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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Sorry, I was so shocked to see SK and HW in that long kiss that I wrote the name wrong, of course I knew it was crazy SK with HW! I cannot stand SK, I could not stand her from the beginning! SO UPSET about the kiss! I don't know how much longer I can watch GOM, it has been the most frustrating drama! And now JH is going back to cold castle and face EMIL! I just knew it was not a good thing for the father to show up, he was one of the reasons why JH married TW in the first place, filial duty etc! 

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Haven't watched the episode yet, but reading through all your comments. And THANKS as always for recaps SexyDolceVita!

When I saw "kiss" (and then hopes deflated from JH!! --> SK)  = was hoping that after kissing SK, HW will realise the SK kiss lacked the magic of the kisses he had with JH.

As for JH = listening and obeying dad was how she got into this crazy family and marriage in the first place, when she was wavering and hesitating.

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If not for hw & jh, i wud hv given up GOM long ago but after tonite's episode my hope is slowly diminishing...I really feel like giving up now, its so frustrating....

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Guest xopo17



Poor JH, she really doesn't want to go back to TW's house to see the villain MIL. But too bad, her dad doesn't encourage her to divorce. And ask them to give their marriage another chance.

Oh my, I wonder when can JH and HW get together. Love to see these two together.

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Haha..i bet that hw will not end up with jh in the end..lets vote.. 1. Hw and jh together 2. Jh divorces tw and being alone, hw marries sk 3. Jh and hw remain just friend..eventhough jh divorce and hw single again I vote num. 2

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I think it will be an open ending. JH will divorce TW. HW and SK won't get married ( that's why we have the HW discovered his future MIL checked his phone scene) Ending scene will have HW and JH meeting in that island again, probably in front of the painter's small house.

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What the hell is wrong with ALL the characters here?   All of them are just repeating the same mistakes as before, hence we can call it stupidity, right?  And the writer once again used the same deciding factor to move the plot along, but the sad thing is the usage of the father doesn't reflect well with JH's character.

I'm really disappointed with JH's character.  I was really hoping that during the 2/3 of the shows run, we can see a female character who's able to find herself once again, have convictions and see it till the end.  So, were almost at the end of the series and she is still the that same person  having her life choices decided SOLELY by others.  And it's not as if she told the father everything, what a $#&@%$ girl! 

And TW, you're at it again.  SELECTIVE hearing.  And lay off the promises, the talk with your mother says it all, you CAN'T do anything.

And the 2 MILS are just so full of themselves.  

And Hye Jung, I just hope you have some more hidden cards, I wouldn't trust that FIL.

I just can't with GOM.  I really expected a lot from the female characters and it's just so disappointing.


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Guest SexyDolceVita


A netizen shot these photos of Kim Ji Hoon filming Goddess of Marriage on the streets...of Seoul, yesterday or today...?

If i'm not wrong...I'm guessing...

After having enough of evil mil, Ji Hye has packed up and left Kang family estate without informing Tae Wook...
Ji Hye is either slapped or berated viciously by evil mil...or BOTH.

Tae Wook is looking for Ji Hye on the streets after returning home in the morning to discover his wife has left their villa with her belongings.

What do you guys think?

I'm thinking KJH is filming episode 31 or 32...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

vienvien said: I think it will be an open ending. JH will divorce TW. HW and SK won't get married ( that's why we have the HW discovered his future MIL checked his phone scene) Ending scene will have HW and JH meeting in that island again, probably in front of the painter's small house.

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Guest lettykay

@akikisetsu I completely agree why doesnt JH tell her father everything? You would think if she wanted to make a solid case to her father about the divorce she would mention everything that has happened, the treatment she gets at the house, how it has caused her to fall sick and the fact that TW is useless, she should have laid everything out and she should have mentioned another reason it was never going to work was the fact that she doesnt love TW. If her father still doesnt want to listen well she told him how she feels eventually he will get over it.

The scene with her and TW it looked like she was finally saying how she felt about him and the marriage but in the end she still goes back so what was the point in that scene?

Most of the characters feel like a lost cause, I dont know what is going on with TW just let her go, another poster mentioned this but it is quite clear he just wants to live in misery with JH at the house I dont understand why he still wants to live there, if he really wants the marriage to work with JH he would have left that house a long time ago.

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Guest ailskdrama

This drama is so frustrating. I am surprise how it can go from bad to worse (esp with the extension) The story lines are all jumbled. It's not just a matter of who we ship. Firstly before my random thoughts ... @sexydolcevita thank you for all your recap, comments, etc.  @skara for the links. And of course everyone's comments 
My random opinion (please dont hate me for my 2 cts) - no matter how I look at it, I think JH and HW make a better couple. In terms of their personality they portray  in  the drama as frustrating as it is they do show consistently how similar they are (thus cant seem to fight for themselves and wishywashy). I dont see the chemistry between JH and TW. More like an over-possessive maniac w/ a scared submissive female. KLJ might be fine in Flower Boy Next door but here I dont know about acting etc. Although I agree he has more real lines than LSW who seems to be made for this role. He definitely gives me the feeling of HW. As for looks, I went back and saw all the pictures (let's take the picture from jeju compared to the recent between TW and JH at the MJ wedding) As beautiful as JH's dress was (and her) in that picture, she looks so much better with HW. To survive this drama I have watched the first episode like five six times. They look good together.Awkward but sweet. - I am liking HJ storyline a lot more. That one seem to come together. But again if she returns to Kang household. I just think the message this drama is sending is just garbage. Same for JH. they could go away to America at this point and I wouldnt want to see JH and TW together. Talk about sinking together. So far everything this drama is promoting about marriage, family, obligation around JH and TW storyline I am 100% against. even JH self scarifying ways.  Imagine how irresponsible she would have been if she and TW had children and brought it into that kind of family etc. Not good - EUH and Mike Noh ... if she gets back together with him I will scream too. But this writer has a way of disappointing - Lastly I can't believe I am commenting about MJ and YS. Where did that relationship come from. Left field. It has no context, no learning, no nothing. Come on even a conversation between aunt JH with YS but rather you have EUH setting up MJ. It has nothing to do with what EUH supposedly stood for which was true love for her richard simmons husband. This is crazy. 

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Guest ailskdrama

ezyarou said: Haha..i bet that hw will not end up with jh in the end..lets vote.. 1. Hw and jh together 2. Jh divorces tw and being alone, hw marries sk 3. Jh and hw remain just friend..eventhough jh divorce and hw single again I vote num. 2

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Guest SexyDolceVita

ailskdrama said: ezyarou said: Haha..i bet that hw will not end up with jh in the end..lets vote.. 1. Hw and jh together 2. Jh divorces tw and being alone, hw marries sk 3. Jh and hw remain just friend..eventhough jh divorce and hw single again I vote num. 2

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Guest jdkk09

@SexyDolceVita - thank you very much for the summary.  I started to watch the raw, then came here to see comments and have decided to bypass this episode.  I'm annoyed!  Thanks again.

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