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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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The Second Empress of Yuan DynastyWelcome to the world of EK forum! ^:)^ ^:)^

Someone said, she might probably play a role who is somewhat pretentious.  Isn't it too scary to have someone around you pretending to be nice and friendly but will bring you great distraction in the end? Well, let's see if how she gonna irks us more than what TS did to us.

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Guest bellenelle

I wished they wouldn't bring a second empress. I don't think it's necessary, because there's already so much to play with, especially the Maha plot element and the turn of Bayan to evil. Another evil empress to vomit her jealousy and drive us insane? Really? And with only 15 episodes to go? :-S

Well, I just hope the character is truly, completely, 100% different from TN and it doesn't get repetitive.

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chaudinh1609 said: Have just finished ep 34, 35. My conclusion based on parental view only. Ta Hwan is not yet qualified to be a father, or we can say Ta Hwan does not beseem to be a standard father, not to mention a good father. Why do I say that? Well, 
(assumedly Maha is Ta Hwan's son because the truth has yet been released)

Firstly, because a father MUST act equally among his children, children have no harm but adult does, so why blame children on mother's guilt. This proves Ta Hwan is still not mature enough to be a father, not to mention to become a true Emperor. He lets his heart dominant his brain, which is an absolutely taboo when rule a country. An Emperor must not let the hatred blind his decision.
Secondly, unfair treatment among princes will lead to internal power struggle where princes fighting each others to get the throne, which creates barrier between brothers, divide sentiments and bloody rain sooner or later.
For what Tana Shili had done, she deserves to be punished but her child (also Ta Hwan's child) was bornt, Ta Hwan blood flows in Maha.
In conclusion, Ta Hwan still has a long long way to go, first learn to read (done after living almost half-life), learn to be a good father (not yet, maybe he can ask Yeon Chul teach him some course, learn to use brain (refer Tal Tal) and then learn to be an Emperor (wow, no one better than Wang Yoo guru).
P/S: good night everyone, it is tax season here, god bless me :rongcon9:

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A new empress? Nooooooooo. People who put on a smile but stab you behind your back are the kind of people I hate the most. I'd rather them be evil to my face. But since the new Empress is going to do that, she must be really smart so she might be more even-matched with SN. 
I read all of your insights on TH's relationship with Maha and I agree with both sides: his reasons are understandable but he's still wrong in ignoring his son (he doesn't know he's not his yet so that does not let him off the hook). I understood him not wanting to have anything to do with Maha since he was "conceived" forcefully but hearing that his son was sick and postponing seeing him to the next day was a bit too much (and this is coming from a TH lover). During that time, a lot of children died from sicknesses and disease (it wasn't something to be taken easily).
I don't know what the writers are doing with TH's character. One instance he's confident and brave and just pure awesome and now they make him look petty. A little bit of consistency would be great. His character moved a a few steps forward and one step backward then. 
Aside from that, I think El Plague's mission has to do with guarding ET's secret funds or something like that since ET thought EP would steal his money when he was being senile. And ED, TT, BA, SN, and TH were discussing ET's unimaginable wealth just a few scenes back. I think part of getting rid of ET's clan would be taking control of that wealth to cut his support to all of his men spread over the country. They might go in that direction. Dunno.
And why isn't anybody cluing in on ET's senility and disappearance from the scene? Even if everyone is distracted with SN's pregnancy, it's not enough to forget about ET. 

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- Yeo Jin Goo as Maha would have been daebak (not only he has experiences with the writers but he does look like HJW & JJM too + he's the best with the sad scenes sighhhh he's doing Potato Star right now)

- For Ayu, they will try to find a caucasian type of child actor... i'm currently looking for the potential Ayu? Seo Dong-Hyun? maybe?

id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"

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sarah.lina said: - Yeo Jin Goo as Maha would have been daebak (not only he has experiences with the writers but he does look like HJW & JJM too + he's the best with the sad scenes sighhhh he's doing Potato Star right now)

- For Ayu, they will try to find a caucasian type of child actor... i'm currently looking for the potential Ayu? Seo Dong-Hyun? maybe?

id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;"who is maha in history?U know?
who is maha in history?U know?

