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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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that reminds me of ep22 when we were all angry over the time lap after the ep ended :)) and when the subs were out
we all relaxed knowing that the writers were not drunk after all  :))

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

I remember someone posted this at the very begining of Empress Ki... At that moment, only the fourth first episodes had aired.Though It might have seemed funny back then, almost 20 episodes later... it becomes quite hard to deny the info.. -_-

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@chrissydiva - 
Exactly, who has time for roses/candlelight/love? These people have things to do! (like destroy ET and clan) It's like saying people who lived back when there were dinosaurs - did they have time for romance? No, they were trying to keep from being eaten.  :|
@kaeruchan - insomnia.gif  You're joking, right? SN has this baby, all alone in a cave and...the first person she encounters is Byung-Soo? Seriously? OMG, I don't even want to watch next week now! I mean, COME ON! swear1.gifThese writers are determined to crush her into the dirt. 
@petria - Agree, I wondered when/if ET will find out what his kids are pulling behind his back. TN talked Ki-Se into committing treason (which she's already attempted herself once) 
Woot! @larabn is throwing a party! First we had @pallisan buying drinks and now a party! No wonder I'm enjoying this thread so much. yesssmileyf.gif
Recap for this week is up - link is in my siggy. 

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My question about the text preview, is BS going to find SN with the baby, or is he going to find her alone after she leaves the baby somewhere 'safe'?
I was under the impression that SN's pregnancy/having a baby was suppose to be a secret, that'w why she has to hide the fact that DS's baby is her child (assuming DS did take her baby), no?
Death is too kind a treatment for DS.  I want SN to first torture her, then throw her into the brothel, and let her suffer!  While this is happening, I want both ET and DK to be alive to watch their precious suffer through all of this while they are in jail waiting for their doom.
For YBS and WG, I want SN to order that YBS poke out  WG's eyes, cut his tongue, and burst his ear drums.  Let him suffer the same pain KJO had to suffer.  After they do all that to him, throw him out on to the streets and let him slowly die.
As for YBS, same thing to happen to him, and also castrate him, but let PBH do the honours, 
I don't know what I want to happen to DK and ET.  Maybe strip them of their powers, break their legs and throw them in to the brothel to serve as slaves there.  Let all the commoners look down on them, and force them to do dirty work.
I'm wondering if SN would eventually lure YBS to her side to aid them in bringing down ET since YBS is such a sleezeball, he'll just follow whoever he thinks can help him up the power ladder.  After he helps SN take down ET, then he meets his doom.  This would be what they call 'digging his own grave', never satisfied with what he currently has, always being too greedy.
@tessieroo you are not the only person to wish that ET would have died last week.  I have no problem with him dying early on because I know there are all these other enemies they will need to face after ET.

