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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest lorac

briseis said: ... I'm really curious how the writer will cure TH out of his paranoic madness. Because to change this emotional human wreck into the confident, regal monarch we had seen at the beginning of episode 1 all those 6 months ago ...

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C-subs summary/translations for EP 47

SN goes to see TH, but GT tells her he's sleeping.  

TH is having a nightmare, he sees SN trying to kill him.  SN tells him now that Ayu is crown prince, she no use for him anymore.  Then ED appears, and ED tells him how does it feel to be in that seat where the brothers kill each other, and son kills father to reach.  ED says that it's sad to see him die in such a pity way in the hands of Gwibi.
SN then reappears to say that she will not forgive the person who killed her father and WY.  
TH wakes up to see SN and he tries to strangle her, but then wakes up.  SN asks if he drank before he went to bed, but TH says he didn't and asks her not to nag him about it.
GT comes in to say all the officials have gathered in the grand hall to ask that he remove BA from his position.  TH and SN enter the grand hall.  All the governors and officials who are on SN's side ask that TH remove BA from his position for what KT did, what KT did was no different from an act of treason.
TH's head is starting to hurt, then the announce that BA is outside offering to give up his position and to return the seal.  BA says because of his niece, he's caused trouble for him, it's an act of disloyalty.  The governor's tell TH to take back the seal, but TH turns back to the governors to say that BA is offering to give up his position because he's thinking about his well being, where as the governor's have no regards for his well being.  
The governor's say it's for the good of Yuan, but TH says his well being is the well being of Yuan.  TH refuses to remove BA, BA is his pride and dignity for his loyalty.  Anyone who tries to punish BA will be viewed as disregarding his royal orders, and will be punished for treason.
SN meets with BA, and TT watches from the side.
BA: You're controlling the officials like your own limbs, you're really something Gwibi mama.SN: It seems the more capable person is Dae Seung Sang.  Instead of leaving your position, you earned Paeha's trust.BA: If even I leave from my position, then this country would fall under your control.  I need to stop this country's road to destruction.SN: Are you declaring war with me now?BA: A war can only break out between two comparable opponents.  Does Gwibi think you're a worthy opponent to me?SN: It's not a war to determine if the opponent is worthy or not.  It's because a war is the only way to fight.BA: This will not end with just your death.  Not only the Goryeo people, but all the foreigners on this land will be eliminated from the roots.SN: What I want is a peaceful world.  However, between me and Dae Seung Sang, one of us must disappear, that is how we can achieve peace.BA: It won't take too long for the day we have peace in this world.SN: I'll be expecting it, Dae Seung Sang.
MaHa is at the monastery praying, Cruella tells him it's enough, he's still recovering.  WY goes to see him.  EB tells WY MaHa has been here for a few days praying.  EB reminds him to think about Gwibi mama, he can't reveal he's MaHa's father.
WY: What were you praying for?MH: Wang-Yoo gong!  If you came to take revenge on me...WY: I didn't come to see you.  But, why do you have a frown on your face?  If you're not the Emperor's son, then you're nothing?  I thought you were a person with a broad mind.  Whether your father is the Emperor, or a random person on the streets, MaHa, you are you.  Even if you are the Emperor's son, if you had a narrow mind you would destroy the country.  If you were the some of a random person, and have a broad mind, you could create your own country.MH: Do you think I'm pitiful?  Why are you staying these things to me?WY: If you don't want others to pity you, then you need to become broad and levelled minded.WY (thoughts): Sorry, my son.  I can only comfort you this way for now.
EB comes in to tell WY it's time for him to leave, MaHa asks if they'll meet again, and WY says he stops by here occasionally.
Outside WY and is gang stupidly talk about MaHa right out in the open.
WY: From what it looks now, he's really like me.EB: Cheona...WY: Gwibi said she wants to send MaHa back to Goryeo?EB: She'll do it once his health gets better.  I just hope that the poison has expanded to other parts of his body.WY: We'll find the right opportunity for me to bring him back.  Just tell PBH that.MS: Will you tell MaHa the secret?WY: I can't let that child be alone like that.  Once we reach Goryeo, I will tell him, he's mine and Gwibi's son.EB: Yes, Cheona.  If we're in Goryeo, it'll won't be a problem if MaHa knows this secret.
