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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest Issy_1

After reading all your comments/observations, out of curiosity I asked a friend who is not interested in drama thing but very expressive when it comes to loving.  I begged him to watch just for the death scenes of WY & TH (without eng sub).  Afterwards, I asked him about the comparison between SN's reactions about their death.  He said, SN had more love for WY than for TH.
Have a nice day to everyone.  Still waiting of Ep. 51 with eng. sub.

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Guest Nayuki Tran

@sogongx3 I agree. I like them better than in secret garden. The joo woong aim coupis awesome, the best, but th-sn is top notch, best of the best, such a classic love story.  Its like a legend to me. The first time that I followed their love progress since the beginning. They r so real. I sometimes forgot that they r oly acting. I cant think of any other love story that touches me so much like this. They r seriously shouldbe nominated couple of the yr. 

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Guest linhcao

still havent watched ep 51 since last night. its really hard for me to see last scense, only reading recap is enough to make me cry more and more. I asked myself how long it takes me to forget this sad ending. thank you so much for making a wonderful drama, all of us  cried, laugh with characters. hope to see our actors, actresses in their next project, and please, it has to have a happy ending.

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SongMira said: For me,I am not satisfied with ending scene.Yes it was heartbreaking but wasn't suitable for ending.I think the best endging would be like this:Empress Ki holding Ayu's hand and standing at the throne(for which she struggeled so much) or in the palce where beautiful scenery can bee seen:EK:My son,one day you will become Emperor,and you must promist me to be a great ruler,you must for your father!Ayu:But how can i Omoni?EK:i will tell you,dear,i will help you.But you must promise me.Ayu:I will,I promise to be a great ruler for our nation,Omoni.Seung Nyang smiles and says in her mind:Peha,You will be proud of our son.Please keep us safe!
...............................................................Does this make sense?

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after a good's night sleep, my heart doesn't feel as heavy as it did yesterday (I even skipped my korean class so much I was emotionally drained)
with a clearer mind I can now say this:
was EK the best drama ever? definitely not
do I regret watching it? never
sure there were moments that got me rolling my eyes and tearing my hair out but there were others that got me jumping with anticipation, smiling stupidly or just crying because the emotions I felt were real and I'm pretty sure the latter are the moments that will stay with me long after watching the drama.
for all that, I think it was worth it and the time I spent here with you guys made the journey even more enjoyable.
We don't know each other, we come from different places and cultures and yet we were able to hold each others hands through it all and this is what I love the most about the internet and kdramas specifically and what keeps me coming back everytime and I know most of you do too
so this isn't a goodbye but a see you around :-*
thank you all

now off to cure my withdrawal syndrom aka see reincarnated TT in his modern attire

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Guest larabn

Thanks for the link :) you saved me >:D<

I won't discuss who SN cried for more cuz it won't make a difference since it was shown how SN started falling in love with TH 20 eps ago.
But explaining that crying scene over TH..... for me it looked very painful to her and like she was holding it in for so long seeing TH dying day by day for 2 years. So, when she finally saw he was dead and was shocked by him finally leaving, all that pain turned into a silent painful cry in which is suffocating her and preventing her from even screaming. She was holding onto his shoulder so tight squeezing while crying, which supports my point that it was very painful to her to lose the man she loved like that. You can see how she is so tense while crying and her voice sounds suffocated while crying. I didn't want to talk about the comparison thing since the writers changed the love plot to TH and SN for a while now and it's clear after all the times SN stood by him and was worried about him that she loves him and I think she would be in pain for losing both men but there is a difference between the two deaths and what these men meant to her and since @Miky88 explained it all, I don't want to be repetitive :) .

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Guest lorac

pegster said: BTS video of SN/TH from EP 51 - http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/hEC1lj1dq8w/
Saw it on EK Baidu.  
Watching this just help ease the pain of my broken heart.

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TV: [spoilers!!!] Empress Ki (Finale)

Article: Finale 'Empress Ki', Ha Ji Won the sole survivor... 'bloody sad ending'

: TV Report via Naver

1. [+5,185, -559] Why did Tahwan have to die?? Koreans are already depressed enough as it is, did they really have to make the drama even more depressing by killing everyone off...

2. [+4,391, -129] Ah, Tahwan TTT everyone's really dead, really dead... Their acting was so great. The drama was controversial over its distortion of history but as a drama, it was more than enough fun. 

3. [+3,652, -229] My heart hurts TT Ji Chang Wook deserves a daesang, don't you agree? TTT

4. [+2,751, -83] Everyone worked hard on the filming!!! Upsetting to see it end.. 

5. [+682, -17] Jung Woong In's actin was daebak. Dirt even got in his mouth.

6. [+618, -26] What have I been watching for 51 episodes... I thought it'd be a happy ending... Should've ended it at the state ceremony. 

7. [+446, -34] Watch over Ji Chang Wook... his acting is on a completely different level from kids like Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo Bin, and Lee Jong Suk. 

8. [+438, -57] Thought I was watching Aurora Princess for a second -- Why did they kill the cast off? If they're going to distort history, why not distort the ending while they're at it? Why follow how history happened for the ending. Made me cry so hard -- Why did you kill them off!!!!!!! TT
(Cr: Netizen Buzz
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tessieroo said:

TV: [spoilers!!!] Empress Ki (Finale)

Article: Finale 'Empress Ki', Ha Ji Won the sole survivor... 'bloody sad ending'

: TV Report via Naver

1. [+5,185, -559] Why did Tahwan have to die?? Koreans are already depressed enough as it is, did they really have to make the drama even more depressing by killing everyone off...

