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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I have to blame the PD for turning me into a TH/SN shipper....wae? Love at first sight for the horse riding scene, stronger shipping after the bridge scene and I will ship TH/SN forever after the underwater kiss!! It doesn't matter whether SN loves TH or not, they had all the to die for romantic scenes that's matter!

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Guest missred123

@ eunsuhae

I think it's survival of the fittest !! The BV is quite important to ET's survival. Do you think if ED, Bayan, TH, WY is in ET's position he would not have done the same to protect his throne. However, ET would not do petty stuff like TN because of jealousy, It would be because of survival. ET try's to keep with the traditions and culture of the palace, so order can be sustain.

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Trying to catch up on all the posts and all the predictions for next week.  I'm so happy we have a holiday on Monday so I can watch episode 23 right away.  I think it's gonna be a tearjerker.  =((

I am really upset thinking that SN will lose her baby to Tanashiri.  Tanashiri wants a baby for all the wrong reasons: jealous of LP, securing her power, etc.  Therefore, it's no wonder she wasn't blessed with a child.  >:P

However, I think that it's very possible that it's going to be SN's baby.  Birth secrets are such a big plot line in Korean dramas.  Also, I think the writers are trying to create many reasons for SN to re-enter the palace without the audience questioning it.  All her palace friends died trying to save her, then her baby gets snatched away by the enemy - with all this and her personality there would be no question why she would marry TH over WY.  And if WY knew about his baby in the palace, he probably wouldn't stop her either.  The only way to get the baby back is by entering the palace - almost like a secret mission...  Maybe that's why they were both in tears in the first episode... there were more circumstances about the situation that the audience didn't know about yet.

After watching episode 22 with subs, I have to say that I was really touched about the bonding and friendship between SN and all the Goryeo people.  I'm so glad that at least HD survived because she will probably support SN when she re-enters the palace.  I also liked how DM's character cared for SN.  He was so strict in the beginning, but he was so kind to her.  I hope that once SN gains power, those two are rewarded.  Of course I'm looking forward to Tal Tal joining Team Empress Ki!

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Guest ziimblu

Of strengths & weaknesses:
King WY - lots of strengths, perfectly  subdued &  "exercised"  in good timing!   It is as if he discovered an elixir of toughness, the kind that is meant solely for winners & victors. 
SN - lots of strengths, mostly borne out of pain and loss!   A Survivor's survivor, she is! 
Emperor TH - lots of weaknesses numbing his greatest strength, i.e., true to his heart! obliging to his affections (which is A strength indeed, but only  in a world where politics do not matter) 
Empress Dowager - strengths, lots of it.....and ambition-driven ones too (beware future empress SN! ) 
Lady Pak - strengths...lots of it!   and she knew how to mask it too (knowing her lot in life doesn't entitle her to show those strengths)
Lady Noh - INsanity is the best strength (to hide the Blood Vow) 
ET - weaknesses & more weaknesses, all intentionally disguised by arrogance, as strengths (We wonder  what happened in ET's  childhood,  not so much to mock his "wounds", as surely there are, but only out of need to understand what makes him covet other people's crown & title) 
TN & all kids of ET - only strength is "Daddy is Regent!"
close-in  of King WY - Loyalty!   Best strength, best gift they have for WY!  
Tal Tal -  "less talk, less mistake" & thus, "silence means no mistake! "
Bayan -  no phrasal verb "give up" in his vocabulary
Jokho - prosthetics version of strength 
YB - no, I don't want to think about him or analyze him...... I swear I won't talk about this character ever again ;) ;) ;) 

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I wonder why the costume department do not dress the cast with winter clothing... I know it is not -52 degree in Korea or should I say Yuan but it is obviously winter right? Give the EK cast some decent clothing, please!

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@petria @missred123 : oh I see
we definitely agree on the fact thet ET was, presumably, a great warrior (and still is judging from episode 21 killing ninja assassins single-handedly while on the verge of death).
as you said, he's not one to resort to killing for petty matters or when there are other, let's say, "classier" ways to get what he wants, maybe this is why DK didn't want him to know about his & TN's plan, it's too low and a rather stupid move as it might bring down what they've been building at once...

my point is ET clan are a bunch of ruthless people but ET is definitely the smartest of them all

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Guest sogongx3

I'm so busy these days but I'm happy to see some new members here ;) this thread is on fire!!! Already 653 pages!! That's crazy!! <:-P

I haven't seen episodes 21&22 yet but definitely going to!!!!

Btw I'm still spazzing over the CPR kiss :x

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Guest missred123


I feel the same way about her! The thing that irks me the most is the fact that she was praying to Buddha like she is a saint, after ordering the death of women and unborn child. Death is too good for her, TN need to beg for death to take her, but it refused.