And of course, they're not the only living being out in the open, Cruella was standing right behind them and heard everything they said.  Now she knows MaHa is Gwibi and Wang-Yoo gong's son.  Way to go WY, I thought you were smarter then that!
At the palace TH is in partying mode.  He's playing a hide and seek game in the gardens with the consorts, and SN approaches.  TH catches SN while blind folded.  
TH: Gwibi...Gwibi you've been caught, it's your turn to try and catch me now.SN: Paeha...TH: Don't, don't say anything.  I'm in a really good mood today.SN: What is it that you're so happy about today?TH: Come, take a look, the sky is clear, the flowers are blooming.  Right, and I even caught my Gwibi.  Come, Gwibi, I've caught my Gwibi.  I caught Gwibi, how can I not be in a good mood.SN: The doctor has said if you continue to drink it'll harm your health.TH: Only after I drink will I not have nightmares.  I'm constantly dreaming of you killing me.SN: Paeha...TH: Nyangyi-ah, Nyangyi-ah for that, please just let me be
BA interrupts the party and asks TH to approve a decree now, it's something important.  TH orders for GT to bring the seal to BA and let him use it.  SN is shocked that TH isn't even going to see what it is before he just allows BA to approve it.  TH says Dae Seung Sang is him, and he's Dae Seung Sang, SN reminds him that he can't just easily give away his seal like that.  TH urges GT to get the seal for BA, completely ignoring SN.
BA takes TH's seal and approves a decree of some sort, TT comes in and asks him what he's approving.  
BA: These are people who regularly commit trades of the nations goods.TT: Uncle...BA: Why are you so shocked?TT: These are people who are capable and well respected.  Plus all these officials (names off officials of different areas)...BA: They're all Gwibi's people.TT: You can't send away talented people because of their groupings.BA: What the country needs is not talent, it's loyalty!  You can't even distinguish the talent from the rotten.  Why have you been like this lately.TT: But uncle, our country is currently in a decline.  If you really love this country...BA: My word is the Emperor's orders!  Do you see the seal?  My judgement and decision is what Paeha wants.  Not only this, there are the governor's (the 3 main ones), and the military commanders.  Anyone who's supporting Gwibi, arrest them all and eliminate them.  Only this way can this country be saved, and to promote the dignity of this country.  These days the royal treasury is about the meet it's end, you're better off thinking of how to recuperate this country's financial standings.
BA ends up arresting a series bunch of officials who were on Gwibi's side.  He's torturing them in the cellar, and SN tries to stop him.
SN: What is going on?BA: They all took part in trades involving this country's goods, pocketing money for themselves.SN: You need to show evidence of their corruptionBA: This has Paeha's seal on it.  These officials, if you want to save them, then you're disobeying royal orders.SN: They're all innocent.  If you want to eliminate me, then direct your sword at me.BA: I didn't frame them.  They are helping someone through the path of destruction.SN: You're saying that I'm endangering the safety of this country, is that what you mean?BA: Is that not it?SN: This country is falling apart because of Dae Seung Sang.  It's because terrorizing politics like this that makes this country sick.BA: You're wrong.  This country is not Gwibi's country. This country belongs to me and my people, which is the Mongolian's country.SN: I'm this country's Gwibi.BA: But you're of Goryeo descend.SN: Dae Seung Sang!BA: Blood is thicker than water, if there is any bad blood, then it needs to be drained before it flows through the entire body.SN: That bad blood also flows in the body of the crown prince who's the next successor to the throne. It seems you have temporarily forgotten that I'm the crown prince's mother.  Let's watch and see who's blood will be drained first.
TH is in his room with Ayu, attempting to teach him.
TH: Taeja, in the future you need to become a strong and courageous Emperor.  You need to become an Emperor who can conquer the world with your sword.  (basically rule with brute force!)Ayu: Mother said to protect the weak and to rule with virtue.TH: You need to become strong before you can rule with virtue.  How can a weak Emperor help those in need or rule with virtue.  Just like Goryeo, a neighbouring country it's always watching for an opportunity.  Survival of the fittest is the rule of this world.Ayu: Isn't Goryeo Mother's country?TH: Did your mother say that?Ayu: I heard it from the maids.  If I become the Emperor, then for Goryeo I can...TH: Taeja! Don't ever mention Goryeo in front of me again.  You're my son, do you hear?Ayu: You're scary father! Mother!SN: What's happened?TH: Take Taeja away.GT: Yes, Paeha.  