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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest bashful


Thanks for posting the northcape clip up. Yes eng sub is need. Watching this clips makes up for the bitter sweet ending between SN and TH.

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Joo Jin-mo at the Post-Show Party 30 April 2014.  Oppa lookin' tired, but gooooood there! :D

(Credit: EK Staffs Instagram)

If you're wondering why there is such a dearth of post-show memorialization, the cast and crew were asked to keep the photo-taking down to a minimum in respect for the victims of the Sewol Tragedy.  I think once things settle down, we will see more pop up as time goes on.

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@Cherkell .. yes it was her wrong choice ! .. it's not only about with who she ride !! .. this scene have a lot of meanings, when she choose to ride with the emperor, she choose for power, she let her true love gone cuz of her revenge. She lost everyone she cared about when she became an empress, the only thing that left for her was the power !! she regret choosing that bath, and that is why the writer made the final scene, she was hesitating. 
The writers can complete the scene and make her ride with the Emperor just as before but he didn´t, cuz if she has to choose again After what she has been through, then she will choose the King and be happy in her next life.

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Guest geilbladder

Wow. I just watch the final episode with the official english sub. So, when SN reminise about her cleaning TH's ear, it was "and I...I love you". She intended to tell him that she loves him first but instead TH interupted to say it first. So even if TH said it or not, she planned to tell him that moment. Also, by TH's expression after hearing her said that they need to visit the North, he realized that they are fleeing. It can also be a reason why he was willing to finally die (well SN confession as the main reason though).

One thing i'm confuse was when she said "and I love you". Does she mean that that was when the time she started loving him? Maybe later on she realize that that was the moment she started loving him? But didnt she become pregnant w/ WY's child after that? :-/

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geilbladder said: Wow. I just watch the final episode with the official english sub. So, when SN reminise about her cleaning TH's ear, it was "and I...I love you". She intended to tell him that she loves him first but instead TH interupted to say it first. So even if TH said it or not, she planned to tell him that moment. Also, by TH's expression after hearing her said that they need to visit the North, he realized that they are fleeing. It can also be a reason why he was willing to finally die (well SN confession as the main reason though). One thing i'm confuse was when she said "and I love you". Does she mean that that was when the time she started loving him? Maybe later on she realize that that was the moment she started loving him? But didnt she become pregnant w/ WY's child after that? :-/

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Guest joowonelle

The 3 men willingly died for Empress Ki... Ahhhhhhh!!! I'm envious of her <3 The moment Jombak thanked his king for giving an ignoramus bum like him a chance, i teared. And Musong, wahhhhh! I bawled. But when the emperor told the king his reason to kill him, Wang Yu realized how insecure the emperor's love for Nyang was and I thought, by giving up himself for such "shallow" reason, the king wanted to demonstrate how to love Nyangie... Wahhhh! The wailing of Bang... ouch! Did you guys realize that Taltal tried to stop Paeha for killing Wangyu? (Oh sooo it seems to me like a duel and Taltal's in the middle...lol) He looked determined to stop him but when Paeha mentioned it was to protect Empress Ki, Taltal didn't ask anymore... (I was giggling at that realization. Am i normal? lol).. If it's for Nyang, the king was prepared to die, the emperor was ready to kill, and the regent stood still. kkkkkk! Alright, now came the end of my fave Empress Ki's man, Taltal. As a regent, it's his responsibility to protect the royal family and the country. I was hoping he could have stayed in the palace to protect the capital but Taltal chose to march on, determined to drive the rebels away or at least to give them a hard fight, giving an ample time for Nyang's family to leave the capital and head the north. Awww! I was wailing as Taltal talked to Nyang at the bridge for the last time, giving her instruction to go to the north in case he couldn't return. My heart will always ache for them... (Seriously, i'm dying to watch a sageuk for them - Ha Ji Won and Jin Yi Han).. Unrequited love.. lol! At least for Taltal.. *rollingonthefloor* I will miss Taltal and Empress Ki together. Finally, the death of the Emperor. He's dying but he fought death to protect Nyang ang Ayu. He pawned some of his months to secure and protect his family. He was able to protect them from the traitors but not from the rebels... still, his sacrifice was worthwhile. Perhaps if Wang Yu was alive, he could get a nod of approval from from him.. lol! But I cried. Although his love for Nyang isn't the purest, but it was enduring... It lasted till his death. Wang Yu's love for Nyang was sacrificing.. Ah! it hurt. Taltal's love is unrequited but beautiful... lol! So many deaths in Empress Ki but it was a beautiful beautiful drama. I never missed watching a single episode. I've liked each of the 3 men but I've admired Empress Ki's character above all. Daebak!!! My 4th sageuk fave, CHECK! (Jumong,JangGeum,TheMoonThatEmbracesTheSun,EmpressKi)

