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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest ThaoL1430293631

to me, JCW is the Real actor not flower boy. And I know you are a wangNang @loli‌ . just ban, off, or flag whatever you want. Plesea dont bashing a actor coz his talent better than someone, ok.

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Guest lorac

CherKell said: lorac said: He was promoted in the beginning as secondary but as the drama unfolded he became the focal point. Things change, form over substance... the flower boy won the day... and the lady.

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ThaoL said: to me, JCW is the Real actor not flower boy. And I know you are a wangNang @loli‌ . just ban, off, or flag whatever you want. Plesea dont bashing a actor coz his talent better than someone, ok. Please if you don't understand what i wrote, please do read it over and over again...

Also, As i said at the beginning when i join this thread, i wasn't going to be a fan of anybody... and then when Tal Tal came on, i became Tal Tal and SN fan... but before that i was only Sn fan.

This page has been peaceful for the past who know months and i really appreciate and grateful to @cherkell for keeping it that way. Please do not start shipping forum on drama thread.... if you do, you then start a chaotic that you can't fix which might result to loss for everyone that care about EK...

On the other note, I must say i miss Empress Ki... I really really really miss SN the most but I miss my hubby tal Tal more though. SN i miss what she might be up too today or how we are anticipating for a preview that we had to wait and how we try to predict My monday and tuesday schedule is now disoriented,.... I can't even participate in any of the new drama so i became a lurker and only doing my mod job...

I miss Tal Tal cool calm and collected voice, his eyes, his lips, his body, his hair, his hand, his eyelashes his EVERYTHING!!!! (sorry, just miss Tal TAl) I won't lie, i kind of miss Bayan too. his voice is quite catchy

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Guest geilbladder

Its sad that this thread has become warfield. I dont get what other people are thinking when this is just a show. Seriously, some people need to get their lives more productive than bashing people (i'm refering to all shippers). I'm sorry but i dont think that this forum is worth staying for anymore if this continues. See you all in the next drama forums. :)

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Guest adjani1430293095

I join hands with @loli to dream of TT and with @pegster to moon over the past drama and I totally agree that @cherkell has been fabulous.
I too have no ships... per se.. and just want to watch a nice drama... I believe ALL actors good or bad do their best in a drama.. and all actors start somewhere learning from being inexperienced like HJW in her "Nice Guy" days to her stunning stage presence today. Also sometimes the actors and their acting is hampered by writing and the way the character is presented... eg GOLTA... who just couldnt convince me that he is villian mastermind thanks to his earlier superb sidekick acting :) That was no fault of his surely but that of the writing and producer *wry smile* :) 
So now.. er which drama shall we meet at... or shall we continue to moon for a bit longer :P I mooned over Masters' Sun until Empress Ki :P 

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@pegster‌ those moment when SN had to mourn in EK is not a good recap... I think I like when she was young and with her gang... I wish when SN became an empress, her gang came to visit her in yuan. but do you think if they were alive, they'll have been able to come visit her?? I must say I actually love the beginning of the drama the most... So when they started the second season ( when SN became the concubine) why wasn't there news about TT wowing the fans? Based on some of the news that was posted here, it was more on how WY will be his charisma which was through bisoo.... I really wish there was a rose bath scene of SN with TT but there was no way that could have ever been added to the drama... Gosh, empress ki did made me cry, laugh, look dumb founded, and made me think... I think I want more historical drama...

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Maybe I shouldn't have called it a recap, it was more just a video showing all those times SN had to mourn for a loved one.
I got the idea that SN ditched her gang even before she left for Yuan.  Immediately after she found her father and decided to join his team she lost her gang.
I'm sure if she wanted to, she could have brought her gang over to Yuan, but then for what?  I mean their family is all in Goryeo.  She can't really go back to Goryeo, at least she doesn't really have any reason to now.  Even though she has her brothers, they could go visit her, but she can't leave TH in Yuan on his own in his current state, and she has to handle the court administration for him.

