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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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petria said: anjshin said: @loli: we @petria are united shippers,. from WY and TH team,. :) we will make the downfall of taltal's beauty. :D =)) <:-P @loli, @anjshin
And when we get rid of him, we will return to good old biting each other`s heads off !  :)>- lol... i agree and disagree to this guys... at least we get a break from biting each others head off from WY and TH and enjoying just this cute/beautiful one sided love affair from Tal Tal.

Guys, common, Tal Tal smiled today!!! isn't it somewhat wroth another 10 more episode?? I say it is..

(hahah, i like my petition for more Tal Tal and SN joy :) )

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anjshin said: @loli: we can't, we united shippers have a great task, and we must do it with sense of urgency before it's too late., LMAO, taltal is a great threat because of his natural beauty, he might seduce seunyang and make another wonder baby,. wahahaha =)) =)) =)) Ha!!!! guys, please don't kill me,... i'm at my cubicle laughing like a crazy lady at work... the sad thing is, i can'y even laugh out loud like i really wanted to but at least i am giving my tummy some food lol... hahha

larabn said: @loli
that oalala scene of SN the concubine with TH will be so sad to watch :(
for TH and for SN as well... I can't explain it well....I can't find the words to describe it
but I can imagine the scene in my head
of a teary very sad SN and a teary TH making out  :(

remembering her WY and her kiss with him and her child.........the list goes on
it won't be pleasant scene but a sad one
Yes, it will be said, but i know why won't show us that part when Sn and TH are doing oh la la or the process of getting to their oh la la. but i hope they show it though cause this drama is full of all sort of emotion and if they could, i want to feel it to the end.

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Guest anjshin


tapjaehe :)) they even had a secret wedding that we got the chance to see here in soompi

@loli what are you gonna do now,. :)) :)) :)) this is too fast, me and @petria haven't done anything yet,. =)) we knew it, taltal is a

;;) ;;) ;;)

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@loli - I don't think she'll treat TH coldly either but it wouldn't surprise me? She's no longer the person she was, she's suffered too many losses. I DO believe, however - that TH will be the one to bring her out of it. His sweetness, his goofy humor and the fact that he cares so much for her will eventually work to ease her mind a bit. He made her laugh before when she was angry/upset/depressed, I have no doubt he can do it again. But I want to see some MAJOR revenge first! It better not be that wimpy K-drama revenge stuff where she forgives everyone either. :-w
I really want to see Ki-Se's face when he sees her.  =))  And BS Plague. *hee* Has the preview been translated yet? Why is Dok Man so angry with her? 
EDIT: Oh, thanks @pegster!  ^:)^

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anjshin said:




) they even had a secret wedding that we got the chance to see here in soompi

@loli what are you gonna do now,. :)) :)) :)) this is too fast, me and @petria haven't done anything yet,. =)) we knew it, taltal is a ;;) ;;) ;;) mhmmm... Tal Tal might be married does not mean he can't have a crush... you know from what we see, SN is like the first lady that is making Tal Tal heart beat so quick and fast. Even Tal Tal is shy when he's with SN... OMG, he is soo adorable.... Tal Tal is one of those person you just want to hold his cheek and move from one site to another and say "OMG, You're soo cute when shy" lol ahahha :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

@tessieroo, it won't be TH if he can't help us soften SN heart... and i pray its not like that either.. I want this revenge that SN want to do to be SWEETER THAN HONEY and FIRE LIKE VOLCANO!!!  >:) >:) >:) :| >:)
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@loli and @anjshin
we can always divorce them .... I haven't ruined the tal tal ship so soon did I  :))
sorry, but divorce is the best solution :)) he didn't love him anyway
the wedding was was an act against ET....
he won't stay with him specially after he saw SN today lol
EDIT: he will betray his husband (is that what we call him in this case) and go to SN

I'm looking forward for DK's reaction when he sees SN infront of him and a concubine to TH and what will he do to BY's you never know he might hug him and kiss him for not being able to kill her :))

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I like episode 24. SN is truly beautiful.the changes makes me smile. What I'm thinking is SN in the future will have a son to TH to make her status more stronger. TN will be out. The baby of WY& SN will die early due to illness. This are all my wild guess that will happen in empress ki. Still I will be TH & SN ship up to the end. Have an nice day to everyone.

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@loli - I don't think she'll treat TH coldly either but it wouldn't surprise me? She's no longer the person she was, she's suffered too many losses. I DO believe, however - that TH will be the one to bring her out of it. His sweetness, his goofy humor and the fact that he cares so much for her will eventually work to ease her mind a bit. He made her laugh before when she was angry/upset/depressed, I have no doubt he can do it again. But I want to see some MAJOR revenge first! It better not be that wimpy K-drama revenge stuff where she forgives everyone either. :-w
I really want to see Ki-Se's face when he sees her.  =))  And BS Plague. *hee* Has the preview been translated yet? Why is Dok Man so angry with her? 

