children by him. These slave women and their children would sometimes live in the same house with the master's wife and children. Some masters would not only have sex, rape whatever you want to call it with as many field slaves as he could beside the one living under his roof. His wife the mistress was not stupid either she knew what was going on and had no choice but to accept it. Like Sueng-Nyang the Big House slaves were sometimes the eyes and ears for their people, although, many times despised and not trusted by the other slaves becuase Big House slaves were too close to the master. When opportunity knocked though, the Big House slaves would run away too. with or without their children, they were survivors and the only thing that stayed in their thoughts was freedom.

So, when I watch the drama Empress Ki, I see the Comfort Women and millions of slaves that were in the exact same position as Sueng-Nyang. It is not that I am so adamant about Sueng-Nyang and Wang-Yoo getting together, the main reason for my stance is Empress Ki is a serious topic in history. She could be My mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc. I cannot for the life of me glamorize or romanticsize any type of oppression or bondage. In this drama Sueng-Nyang may very well end up with TaHwan, then so be it, however, my opinion is that Sueng-Nyang is a powerful woman in history and if the opportunity would have arisen she would have been the first one to leave the Palace.

Sueng-Nyang's face and eyes speaks volumes. The look of perpetual misery and sadnness is all over her face, her eyes are harden, her body stiffens, her face is stone cold whenever she is with TaHwan or in his arms. Her constant thoughts are for her country, family and Wang Yoo. It is difficult for her to forget the brutallity of the Mongols. She stated to the head Eunuch "how could she allow herself to be a plaything with the ones who ravished her country and murdered her mother? Seung-Nyang is in the palace for one reason and that is to save her beloved country, Koryo. She will do anything to survive in order to save her country. She is the eyes and ears for her nation by living in the Yuan Dynasty.

In a sense their were some so-called kind masters who would allow their property to keep their limbs in order to work, mybe gave them decent food. Nontheless, the key word is bondage. The Emperor is young, handsome and kind to her for the time being, he would do anything for her, however her heart is not with him. Although, her body is with TaHwan her heart and soul is with Koryo and Wang Yoo. When she first arrived in the palace she kept trying to kill TaHwan at every turn with posion, sharpening knives and hair pins. When she realized that there was a better method to save her people she reluctantly but willingly became a concubine then on to becoming Empress Ki. Her eyes have softened now but her heart is far away in Koryo with Wang Yoo.

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sarah.lina said: @jeenee : Don't take it the wrong way dear, i wasn't implying that SN should have an affair with WY, she's an upright person and has her own principles, she wouldn't do something like that, it's the same for WY (that's not R-Rated drama either :D :D :D).
on a side note : Song Ji Hyo kept sleeping with Jo In Sung without Joo Jin Mo knowing ;)

The one-sided love of WY, well i'm not too sure about that, after watching 31 episodes of this drama, the tears after her reunion with WY weren't without sentiments (ie : in the beginning she swear to not cry for WY).

The tears from the coronation scene attest that she didn't "forget" WY, she even asked her court lady, if he left Yuan. But you have to understand that SN is dead since her baby death, she doesn't want to love anybody, she can't love anybody, that's how she's now, it's only because she has the mind of a warrior that she's decided with that dead body of her to take the revenge and only revenge. That's her last duty as a human being.

The problem is after the revenge, there is their baby left in the middle (who happened to be alive), after knowing that i don't they will keep helping secretly each other. The relation between WY-SN-TH will get even more complicated.

I don't know if i'm clear, if you don't understand some point, just ask me :)>- :)>-

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I believe it is a form of cheating if SN still carries a torch for WY while married to TH.

I know a lot of us still back the WY & SN ship but if she's married to TH I don't think it right and hope the writers will make her fall for TH. For me, regardless of why she came back and for what reason. She has made her bed and now she has to lie in it.

I believe one should be faithful to their spouse, both physically and emotionally. TH is a king so of course it's Different for him, but it shouldn't be for SN. If by the end of the series and SN still carries a torch for WY I would be really pissed off. I rather she harden her heart then leave a man in there while living with another. Cheating is cheating, regardless of the circumstances or who they are.

I'm a TT fan myself but I would not want SN to harbour any feelings for TT because that would also be cheating. I simply cannot accept or feel any empathy for a cheating woman as a central character.

I feel bad for WY but there is nothing left to do. Unless SN left TH else they would never have a happy ending. But wishing for a married woman to leave her good husband for another man is a bad thought and makes SN a bad character so I hope this never happens.

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Guest hunterdd

tieuyeunu said: I believe it is a form of cheating if SN still carries a torch for WY while married to TH.

I know a lot of us still back the WY & SN ship but if she's married to TH I don't think it right and hope the writers will make her fall for TH. For me, regardless of why she came back and for what reason. She has made her bed and now she has to lie in it.

I believe one should be faithful to their spouse, both physically and emotionally. TH is a king so of course it's Different for him, but it shouldn't be for SN. If by the end of the series and SN still carries a torch for WY I would be really pissed off. I rather she harden her heart then leave a man in there while living with another. Cheating is cheating, regardless of the circumstances or who they are.

I'm a TT fan myself but I would not want SN to harbour any feelings for TT because that would also be cheating. I simply cannot accept or feel any empathy for a cheating woman as a central character.

I feel bad for WY but there is nothing left to do. Unless SN left TH else they would never have a happy ending. But wishing for a married woman to leave her good husband for another man is a bad thought and makes SN a bad character so I hope this never happens.

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critics said: In one of the previous episodes, there was that conversation between KN & YW wherein the latter swore to cut her 10 fingers once KN becomes TH concubine. Do you guys still remember this?  Or did I get it wrong?  Or am I the only one who got too excited to watch those fingers chop into pieces? tuzky-bunny-emoticon-000005.gif     

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@jeenee : you have all the rights to express yourself as shipper, non shipper or whatever, this tread is made for that :D :D :D
If nobody wants to analyse these two couples... so we can close this thread for good just sayin' I-) I-) I-)

NB : K-netizen are betting that EK will have 40% of ratings on its final <:-P <:-P <:-P, they are even more crazy of them who want EK to get extented to 80 episodes =)) =)) =))

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