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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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WY's expression appeared shocked/stunned when he saw TH and SN at the bridge being so close together and appearing all comfy. Probably all the while he was of the impression SN is merely a personal MAID (to obey whatever orders) to TH so the scene and the eye-blowing incidence must have really jolted his senses.
When and how else better to let TH know that SN is his WOMAN? This very timing is perfect as TH will not be able to react much as the Empress is just next to him. 

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Just watched the raw video....I hate the last scene! It's painful...
I hate when someone impose himself on others generally, especially if it's a man on a woman. Even if I'm an hardcore SN-TH's shipper, I must say that the emperor was imposing himself on SN. And the serious pi***d off look he gave to WY scares me a bit. I just hope he will not become scarily obsessed, but, knowing him, it won't happen =)
I know it's a meaningful scene and quite beautiful too, but I didn't like it very much. And SN too, I think XD

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tucci said: Just watched the raw video....I hate the last scene! It's painful...
I hate when someone impose himself on others generally, especially if it's a man on a woman. Even if I'm an hardcore SN-TH's shipper, I must say that the emperor was imposing himself on SN. And the serious pi***d off look he gave to WY scares me a bit. I just hope he will not become scarily obsessed, but, knowing him, it won't happen =)
I know it's a meaningful scene and quite beautiful too, but I didn't like it very much. And SN too, I think XD

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It's funny that TS belived that TH would make a surprise for her knowing that she liked puppet shows and because he missed her now that she isin't all crazy looking for him and invited WY to make TH gelous because that's why he doesn't like him,he suspects he will steal her affection in her mind jajaja :)>- ...yeah right,not to see again the sexy cold King...without a doubt her secret service are brilliant,they could beat Golta and find out TH moves 

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Guest susany2k5_1

Is it just me that cringed when WY was shirtless in this episode? It was kinda ewww when this ahjussi showed his top half >.<

Please no more WY/SN scenes! Can't our puppy send him back to war? :((

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Guest susany2k5_1

even i like JCW, i hate him playing a villain..


Puppy isn't a villain here though? Cute, innocent, bratty, spoilt, immature YES

=)) but a villain??? Noooooooo he isn't :D

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after re watching the last scene over and over lol
I loved how SN was all smiling like a child to the play and felt sorry for her
this is the first time since she was in the palace that she is really smiling and looked really happy
and it was really such a small thing....a play but like an innocent child she was smiling to it
it wasn't plotting or threatening that keep coming at her but a play which shows that she may be a warrior
but at heart she is a normal innocent girl
and even WY noticed it too when he looked at her and smiled when he saw her happy
it was such a great scene

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The emperor tried to make a move on her cinema-style XD
She was enjoying the show so much, they ruined it XD

I don't think TH was like a pervert, but very insisting indeed LOL And when WY tried to not be lesser things got serious!
I would'nt mind if two hot guys like them would do this to me, but in SN shoes it must be terrible!

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larabn said: after re watching the last scene over and over lol
I loved how SN was all smiling like a child to the play and felt sorry for her
this is the first time since she was in the palace that she is really smiling and looked really happy
and it was really such a small thing....a play but like an innocent child she was smiling to it
it wasn't plotting or threatening that keep coming at her but a play which shows that she may be a warrior
but at heart she is a normal innocent girl
and even WY noticed it too when he looked at her and smiled when he saw her happy
it was such a great scene

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as in they only postponed it hmmmmmmm maybe
well she hasn't gone out of the palace yet and I'm sure the love plot between her and WY will develop after she gets kicked out
so maybe although I don't want it to happen but maybe she will get pregnant then

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@larabn : It seems like it, in the preview Dang Ki Se's brother said that the persons looking for blood vow are inside and it was SN, i think that she will get kicked out probably on episode 19 but it's the next tuesdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay not monday looooool

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sarah.lina said: @larabn : It seems like it, in the preview Dang Ki Se's brother said that the persons looking for blood vow are inside and it was SN, i think that she will get kicked out probably on episode 19 but it's the next tuesdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay not monday looooool

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If they thought she was being the "blood vow" instigator, they wouldn't kick her out. They would just kill her. No way that old man would just settle with kicking out someone who played with him that way. I just find it weird that he's not even suspecting WY. He says that WY is talented and dangerous, and yet he's not in his primary suspect list??? WTH?  :)) I don't think in the preview he meant that he's going back to Goryeo right this moment. I thought it was meant as in the future once he gets rid of El Terror.Rewatch the last scene and i still need SN to grab both their heads and smash it on the table. She doesn't need this. Though i admit, WY initial reaction was funny. He was like "What is he doing? Mmm oh no, he DIDN'T!" then he just grabbed her other hand which probably surprised SN more than him since she must have thought that TH had switched places at the speed of light then she realized it was actually WY.Tanashiri not only invited herself but she invited WY to a play that wasn't even for her to begin with. =))

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Guest serenity95x3

Hello! I just recently joined Soompi but I've been following this thread since the very beginning. Not only am I addicted to this drama but I'm also addicted to reading all of the posts everyone puts up in this thread.  :\"> All the posts are so amicable and considerate of one another considering the potential war/bashing between these two amazing ships' fans. Bravo everyone  =D>
With that said, I'm curious about the potential conflict with the love child plot between WY and SY if it does play out. Wouldn't it cause an uproar in the palace because it was considered indecent and wrong for the emperor to be with someone whom, like SY, have been with another man in addition to already bearing a child? But maybe the writers will allow it since they did allow Tanasili to fall for WYand become obsessed with him, a man other then her husband. :-?

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Guest JOSIEvang

Just finished watching episode 17 raw and OH MY GOD. I'm so glad there's this thread where I can just react.Anyway... OH MY GOD, this drama is CRAZZYYY!!! xD Literally tug of war between Goryeo and Yuan!! OH MY GOODNESS!I rewatched that last part like 5 times, too intense. So intense. And oblivious Danashiri in the background, LOL.And I still have my white flag up...man, I'm totally loving Tahwan and SeungNyang but then WangYoo comes around with sad eyes and I fall for him all over again!!! T.T Oh my gosh... Yeah, there are DEFINITELY still like 30 episodes to come cause this love war is intense. 

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