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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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kaeruchan said:
pegster said:

Ok everyone, put your seatbelts on!!
I was just re-watching episode 22 with subs (yes again! I am officially addicted), and I think I picked up a hint that will likely mean everyone's biggest fear is going to happen.

In the scene where DM tells SN LP will be leaving the palace in 2 days, SN asks DM to tell Bang to meet her somewhere around the mountains near 'Wang Kok Sha' (name of the temple, sorry I've butchered the translations).

In the next scene when ED is talking to Jang, he hells her that DS is currently staying at the same temple, 'Wang Kok Sha' to pray for her 'unborn baby'.
So I think what will happen is while SN is trying to escape from YBS, she's going to somehow leave the baby behind at the temple to keep him safe.  And voila! DS gains a new son.  I think the plot is going to go along the lines where no one outside of the current people will know SN had a child.
Bang may see from a far SN jumping/falling off a cliff while being chased by YBS, that's why he thinks she's dead and relays that to WY.
Maybe HD is also around and sees that from a far so she tells TH the same thing thinking that SN didn't survive the drop.


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The episodes in Empress Ki this week have my brain working overtime analyzing all the possible outcomes.  I guess the writers sure did their job hooking us in...

I started thinking about my previous posts and the timeline of events in Empress Ki and realized some of my earlier thoughts about the drama don't make sense. 

I originally thought that SN would return to Yuan for revenge.  We all know that El Temur and company will eventually go down.  But we also know that her marriage to TH will take place after this happens.  So if SN succeeded in her revenge mission, for what reason would she stay after that and marry TH (Sorry, I don't think it will be a marriage due to love just yet...)?  You would think after El Temur and clan are all gone, she would return to Goryeo because her revenge mission would be over.

Therefore, the whole WY and SN's baby falling into Yuan's hands would be the biggest reason that would keep her in the palace.  However, Tanashiri would be gone, so someone else would need to hold the baby there and prevent SN to take him back to Goryeo... Therefore do you think it is possible that TH would find out the baby is SN's and use the baby to keep her by his side?  After all, in the earlier episodes, he found out that Nyang was actually SN - but pretended like he didn't know for a little while.  So I'm wondering if this may happen again.  :-?  After all, I think TH is getting more clever now and taking more risks to get what he wants.

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@churasan - The craziness of the last two episodes has caused most of us, I think, to believe that most anything is possible from this point on.
I'm aware that suggestions that Seung Nyang may actually come to love TaHwan are not particularly popular in these parts - which as a TH fan, I'm fine with. The mark of a good drama is *stirring emotions* - as long as we all remain civil. :)
If the writer chooses to make Wang Yoo think Seung Nyang is truly dead for several episodes, it's possible that he would be willing to make an *alliance marriage* in order to regain his throne. Why wouldn't he? If the love of his life is gone and he needs power to avenge - it would make sense --- Though ~ look at episode 22 for sense and your brain will pop.
If the above scenario played out - the writer would then justify Seung Nyang's love/marriage with TaHwan with the ol ~ "he married another woman while you were dead trope". I don't think we'll see an outright Shift of Affection without some major trauma/perceived betrayal to SN  ---- but since I already loathe the love-child makjang and will still watch the show.....I guess I'll give in to whatever story follows. Empress Ki has me too hooked, I'm in for all 50 episodes.

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@petria - good point! Frankly anyone who knows anything about the ET Clan is in serious danger. 
I'm awaiting the exposure of the REAL blood letter (hopefully in the NEXT episode) That mirror case has got to be the vessel. It's kind of like the reverse of Hermione Granger's bag - little outside - magically gigantic/roomy on the inside.
Whenever the mirror box wants to be small -- it just fits anywhere. hahahah!