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@lorac  I agree that a lot of people were drawn to TH because of his cute antics, but I don’t think that is the main reason.  I think it was his pain and how JCW portrayed it that made so many feel for him.  If you look at WY and SN, they also went through a lot of pain, but we get this 1 minute scene of them crying their hearts out and then back to business, as if nothing happened.  We don’t see or know what they’re feeling or thinking thereafter.  While, with TH there isn’t a single episode where he’s not in pain or tortured somehow.  This of course can be due to external factors, his weakness, his own creation, but it gets to people, because it is so relentless. 


I know people tried to justify TH for murdering WY, but here I’m not buying what the writers are selling.  And what the writers are selling is that Maha is the reason.  When I watched the conversation between the two men, I wondered what in the world is going on….  TH knows that WY loves SN so much he would never talk, and WY knows TH loves SN so much he’d never kill her.  If TH wanted WY dead, he would have killed him, instead of sending him to exile initially.  If WY was gonna die, better make it an epic death, protecting SN, in the middle of a rebellion.  I think production ran out of time, and they probably had to just kill everyone off quickly, as we saw.  Stupid reason…Quick solution…DONE!   Just bad writing. 

Others said that Maha was not the reason, but jealousy and anger.  Let me say with 100% certainty that Maha was the reason.  How do I know?  The writers told me so.  You cannot say…this is what TH must really be thinking…because he’s not real...you can’t go in depth.  You can only go by what the writers are telling us.  I never saw anger, jealousy or impulsiveness; he’s calm and even cries after killing WY.  I think the reason is as shallow as that.   I can’t speculate about true motive, when the writers are already telling me the motive.  If it was jealousy or anger, the writers would have shown that in his thoughts or demeanour, but they never did because they wanted us to believe Maha was the reason, rather than the excuse… But as I said it before:  I just don’t buy it. 

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Guest lorac

starbright1234 said: It’s interesting that you pointed out that scene where WY threw TH to the floor, because it was exactly the moment that I started disliking WY, because of his arrogance.TH was very ignorant and immature about how the world works, so why hold accountable someone just because they’re from Yuan. At the moment he was a victim too, even more so than WY.

I don't recall which episode it was, but Ta Hwan insulted Wang Yu and all of Goryeo by suggested that Goryeo drop their name and become part of Yuan, so one can understand why the king was upset. A prince that knows nothing of governing a country telling someone they would be better under his countries rule, that would upset anyone.

You make some good points. Ta Hwan is indeed a victim, but of a court that wanted to keep him dumb and simple minded so that they could control him and when expedient serve him a speedy death.

starbright1234 said: If WY was gonna die, better make it an epic death...

It was epic, I'll say that much, but not in the way one would like, it was pathetic and beautiful and sad. I'm still in the 4th stage of loss and grief. I've been through:

1st - denial and isolation... No! that scene didn't happen, the writers wouldn't do that to a character they cherished for 49 episodes
2nd - anger... damn that emperor and those writers, they killed my king!
3rd - bargaining... Nope, can't go there, but then the writers proved that theory wrong by rewriting the ending
4th - Depression... still there... slowly working my way through that phase
5th - Acceptance... later... maybe

Perhaps the writers just wanted to put him out of his misery. He'd been through so much. Being a supporter of Wang Yu took a lot of courage as he was forever being deposed or wounded almost to the point of death, and then he started losing everyone he cared for. It was painful to watch. I guess others had similar reactions to the emperor going through his trials and tribulations. It's all relative

starbright1234 said: Others said that Maha was not the reason, but jealousy and anger. Let me say with 100% certainty that Maha was the reason. How do I know? The writers told me so.

The writers told me something different. In that scene the excuse was Maha, but everything that led up to that moment was based on Ta Hwan's dislike for Wang Yu from the moment Seungyang became their flash point. Ta Hwan never felt secure with Wang Yu around, even after Seungyang entered the palace as a consort. He always feared that he would lose Seungyang/Lady Ki. So I'm not buying it!

