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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I watched the last episode yesterday, that was painful, Nyang left my life forever. For her, was able to watch 'till the end, felt like giving up on her if i stop, weird huh ?Too bad, TH acted like a real Emperor at the last episode, loved him !Looking forward HJW/JCW's futures projects ;)
Again, thank you for everything !! :x :x

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Guest niknokdagu425

@bashful‌ yes im watching Empress Ki again hehehe @priskaprilia‌ hello how are you?where have u been why were u missing in action while Empress Ki was airing?guess you are busy? you are in korea right now?nice to hear from you.ok be back later im watching episode 2 byeee

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Guest Nayuki Tran

Hix...having withdrawal symptoms already-heart beats fast and flutters whe n seeing pics of my idol somewhere on fb-crying whnever seeing the character on screen, especially the last scene-wanna be on screen to rescue the character and completely forget that its just acting- not being able to start another drama and think of other actors/characters like trash (maybe notmtovthat extent), just that my couple is the best, no drama otp can beat my th-sn coup.- defend my favorite charactes/ actors whenever I have a chance, on fb, forum, fan page, etc.- keep going to SOOMPI to look at cmts and cmt myself-....dear chingu the list goes on. I dont feel anhthing, just empty.

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Guest adjani1430293095

Well.. we can argue about the ending but seriously, she confessed about loving TH.. and flashbacks.. well flashbacks oft happen when the person's life is ending. Considering with the loss of the capital and TH's death, in some senses, SY's life as empress is also "ending" hence the flash backs. I also have no doubt that during her flashback period, at that point, she didnt love TH and was in love with WY... so I take it as a journey of her love between the 2 men.
I also loved TT, he basically stood and protected her since the day they met... there must have been a lot of unspoken admiration, respect and perhaps even love there... :) 
In the end, the drama was about SY... and the men that loved her and her journey as empress... I believe for WY and TH, she was the love of their lives.. So does it matter whom she loved more. she was very loved.. and isn't that most wonderful thing for a woman... :) 

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I really miss funny scenes of golta and ta hwan in the beginning, it was heartbreaking to see ta hwan killed golta to protect nyang and himself :/ ..... Poor golta, you should've known what's gunna happen to you once you start betraying ta hwan.

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Guest empresski2013lover

to be honset when i rewatch the death scene of SN&WY  and SN&TH .. to be really really honset, the scene with WY was PERFECT ! I cried so much, it was so touching, she cried so much holding his head, that brok my heart. You can see that he is her love of life. 
With TH, it feels more like comforting words for a dying person. She didn´t even cry,, and i did not cry with that scene.. i don´t know it feels she lost her child instead of her lover.. its totally different from WY death scene.  Ofcourse she loved TH after years, After the death of WY.  I love how the writer made that two scene, they are totally different and make sense.  When TH wanted to kill WY, SN dreams about him, if you rewatch that dream scene, iam sure you will understand what i mean. If the writer doesn´t want to let the viewer see that SN is still in love with WY, then he wouldn´t make that scene at all. 
I love Ji Chang-wook, Iam a fan from years. It´s not like because i love him, i had to see something different from the reality. The writer made the drama really really clear.  between The end is not about the emperor or the king .. it is all about SN ..  she left all alone with nothing when she became an empress.

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Guest Nayuki Tran

Omg @ EstelleH Golta is a criminal. He drugged and poisoned Th remember? He is the main reason for Th's death and his drift in relationship with Sn. All his deeds are evil and unforgivable.  I wished him a worse death. I liked it at the beginning,  but I love Sn more and I dont tolerate anyone that harms her. If it werent for Golta, my Th would have been sick, drunk, or acted stupid and hatefully. Golta made Th a fool and an annoying jerk thanks to all the drugs and what not. No word can describe how much I hate him. Th was just too innocent not recognizing his true face. Poor Th.

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Guest empresski2013lover

well now i will talk about 3 things that i dont understand
1- SN brothers ??? are you kidding me ? since when does she have a brother? 2- TAL TAL death !!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?? he dead so easily, we didn't even saw how he dies !!! He was one of the important character in the drama, so WTF !!
3- the emperor was drugged and poisoned and they said when he start spilling blood, then he will die very soon .. BUT what !! IT WAS AFTER YEARS and he wasn't dead yet. 
In the end everyone dead .. the only one that left is the writer 

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It's taken awhile for reality to set in that EK is over. The ending of Empress Ki felt like I was watching the end of Emperor of the Sea all over again.  Basically everyone dies and the heroine is left alone at the end.  Ugh... I don't know why Korean writers think people prefer doom and gloom over hope and happiness. This must be the "default" ending when writers write themselves in hole. #-o

It was also annoying that TH survived ET only to be taken down by stupid Golta of all people!  >:P  Geez writers.... couldn't you have put more effort in a better villain?  It's like they ran out of budget or something, so they had to just use an existing character.  So not cool!