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@tessieroo That was exactly my point. It's like he's expected to light candles in a shape of a heart and plays sweet music for her. No offense but i don't need that crap.  The guy has shown his feelings plenty. I mean he told her she was special to him and even asked her to be his Queen. He didn't say "Be my concubine" but used the word "Queen".  If that's not enough to show his love, i don't know what is. Just because he doesn't spend his whole time following her around and screaming "I love you" doesn't mean he doesn't love her enough. It's not like SN is the epitome of romance either. :)) The girl is not really given enough to express herself at time, but we know that SN is pretty reserved when it comes to her feelings. She usually lets it out when she's alone. She never really does it in front of people.Like the other day, someone thought that her reaction to the goodbye scene with WY was underwhelming. After i watched the scene, i came to disagree. She was clearly affected, but she wanted to act strong because that's her nature. The same with WY, he was holding back. When he let go of her hands one by one and turned back, she gasped and took one step. It was like it finally hits her "He is really leaving and i am staying." And when he turned around, she slightly smiled and waved like she was telling him "I'm fine you can go", but once he left she finally cried. I'll take those scenes instead of her throwing herself on the floor and crying. Now that's more annoying because like i said, to them it wasn't a goodbye as in we are never seeing each other again, but they were still sad for separating even temporary. I don't need long declaration or shoving of flowers to tell me when two people love each other. I think it was shown enough for me to believe their feelings for each other.
Despite the rushed pregnancy, i did like Epi 22 because we got scenes of SN about herself, not necessarily about which guy she should pick or love. She actually got to express herself more. Sometimes, i just feel like i know more about WY and TH than i do SN. Like in the scene when WY said he didn't really know anything about her, i was like "Dude, welcome to the club." :))But then the scene still ended up to be more about WY than SN at least from my perception. It's not a dig at WY since i love the guy, and i was glad to know that he still remembered what happened 15 years ago and carried the guilt. He didn't just shrugged it off as a rookie mistake.  And we did get to know that SN knew who he was once she found out who was the King and she never blamed him which is good, but i don't know i did want her to get more lines as to explain why she decided to live as boy all those years.Back to episode 22, my favorite scene was her conversation with Lady Noh. If they had just given a scene of SN crying in the corner alone without Lady Noh being there or just cut the scene to where Lady Noh asked her if she was crying because she didn't want the baby, then we were going to be even more confused about SN. I think we would have all thought that she was indeed crying because she didn't want the child. Fortunately, that PD does value his life and did not do that. :)) She said that it wasn't like that, it was just that she was afraid that she couldn't do a good job protecting her child. SN was resolved in being a man for her whole life. She had already made peace with it so it was normal for her to have never thought of having a child. She doesn't really have an easy life. She was pregnant all this time, and she didn't even know. She rode horses, shot arrows in battlefield, almost bled to death, etc.. so yeah if she didn't feel insecure about her ability to protect her child, i would have found it abnormal. So when i see comments elsewhere like "That pregnancy made her weak." I'm like whaaaat? LOL People just love to hate for the sake of it. Unbelievable! How dare she even show emotions about being a mother? She can't even be happy around baby clothes. She sould just be a robot! *inserts eyeroll*By the way, how come Dokman quickly dismissed TH as the potential father and just thought it was WY? Did he just do the math from when she stopped being a palace maid to when she went back with WY? I mean the father could have just been WY's guard too LOL Unless, he heard the rumors from the maids that were with SN during the tribute trip that WY adored SN.
Side Note: Now that you mentioned your recap. I"m the "Chrissy" who posted the comment on last week recap, and i wasn't offended LOL I was actually replying to larabn not you. It's just that i get when people are all like "i hope she miscarries because it would work better for her revenge." or "i just hate the child plot.", but when it is stated that a miscarriage (stilbirth in SN's case) is less painful than being raised by someone else that's when my eyebrows are raised. It just didn't sit well for me because i have witnessed friends and family members going through that. I know it's a fictional show and all that, but i can't help how how i felt. Not sure i could say i was offended though since it's a too big of word and feelings.

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no worries, you have a point actually, I was just frustrated because of TN raising that child but of course it wouldn't be better if it died for SN
I wouldn't wish that in real life but as viewers sometimes we forget and want what's better for the plot from our POV and not the character's like you said
I didn't mean to post my comments to be insensitive but I got carried away by ep22 so much lol I forgot the other aspect and just wanted to not see TN carrying SN's baby..having witnessed people go through that, you would of course feel that way and I can say you are right to feel that way :) hope you didn't get offended by my comment :) cause I didn't mean to offend anyone

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@chrissydiva - OMO, thanks for your comment! That was one of my "DOH" moments and when I read your comment, I realized it was totally from my POV about the story-line. Really stupid to think for even one second that SN would prefer to have her baby die than have it raised by TN! (not that she'll be happy about that but still...) I think it also came from my own hatred of the TN character - I don't want her touching one single hair on SN/WY's baby's head. But I realized how hurtful that might be to any woman reading it who HAS suffered the loss of a child so thank you again for keeping me on my toes.  >:D<
That scene between Lady No and SN was heartbreaking. (and I loved how soft/warm Lady No's voice was during that whole conversation) SN is indeed a woman - with all those worries about being a mother that most women have. 
@pegster - I know, right? And according to what I've read, there will be more new enemies for SN to face - we do have a long ways to go so I'm ready for ET to die. 

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@larabn It's fine. Like i said i wasn't offended. Offended would imply it made me mad, but i wasn't. I just wanted to point out that we all tend to forget about the character's POV (even I do it too since i am not claiming that i am a saint). It just some statements made can be seen as offensive to other people. I just wanted you to be careful.
@missred123 What do you mean Bang told him? Bang didn't know she was pregnant till she was already 7-8 months pregnant. That's when Dokman told them. Unless you mean he told him about WY/SN relationship then maybe yes. Then i do remember when they were supposed to meet that first time when WY came back from the Turks battle, he did go to Dokman to ask him access to SN.
@tessieroo She's a woman? I did not know. I thought she was just a robot. My mistake. :))

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chrissydiva said:
@missred123 What do you mean Bang told him? Bang didn't know she was pregnant till she was already 7-8 months pregnant. That's when Dokman told them. Unless you mean he told him about WY/SN relationship then maybe yes. Then i do remember when they were supposed to meet that first time when WY came back from the Turks battle, he did go to Dokman to ask him access to SN.

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petria said: @eunsuhae

After that falling for Wang Yoo`s scam with fake poison, El Terror doesn`t look so wise to me, more like an old man getting a little carried away, even maybe childish.
And all these reminders of his past warrior`s glory...
Actually, I believe that El Temur is fading away, slowly but surely.