Let's leave now Taeja mama.SN: Paeha, please stop Dae Seung Sang's evil doings TH: Dae Seung Sang is working for this country.SN: Eliminating capable officials, how can that be working for this country?TH: Gwibi, what are you worried about?SN: Paeha...TH: Are you feeling pain because your people are being eliminated?  I just want you to handle your job well as Taeja's mother.  Don't say any useless things to Taeja about Goryeo.SN: So that's it, Paeha also only sees me as a Goryeo person.TH: It's not like that.  Do you still not understand, as long as you interfere with this country's politics, this palace will always be in chaos.  Think of it as for Ayu, just stay by the rules.SN: Dae Seung Sang is not the only person working for this country.  I'm more concerned for this country than anyone else...TH: Then, you should kill WY, but Gwibi you saved WY right before my eyes.  He the traitor who allied with the enemy country and committed a great crime, WY!SN: Paeha...TH: I don't want to hear any more.  Don't interfere with the politics anymore.  This is a royal order, do you hear! Don't interfere with the politics anymore!
And the Merchant Leader is finally revealed.
El Plague and JC are given a mission to go see BA and to give him that document from the Merchant group.  They're told that BA will trust them after he sees the documents.
Like most people guessed, GT is the merchant leader, and the other guard is his sidekick.
ML is asked if he's chosen to side with BA.
ML: The Emperor's heart is already drifted away from Gwibi.  Don't you think BA will win?  No matter who holds the power, we just need to use that power to earn money.  If we continue to prepare for it this way, it won't be long before the day we receive enough money to control this world.
El Plague and JC goes to see BA, BA is about to kill El Plague when he stops him and asks him to read the letter first.  JC shows him the letter from ML.  Turns out that's information on other foreigner run merchant groups, the plan is for BA to eliminate those other merchant groups, and for the Eagle group to take over them.  In the process, BA will be able to confiscate these merchants wealth and place it back in the national treasury, at the same time he'll be able to eliminate the foreigners that he wanted to.  BA asks why Eagle Group is coming to him now when they were allied with ET before, El Plague says is because Eagle Group lost a lot due to these other merchant groups, especially the Goryeo merchants.
In exchange for BA's help, Eagle Group will provide him with the much needed financial backing.  And so the birth of ET jr. has come.
As TT is taking out BA's orders, WY's gang watches from the side.  WY knows that Goryeo merchant groups will be greatly impacted and says they need to think of something soon.  JB asks if they should discuss with Gwibi mama, but WY says their alliance has ended.  WY says to get in touch with Suli (Bi-Soo's man), he might know secrets to the Eagle Group.
El Plague and JC are looking at all the wealth they've confiscated, TT comes and wants to kill them for providing ill ideas to BA.  TT says he's going to kill them and throw them in the pigsty.
BA comes and stops him.
TT: Uncle, release those merchants and stop this impeachment now.BA: Those are foreign merchants who have sucked away of of Yuan's hard earned resourcesTT: This country was originally build by the gathering of foreign groups.BA: That's why this country has fallen to this state!TT: This country's economy is about to explode.  If even the merchant rights in the market place falls apart, not only them, but even the people if Yuan will starve to death on the streets!BA: Only when the country becomes wealthy then can the people survive.TT: The people are already so poor, for who is this country becoming wealthy for?BA: Are you determined to get in the way of my plans?TT: This time I will not back down.  Uncle, because of your wish to make the country wealthy, you're forcing the people to a dead end.BA: You!  How dare you to try to lecture me!TT: Even if it's Dae Seung Sang, anyone who doesn't understand needs to learn.BA: What?TT: Due to the lack of courage to learn, is what brings destructionBA: You are you really...Sidekick: Dae Seung Sang, please calm downBA: TT you're no other person, you better not disobey my orders.
TT performs punishment to all the merchants who they captured.  They're branding them by putting a mark on the face, anyone with such a mark on the face can no longer do business in Yuan.
SN tries to stop the torture, but TT tells this is not a place she should be at.
SN: This is despicable!  Not only did you not try to stop Dae Seung Sang's tyranny, you're even helping him!TT: I couldn't do what Gwibi mama wanted me to doSN: Not that you couldn't do it, it's that you didn't do it.TT: As long as Paeha is sheltering exists, no one can oppose Dae Seung Sang's wishes.SN: So what you're saying is to give up?TT: Not give up, but refuse...because it's not something that I can do.SN: Shibu-nim...TT: There's only one thing I can do for Gwibi mama.  Just end this war.  Not only will it be a threat to everything you've achieved up till now, it will even be a threat to your life.SN: I will battle till the end.  As I'm like someone who's so despicable.
