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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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I'm sorry I hope I didn't offend you when I said heartbroken. to be honest I wasn't sure why that time period was not so good for him and not being able to find the source of information I presumed it was heartbreak. I just wanted to make sure that if wasn't heartbroken hence I asked in my first post.

I'm so glad to hear from you that it could be anything happening in his life. I feel so much happier now that there's no concrete proof that it could be problems between the both of them. thank you very much for clarifying that for me =)

lol you forgot February >.~ she did go Seoul with her father too - so who knows - "happy times" right!

can I be a shipper of Daragon and Taecgui ??

Came across this post! Hello! I guess you could do that... I am one ;-)

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My dear @peihwa,
I'm filing a restraining order on you. Please stop spamming this forum with this voting thingamajig. We got the message the first time... and the second time.... and the third time... 
I already voted but I hope it went through because everything is in Chinese.  And how many times can we vote anyway? Once a day? So enough for now. Come back to remind us tomorrow if you want. But only one reminder is needed here for most people here. 

@angelangie, Clean up on aisle 2, please...errr... on pages 1947 and 1948 please.

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Guest cannakat

Labour Day celebrations



Having too much for for work

I love the idea of taking photos of themselves using the timer on the camera, we got to see their natural body language interacting with each other because Taec doesn't have time to think about his actions, and we end up with beautiful photos like these.

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129alphabet said:



I'm sorry I hope I didn't offend you when I said heartbroken. to be honest I wasn't sure why that time period was not so good for him and not being able to find the source of information I presumed it was heartbreak. I just wanted to make sure that if wasn't heartbroken hence I asked in my first post.

I'm so glad to hear from you that it could be anything happening in his life. I feel so much happier now that there's no concrete proof that it could be problems between the both of them. thank you very much for clarifying that for me =)

lol you forgot February >.~ she did go Seoul with her father too - so who knows - "happy times" right!

can I be a shipper of Daragon and Taecgui ??

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korchick said:




@labbit -  Thank you so much! Yes the second video was the one I saw and it made me so sad!

 WARNING: spamming ahead

I actually watched Brown Sugar Macchiato when it was first out back in 2007. Heck I even went and bought both albums straight after. Even back then my favourite was GuiGui! I then went straight to MIT but after that it was like there was nothing much on her and it all dwindle down.

I watched WGM first season up to when the ANT couple left and I lost interested so honestly I haven’t been up to scratch on anything here. It was just by random that I came across an article for WGM Global season 2. After looking it up and noting that there is only 2 episodes out I decided I shall first watch season 1.

I honestly just clicked on episode 1, didn’t even bother checking who the couples were. When I first saw Taecyeon I was like oh that good looking guy from Dream High (I liked Wooyoung in that series. LOL) then when they showed GuiGui – I was like (o.0) really! No way! Mind you this was all last Friday. I’ve been hooked on them everyday since and I can say I’m definitely shipping these two. I’ve been on this forum everyday since then.. mind you I’ve only got up to page 72. Still going.

I seriously love these two together and I so agreed with so many of you here. At the beginning Taeceyon was definitely trying to play it cool especially since he was like “oppa is oppa.” Insisting that she calls him that and then as the episodes progressed up till the wedding shoot and she asked which he prefer – he actually murmur “gotta choose wisely.” If he was nonchalant about this whole thing between them wouldn’t he just insist like the first episode - “oppa!”

I really really wished that the chemistry in WGM will spark romance into reality. I love GuiGui and through her I’m starting to like Taecyeon. She definitely brings out the best of him out. Has anyone seen him in previous interview before WGM and then after, it’s like a changed person.

Is it me or does WGM youtube – seems to have limited scenes but the stills from the JDVD have more? I’ve currently just ordered the JDVD and right now it feels like its taking FOREVER to get here!

Definitely jumping aboard this ship. Happy bird watching everyone!!

Welcome Aboard!!! I am sorry for the lateness... 

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runnyeggs said: tg1_zps06033c16.jpg


cr: baidu **************************************************** 
Awesome, @runnyeggs. Thank you for sharing! 
Where have you been?  You should drop by more often. lol. 
Don't forget that we're closing this thread when we reach page 2000. We'll be moving on to a new one. I'd like you to send a special message to be included in our festivities. Even if you don't post a lot, I think you should be part of the fun, too. You may PM your message to @angelangie and @biruangel (or to me) and we'll make sure it's included in the last pages of this forum. Take care now. 

