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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest greenocean

A few days ago, some thoughts arose in my mind when i saw Guigui wished Wangzi' birthday on her weibo, who filmed with her in Machiato. There were some differences
with Taecyeon oppa1532150_567707969974642_43410526_n.png
with Wangzi10169458_744470555597917_706842237362507
P/s: Wangzi himself posted his photos on Guigui's post

- Thought 1: Guigui sent a wish on Taecyeon oppa's birthday on her weibo in the early morning and then on her facebook. You can see time on the picture above (7:50 AM). But She wished Wangzi's birthday at around 10:30 AM even though the picture didn't show the time but at that time i browsed her weibo and saw the time.I often wished my best friend's birthday at midnight and she did so when we were students. We did so to show that we always remembered one another's birthday a few day ago or one day ago ;)) and we always wanted to be the first to congratulate the other birthday. I will also do that with my boyfriend:\">  . This was how we cared for each other. But now we don't still do that because we have many other things to care more. But I still wish her birthday in the early morning as soon as I wake up without brushing teeth and washing my face and so on :)) . I think Guigui also thought like me ( just my personal opinion :D)-Thought 2: She posted a wish on both her weibo and facebook on Taecyeon's birthday. Maybe she saw Taecyeon hasn't updated anything on his weibo for a very long time. She was afraid that he wouldn't see her post therefore she also posted it on her facebook, with Wangzi is however not so (maybe he don't  have an account on Facebook :D )-Thought 3: She sent a wish and attached Taecyeon's image that means she has always kept his photos in her cellphone ( I saw you guys discussed about this on previous pages). It didn't happen to Wangzi
To conclude, Oppa always has a special place over others in her heart . Yes because he is her hubby (yeobo) :xP/s: my imaginaton is still flying far away :\">

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GuiGui on the news.  
cr: as tagged

call me bias,...yes, I am TG bias. To me, GG is beautiful here, no doubt. But, she only has the princess look (feel) - beauty of a princess here and not of a bridal one (the glow of a bride-to-be....). The feel is just not the same as in GWGM. Maybe groom matter, one is good friend and the other one is....ahem..ahem.. Like @greenocean, maybe we can make a comparison using the second picture here and the one in GWGM where GG was sitting on the boat thinking of her oppa... :-) :-) :-)

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Here is an idea for our closing thread and opening new one. we still have plenty of time and so feel free to toss in other ideas...

Inspired by: Did anyone read The Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton as a child? To learn more: click here; fantastic for children ~ highly recommend it.
Three children come to live at the edge of the Enchanted Wood where the trees, "a darker green than usual," whisper their secrets: "Wisha-wisha-wisha." In the wood is the Faraway Tree — a huge tree inhabited by fairy-folk and laden with fruit of all kinds from acorns to lemons. Its topmost branches lead to ever-changing magical lands above the swirling clouds....the children explore lands like the Land of Take-What-You-Want, the Land of Dame Slap, the Land of Topsy-Turvy, the Land of Spells, the Land of Goodies, the Land of Dreams and the glorious Land of Birthdays.....

Theme: The grand picnic under the enchanted tree
Story: Our ship sailed long and fast in the micheseo sea searching for treasure and trailing the path of okcat and bef. we found ourselves at the shores of the mysterious micheseo island. we decided to explore to see if okcat and bef had come here earlier. in the magical woods, we founds ourselves at the foot of a huge enchanted tree. we met the tree's guardian spirit, who told us that okcat and bef had come and climbed up the tree and were now in one of the ever-changing magical lands. we would have to wait for the blue moon to come again before we could climb up the tree. so we sat under the tree and feasted. sitting close to the flickering lights of our campfire, we wondered what adventure were okcat and bef having and which magical land were they in.....

What to do?
~ it is a pirate picnic; we need food and drinks.
~ if you are tech savy, you can create posters of magic lands above the faraway tree that okcat and bef might be in or of pirates sitting under the tree in front of campfire exchanging stories....
~ you can draw. if you can't, you can also ask your children/nieces/nephews to draw something and come up with a story
~ these are campfire stories which means ridiculous, over the top and absolute imaginative.
example: okcat and bef found themselves in the candy land and okcat was so excited because he loves sweets. candy land is really a huge field where lollipops of every flavour imaginable blooms and you just pick one off the ground and a new one appears in its place. okcat really wanted fish candy and he searched high and low. he found chicken candy instead and was tempted to eat it. bef saw that and started to cry. okcat felt bad and started to cry as well.....

~ post a picture of food/drinks
~ Include your campfire story of where okcat and bef might have landed and what happened.
~ can include posters if you are tech savy/can draw.....

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Guest gil_noona

Picture spam! Taec with Kim Joon Ho.


Cr: okniverse.net

@spicystrawberry‌ Are you here..? This is for you..


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I almost split my coffee to my laptop screen reading this news and actually burst out roaring with laughter XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Gui Gui you're a girl!!!! At least keep some composure even if you're not really feeling shy, OK? (roling on floor laughing XDDDDDDDDDDD)

Ahem... in the drama Mei Dai (i.e. Gui Gui) and Hua Qiang (i.e. Owodog) became a pair of lovers.  They wore the wedding dresses to help for wedding photo shooting for one of Mei Dai's roommate (Note: Mei Dai's roommate, Jing Jing, is a fashion magazine editor).  The news said because of the long-term friendship (and comrade-ship?) between Gui and Dog, they're not shy with each other at all.  The Director asked them for special pose, and Gui Gui suggested Owodog to stand up-side down, and she appear between his legs (to that effect...............[sweat sweat]).  Owodog accidentally kicked and broken a lamp while doing his upside down standing! [My comment: are you guys doing wedding photo shoot or circus member photo shoot?????]

And.... ahem, because the two are lovers in the drama, Gui Gui and Owodog decided to operate a "無限期支持鬼犬放閃計劃" (Campaign of unlimited period to support showing off of lovey-dovey between Gui and Dog), so whenever they appear in the drama, they use all their efforts to do such kind of behaviour, e.g. face touching face, each eat one side of an apple etc. (Note: 放閃 literally means "emitting flash", used to describe the behaviour of lovers showing off their lovey-dovey e.g. hugging, kissing IN FRONT OF other people, especially in front of people who are single) [My comment: what kind of silly campaign is that??? I know you guys know each other too well to be shy la hahahahahaha)

That's why as I mentioned earlier, GG did not have the 'bride-to-be' mood here. Cannot see/feel any getting married atmosphere here. All I can see is GG enjoying herself with her good friends, enjoying the shooting, having good times playing and fooling around...kekekeke... :P

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Guest sophora

Omo...not sure if this has been posted before, but I just came across this...BlJxkt_CYAAGefD.jpg:medium
cr:pbs.twimg.com/media/BlJxkt_CYAAGefD.jpg:mediumIs this really the new fashion?  :-S

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