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TH is hiding the fact that he has recovered and can talk now, then does that mean that the sight of SN has revived his brain cells and he is ready to join in the political machinations, especially now his main partner in crime is here to stay. May be if TH continues to pretend to be sick, ET will lower his surveillance on TH and then TH will have more maneuvering room to do things. 

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Guest anjshin

@larabn: that is the very reason taltal goes on the side of seunyang, to protect his ever beloved Tapjhae from El temur. in exchange for the slow dance and embroidery lessons. wahahahha, see he also got the motto of keep your enemies close, and closer. and whoever is the strongest, we will be on their side. :)) :)) :))

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Me : Doctor !
Dr : Yes
Me : I'm really losing my mind
Dr : Why?
Me : Since the broadcast of Empress Ki, i'm seeing weird things !
Dr : Oh, and they are?
Me : Twinkle Twinke, I'm seeing Tal Tal and SN everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Dr *jumps from a cliff*

SN is so beauuuuuuuuuuutiful in that white dress, but why writers?, why? do you want to make a miserable life for WY and throw at us many scenes of SN-TT why???? whyyyyyyyyyy?????... Thank you :D

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Guest lunatiger14


OK long post again, sorry, I have so much on my mind right now... I’ll admit I didn’t think I was going to be this heart-broken over SN and WY’s separation, even knowing the future of their relationship, but I am! I can’t help it! *SOBS* I think I’m gonna need booze, lots and lots of booze to help me get through the rest series. Hopefully whatever life throws at SN and WY they will always hold each other in their hearts till the very end and even in the afterlife. I was kinda peeved at SN for not even trying to contact WY to let him know she’s alright, and for WY accepting SN is dead with no body to show for it. Grrr…yeah…I expected it to happen because they need to further the plot and create more angst but I kinda wanted to bang my head against the table. I’m hoping SN doesn’t have a grudge with WY for marrying someone else. I can’t see that she does. I think she’s so full of sadness that she can’t think straight. After hearing WY’s marriage she feels like she lost everything. I’m sure she understands that WY’s marriage was of political necessity, she just heartbroken that they can’t be together. Like someone said it’s not like WY can back out so easily after the marriage deal has been struck. I think by the time she gets word to WY about her being alive it’s too late, so she doesn’t try.

I hate to say it but I thought SN and TalTal look kinda hot together, maybe because they look deliciously seductive and cool. I see that a lot of people on the board have the same feeling! I can see TalTal and SN scheming up ways to take down ET! That’s not to say I’m jumping from the SN x WY ship because they are my OTP and I will go down with this ship till the very end, but if I had to pick another man for SN it would be TalTal. I don’t know why just looking at the pictures, they seem like they ooze with chemistry. I didn’t even watch the episode yet! Is their chemistry that powerful??? LOL I’m kinda excited to see SN and TalTal interacting. It’s a nice new dynamic. It might calm my shipper nerves now that SN and WY are not together anymore. Shipping doesn’t have to be romance shipping. I’d really like to see SN and TalTal strike up a friendship together.

Even though the story sacrifices SN and WY’s relationship for the revenge plot to occur, I am excited to see badass SN as a royal concubine. She’s not fighting with a sword but with her mind and beauty. It’s gonna be sweet to see ET’s gang taken down. SN is a vicious dragon with her claws ready to strike. After everything that happened to her, she doesn’t give a sh**it about anything anymore. I kinda feel sorry for TH. Even though SN is back, I don’t think she has any room in her heart anymore for his love. She’s cold-blooded now, driven by revenge, emotionless, and backstabbing. TH might be able to warm her heart over time but I feel like SN is unfortunately using him to fuel her revenge. Nothing else matters to her anymore. We’ve seen in Episode 1 that she doesn’t get quite as emotional on being TH’s empress, but then seeing WY in the background made her cry. TH also looks like he still has doubts about SN’s “love” for him.

OK QUESTION: How does Bayan and TalTal pass SN off as a concubine? Everyone knows its SN. They can’t really disguise her as someone else. How does ET’s gang let Bayan get away with that, knowing that SN is a fugitive? SN is not even a part of any sort of noble family. Not really getting how SN can easily stroll in as a candidate to be a concubine…

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loved this stare it's the mark of SN's change and birth of a new SN

EDIT: after she was crying she lifts her head up and this is what we get

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@pegster - 
Yes, you answered my question if SN knew WY was marrying someone related to ET.  :DAnd thanks for the info about the conversation between WY and Ki-Se. WY is smoooothhhh - how he's able to look Mr. Sniffy in the eyes, pretending not to know anything! I think SN will be just as smooth with Tana.  =D>
@rinchan76 - 
LMAO, I also have a feeling TH will continue to play the fool with ET. I'm wondering how long it will be before he finds out about wuri little "Star" being SN/WY's baby? I know when SN finds out, it's going to be heartbreaking. :((  So much to look forward to! 

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