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@lorac  I agree with you on the first two points.  I can see very well WY’s point of view and there is no doubt TH was in the wrong.  I just wish WY would have handled it better.  Pushing down to the floor such a weak, scared and lonely person made him look like a bully even though his reasons were valid.  Unfortunately, it left an impression on TH as he reminded WY later when he came to Yuan. 

As for the death scene, even though I would have liked WY to go down fighting, it’s true that scene made a strong emotional impact. 

The last point is a bit trickier.  I understand where you’re coming from.  TH cannot stand WY and he seems more than capable of killing him without the Maha issue.  Logic and past characterization flew out of the window a long time ago.  TH doesn’t care about WY…he can kill whoever he wants.  So, why bother creating such an excuse?  TH has always been a very transparent character, so I don’t think the writers would overlook letting us know about his true motives if there were any at such a crucial point. 

It might sound funny, but every time I feel confused about what the writers are trying to convey, I just look at SN’s reaction, which doesn’t help most of the time LOL, but in this instance it does.  If SN understood why he did it and to her THAT was reason enough, and she even empathized with him, then through her, the writers are telling us how we are supposed to see it.  The common theme from TH, TT, SN was that he’s doing it to protect her.  I don’t think the writers would keep pushing for it if it wasn’t the truth, despite certain beliefs about TH from previous episodes.  This drama was more about the daily special, than coherence.  Again, it makes no sense, but I’ll just pretend I got fooled. 

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Guest Lyly1430292245

starbright1234 said: @lorac  I agree that a lot of people were drawn to TH because of his cute antics, but I don’t think that is the main reason.  I think it was his pain and how JCW portrayed it that made so many feel for him.  If you look at WY and SN, they also went through a lot of pain, but we get this 1 minute scene of them crying their hearts out and then back to business, as if nothing happened.  We don’t see or know what they’re feeling or thinking thereafter.  While, with TH there isn’t a single episode where he’s not in pain or tortured somehow.  This of course can be due to external factors, his weakness, his own creation, but it gets to people, because it is so relentless. 

It’s interesting that you pointed out that scene where WY threw TH to the floor, because it was exactly the moment that I started disliking WY, because of his arrogance.  TH was very ignorant and immature about how the world works, so why hold accountable someone just because they’re from Yuan.  At the moment he was a victim too, even more so than WY.  Now, instead of treating him so badly, imagine if WY had taken TH under his wing as he did with Maha and helped him understand and grow.  Of course, it is not WY’s job to do so and Maha was only a child, but THs mentality and conduct were no different from that of a child, and WY is portrayed as someone who is gracious, kind, compassionate and sees good in people, so that would have been in line with his character. 

I know people tried to justify TH for murdering WY, but here I’m not buying what the writers are selling.  And what the writers are selling is that Maha is the reason.  When I watched the conversation between the two men, I wondered what in the world is going on….  TH knows that WY loves SN so much he would never talk, and WY knows TH loves SN so much he’d never kill her.  If TH wanted WY dead, he would have killed him, instead of sending him to exile initially.  If WY was gonna die, better make it an epic death, protecting SN, in the middle of a rebellion.  I think production ran out of time, and they probably had to just kill everyone off quickly, as we saw.  Stupid reason…Quick solution…DONE!   Just bad writing. 

Others said that Maha was not the reason, but jealousy and anger.  Let me say with 100% certainty that Maha was the reason.  How do I know?  The writers told me so.  You cannot say…this is what TH must really be thinking…because he’s not real...you can’t go in depth.  You can only go by what the writers are telling us.  I never saw anger, jealousy or impulsiveness; he’s calm and even cries after killing WY.  I think the reason is as shallow as that.   I can’t speculate about true motive, when the writers are already telling me the motive.  If it was jealousy or anger, the writers would have shown that in his thoughts or demeanour, but they never did because they wanted us to believe Maha was the reason, rather than the excuse… But as I said it before:  I just don’t buy it. 

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... this is just my opinion lol

SN/DK = enemy love?

SN/WY = first love

SN/TH = last love

This is my favorite...

SN/TT = unfinished and to be continued love...lol

Just my opinion. . .


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