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Seriously, the more I read the replies on this thread the more I get wild ideas about what will happen next when it is not even needed. LOL surely the writers know how to keep us holding on to our seats and dying to guess what would happen next. LOL 
I still believe it wouldn't be SN's baby that TN is holding. Because if it's SN's baby then it will never be a crowned prince. Sometime somewhere someone would really spill the beans that the baby TN's is adopting is not hers, so that is already a dispute even if the son is already crowned he would still be taken down from the throne because he is not a royal blood from TH. The more when sometime somewhere someone would tell that the baby is SN's with WY. Even if sometimes TH is silly, naive or etc before he wouldn't be that silly to accept that WY's child will be his heirs because aside from not being his real son, it's the son of the man that he really hates WY. And even if TH will be silly forever and would only care about SN, for sure SN wouldn't even allow her son to be the crowned prince because for sure someone will tell WY that the crowned prince is his son. 
ahh~~!! seriously confusing..im getting babo already! LOL I wish they just kill the baby plot to finish this random thoughts. I cannot even sleep sound. grrrr

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Guest missred123


You are funny! Hehehe..

DM and Bang are like really, really, good buddy, so I am not surprise that he tip DM off about WY and SN. I am like Bang, I did not know she was pregnant until she was 8 months. ^#(^

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the way they keep making BY disappear and then bring him to the screen is now making me plot a dead scheme on him and it won't be a easy one... the plot will involve butting him piece by piece each day so he can feel the tuture of killing commander Ki and the sub mate... smh

Also, i guess TH knows something about SN that WY didn't know eventhough SN told TH because he was the reason why her father died. But if WY knows about it too, there's nothing that will change and it wasn't like when commander Ki was alive, WY mistreat him. he actually respect the commander

MOD Note: Thanks EMPRESS KI FAMILY for following the forum rule based on the picture post to the link post to the discussion post. You guys are doing awesome!!

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Guest roshan90

@Ding Lin
Yes. WY told that SN was a special person.. I liked that scene and also how SN blinked. *cute*
According to me, and its just me.. "I Love You" are essential to be said in a drama and in real life too LOL.. It doesnt prove that you love that person, it just expresses it more.. Even if you are living in the middle of the battlefield cant you find some time for Love (not to forget its a drama and not a documentary. And this drama promised me a Love Triangle So Why not??) ..
I dont believe in "actions describe more than words" thing.. Action can always be misinterpreted and misunderstood when even words are nowadays.. If you are speaking in real life terms, if you dont hear "I love you" from your life partner you will definitely feel sad. Dont deny that. Its just a process.. Dating, understanding, Declaration.(To think this is coming from an inexperienced person like me amazes me too LOL)
Lastly, "Its good for the person to say "I Love You" and better for the person to hear it"

Because I like both ships, I would love it if both WY & TH gets a chance to say that.. Of course I would love to see SN's reactions to them both..  

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Question: so lets think back to the era of Empress Ki itself, How could the King and the other concubine not know who is pregnant or not?? Don't they have royal physician that check up on them when they're sick or even pregnant?? I have watch and watch lots of historian k-drama even c-drama that have physician that will check up on the royal family and when they're pregnant, the king actually do know.

Lets say SN wasn't part of the royal family, but they also have a physician that look after them when they're sick or something they tell them what is wrong if either good

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@loli - Good point - from the saguek's I've seen, there's even a "schedule" for how often a King sleeps with either his Queen or a concubine. (LOL) So of course, a lot of the Palace staff should know who is pregnant or who isn't. 
Since SN was no longer part of the Palace, none of the Royal staff would know. 
I'm betting anything that TN had that Royal doctor killed so he won't tell anyone she's not really pregnant and that she's infertile. 

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Guest Ding Lin


Thank you for your insightful analysis on WY -SN interactions :)!  I love what you wrote! 

Personally, I think WY is a warm and expressive guy (if you remembered Episode One).  This lovely side of him was just temporally blocked by so many unfortunate events surrounding him. However, when he was in love with SN, WY was back to his old-self a little bit!  I found that WY was totally cute when he was in love. LOL  

As a lover of SN, WY was quite expressive.  In many different occasions, he was trying to express his love for SN.  I think SN was surprised and flattered by WY's affectation towards her.  It was more difficult for SN to express her love. For one, she experienced very little love when she grew up.  Secondly, WY has been her King and master.  

However, it did not mean that SN did not love WY.  In Episode 22, SN was clearly happy with the baby.  My favorite scene of Episode 22 is the scene where SN held her stomach and told the baby: "we are going to see Daddy soon. He will be very happy to see you".  Her expressions were full of happiness and love!   This scene was heartwarming and heart broken at the same time since we knew SN's wish did not come true! 

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