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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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So Hoksu is dead? Just like that? Not that i am crying over it, but i REALLY needed him to know that SN was the cause of his downfall then he can die. Dang it!!! :))
They are really stretching the keeping Bi Soo alive. I'm with Tal Tal on this. Kill her! No matter how pretty she looks LMAO

See, so he is not the "master" providing financial backing to ET. I wonder who that is. Novel people LOL Is there a character that is in the novel who hasn't appeared yet on the show? I know i said that i was going to burn both volumes of that darn book, but i just need spoiler on the master not on who SN loves or not or more than the other guy *since i stopped giving a fig about it* :))

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Are we sure that Le Pirate/El Cripple actually died? It looked like Dark Knight cut him on a jugular vein, but to be that sort of cut he didn't bleed much... will he be another everlasting creature? It looked too simple to me...
And just like @chrissydiva mentioned, I'm also curious about this so called master, I was certain he was "master of his own domain"  :)) (Sorry it just slipped...) The real Batoru is dead (Bi-Soo's father), so can't be him... my infamous Marco Polo theory even I think it's too "out there"...  could it be the Prince of Liang-Basalawarmi? Curiosity is killing me...!

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Thank you very much @ohoheli, @CherKell, @jeenee and @ChelseaS for your hard work!!! I am so happy with this episode. The hug of SN to TH is really amazing. While reading all the comments and seeing the pictures of scenes & preview you will be excited to watch again & again. Thanks to everybody for making this forum so lively. More power & have a nice day. Can't wait for the next episode. God bless.

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@Miky88 I agree too, that the slow way TH and SN are warming up to each other is great!  Even though some of us are anxious for things to go further, I think the writer's are smart to have their relationship proceed slowly, it just wouldn't have the same meaning if they just BOOM had that big moment right off the bat!  This is more the time for TH to become a MAN and then he will be worthy of SN's affection.  I loved how strong he looked talking to those governors, he finally is getting "THAT LOOK"!!!  It's been such a rewarding experience watching his character grow and become someone deserving of SN's love.  
I can be patient :-w just don't take too long though :D

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@petria It gave that impression too, TT trying to prove some point in front of WY... sort of like saying "I'm not afraid to kill either", sort of to gain his respect...The writers are really doing a good show at developing this TalTal character... I'm excited to see what's more to come...

But Bayan was shown as being broke... I even thought it was TalTal himself the master of Hoksu, and that the real villain behind the curtains has been TalTal all along... but I think this theory is also "too out there"...

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@stclaus & @petria : i second that, at first i didn't think that Huksu was dead, i just thought that he was hurt, but then i read all the comments saying that he was dead, i was like "What??? i thought that he will play a big part, with the master thing ect..." oh well... the directing was horrible btw, he had just a red mark on his neck, like really PD-nim, not even blood coming out from his mouth >:/

About Bi Soo, i'm starting to think that she's not a cameo but a fixed cast, maybe she will play TT's lover, because in the novel, he did had a girl that he loved
:-? :-? :-? 

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@petria You're a mind reader now? After keeping Bi-Soo around for that long, I thought there must be something more interesting about this character, and I still don't buy her being WY's next love interest... so TalTal came to mind... she screwing with Koryo's economy might have been part of a bigger plan... fake money coming from Bayan's province... IDK... I'll leave it there my dear Watson...  :-B

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@sarah.lina Bi-Soo-TalTal... wow that's quite a plot twist... can you imagine if they (writers) actually toy with us and play us a flashback, where the whole thing started from the time they were "fighting" at the border... so when Bi-Soo is riding her horse disappearing in the distance saying "Wang Yoo we'll see each other again"; she meant it literally as part of TalTal's bigger plan? OMO, I think we're giving TalTal too much brain power now... but this could be a very very surprising plot twist... quite interesting actually...So TalTal might have 2 plans in place to gain power, and just seeing which one would succeed... bi-soo's or SN's...
Like I told @petria, I'll stop there, otherwise I'll end up writing my own sub-drama again...

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@stclaus : i agree with you Dear, just stop here, i know that you love TT but he's not the mainlead :D :D :D not even the second mainlead, but i'll be your first viewer, if you release your drama : "Prime Minister Tal Tal" though =P~ =P~ =P~ Beekinga said: sara.lina....How do I go about getting the novel?  Is it being sold online anywhere? Tx

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I love the scene where SN asked TH to allow her to meet WY alone. She's not just putting an end to their relationship, that comes later, but she's putting an end to their king and subject relationship as well. Back when they were on their way to China when she was found out to be a girl and before he was taken, she told him that she would always be his loyal subject, when she came to the palace after she had always maintained this mentality.

But now with this scene, she showed both WY and TH, she has a new master and knowing SN, she will remain beside him for the rest of her life, loyal to the max.

I didn't really like this nature of hers before, but I like the way the used it in this scene. It feels like SN had taken a step away from revenge.

And for the first time I thought the new OST was fitting.

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@chrissydiva I felt the same way about Hoksu dying just like that.  It was not sweet revenge at all.  At least I would've wanted Tal Tal to walk up to him and tell him:
"The special girl who you sold to us for a fortune sent me to here to give you this message - thank you for your hospitality" 
Then kill him!
@sarah.lina you mean like this:
ET to Golta - Boy where's your fur!  Don't you know the dress code for this winter is FUR!

Image credit: EK DC

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Omo! Omo! guys, if you want to do Empress Ki recap on TV in the USA, Empress ki is airing on channel TVK aka 301 on COmcast. they air at 10 pm EST time... they're on episode where SN is now a palace maid and lasy Noah beating her cause she was close to being a concubine

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