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with all the new posts, I'm now 99% sure TN will take SN's baby
ah!!! this poor girl .... she didn't even get to be with her baby peacefully and she gave birth in the cave by herself
to complete her pain they also take the baby away from her and we will have a heartbreaking scene of SN discovering her baby is no longer there
I was never a fan of these baby stealing plots in other dramas and certainly here
when we have enough heartbreak in the plot already
I don't know if eunuch bang will tell WY about SN being pregnant but whether he knew or not he thinks they're dead anyway :(
hope they release another preview before monday

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sally_b said: @churasan - The craziness of the last two episodes has caused most of us, I think, to believe that most anything is possible from this point on.
I'm aware that suggestions that Seung Nyang may actually come to love TaHwan are not particularly popular in these parts - which as a TH fan, I'm fine with. The mark of a good drama is *stirring emotions* - as long as we all remain civil. :)
If the writer chooses to make Wang Yoo think Seung Nyang is truly dead for several episodes, it's possible that he would be willing to make an *alliance marriage* in order to regain his throne. Why wouldn't he? If the love of his life is gone and he needs power to avenge - it would make sense --- Though ~ look at episode 22 for sense and your brain will pop.
If the above scenario played out - the writer would then justify Seung Nyang's love/marriage with TaHwan with the ol ~ "he married another woman while you were dead trope". I don't think we'll see an outright Shift of Affection without some major trauma/perceived betrayal to SN  ---- but since I already loathe the love-child makjang and will still watch the show.....I guess I'll give in to whatever story follows. Empress Ki has me too hooked, I'm in for all 50 episodes.

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@churasan - I wanted to click insightful AND love for your post- ♥ 
RE: " I love the love triangle storyline between both characters and I think that SN will love both men but in different ways and times in her life - after all people can change as they grow and experience life."
^ This. I am also enjoying both love stories. Heck, I wouldn't even mind if she looks fondly at Tal Tal. (<---- joking) but, anyway- YES, it's possible to deeply love more than one man in a lifetime and I think it's possible the writer will play it that way. 
As for TaHwan re-marrying - I'd bet my front teeth that won't happen while Tanashiri is living - so we know her downfall has to happen first. (yes, yes...bring it ON) Then that frees up the claimed-baby to be raised by the next Mama - and then I'm scared for the baby. The new Empress would want to make her own heir-baby, so if the child IS Seung Nyang's - our girl better be in the Palace and in a position of power. right?
EDIT: just thought about the possibility of being treated to another element of makjang - the recognizable birthmark. Betch a dollar the baby will have one.

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maybe she was scared or nervous of being caught by BS inside the carriage with LP cause then she wouldn't be able to meet WY and go to goryeo

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Guest anjshin

@sally_b LoL at your observation about magic mirror.

But something tells me that it won`t start talking in the next episode. :-w

@anjshin, our girl is wonder-woman, she is, I believe, capable to run a marathon just after cutting off umbilical cord with her teeth, but no way that she`s gonna jump off the cliff with a baby in her arms. Low of gravity, even Einstein couldn`t beat it. :-??

And if somebody, please, have any idea why was she shivering while leaving the capital, I would really appreciate all of your suggestions. She didn`t look like frightened pregnant woman when she was to face a dozen armed killers.

Or should we just put this in the X files?

@petria: awesome, and insightful for you, you have just hit it exactly on what i'm trying to point out with your scientific explanation,. lmao, yeum byu soo is my yuan version of Chucky, no way out. :)) :)) :))

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Guest supershellygal

Counting on the months that Wang Yu and SY slept together, I don't think that was 4 months back. I just have this wild but somehow realistic imagination that the baby is not Wang Yu's but Ta Hwan's. Might be made during the time when they drank together. Come to think that Lady Park is on her way to deliver and SY is also going to deliver?

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@SongMira thanks for sharing those breathtaking GIFs. They could surely take our breaths away when Too Hot was actually trying give Sexy Nyang air. tsk.tsk. mind-boggling.... By the way, credit to the owner of the pic i used as my avatar. I found it so lovely so i thought of borrowing it. This is one crack drama so i hope it's not too much to crash in your sessions here.

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Guest minnie0103

A special write-up I wrote for Wang Yoo shippers and non-shippers... 'Hoping that you'll take time to click the link and read it. :)
class="entry-title" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-style: inherit; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0.3em; padding-left: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 48px; text-decoration: none; "Why Does My Heart Keep On Fighting for the King?http://cheshirecatswonderland.wordpress.com/2014/01/18/why-does-my-heart-keep-on-fighting-for-the-king/

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