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So I dreamed about this scenario last night, I actually woke up at 330am, but too lazy to get up and type... besides It's just a TV show for crying out loud! Anyway, my brain wouldn't stop thinking - I think they have embedded some sort of subliminal message onto the drama so we all become addicted to it =P~ -
As much as I hate the idea of TN raising/taking little Yoo...
LP is taken to the temple where ED is (as per ED figuring out TN's plan). LP dies and ED keeps baby. They send the news to TH. In the meantime, at the other temple (where TN is) SN and baby arrive. They snatch the baby from her, somehow they take SN for dead and leave her there. They all leave to the palace. TH hears the news that SN was left at the temple and proceeds to go and find her. When he finds her she tells him the news about TN taking little Yoo. She asks/begs him for his help. The only way for SN to comeback to the palace is by making her his concubine. Only the Goryo team and Dokman-now sworn to secrecy- knew SN was carrying Yoo's baby. So TH in order to make SN his concubine, he says that the baby she had is theirs. That way they show to the world TN' sin and she gets sentenced to death for treason to the crown. ED comes back to the palace with LP's baby. And this is where the war between the two women begin. :-SS
I don't like this scenario... but well it's out of my system now.Carry on...

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missred123 said: @larabn I feel the same way about her! The thing that irks me the most is the fact that she was praying to Buddha like she is a saint, after ordering the death of women and unborn child. Death is too good for her, TN need to beg for death to take her, but it refused.

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Guest Ding Lin

WY has been "kind" of telling SN "I love you" many times. 

In Episode 19, he told SN that she was special to him over dinner. 

Also, when he proposed, he was kind of saying it. 

roshan90 said: About who is going to say I Love You
I think it will
Not be from WY.. He should have seized the opportunity in the oohlala scene to say that.. Going to wait till her marriage?? Not a good idea WY!!
For sure TH will say it.. He has always been expressive of his feelings.. There will be a scene
TH: Sungnyang I love you.. (pause.. Staring..) I am saying I love you.
SN: (comes up with her favorite reply) I have always been your woman Paeha..
and she doesnt say I love you.. How Lovely..
Edit: Whoever it is going to say it, I hope they get the same back rather than a simple smile. I hate that..
We could make a good Love Triangle Jokes If both WY & TH says it =))

Please Dont Fire Me:
I still pray that SN suffers a miscarriage.. And the baby SN going to carry to the cliff is Lady Park's.. And also Please God No more Makjangs From Now On..  [-O<
About Ratings Competitors:
I think when the new drama starts 1 or 2 % will decrease initially but in the end it will always depend on the script. I hope EK stays good as now.

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Guest missred123

BS is sooo disgusting!! It takes the cake when he used JC as a human tissue. I was like somebody kill him now!! He is spreading plague germs.

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I'm behind again! banghead.gif
@Auntie Mame - Exactly, and thank you for posting that. (as I said, some of the crap that comes out of Hollywood about America is ridiculous) And thanks for the insight into totalitarian governments, I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it. 
@adjani - Great post! In the "real" history, Empress Ki only had one son but since this is all fiction, that might not be the case. I also agree the revenge thing will be very strong since SN is a mother, fighting for her child. (in whatever form that takes) Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 
@pallisan - I agree, it's been heartbreaking watching Lady Park throughout this whole drama. She may not be one of the main characters but I love her - she's everything that's good and kind...so sad. I don't think SN ever told WY that Commander Ki was her Father. 
@petria - I feel like I was the only person who wanted El Terror dead last week! I've been ready to move on from him and the Blood Vow thing for awhile now. UGH, I'm over it. We know LP was headed to the temple ED is at to have her baby but I don't think TN would go there too? (so the temples will be like the pregnancies, one on every corner? LMAO) 

@sally_b - Yes, this strong woman totally pictures herself kicking everyone's bum and choosing which man she wants. *hehehe* I would definitely have my own harem. dreamyeyesf.gifAlso agree that episode 22 was pregnancies on steroids. Insanity! 
@kaeruchan - I miss the funny, flirty, goofy stuff too but since I've watched a few sageuk's, I expected all the blood shed. *sigh* And I'm sure more is to come but it doesn't make it easier to deal with. I'm going to be furious if Bul-hwa dies! 
@stclaus - LMAO! I thought I was the blood-thirsty one here. giggle.gif I love your "evil me" list, I can't wait for TN to die. I still can't believe I felt pity for her - and she she not only tried to murder a baby but orders Lady Park and her baby's murder. Evil, disgusting wench. 

@carmens - Yes, Hong Dan survives - she's in the preview. 
@rinchan76 - I like that, lets make it a rule: any/all signs of affection must include a kiss. 

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