WY is with MaHa at the monastery again.
WY: What are you wishing for?MH: If my parents have passed, I wishthat Buddha will send them to the Pure Land (Heavens).  If they're still living, then I beg that Buddha will let me meet them.  What kind of wish did you make?WY: I wished that your wish will come true.  Why are you smiling?MH: I don't know, I just wanted to smile.WY: You don't look well...MH: I'm fine, you don't have to worry.
And of course how can the meeting be complete without Cruella spying on them.
TH is walking in the palace and passes by the laundry area where he sees all the sheets hanging there, he walks in to take a look.  SN appears from behind some sheets.
SN asks if he'd like to go leave the palace her to see some interesting things.  Turns out SN wants to bring TH to see how the people are suffering outside of the palace.
TH: Gwibi, this is the interesting thing you were talking about?SN: I'm sorry.  If I had said the truth, then you wouldn't have come, that's why I lied.TH: We should return now.SN: Paeha, everything there are hundreds and thousands of people dying in the cold.  But Dae Seung Sang is still immersed in the glory and splendour of the past, and ignoring the people's pain and sufferings.TH: This isn't something Gwibi should be interfering with.SN: I used the money received from WY to help the people, because I'm afraid that the people will hate and resent Paeha.TH: Gwibi!SN: It's not too late now.  Stop the chase for honour and power, understand what the people wants.  You need to save the people from Dae Seung Sang's tyranny!TH: If there's fear of darkness, how can the conquest be achieved?SN: The people are dying right now.  Who is this conquest for?TH: I trust Dae Seung Sang.  His loyalty and his ways, his passion will save this country. So stop trying to persuade me.
The guards are telling everyone to step aside and make way for the Emperor.
SN: Paeha, please look at the people, their eyes are full of resentment and anger toward Paeha.  You can't ignore what the people wants.TH: Wang-Yoo!SN: What's going on?TH: It's Wang...Wang-Yoo! It's Wang-Yoo over there!SN: Are you imagining things again?TH: No, I can't be wrong, it's Wang Yoo!  Wang-Yoo, he's laughing at me!SN: Paeha, Paeha!GT: Paeha, please stay awake!SN: Quickly! Take Paeha back to the palace!
WY turns around to see how concerned and worried SN looked.
Back at the palace the doctor tells SN that due to TH's pro-longed excessive drinking, it has caused a blockage to his heart.  SN asks what they can do, doctor says his life is fine now, but there's no telling when he'd wake up.  SN says they can't let him die, they need to cure him.
ED and BA barges in and starts questioning why he's like that, and he can't just fall ill this easily.
Over at MaHa, PBH is trying to feed him medicine and asks Cruella since when has he become like that.  PBH sends Cruella away and gives her some money, saying that should be enough for her to live comfortably, and he'll take MaHa back to Goryeo himself.
Right after Cruella leaves, MaHa dies.  
WY and his gang are waiting outside to take MaHa back to Goryeo with them.  JB says WY seems to be really happy, WY says of course he's happy, when they return to Goryeo, he can call him his son. 
When they see Cruella leave, EB goes in to get MaHa, only to discover that he's already passed.  EB drags is weakened body out to bring the news to WY.  WY immediately realizes something's wrong and runs in to see the lifeless MaHa lying in bed.
WY: MaHa-ah, open your eyes...MaHa-ah!  I'm your father...I'm...your incapable father, MaHa-ah you can't just die like this, MaHa-ah you need to be strong...MaHa-ah!!!!
While WY and gang are mourning MaHa's death, SN is back at the palace trying to care for the almost lifeless TH.
SN: Paeha...One day Paeha will understand my sincere heart.  The efforts that I have made to guard/protect you, you need to understand it.  So please don't be sick anymore, and don't be lonely anymore, Paeha.
PBH returns, and SN asks how Byul is doing.  Flashback, WY had instructed not to tell SN about MaHa's death, and to tell her that he's brought him back to Goryeo.  She's already suffering enough, and they shouldn't add to her pain.  
HD reports to SN that DM had informed them that ED and BA are planning something.  Immediately SN tells PBH to have all the governors and officials to meet at the grand hall.
ED: Now is the best opportunity to get rid of Gwibi.BA: What do you mean by opportunity?ED: With Hwang Sang like this, the only protection Gwibi has is down right now.  According to the doctor, there's no telling when Hwang Sang will recover.  We need to use this opportunity to eliminate Gwibi and all of those who give power.  Eliminate them all.  This is a chance presented by the heavens.BA: But when Paeha wakes up...ED: During this time, you can create as many disasters as you can.  We've already come to this, a rebellion is not a bad idea.BA: A rebellion...ED: Yes, Gwibi and her group will create a commotion during this time to fight for power, and there will be traitors taking part in this, there won't be any problem.Jang: Taehu mama!  There's a big problem!ED: What big problem?Jang: All the officials have gathered in the grand hall, they say it's to discuss about the regent issue.BA: What regent!ED: Gwibi wants to be regent?
