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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest Ding Lin

@CherKell: Thank you for posting the news about JJM. I was wondering if I could ask for a favor.  One of my friends is a die-hard JJM fan.  She would like to read the news.  Could you please give me the links to any of the three reports?  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!  :)

Also, I would like to let everyone know how much I enjoy reading your comments.  You guys are making the funniest comments!! Ha! Ha! 

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@CherKell...first of all I want to apologize for being way too overly sensitive about you asking me to take down the picture...I'm not anyone special who should be excluded from the rules....all I can do is blame it on PMS....my poor kids have been dealing with me all day and that is what made me realize my overreaction to you just being conscientious.  :)
@carmens @tessieroo....thanks for your kindness :) and.....
to everyone else in this thread....I promise to behave from now on ^:)^
THANK GOODNESS THE NEW EPISODE IS NOT THAT FAR AWAY!!!!  Has to be the cure for this mood I've been in today!
I'm really glad to have come across such a great group.....I hope you guys will continue to welcome me in :x
P.S.  In my defense, I heard he was the "KING" of KPop...so in essence he kind of fits in...maybe turning the love triangle into a love square???  Instead of Empress Ki...Empress KPop????  =))

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It goes like this

TH "How dare you look happy with another man? I gave you an imperial order to..."

SN " But shona saved me and..."

TH grabs her "Shona, Shona, Shona! I am tired of hearing that!"

Sorry I couldn't resist :))

I will laugh my heads off if my script does play out like that. How predictable it would be.

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Guest Ding Lin

@CherKell: Thank you very much in advance!! :) 
CherKell said: Ding Lin said:
@CherKell: Thank you for posting the news about JJM. I was wondering if I could ask for a favor.  One of my friends is a die-hard JJM fan.  She would like to read the news.  Could you please give me the links to any of the three reports?  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!  :)

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Guest yummysushi123

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I want watch episode 19 NOW!!!!! :) 
I really wanna know what happened between SN and TH!!!! This is really killing me!!!
Thank you andra30 for uploading those pictures. :) 
When is episode 19 gonna come out?!? I can't wait!!!!! :)

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I wonder if the reason Ta Hwan looks stunned is that Seung-nyang FINALLY tells him about him (indirectly) causing her father's death?  I believe that would be a little too soon in the script for such a revelation, but who knows what these writers are thinking!  8-}

(Credit: Nate.com)

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Guest roshan90

 I will join you with that =)) =))
Even though you are so shocked no "YOU, YOU, NYANG AH YOU" again. You hear me Tahwan??

You want to see what is happening between SN and TH?? You and me have to wait for ep 20 then.. Because 99% this is going to be the cliffhanger of today's episode.. 

NOO. It's so soon.. Then we have to see our puppy brooding and sad.. We still have time for sad things to come later.. Not Now Writernim..
I think if it is revealed to Baby Emperor that will be the end of their relationship because puppy had to let her go by himself..

Is it just my eyes or HJW and JCW looks so good and I cannot say they are tired..?? Maybe they got a good night sleep.. Amen to that..
And BTW my sleepytime got over and I have to go to college again today.. :((

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CherKell said: I wonder if the reason Ta Hwan looks stunned is that Seung-nyang FINALLY tells him about him (indirectly) causing her father's death?  I believe that would be a little too soon in the script for such a revelation, but who knows what these writers are thinking!  8-}

Well, sadly we know it's way to early for her to be telling him she wants to be his concubine :(...she does look very sad in these picture, so whatever it is must be something serious...how much longer till it airs???? (how does this happen that my comment ends up in the quote?)

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roshan90 said: @chrissydiva
 I will join you with that =)) =))
Even though you are so shocked no "YOU, YOU, NYANG AH YOU" again. You hear me Tahwan??

You want to see what is happening between SN and TH?? You and me have to wait for ep 20 then.. Because 99% this is going to be the cliffhanger of today's episode.. 

NOO. It's so soon.. Then we have to see our puppy brooding and sad.. We still have time for sad things to come later.. Not Now Writernim..
I think if it is revealed to Baby Emperor that will be the end of their relationship because puppy had to let her go by himself..

Is it just my eyes or HJW and JCW looks so good and I cannot say they are tired..?? Maybe they got a good night sleep.. Amen to that..
And BTW my sleepytime got over and I have to go to college again today.. :((

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Guest minnie0103

Meanwhile, I'm not sure if the translation of the longer text preview has been posted here or not. It was posted on Empress Ki's official homepage on January 3, but I just noticed it last night (Jan. 5). In any case, you may want to check it out. :) Happy Monday, everyone! :D
class="entry-title" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-style: inherit; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0.3em; padding-left: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 48px; text-decoration: none; "‘Empress Ki’ Episode 19 Text Preview Ver. 2 http://cheshirecatswonderland.wordpress.com/2014/01/06/empress-ki-episode-19-text-preview-ver-2/

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Here's a larger and better picture of Emperor Puppy's new Palace robe.  Just exquisite in its composition and tailoring!  I wonder what is going to happen to these costumes once the production wraps... if there's ever an auction, I'd sell blood to get my hands on one!!! :D


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@CherKell - RE: the new robes
That cobalt, teal and gold is to die for. As a brunette - those colors are divine! Like you, I DO wonder what happens to the wardrobe after filming. Most of the embroidery looks too detailed/embedded in the fabric to be reworked into other costumes. It's just too difficult to prick-out and re-sew -- so the costumes do go somewhere - but where? (I vote for my closet!) Cos-play for all-time! heehee  p.s. I also want one of the bun-topper gold thinghys with a spear through it -- it looks bad-ss
@Tessieroo -- I don't think I've ever asked - but are you in mid-west/east coast?I'm in Chicago - expecting a high of negative 12 degrees tomorrow. I only ventured outside today to toss kitchen scraps onto a piece of cardboard I 'floated' on the snow ...because I noticed one lone squirrel (awww) darting along the fence. (snow was up to my knees) So...like you -- I'm excited to be free to watch the show without work consequences!! Yipeeeee.
I haven't set up live streaming - is it a big hassle? Should I just follow the live-recap here?  (warm hugs)

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sally_b said: @CherKell - RE: the new robes
That cobalt, teal and gold is to die for. As a brunette - those colors are divine! Like you, I DO wonder what happens to the wardrobe after filming. Most of the embroidery looks too detailed/embedded in the fabric to be reworked into other costumes. It's just too difficult to prick-out and re-sew -- so the costumes do go somewhere - but where? (I vote for my closet!) Cos-play for all-time! heehee

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