And I know it's been said already, but it really irks me that TT had to die too! It's like the writers were thinking... "Well, since we killed of WY and Th, we'd better kill off TT just in case. We don't want viewers questioning why TT got to survive, but the others didn't."  Grr....  Even though they were not romantically involved, SN and TT were definitely bad a$$ together and the most qualified to rule the country.  B-)  Also, It would've been nice to see him alive and maybe even guiding future Emperor Ayu or something.

But despite all my rantings, I'll probably be suckered into the next romantic sageuk drama and it will own me like Empress Ki did. :P

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Guest empresski2013lover

tal tal real name is not Jin Yi Han ... His real name is Kim Hyun Joong ... hahaha i was shocked !!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_Yi-han

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Hi everyone, i finished watching the last two episodes with eng subs…and **sigh** my heart can't stop bleeding each time i watch them.  Although I'm not a TH-SN shipper, I'm happy for both of them that they've had happy years together before TH passed away.  When I say "happy," i mean there are no more negative and evil influences in the palace to break them apart or threaten their lives.  They were able to mend their relationship, i'm sure, and be stronger as a married couple in spite of everything bad that had happened to and between them.  
I still have hope that TT survived the battle with the rebels (perhaps his closest retainers protected him & brought him to safety just as he protected his uncle from Dankise and his men when his uncle was shot by them after he stabbed WY), recovered, met up with Ki at Northern Yuan later, and even tutored her son, Ayu, groomed him to become the Emperor there.  That would've been wonderful knowing that Ki still has someone to be there for her, to comfort her, to be frank with her, to guide her, to protect her, and to even love her with his whole heart.  
She deserves that till death not just mid way in her life.  I hate to think she lived a lonely life after TH died even though Ayu, PBH, & Hongdan were still around at that time.  Even though the final episodes pains me a lot, i loved Empress Ki as a whole.  There was humour, fun, action, excitement, romance, drama, and a good storyline.  True, it wasn't perfect.  There were times I was like, "whaaaaaat?" But i've accepted it (even though it didn't make sense) and moved on and as the drama progressed it got better.  Well, i think so.  If i'm wrong, sorry, i guess i'm just letting my bias blind me from this drama's flaws.  
i want to thank all the posters here who've provided english translations, insights, analysis, pics, gifs, screen caps, live recaps, links, videos, humorous materials r/t to the drama, awesome comments, LOL comments, and much much more.  THANK YOU BERRY MUCH! i'm gonna miss you all and this thread and this drama….I'll still be lurking about in soompi forums and occasionally (or frequently - depending on my EK withdrawal symptoms) "visit." Love ya all!!!  
(if you're wondering, i'll be in "A New Leaf" forum most of the time b/c of JYH who btw is still the ever handsome and sexy and intelligent man we all know and love.  hmmm, maybe he's the reincarnated TT…lol…jk…but won't it be really cool if HJW makes a cameo appearance in that drama?…as reincarnated Ki…i'll die happy…**sniff, sniff**…lol)     

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m925565 said:

I love this drama......

SN indirectly killed both of her lover. If she would of pick one in the beginning and stay with them forever, none of this would happen. The way she grew up affected her and how she treat other around her.

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Thinking about it again, the ending seemed very clear, tbh. They put that flashback there AFTER the series ended to show that the simple choice she made that day brought them to that ending (and considering the ending was tragic, it makes the audience question if it was the right choice). It wasn't brought back and added right at the end of the episode for nothing, it was meant to make people reflect about choices and their consequences. 

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Guest empresski2013lover

@everypart that is what iam trying to tell people, but they are so blinded by their love to TH, that they cant see what the writer goal is. Her choice back then brought her to all these difficult times. She lost everyone she loved..and remain alone on that throne. 

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Guest walkingintherain

hanaseyes said: Haizzz, war over and over again for SN's choice, somehow, I feel that is too selfish. Truly I don't care about that scene much, because it's just the beginning of manything will happen in the future which change our life. I thought the writer give that scene just to show the moment SN be difficult between two man who became these ones important in her life.

Choice in our life is so hard. Sometime we decided to choose something but life didn't follow us with that or didn't happen like we wanted. And then like gone with the flow, there are some people and another situation affective with our "new" choice. Whether SN choice in the horse race scene, didn't mean that is her last choice, and didn't mean that her life after all. Because her life still continue with TH's love, WY's love, all villain, all situation of two nation ...etc...