Yes ED, you're too slow, while you're there trying to create a plan with BA to eliminate SN, she's already acting out her plan!
ED: Gwibi why are you sitting there?SN: What do you mean why?  Paeha is extremely ill and can't manage affairs at this time.  Hwang Taeja will sit here for now.  Is that not as it should be?Governor: Taeja is still young, his mother should be regent, this is the wishes of all the officials.BA: Do you all think it makes sense for Gwibi to rule this country?Governor: Dae Seung Sang!  This is decision made according to the laws and procedures, how can you just ignore it like that!BA: This is for the well being of the country!  Now's not the time to look at so called laws and procedures!SN: So, Dae Seung Sang is now ignoring the laws and procedures with a conspiracy in mind?BA: Gwibi mama!SN: The reason why I'm being accepted as regent is in hope to bring this country back on track from the damages you have done to it.ED: This absolutely can not be, how can you sit in that royal seat...SN: Taehu mama, if you continue to oppose me being regent, you will be punished for disobeying royal orders.  Everyone listen.  Right now the royal treasury is almost empty, this is due to the incapability of Taehu mama who's been in control of it.  As punishment, the seal will be removed from her.  The treasury will put to the responsibility of Dok Man to manage it.ED: Giving the responsibility of the royal treasury to a eunuch?SN: Next, the capital and palace troops will be managed by PBH alone.PBH: Yes, I understand.DM: Yes, I understand.ED: Are you planning on filling the important positions in this palace with Goryeo people?SN: Dae Seung Sang, please return the Paeha's seal, and your seal.  Excessive power will cause the military commend to deteriorate.  These are not things that Dae Seung Sang should have.
And so we see DM collecting the seal from ED.
PBH is telling the troops that Paeha and Gwibi mama's lives are in their hands, and they need to give their lives to protect them.  
PBH goes to to collect the seals from BA.
TT runs into SN in the palace:
TT: The fight for power is like hunting a rabbit.  According to who finds it first, who takes it down first, the results will be different.  Any slowdown, Gwibi will be eliminated.SN: This hunt needs to end before Paeha wakes.  The help I asked for, are you still going to refuse?TT: Please look for the 'Son Jab Byeong Beob' (The Art of War) in the library, my answer is in there.
SN finds that book, turns out TT listed the names and crimes of all those officials who are on BA's side.  However, there is nothing on BA.  SN tells PBH is not because TT is trying to hide it, it's likely because BA has not committed any crimes of corruption.
PBH asks how SN is going to take care of these officials, SN says Ayu's birthday is coming, she's going to invite only these people to a special banquet.  SN also tells PBH to have HD get ready, they need to transfer TH over to her quarters.
At the grand hall SN tells these officials how she's happy they're willing to accept her invitation.  SN orders to bring in the 'food' and says these are all fresh water for them to enjoy.  BA thinks this is a joke.
SN says how can they have a lavish banquet for Taeja's birthday when the people are starving.  BA wants to leave but SN tells him she's not done yet.
SN takes that book that contains everyone's crimes and starts reading out the crimes of some of the officials present.  All of them are corrupted officials who have committed various crimes.
SN says because it's Taeja's birthday, she's added something special in the water, poison.  Anyone who is innocent will drink this water, at that time, she will step down as regent for killing an innocent person.  However, if they don't drink it, then it means they're admitting to their crimes, and they will be punished harshly.
SN says they have till the count of three to drink up.  BA picks up the bowl to drink the water, and TT tries to stop him, BA tells him to leave him, and tells SN that if he drinks it, she'll step down.
After BA drinks the water, SN tells him there's no poison in the water, but everyone else has admitted to their crimes.  SN orders that they arrest everyone and lock them up except for TT and BA.
Oh Cruella, you just can't go away and live your life.  Somehow she got her way into the palace and asks to see TH.  GT tells her that Paeha is not seeing anyone now, just then TH wakes up.
Cruella asks if he will listen to her for a moment, and TH tells her yes.  
And cliffhanger as Cruealla starts 'Prince MaHa is...'

