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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest labbit

angelangie said: '外出大男人,回家小男人, 哈哈哈。。。'Translations: When at the outsides he is the man of everything, when at home he is just the home guy, hahaha ...

This particular sentence of her that use to describe the man she likes honestly catch you on the spots hahahahaha.....it almost like someone we knows right??? :D
I'm the man!I'm the winnerYou have to cook you have to cook

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Guest labbit

packmule3 said: BiruAngel said:


said: It's at the end of ep10, the preview for next week. It's strange they made another preview on Youtube for ep11. That scene was that bad was it? 

My guess for Taec reaction: shows his "huh" face like when KwangHee asks if they've bobo.


Found it on tudo, but no English sub



screen cap for that scene

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Guest cannakat

sophora said: Translation for Choc 恰女生 April 2014 (Vol. 149) page 79, (1st & 2nd paragraph) Note: This is the part before the question about Taec that @cannakat translated here, and does not mention Taec or GWGM.Again, translation of the gist only, if anyone who knows Chinese could kindly check, that would be awesome :)
Pink Title: The mischievous, elfin and zany beautiful young girlactually has a hard-working (professional dedication) and mature side to her
Guigui, who debuted in HSHMM, is adored by many viewers/audiences because of her natural, unpretentious and hilarious performances.  She is even more so off-camera; on the day of the photo-shoot, she was just like a natural "happy fruit"* (someone who brings joy and laughter to everyone), interacting cordially/warmly with the crew, and excitedly discussing the outfits with the editor, laughing and saying she wanted to buy them all!
Beyond this, there are more sides to her that are even more captivating/fascinating...
"Actually as soon as I switch on my work-mode, I will not care about my image........ha ha! Rather, I should say I have no 'burdens' at all, I can let go completely, perform to my heart's content.  But in private, when I am by myself, I will often go into deep contemplation, sometimes I will suddenly realise that I seem to be thinking too much.  In short, there is a pretty big contrast; but I still prefer the cheerful (or open and bright) me whilst working.However, from my debut till now, there has actually been a pretty big change in my frame of mind.  Previously, I seemed to think in a more straight-forward/direct manner, just charging straight ahead without thinking things through/considering too many factors; but maybe it's because I've grown up, my outlook and ways of thinking have all become more mature, I will now think of things from some different aspects/angles."
*開心果 - literal translation: pistachio nut or "happy fruit" - i.e. someone who brings joy and laughter to people
@cannakat has kindly checked and helped with my translation for Guigui's quote.  Thank you cannakat!  All mistakes are mine.

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Guest woojie

He looks so happy tonight is there something to celebrate alone?  I s he happy about uri Guigui's answer about her ideal type of man where as a taecgui fan I may say that it clearly point to uri son in law Okcat.lol!, HAPPY! (Guigui;s chanting)

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