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Guest cryjingle

New TG wedding photos released by L studio, the wedding photo shooting company on their blog: http://blog.naver.com/blessing2014?Redirect=Log&logNo=110187789766  (at page 2)[Edited out the photos since have been posted above by @packmule3]
Does the later one rang any bells?? XDDDDDDDD

Posted by Taec himself on 7 May 2013 with title "Like a Sir" , see http://ningin.com/b/v/2pms-taecyeon-snaps-a-photo-like-a-sir/6287/#sthash.pAB3rY3S.dpbs
Ahem... the mysterious case of gentlemen beard has been resolved~ XDDDDDD

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cr: baidu **************************************************** 

Awesome, @runnyeggs. Thank you for sharing! 

Where have you been?  You should drop by more often. lol. 

Don't forget that we're closing this thread when we reach page 2000. We'll be moving on to a new one. I'd like you to send a special message to be included in our festivities. Even if you don't post a lot, I think you should be part of the fun, too. You may PM your message to @angelangie and @biruangel (or to me) and we'll make sure it's included in the last pages of this forum. Take care now. 

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Guest leechalee

 i come bearing.... churros!!images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMUELXTBwO3Bmgy1qO2rhimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcT05zoumxkO8pC32Z52n--

sorry i was late... went back to swap this sb2.jpgfor one of these, since i know there are quite a few coffee drinkers herebbbb918e28fa404b836246b63cb5af65.jpg
help yourselves :)
"wait a minute. this is work. aren't they enjoying this a bit tooooo muuuuuch???" but wasn't it the entire filming? from the press con, to the episodes that aired, the bts, the bts on the jap dvd.. and ALLLLLLLL bits jandori MBC are hiding... to choose one is so hard!  ok then... i'll go with...TaecGui_KoreaMarry02.jpg
credit as tagged
just look at him ;)) ;)) "tiga nana bwa, da boina bwa...." "i cant hide it, you can see it"

tiga nana bwa, da boina bwa.... taken from his label mates song, who were guests at the house warming party. 

the whole song is so TaecGui though keke.. thanks @minwooluv78 for the song.. waiting for the next TaecGui Soompi track ;)

edit: stupid spoiler, i'm not your friend =(( ... will catch you all later chingus! ;)

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cryjingle said: Gui Gui is on Korean News again (frequency too often recently?)
Chinese Translation by 유아 (YooA) of Taiwan TaecGui 鬼澤夫婦小天地, reproduced to Soompi with permission
'我結世界版'吳映潔近況, 和狗一起度過愉快的時光,仍然是清新青春有魅力






English translation by cryjingle @Soompi & PTT2 TaecGui Forums
"WGMG" Wu Ying-Jie recent news, enjoyed happy time with a dog, still refreshing, youthful and charming.
On the 30th, Wu Ying-Jie uploaded a photo with caption "Playing with a dog" through Chinese SNS Weibo.
Wu Ying-Jie in the photo did not have excessive make up, her refreshing beauty draws attention.
She sat in front of the dog, imitated the dog's action and kept a "bobo" posture, radiating  a youthful and playful charm.
Chinese netizens commented "Wu ying-Jie is super charming", "Both Wu Ying-Jie and the dog are really cute", "I envy the dog", "really like her joyful looks" etc
Wu Ying-Jie is a popular Taiwanese actress and formerly member of idol group "Hey Girl", she joined 2PM Taecyeon as virtual couple in the MBC show GWGM and became hot topic.
My comment: that siberian husky is really sooooooo cute~~~~ one of my favourite dogs~~~ <--no one wants to know hahaha

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While it is true that Guigui doesn’t need to contact TY to get any news of him, here are the top 10 signs that SOMEONE thinks they're in a long distance relationship.  kekeke. Of course, it's also possible that the long distance relationship is merely a figment of TY's imagination... as in, it's a one-sided love thing.  lol.  So here goes.  
Feel free to add anything @shermaine_leong_yi_fang and others.

Top 10 signs that someone thinks (pffft) he's in a long distance relationship. 
10. Insomnia: He can’t go to bed without texting her goodnight. Really do the other 2PM guys text goodnight to random people?
Fri, April 4 12:01am in KoreaOKCAT NIGHT♡BkTjyf7CYAA6k6m.jpg

Mon, April 7 12:02am in KoreaOKCAT NIGHT♥BkjAwmfCYAAQrlk.jpg

Tues, April 8 1:04am in KoreaOKCAT ‏@OKCATofficial  Apr 7OKCAT NIGHT♡♥♡♥

Wed, April 9 12:01am in KoreaOKCAT NIGHT♥ SEE U TOMORROW!BktTl8YCQAEZj6T.jpg

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