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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest novemberA

EstelleH said: Wait is nyang holding onto a sword? The picture is quite blurry so I can't make out if she's swirling the sword around or she was tied up with a rope?

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oh, wow! even without subs, this episode is totally awesome. A lot of issues getting resolved. So , anyone can pretty much get the flow of the story, even without the subs. Remember in episode 37 when El Temur was being led to his death in a procession and Bayan and TalTal led the march? El Temur told Bayan : "one day you'll get drunk on power just like I did", Bayan  looked uneasy and thoughtful. Quite an ominous observation by El Temur.

In life we make decisions that impact other's and one's own. The choices we make show who we truly are, and for TalTal, it is probably one of the hardest decision he has to make in his life. But, one can see that the decision he made was not for himself but for the person he loved and respected the most. Perhaps he could not bear to see the man he loved like his father ruin himself for greed and want of more power, and be eaten up by ambition like El Temur was. TalTal once encouraged  Bayan and told him that he can learn from El Temur's mistakes. Bayan put an end to El Temur's evil as did TalTal.for Bayan the Regent.  Bayan once asked TalTal if he is likely to turn into an El Temur? and I guess the answer is pretty much obvious. It is a resounding yes.

In the end, Ta Hwan/Toghon showed how much value he has placed on Bayan and so he punished Sungnyang. Toghon/Tahwan let himself be manipulated by Bayan provided he become his iron hand. What Ta Hwan/ Toghon lacked and yearned for it seemed like Bayan possessed. It was evident when Ta Hwan told Ayu once that when he grows up he needs to be a strong and brave emperor, a warrior, a conqueror.. everything he could never be, he wished for his son to be. Because all TaHwan could ever be was a puppet. He was manipulated by El Temur, and he allowed to be manipulated Bayan  willingly, in the guise of conquering other nations which led into failure.

I guess TalTal had more sense and saw that Bayan was getting out of hand, and that the Emperor is not helping at all coz he kept on egging Bayan on, and kept on feeding his ego, by making it known that Bayan's decisions are all within the Emperor's approval. And the only way to save Bayan from ruin is to put a stop to his madness. Poor TalTal, the task of saving his kinsman proved to be the most painful decision in his life. I admire TalTal for having the courage  to choose what is right. While Toghon/Ta Hwan chose Bayan over SungNyang Ki, Tat Tal saves Bayan from himself (from what he has become) and eventually saves SungNyang's life.

SungNyang on the other hand evens up the score. An eye for an eye....., and takes Empress Khutugh's life as a return for taking her son Maha's life. With the 1st Empress gone, Bayan purged, it looks like we are heading towards the final three . let's brace ourselves for more action and tears.

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In the next episode, when TH was swinging his sword to those present in the Grand/Great (?) Hall, TT was present?!?! No, TH, you better not hurt TT…I'm saying this b/c I could recall the time when TH slayed a general for failing in the war, how much more so that his trusted servant (cough: lover) was killed by TT, but then again, TH was drunk and maybe drugged at that time?  But in the stills, TH looks sane…hopefully, TT can win TH the way his uncle did (w/o being manipulative), but to help SN and their people.  

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Guest ravendark

How about that Ed think in tomorrow episode she would be hounding Th to re-marry so soon.? .

Dont think she can take that risk since New one can opposed her. Guess she had enough with another woman powerful in palace.

Btw Morning to all:) or afternoon or evening:)