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I oppose this new Empress!!!

i hope he won't be like TN where she has a crush on WY before finding out that WY actually loves SN

But in her case, she'll have a crush on TalTal and then find out that TalTal and I are in love and then try to do voodoo to attack me or i then become the top of her list to deal with..

But as long as i have SN, she'll help me deal with her... lol hahah

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@pegster : Still the way you wrote it, wasn't that constructive more like raw hate towards to all who shares the same blood as WY, that's not the first time, in your last post you tried to argument a little but in your previous posts, it was more like why we have WY in the first place in this drama?

I'm ok for your hate on WY and Maha but please i hope to not read someone getting bashed because they don't like TH and i even haven't read anyone saying TH & Ayu to die. (just the term "brat" caused a stir, i don't even want to think of wishing TH or Ayu to die)

In conclusion, ok for the opinion of each of you but not ok for the double standards.

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SongMira said:
Lim Joo-eun in "Empress Qi"

Actress Lim Joo-eun is starring in the MBC drama "Empress Qi" to conflict with Ha Ji-won, in the shoes of Baek Jin-hee.

She starts appearing in the drama mid-March.

She takes on the character of one who becomes the empress of Yuan Dynasty next to Tanasili.

Lim Joo-eun is going to create a new route of conflict with Ki Seung-nyang (Ha Ji-won) and will be in control of the latter half of the drama.

Lim Joo-eun starred in the dramas "HON - Soul", "Wild Romance", "Arang and the Magistrate" and more including the recent SBS drama "The Heirs". She's going to appear as a different person in the historical drama "Empress Qi".

Source : HanCinama

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sarah.lina said: @pegster : Still the way you wrote it, wasn't that constructive more like raw hate towards to all who shares the same blood as WY, that's not the first time, in your last post you tried to argument a little but in your previous posts, it was more like why we have WY in the first place in this drama?

I'm ok for your hate on WY and Maha but please i hope to not read someone getting bashed because they don't like TH and i even haven't read anyone saying TH & Ayu to die. (just the term "brat" caused a stir, i don't even want to think of wishing TH or Ayu to die)

In conclusion, ok for the opinion of each of you but not ok for the double standards.

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@pegster : if i'm twisting your posts, i can tell you that you are also immensely twisting my posts, reducing me as a blind fangirl is something, i'll stop here because dialogue of deaf is not really my thing.

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I know what you said about Maha was not rude because you can't be rude about a non-existent person. I don't even think it was that mean and evil.

We can think things about fictional people that we would never say or think about REAL people. Why some folks can't understand that I just can't understand. We can debate and disagree but why get so upset with each other. THIS IS JUST FOR FUN. Most of this did not even happen. Your take on it may not be my take on it but we don't all have to agree. Or what is the point of this forum? Pegster I am with you on this. I think you were unfairly attacked.

Maybe it will work out for Maha and maybe it won't but it's just a TV show we all love


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GUYS!!!  Let's stop this sniping now.  Everyone getting all worked up about some FICTIONAL CHARACTERS is counterproductive... and just downright silly.  It's time to get back on track and put all the crabbing aside.  Okay?  Okay.

Saying all that, I will be posting some major EK Forum News soon.  I can't announce it right now while I await confirmation of some details.  Stay tuned!!!

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kdramaadt said:


know what you said about Maha was not rude because you can't be rude about a non-existent person. I don't even think it was that mean and evil.

We can think things about fictional people that we would never say or think about REAL people. Why some folks can't understand that I just can't understand. We can debate and disagree but why get so upset with each other. THIS IS JUST FOR FUN. Most of this did not even happen. Your take on it may not be my take on it but we don't all have to agree. Or what is the point of this forum? Pegster I am with you on this. I think you were unfairly attacked.

Maybe it will work out for Maha and maybe it won't but it's just a TV show we all love


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