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Guest wheel

Tal Tal and Wong Yu shouldn't die. 
Why the writer allow them died? Can't divert a little the storyline? Why must follow the historical? I'm sad over their death too.
Even the screen time of WY has been reduced, but he is able to devote his passionate to SY throughout his face. I like it. 

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Guest bashful

Wow. I just watch the final episode with the official english sub. So, when SN reminise about her cleaning TH's ear, it was "and I...I love you". She intended to tell him that she loves him first but instead TH interupted to say it first. So even if TH said it or not, she planned to tell him that moment. Also, by TH's expression after hearing her said that they need to visit the North, he realized that they are fleeing. It can also be a reason why he was willing to finally die (well SN confession as the main reason though).

One thing i'm confuse was when she said "and I love you". Does she mean that that was when the time she started loving him? Maybe later on she realize that that was the moment she started loving him? But didnt she become pregnant w/ WY's child after that? :-/

I believe SN had always loved TH but was running away from her feeling reason being was because he was responsible for her father death. I don't think she could forgive herself if she would have accepted her feelings for TH. If you realize how she always hold herself back from taking revenge on him using the reason that if he dies then all her ppl well die along with him. Honestly she had plenty of moments to take his life but she didn't. When she was with WY but was still thinking of TH during the hair pin moment. No woman will think of another man if she was just propose to by the person she loved. There was also the scene where she told TH to forget about her and to let her go. She looked at him and cried from outside the door. There were plenty of moments where she would always look back at TH after rejecting him. She always had a sad look on her face and with teary eyes. The scene when SN told her guard that she is now afraid I think she was referring to her feeling for TH. She no longer feel that he was just a tool for her revenge but rather she starting to realize her feelings for him.

Also the scene when she found out that TH killed WY .....she went looking for him so upset and needed to know why he did it. But when TT spoke with her and after seeing TH, even though she was mad and does not agree with what he did.........she then went and hugged him instead. It hurts her to know that TH killed WY but she was then occupied by how hard it was for TH to finding out the truth and keeping it to himself. Her hug was to comfort him and herself at the same time because SN was also in pain seeing TH like this. SN embraced TH at that moment and accepted everything about TH. She decided not to question or ask TH anymore and follow him until the end. I'm sure during this scene she was already certain of her feeling because she told TH that when they get old with gray hair she wants to tell him something. This already tells me that she wants to stay with him and grow old with him. So for SN to tell TH that she loves him at the last moment was not the time she realize her feeling but rather it was when she finally stopped running away and admit to her feelings. SN has love TH long before. There was no exact time or what episode it was made clear but her feeling for TH was always made aware to viewers.

Excuse me for any grammar errors. Posting on my phone takes forever and very hard to edit.

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Guest wheel

Wong Yu, keep fighting. 
Hope to see your next project......
Tal Tal , Fighting Fighting ,................YES

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For me empress ki is really the best. SN choose to become empress and learned to love Th. In her journey to become empress she learned that Th really love her so much. Before she gave herself to Th. Th already prove how deep is his love. Th is almost dying when he was hurt by poison arrow that time Sn realized how she is important to Th. she learned to accept the weakness & strong points of Th. For Me Sn did the right decision she gave justice for all she loves that die for her and the people who do wrong was punished with the help of all who love her. Sadly the people she love was also die that is the reason why she cry most of the time. In our life whatever decision we choose the important thing is the essence or the purpose why we continue living and what are the reason that we fight in life. SN shows us her reason and that is why I love empress ki. The moral lesson is really Amazing. Always show your love to someone you treasure because you will never know when is his/ her end. God bless everyone and thank you to all who participatei in EK soompi forum until next time. Surely I will miss everybody.