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Guest ravendark

Just thought this unbeliavable thing that hope writers dont come up with Golta is actaully being Ki's older brother :P That would be a disaster. Joking :) 
Imo, I spose Golta's intention is using Yuan by contrlling TH for the wealth , nothing more. How he will be outed? My guess is TT. Its wierd that Dokman didnt pay attantion his wierd doings and dissapearences time to time and become suspicious of him. WRiters reason for putting the scene his whispering to TH while sleeping should be TH will hear it and test it. Thats what I think :) TH may be childish but not as stupid to confront him alone. Nope, if he hears he will keep it till the time is right. And when he hears it, it will all become clear about SN's good intention to him, then he may ask TTs help since hes the loyal one to SN. Thats how TT will explain everything to TH and wake him up about sending SN away was the most dengerous thing to do. Then guess they will be on their way to save her. 
This is my guessing of course. 
About EDs doing be outed again by other doctor I am thinking. They will explain to him why they isolated him at KI's quarter. Its for to detox him. Guessing they will tell him ED was the one who drugging him in to a useless state so she can controll. 
Btw anyone seen KI's most loyal maid in coronation scene? I dont remember. Maybe she will die protecting SN? 
also is anyone thinking coronation scene will be tonite ? Cause I still thing it will be the closing scene at the end of the drama :) I dont think they will show after the coronation. 
uh, wild guessing in the morning. I hope at least second half of today's episode will be cheer for us, to see TH waking up and begging her to be back etc:D

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hello everyone! i've been a silent lurker since the beginning of this drama. although the drama near its end, and although I decided no to get involve in this forum, but i really, really need to ask these questions that haunted me last night.

why did TH need to banish SN after the death of his beloved BA? why did the first evil and angry stare he gave after the death of his beloved BA is to SN? not TT, who is the one who killed BA.

did SN killed him? Obviously, SN not the one who killed his beloved BA. TT did it.

It just like, he has been waiting for a long time to directly pointing the blame of the death of his beloved BA to SN. it looks like, he never love and marry her before. it looks like he never chase her and dying for missing her before. it looks like he has been having revenge on her all this time. i cannot believe the look that he gave to her right after he hugged his beloved, died BA.

So, is it wrong SN just let alone TT to kill TH's beloved BA? or did SN just need to wait for BA to kill her? what if TT didn't come to the rescue and kill BA, then SN nees to die?

so, what is actually TH wanted SN to do? just wait to be killed?

i am so sorry for asking these questions. i' ve been a SN shipper long time ago. i am so happy when TH loved her unconditionally at the beginning of the drama. although SN has been suffering a lot, i am so happy, because TH was always there to love her.

however, since ep 40s until now, i can't withstand the pain and suffering that TH did to SN n I even hope she just dissappear after being banished by TH and never ever forgive TH. I know this is not gonna happen because of the coronation scene, but TH, you better do a greatest sacrifice to allow SN to forgive you, or else, i will be in painful for a long period of time after this drama ended seeing my SN in pain all this time and then she just kindly and lovingly forgive TH after all the things he had done to her,

please writer, if SN really forgive him, then give SN a very good reason for it to happen :((

thanks a lot to the recappers, and the one who posted the previews, pictures, bts and stills from this drama. and thanks a lot to @pegster‌, @larabn‌, @tieuyeunu‌ and others that always support SN and backing her all this time, so I will not feel alone and sad for SN :). :(( :x .

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Guest JezzaG


said: Ok everyone, calm down!!  I see some light at the end of the tunnel.   I just read the extended text preview for EP49 from Baidu:

TH puts the order for SN, who refuses to repent her crime, to leave the palace and head to the monastery.  Golta reveals his wicked self next to TH who's asleep.

With the help of Tal Tal

, TH finally realizes SN's true heart and goes to appease her wounds (the ones he inflicted in the first place!!!!).

Ekkk! I just read another spoiler!

Someone on Baidu said they read from a Korean fan who visited the set.  SN will run into DK on her way to the monastery, and TH ends up saving her.

Well if that's true, I better see some blood from TH!! It's not enough to repent HIS crimes toward SN!