2. [+4,391, -129] Ah, Tahwan TTT everyone's really dead, really dead... Their acting was so great. The drama was controversial over its distortion of history but as a drama, it was more than enough fun. 

3. [+3,652, -229] My heart hurts TT Ji Chang Wook deserves a daesang, don't you agree? TTT

4. [+2,751, -83] Everyone worked hard on the filming!!! Upsetting to see it end.. 

5. [+682, -17] Jung Woong In's actin was daebak. Dirt even got in his mouth.

6. [+618, -26] What have I been watching for 51 episodes... I thought it'd be a happy ending... Should've ended it at the state ceremony. 

7. [+446, -34] Watch over Ji Chang Wook... his acting is on a completely different level from kids like Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo Bin, and Lee Jong Suk. 

8. [+438, -57] Thought I was watching Aurora Princess for a second -- Why did they kill the cast off? If they're going to distort history, why not distort the ending while they're at it? Why follow how history happened for the ending. Made me cry so hard -- Why did you kill them off!!!!!!! TT
(Cr: Netizen Buzz
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This is my first post.

Empress Ki was the first drama (watched 100+ already) that I became so emotionally and addicted to.  Even today, I am still tearing when I think of the TH-SN "last goodbye".  I'm still trying to understand how this happened to me to get this hooked on a drama.  It was so real to me, even though I know it was just a drama.

It took me (and all of you, I'm sure) on a whirlwind ride of emotions.  Happy, frustrated, angry, depressed, disappointed and sad.  (Many times I wanted to scream at the writers, too. ) I thank all of you, deeply, especially the subbers including Pegster whose posts I faithfully read, the ones who posted videos and pictures and especially the ones who just made me laugh with their nicknames and bold one liner comments.  It was a wonderful EK journey with all of you.  Kamsahamnida and Mahalo (Hawaiian for thank you.)

I am grateful to the cast and crew especially TH, SN, WY, TT, DM and everyone else in this drama for their excellent portrayals and hard work these many months.  I am in awe of the acting, costumes, sets, music and everything else that came with this drama.  And especially for making this seem like such a real story (which it was, in part).  And thank you to the country of South Korea for touching the world with your dramas and music.

What I especially loved about this drama was the love story of TH and SN.  Especially his love for her.  Granted it wasn't always happy, but the happy times were so touching, especially when Ayu arrived.  (Wished they showed him more.)  He was adorable and actually looked like he could really be their son. Most of it was due to the great acting of JCW and HJW.  Everyone has their own "take" on this drama.  This was mine.  And the ending, although, soooo sad, came after many years and at a time this dynasty was ending.  So in my mind, they had happy years together after all the killings.

Now don't get crazy on me.  I also loved the characters of TT and WY who were terrific as well as all the cast.  Especially the ones who never wavered in their loyalty and sincerity.  Even the bad ones, whom actually made me so frustrated with their evil-ness.

EK was a drama I will never forget and probably watch it over and over.  (Skipping the evil parts, probably and just watch the happy parts.)

Again, BIG MAHALO, to all you, especially for not making me feel that I was the only one "obsessing" about this drama.  You were and are great company wherever you are or come from.  How wonderful.  This world is not so big after all, when we can come together from all countries because of this great drama.   

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Guest ReyamA

waaaaw the last scene in episode 51 when SN was between the king and the emperor was amazing !!! at that time she choose to ride with the emperor but now she hesitating cuz it was her wrong choose .. the writers wanted confirm the fact if she had the choice to choose between Wang Yoo and Tae Hwan who would she have choosen this time, she is now hesitating, she is not choosen Tae Hwan anymore... The writer wants us to know that she made a mistake when she choose the emperor .. I Love The king and SN .. waaaw their love in episode 50 was so touching .. i cried all day long

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If Sn stayed by TH the 2 years of how he spent in agony she must have cried out her pain in the loniness of her chamber many times,sounds cheesy that some people who stay and feel the pain by someone loved for such a long time may not even cry in the final part because they just don't have any more tears left...or cry in silent...so one can't compare the feelings based on how much one cries or not....I cried my head out for my cat but not one drop for my grampa,does that mean i didn't love him?i for one found the scene very profund and beautiful acted,how can i name it:subtil....crying in silence and murmuring I love you...(a women who doesn't love her man wouldn't say that at that moment)Oh boy really sad my mondays from now on...curious what show to choose to make my heart lighter after this 6 month jorney full of so many emotionsI guess dramas are as well a drug :))

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If Sn stayed by TH the 2 years of how he spent in agony she must have cried out her pain in the loniness of her chamber many times,sounds cheesy that some people who stay and feel the pain by someone loved for such a long time may not even cry in the final part because they just don't have any more tears left...or cry in silent...

My personal experience my younger brother was slowly dying from Cancer. I cried so much the day we found out he was stage 4 cancer. Watched him suffering so much from treatment knowing outcome is not so good. When he died I didn't cry much as before. Because he is in heaven, no more suffering and finally I peace.

SN knew he is dying and she cried a lot till the end.

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said: @Milky88 where/when was it explained that Golta gave TH the different drugs/poisons?  I didn't see that explained in any of the subs that I watched, it only said that the poison he gave him would eventually cause him to have all those symptoms.  Lose energy, headaches, memory lost, and coughing blood.

As with the tonic ET took to immune himself from poison, was that explained?  In my subs, DM only said there was something, but didn't explain what it was.

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