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Guest ReyamA

@pegster First of all i mean path* .. sorry i wrote my comment very fast. Sec: why are you so angry ! yes i watched the 51 episodes of empress ki. Each person has a certain conclusion.. She told the emperor `I love you ` after yeaaaaaaaars .. ofcourse she lived with him for years .. she had a child from him .. but the one that she loved with all her heart was the king ! go check the 50 episodes again please ! .. she had always loved the king and she cared about the emperor. well this is not what i want to talk about .. my point is all about the final scene ..The writers can complete the scene and make her ride with the Emperor just as before but he didn´t, WHY ?? cuz She will not choose the same path, the path that took everyone from her, she is the only one that left in the palace, In her next next life just as SN said she will choose the King ! The writers will give us a leason that you will pay for every choose you make in life .. and That choice from SN has took everything + everyone from her.. 
Again i dont want to fight with you .. everyone has his one mind and thought. and now i will tell you all guys a goodbye ,,,  i hope we can see each other with another great drama very soon .. 

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Guest lorac

bashful said:

Look at the scene closely again she was standing closer to TH horse. This means her heart has already decided for her during that moment. Had anyone seen the Northcape story for Empress Ki. I think ppl

could link it to this ending if you want. Lol what happens after.
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ReyamA said: @pegster First of all i mean path* .. sorry i wrote my comment very fast. Sec: why are you so angry ! yes i watched the 51 episodes of empress ki. Each person has a certain conclusion.. She told the emperor `I love you ` after yeaaaaaaaars .. ofcourse she lived with him for years .. she had a child from him .. but the one that she loved with all her heart was the king ! go check the 50 episodes again please ! .. she had always loved the king and she cared about the emperor. well this is not what i want to talk about .. my point is all about the final scene ..The writers can complete the scene and make her ride with the Emperor just as before but he didn´t, WHY ?? cuz She will not choose the same path, the path that took everyone from her, she is the only one that left in the palace, In her next next life just as SN said she will choose the King ! The writers will give us a leason that you will pay for every choose you make in life .. and That choice from SN has took everything + everyone from her.. 
Again i dont want to fight with you .. everyone has his one mind and thought. and now i will tell you all guys a goodbye ,,,  i hope we can see each other with another great drama very soon .. 

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Guest joowonelle

serg8 said:

I need to put a closure on this. I stayed away from ep 51, coz in my heart the series ended at ep 50 when Wang Yu was killed. I just want to give honor to some of the great characters that may have been overlooked like Wang Yu's loyal troika, and some well, just a piece of my mind on some of them.

To Wang Yu’s men:

To Jombak –you have done us proud, not just your clan, but the viewers too. When you charged towards Tahwan hiding behind enemy lines, I felt your daring and your pride at having served a king who treated you like family. You were more than willing to lay your life for him. Where better to learn that courage to protect than from your master- Wang Yu.

To Musong- you were always Wang Yu’s second. You watched him like a shadow, and made sure you were with your master through thick and thin. You even took those arrows that were meant for his heart. You gladly gave your remaining life to him to give him a few more minutes to live, hoping that he would save himself. You were always his supreme commander and much more. You were his brother, in life and in death.

To Bang- that scene when Wang Yu was temporarily saying his good bye to you, telling you to wrap up things quickly, there was something about that farewell that made me shed buckets of tears. As he offered his handshake and thanked all of you, you were all so excited and hopeful that all your hardwork have paid off. Little did we know that it would be the last goodbye.

to the baddies:

To Empress Dowager- Well, there really is no crying over spilt milk. And DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THOSE JARS WOULD FETCH ON THE MARKET IN THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY!!!!! OMG! …… what’s wrong with you!!! Didn’t you know that those were authentic jade antique jars? You have no sense of artisan preservation. And I have nothing to say to you except that it was only fitting that you drank the same poison your son was given. I have nothing good to say about you and your son Tahwan, except that an apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

And finally Golta- seriously?! You toad! You are a depiction of 14th century capitalism? I don’t know dude! But, your role seemed  a little too forced to the end. It was totally out of place. Maybe it’s just me, but your character development wasn’t sophisticated enough to merit any good review. So, since nothing comes to mind. I’ll move on…. sorry dude! Nothing personal.  Oh and that line you used on your Paeha , that you are all about gold? …nah! It doesn’t sound good on you. Your revelation was too forced and rushed. So, we’ll end it here, and let’s not hope for a next time.

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