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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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new to this site love everyone feedback. let's just hope SG don't try to run for town mayor or try to dabble into politics. also richard simmons will get enough rope to hang her on neck. ok writer make it good right now anything beats smh     

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Thanks  kdramafans469
thinking about this drama if the writer don't won't bad feed back now we need to start seeing some twist in it bcuz so far it's boring but watchable. A good twist will be that the father didn't die in the war and meets VP in the states and come back to Korea start investigating SG and watch him and his family wiggle for life let lil Ms Drama Queen have and affair with of the big wig married son and get caught a good blackmail plot will do her some good. maybe when she finds out her dad is the killer someone else finds out to just my thoughts.  

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Guest fifthtry

timsha said:

This TV Novel should be renamed as "Seokgu" instead of 'Eunhui' cos its all about him and his transformation from a mouse of a man with a conscience into a demon who has no qualms about destroying anyone who stands in his way.

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Ep 94 .... mostly focus on YJ how she uses all her wiles on a guilt ridden SJ, the play acting on how badly her hand is injured that she cant play the piano, and how the 2 most important things in the world to her is SJ oppa and playing the piano, 2 things she cant ever give up blah blah blah and eventually against his will SJ gives in and the engagement is on again L-) ...... other than that the usual things about SG, about the rumor almost revealed (:|

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Yeah that batshitcrazy YJ played that hand injury to the hilt! But when she was playing the piano then SJ knocked on her door all of a sudden she started hitting the wrong keys WTF!!! Like he couldn't hear the a piano outside of her room lol. Not to bright are you? Sundeok almost let the cat out the bag when LK introduced herself as EH aunt, JK knew it so she quickly sent SD out to find her father. I actually feel bad for SJ because that snake has really got him between a rock and a hard place. 
I wish the pace would pick up because I'm realizing it is getting even slower and boring than it was ...is that even possible? I like the show but they need something dynamic in it...like start really letting people find out that HM didn't kill Doeksu. I was yawning through half of this episode it was so slow. Need some kind of excitement or I might have to quit watching and come back when it's over and see how it ended.

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Same here kdramafan469. I have quit watching this drama and just following timsha on this site. Tq @timsha. Keep the update going. Until there is some excitement to this show, I am not watching. Hv move on to medical top team and suspicious housekeeper.

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@krgeek l dont think this drama will pick up anytime soon .... will continue to post short recaps.  I am too watch Suspicious Housekeeper and Secret (they are going crazy on that thread cos we got a hot wet sizzler of a kiss tonite ..... SJ should take lessons from MH ;) cos he is so stodgy)

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@timsha I did watch a few ep of the drama but stopped as I am an impatient person so wanted to wait for it to complete all 16 ep. And I will doa marathon watch. Maybe will start watching again soon as the show will be ending soon.

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I haven't been here for awhile now. I see people here stop watching the show. I can't beleive their going to be 140 episode left. This drama is so boring. SJ is boring. I don't think they bringing VP back guys.  
The endgame is SJ and EH. Most boring couple for the world.

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Grandma. raised her grandson to have no back bone if we have to watch this at least change eunhui  style now. stop her from looking all depressed all the damn time she never smile how can she work in a clothing shop and still walk around looking outdated and out of fashion young as she is dressing like she was living in the fifties 

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Ep 95 ...Main points

Though the engagement is on again, relationship between SJ/YJ is rather strained with SJ somewhat regretting it. When SJ is late in coming back to the office after an appointment, suspicious YJ resorts to spying on SJ/EH at the shop again.... later she tries to get SJ to spend some quality time with her and gets rejected.... as payback the spiteful snake pays a visit to LK in Seoul Hotel and despite JT's effort to stop her she tells a shocked LK about the rumors branding EH as the daughter of a murderer and that LK's brother/EH's father murdered a man.

Preview: A vengeful YJ tells JT that LK now knows, places the blame for her actions on EH's relationship with SJ,  LK approaches SG.... and SJ/YJ having another spat due to that snake's revelation to LK  about the murder secret ..... Halmoni overhears their conversation about LK being EH's aunt.