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We get a day of rejoice with yesterday's episode, then we get a day of conflict again. I really thought BA and ED were going down today.  I guess that's saved for next week?  And the whole Golta thing is just confusing - it almost seems like they ran of characters, so they decided to put Golta in charge of Eagle House.

The writers have really destroyed TH's character.  I'm sorry, but I cannot sympathize with his behavior even if he is crazy.  If we look at the characters, TH is actually in the best position.

1.) He is the emperor - and has power (just doesn't know how to use it...)
2.) He has SN.
3.) He has Ayu,
4.) Maha - the son he hated - is not his son. So all ties of ET's clan is gone.
5.) He Has BA (uh... not sure if this 100% good or not) and TT as subordinates
6.) His government (the old guys that are with Empress Ki side) are not that bad in comparasion to ones in other dramas.
7.) He got rid of the new empress

I think it's ridiculous that the writers make him crazy because there is really no need to. Actually, it would have been more believable if they changed his character into a controlling, power hungry leader (since he was controlled all his life and now he is not under ET's thumb anymore). Also, when you look at WY, he's the one who had more reason to go crazy (He lost SN, his kid, his throne, power, etc.)

I can't decide if I want Cruella to spill the beans about Maha's true parents.  If she does, we can finally move on in the storyline without this big secret hanging over our heads being drawn out.  In addition, it would nice to see SN become empress honestly - meaning TH knows and made her empress despite of the fact.  Then there wouldn't be any betrayal.  However, if it is revealed, I don't want to see SN fall from grace again.  That would be just too frustrating - especially after all the cr@p she had to go through to get there. 

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Guest novemberA

OMG I just saw the raw ep 47 :( What can I say that poor boy MAHA :(
I'm not familier with the history but why did the writers kill him??? I can't imagine how will SY feel
after hearing about her son's death after only such short time she had to spend with him as a grown child.She lost him for Tanashiri and later to ED that raised him with hating SY.
So so sad :(
I can't wait for the next ep (I hope that old maid won't tell TH the true identity of MAHA that will be the end of his love and respect to SY .................).

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Guest HanN1430293555

I think the confession of Cruella to Th about Maha will be stop by SN's arrival, It mention there that SN will transfer TH to her quarters right? maybe that is the time (correct me if I'm wrong), 

I hope that instead will happen. Fighting SN.! for all those stress and problems why you're still gorgeous? what is your secret? :)  

Be strong WY!!... 

Good Job TT, keep doing the Right things! 

U will Die soon Golta! Bye bye!!! just include ED and BA.

For TH,, Oh nevermind!, but for JCW your an excellent actor! keep it up. 

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Guest claracinny

@pegsterI'm just wondering about where you get your C-subs. I find that they're sometimes faster than English subs (even though I watched the raw ones already anyways haha). It doesn't matter if the C-subs are in Traditional or Simplified Chinese as I can read both. Can you please give me the links to the website(s)?

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Guest claracinny

@kapneemoI'm not sure if it's just me but I think that Golta is more like a person who values things differently. I mean like he's a 'merchant' right? So he's more motivated by power and wealth than being interested in being loyal. I think's there's no right or wrong, evil and corruption in his actions if you look at it from his point of view. He's never been loyal or anything in the first place if he's the head of Eagle House, so there's no "corruption" going on there, if you know what I mean. Yes, his loyalty to TH is a complete sham, but then we've, as speculators, have been suspicious of him for quite a while, so let's hope that SN figures it out.

That being said, I don't actually think that Cruella is now a seriously bad person. She was terrible and evil at the beginning but then she was loyal to Tanasiri and remained loyal after her death.  After all, loyalty means something. It's putting someone else first (or maybe right next to you) when you make decisions and choices.