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Guest larabn

TH is lucky now SN loves him so much to not be all mad and angry at him and to forgive him. The SN we know would have lost all faith in him before we even reach the part where he banishes her. It's because she loves him, she is still having faith in him and what's sad is the part in the preview if she is to go say her goodbyes to him and he doesn't accept to see her. Yet, all this and he doesn't see how much she loves him. Okay, I have no words :-w  GOSH!! that sentence from him in the preview was so harsh!!!
Thank you @pegster for the spoiler which I'm happy TH will be back to his senses and save SN, he better hug her tightly, kiss her forehead while crying and apologizing for what he did. I think for the writers to make viewers less angry at him, maybe he might be wounded while trying to protect her from DK and then goes all this I'm sorry.....and so on. I fear something will happen to my poor Hong Dan. Seriously, she is the best along with TT and Eunuch Park. Since there is no time, I don't know if I can say that DK coming to kill SN and TH saving her will be the cliff hanger. But, I think it will be like this: we see SN being in her white dress and being banished at the start of the EP. SN leaves, TH is a sleep and hears GT's plans, confirms it with TT and DK hears about SN, goes after her.... TH reaches there in time to see DK wanting to kill SN and then they will stop the ep in a cliff hanger were TH is either wounded or is about to be killed by DK maybe.

LOL at your Avatar :D that was me yesterday .... it really describes how we all are with EK  8-}

Welcome to EK thread :)

EDIT: BTW @pegster if the spoiler does really happen, I'm buying you drinks after the ep and @valsava you are to join us since I liked your idea :) @CherKell and Mimi too for predicting TH will hear GT's evil plans while he is supposed to be a sleep. All of EK thread is invited for drinks on me tonight :) That's if the spoiler happens :P

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Guest geilbladder

I wonder did TH ever think when he banished SN, she will be hunt by her enemy. I remember, he once don`t gave permission to SN leave the palace coz ET would kill her.

TT sabunim, you should clear the missunderstood between them rigjt away!!

I think he did. Coz TH said she can never set foot in the palace again even if she turned a ghost. It means he doesnt care if she die. This is soo cruel for SN. :(

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Guest adjani1430293095

I dont know whether I like the episode, .. hmm well.. TT.. finally acted.. it must have been tough... but even this turn... I still don't get it too much... yes its true, he knew Bayan is bad for the empire or TH... but ... hmm.... for the kind of person that TT is... was that enough ? He was more distressed by all the corruption I reckon that his clan and those close to him got up to.... :P 
As for SY, the eye for an eye way is a cop out for ridding the drama of the other empress..well her power is evidenced when she ordered it and clearly the ones with power are SY, Bayan and well Golta.. 
TH is still a torn asunder king, he relies on SY and bayan and doesnt want to lose either.. I suppose in some senses, he basically wants SY as his wife and mother.. that supporting role and not as the charging "conqueror" she is at the moment considering all he wants is a happy family. It is also typical for the men to be at the forefront I suppose. ... 
Still debating whether I like the episode or not.. I am a tad disappointed with the writing for sure... I dont like how things have turned or how they have been resolved so far, something is just not satisfactory... kinda of different from how I felt with other dramas... but maybe its just me :) 

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@geilbladder‌ sad right? She love him so much. Do alot of think to his behalf, but just got banished and don`t consider her life anymore.

I won`t blame anyone of this. Since the missunderstanding gone bad between them and they act personally to achieve their goals. Weather it`s for the other behalf.

@ben1090‌ thats the name of lack of trust between couple. We just can quetioned "why" but it`s their feeling that we can`t interfere.

I`m saying this coz even as a character, each one of the arc in EK portray humans and how they dealt with their problem.

When people lack of trust to each other, they begin to see only the bad deed not the good deed. That`s include TH-SN as a couple, they have to through alot of test.

I`m agree this time TH really need to fight for TH love. And why SN can forgive him easily, it`s coz of love. We can`t control it weather like it or not

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wow this thread sure goes at the speed of light
I meant the catch up on the posts I missed but there are already way too many pages
I'll try to skim through them before the episode starts

luckily it's a slow day at work, not that I am particularly productive on mon-tue :D

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As we prepare for the coming heartbreak and eventual make up, let us all take time to breath and hope for the best.

Only 1 and a half hours to go before the episode starts.

Let as cheer each other up a bit!


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