I think we have to thank YJ for being the shallow spiteful person she is .... if not for her pathetic insecurities this secret might not be revealed to LK.  It will be interesting to see what LK's course of action now would be.  LK is quite a ruthless business woman, today saw Kang Jaepil bearing full brunt of her no nonsense attitude, wonder how she will stack up against SG once the fight for the truth is out in the open, she would leave no stone unturned to prove her younger brother's innocence, and SG with his newly acquired political friends and power will surely do everything to thwart her efforts.

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Guest Tamz1430292084

@fifthtry. Precisely, the very person that SG first set out to protect and ensure her happiness, is the very same person who stabs him in the back. 
Can't wait for SG to find out about his precious daughter's latest outburst. I am sure he would love to strangle that chit of a girl, who he had repeatedly warned to behave herself and keep her mouth shut. However at this point, I don't blame YJ entirely - her parents & halmoni are at fault for nurturing the wrong values. Young and immature, madly in love and frightfully scared that she will lose the man she has loved all her life (probably 16 years?) she wants to protect her relationship and keep her man. Too immature & self centred to fathom the consequences of her outbursts & instead of putting a stop to her outrageous demands (like marrying her adopted brother) they condoned & allowed it to their convenience. She had halmoni twisted round her little finger that Halmni choose to listen to her (not blood related) rather than her very own grandson.
Encouraged by the fact that her parents & halmoni had always trusted, believed, supported and condoned all her words and actions she starts to spin lies after lies - what is worse is her attitude, so bold and overbearing, treating EH like a criminal just because her father was a murder suspect. I am waiting to see her cringe when she finds out her own father is the actual murderer.

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top of the mourning everyone well the devil spawn has done it now thanks to her i get to see a lil action wait til her father finds out.i believe her mother will be the one to tell her that her father is actually  the killer and sj will over hear it again.maybe after lori get a chance to talk to grandma she might start to see things differently. i think eunhui is going to get hurt maybe spawn girl will set the shop on fire trying to kill her and mess around and kill the girls dad.   

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Looks like YJ has done it again, she reveals about the rumor about EH being a murderer's daughter to LK, says the murder took place in Gaseong (does not tell about the victim being SJ's dad), scoffs at JT's concerns, goes to EH's shop and ever so apologetically tells EH that she accidentally revealed to LK about the rumors, then ever so satisfied with her very productive day, finally goes home. 

Some interesting flashbacks revealed in this episode.....SG talking to his wife....back in Gaseong during the war SG had written a letter of confession about the events of that nite to his wife but before he could hand it over to her at the hospital, Jeongok rushed to him with news of Hyeongman being relocated, so he rushes to the police station instead, but then the air strikes took place and he found a dying Hyeongman. After Hyeongman died, SG used his shirt to cover his face, but till today he has no idea where that letter is and does not remember what exactly he wrote in that letter..... then the scene flashes to LK remembering how she found Hyeongman's dead body, she remembers finding a half burnt note in the pocket of that shirt...... in her office she takes out the remains of the burnt letter, reads a few of the lines that still is legible but LK thinks it could not possibly be a letter written by Hyeongman.

LK meets Jeongok first to confirm this info (she too does not tell who the victim is), then meets SG... he did his usual soft spoken lying act and tries to dissuade LK from investigating further in the interest of both Jeongok/EH, and then finds out his little snake has done it again .... goes home and only gives a sharp rebuke to YJ and she gave her usual I did cos I dont like EH being in Incheon talk.... she got off lightly, if I were SG I would have got physical b-( but nothing like that happened unfortunately.  I really dont know what she hoped to achieve ..... if she expected LK to swoop down on Incheon and carry EH off to Seoul, nothing like that happened. Brainless twit.

SJ found out from JT what the snake had been up to, goes home and confronts her.... usual thing about EH being the reason, SJ always feeling sorry for EH and dont u know thats just a show she puts on... doesn't SJ know LK is EH's aunt, blah blah blah .... Halmoni overhears this .... confronts SG and is angry he has withheld this info.  Next morning goes to Seoul Hotel to confront LK.

Preview:  LK talking to SG something about Halmoni's visit???

SJ/EH spend some time together .... she asks him whether just like everyone he too wants her to leave Incheon.

Some harsh words spoken by Halmoni to LK when they run into each other at the market place in Incheon.

SG finally reveals to LK that the person Hyeongman 'killed' is SJ's dad. 

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