As I see, SN has some feeling to TH in the horse race scene, when she feels about his pain to became someone of royal family, who lost mother and father, lonely and always has someone want to harm him. She choose to ride with him, She want to care for him, and perhaps their relationship will blossom earlier if we didn't have her father issue, which block them so hard. Life didn't follow us. Her choice be affective by TH and WY too. It's means nothing if TH doesn't show his love to her. When she smiled to him with his joke after she know about Wy's death, I thought he already has some position in her heart. But the day after Wy return, and then after many-things happens, she decided to choose Wy, ( of course as a Tayang shipper, I don't refuse that. S
omehow she has some lie with her heart  at that time, when she received WY's words, and still crying and remember about him, went with WY and refuse TH ). OK ! she choose WY, she already choose that way !!!! at that time. Why people said her choice for TH make her life became difficult . But life doesn't follow her choice. WY left, she enter the palace to became the concubine, and her heart time by time melt with what TH did for her, and then grow her love for TH.

All I want to said that choice is one thing is very small in our life, life is continue, and SN's choice is not everything, since it's effective by another people, too.  Even in that scene SN choose to ride with WY, we don't know what will happen in the future ? and didn't mean she doesn't change her choice , or that's her last choice !

PS : Ok ! That's my neuter word, but as Tayang shipper. I must say that whether SN choice at that moment. TH's love for her doesn't change, time by time, even how many hard happens, he will and surely will , by anyway has her heart in the final .... :)

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Guest uctqepe

LOL people. the drama has finished yet here we are speculating on several minutes scene. It's not that it's unimportant, but how could all 51 episodes be reduced to only 3 minutes scene?
I remember my literature teacher said that while interpretation is needed and has to be done following the logic of the story ;))  we tend to overthink/over interpret details. For example, in one scene of classic drama "he died in the room with purple drape covered with red blood of his lover" and then people go crazy to interpret THE PURPLE DRAPE!!Oh my, it's a majestic color, symbol of royalty, he must be a royalty bla bla bla while if you asked the writer, he just said "Well, i just like purple. It's a common color for drape at that time"  =)) =)) =))
So, lets just be fair. That scene was the END, after  51 episode the writers wanted to remind us WHERE, WHEN the journey actually STARTED. No need to strain your neck measuring the distance between SN and both horses :)) Just my two cents. Hope everyone can have a good sleep after this. 

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Guest lovingkdrama

Watching the last ep here are my thoughts:

1. The middle of the show was like so abrupt. Seriously, couldn't they have treated Tal Tal with a little more respect? It was way too abrupt for me. Warp speed a few years ahead...rebel comes...Tal Tal dies. The end. haha anyway.

2. Watching the replay of the scene at the beach again, I found it pointless. I would have been alright with just her crying with TH's death and their final confessions. I think the writers were trying too hard to be deep. Here are my expanded thoughts on the last scene.

a. If we think about it logically, SN would still choose TH no matter what. It didn't matter what her reasoning was for choosing TH at that time was. It did not matter if it was out of love, out of not wanting to burden WY. It doesn't matter. Logically she would have chosen TH. Why do I say this? Well because we know she has to. This is about her becoming Empress Ki. And if we went with logic again, there was no WY in the first place. He was a fictional character - historians please correct me if I am wrong.

But because of all the existence of all these fictional characters you kind of have to put logic aside to a certain extent. And so I think it's perfectly alright to think that had it been another life, not as Empress Ki, but as SN she would have chosen WY and basically whatever happens happens. SHe might still somehow end up being Empress KI in this fictional story of our own making but let's not stretch things too far like it already has :)

b. Bash suggested that she was standing closer to the TH horse as an indication that she had already decided to go with TH. The way I saw it, TH's horse moved two steps forward. So I don't think that can be used as an indication of where she stood.

c. Everypart's view seems perhaps a more interesting one and perhaps one of more value as oppose to who SN actually loves or would have chosen  if given the choice again. It is the topic of choice and the consequences of our choices that make us and lead us to who we become. That is perhaps the view I think I will take away. To me it gives a much deeper meaning to the end of series.

This reminds me of a quote from Batman - "It is not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.' And I think that is quite an apt quote for this series.

d. At the end, I am glad TH did what he did for EK and Ayu in his dying moments. I still don't think I want to aspire to be him :P. I also pity him as he is constantly surrounded by people who just betrays him. I think in part it his own doing but also the environment he is in. WY on the other hand managed to gather good close friends who trusted and respected him wherever he went - all of whom would have readily died for him.

Anyway, glad it's all ended. I still felt that Tal Tal should have been treated with more respect. Although I read somewhere in the forum that in real life; EK killed him...

Thanks everyone for reading.

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niknokdagu425 said: @bashful‌ yes im watching Empress Ki again hehehe @priskaprilia‌ hello how are you?where have u been why were u missing in action while Empress Ki was airing?guess you are busy? you are in korea right now?nice to hear from you.ok be back later im watching episode 2 byeee

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