Her going to see TH to tell him something about Maha is more of an act of loyalty and feeling bad about Byul's parents and believing that every parent has a right to know about his/her children since Cruella watched Tanasiri trying so hard to have a child, than 'evilness' in my eyes.

Right now, I really hate that TH. Then again, I can't exactly blame him...watching this drama is so frustrating haha
Everyone right now has 'good' intentions (except for that Golta and company & YBS, although he's technically led to believe that he is currently revenging Lady Yom's death, so it's not completely his fault), but the problem is that they all think that they are always in the 'right' and that anyone who opposes them are 'wrong.' /sighs/ If I really get down to it, a whole lot of people considered 'evil' in this drama aren't actually 'evil' or 'bad' and others might have redeeming qualities, while LK and her people are not entirely correct in all parts of their conducts. Am I just crazy or what... On the other hand, maybe I'm just biased (I love TT and Jin Yi Han's acting), but I think that TT is more of a neutral person who watches from the sidelines. You know, one of those scholars that would one day hide in a cave because both sides are trying to kill him for not supporting on or the other and write down a neutral history of the events that actually occurred. (yes, I know TT chose a side already and I agree with the side he's chosen since it's his character's characteristic to help the side that he believes is in the right and will benefit the country more, but someone else in his position might run)Okay, maybe I'm just a deranged, delusional, teenage girl suffering from sleep deprivation with school tomorrow (actually more like school in a couple hours), but that was my two cents worth of um, ya know, babble...forgive me for wasting lots of your time...lol
Waiting for the last four episodes! Along with TT's confessions to SN. Nah jk I'm just a weird TalNyang shipper.I'm happy that they've decided to extend the drama by one more episode. Hopefully that'll bring about a reasonably nicely done ending.

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Guest hunterdd

I'm glad that Maha is out of the picture. The "big" Maha reveal barely generated any additional interest. Hurrah. That's one boring storyline out of the way.
This drama has been flat-lining since ET died, as too much screen time was spent on B.O.R.I.N.G. stuff viewers don't care about. They need to being back the TH & SN love story fast. This is what was pulling in all the Korean viewers all the way up until ET died. The Almost Kiss got 49.9% in real time ratings. This is what the viewers want.

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Guest adjani1430293095

Ok I liked 46 and then disliked 47.. some of the commenters have already pointed out some issues and I feel the same.
I mean it was speculated that the merchant group head is Golta.. but er.. WHY? ... er HOW? and what the sidekicks were the ones making money from TH? And  he was aligned with EL T Clan? Ok yes eunuchs can be very powerful, in fact a lot of them were in history since they were privy to lots of things.. especially those who were close to the Emperors, Dowagers or Empresses... but er ... what does it have to do with the plot and why make him out to be such a fluffy character initially to then become some evil head.... I dont get the writers... 
The TH, well yes he is meant to be flawed (don't really like the word weak) but well.. couldn't it be illness ... its so odd to have his demise because of strange dreams and attachment to SY alone.. I mean there are weak emperors or those that are indulgent in vices or just plain incompetent.. but er.. sigh I don't get the writing.

Plus contrast with WY .. what is he doing? If he was meant to rule and be strong, I mean he was victorious when EL T clan went down and then he leaves his country alone most of the entire (ok some of the fault seems to be those that are keen to see his demise) and then is chased down by various parties and then is never quite here nor there? 
All the 2 men are up to seems to be circling each other and mooning over SY?!! 
And don't get me started on the baddies... at least up to EL T clan.. there was coherence.. the aftermath of various parties and each never quite developed and then summarily ridden... Like SY just jailing all of Bayan's counterparts who were guilty of wrong doing... Is that meant to "attack" his power bases? 

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Guest JezzaG

Since ET's death, I started to dislike the direction of the plot. I just hope they compensate us with something that's actually going to make sense after all the what-the-fudge scenes and character killing. (I actually hate Yon Feisu's death :( )
Anyway, I don't know if somebody already said this but can I just profess my love for HJW's amazing 'eye acting' or whatever you call it. Those life-threatening glares, powerful stares and spine-chilling scowls....  *builds a shrine for Ha Ji Won's enthralling eyes* ^:)^ ^:)^

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BTS/Interview of Jo Jae Yun (Golta)


(Sorry, I don't have other links at the moment)


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