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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Juz watched ep 28 wif eng sub, do i sense a tinge of jealosy on jh's part when she heard sk called hw darling? Even when hw asked her, what was she doing at the shop, she asked hw back the same question. Her expression changed when hw told her the reason...& she quickly said hw shdnt feel sorry when he apologize...no doubt by looking at their eyes & body language that they still have feelings for each other. Even thou im so happy that they met again, its so sad to see them like this, i longed to see the smile & laughter on their face...they really deserve to be happy, not just for a moment like that in Jeju but for a very long time...still hoping & have faith in hw/jh...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Juz watched ep 28 wif eng sub' date=' do i sense a tinge of jealosy on jh's part when she heard sk called hw darling? Even when hw asked her, what was she doing at the shop, she asked hw back the same question. Her expression changed when hw told her the reason...& she quickly said hw shdnt feel sorry when he apologize...no doubt by looking at their eyes & body language that they still have feelings for each other. Even thou im so happy that they met again, its so sad to see them like this, i longed to see the smile & laughter on their face...they really deserve to be happy, not just for a moment like that in Jeju but for a very long time...still hoping & have faith in hw/jh...[/quote']

Ah...interesting angle you have there...

I will try to observe better and look out for jealous signals on jh's part the next time when i watch the scene...for the Nth time... (YES I KNOW! BUT THIS SCENE IS AS EXCITING, EMOTIONAL AND HEART STIRRING AS THE ENDING SCENES OF EPISODES 18 AND 20!)

But i have to highlight the following....

The best expression Nam Sang Mi has pulled off in that scene is, after kinda figuring out sk and hw's relationship, her eyes become shifty and she looks towards her right...and looks down....visibly showcasing the inner thought of

"what the hell is this...? Why do we have to bump into each other again...and in this kind of awkward circumstance where sk could be your lover...?"

on her face...

I absolutely love love love NSM's portrayal of that Oh My God expression.

No one can do it better than her in that scene...

At that moment, I can say...NSM has really elevated her acting skills to another level...

The next best expression of NSM is when tw later painfully reveals he feels so lonely and distant from jh within their marriage for the past year because jh has been cold towards him and doesnt seem to give herself and her heart totally to him.... Even when he only has half of her mind, body and heart, he still tries to lie to himself and convince himself it is because of his mother and that jh couldnt work as a writer anymore...

Upon hearing these painful and hurtful words coming from her husband, NSM displays a complex mix of emotions through her increasingly teary eyes... A sense of realisation. Feeling sorry for tw. Feeling guilty that she has treated tw that way unknowingly...but at the same time, she is hurt hy tw's suspicious accusations of her checking out emotionally and refusing to return home because of...hw and that he probably still occupies a part of her body, mind, and heart.... That tw doesnt trust her at all... that tw actually doubts her integrity and loyalty as his wife...

That really hurts her to the core. But it also kinda makes jh realise she has to be more aware of how she is making tw, her husband, feel in this worrisome marriage...too.

it is not all about her own feelings...her own wishes... and that tw also exists within their marriage but she only thinks her feelings should be centre stage at all times...

That final tear scrolling down NSM's left cheek is an expression of hopelessness and helplessness which she is feeling when she realises it is really impossible to communicate with tw and make him understand she didnt mean to torture him that way and that her main problems and reasons of not returning home are definitely not because of hw...but his scary mom and family...and that meaningless exhausting high class servant lifestyle in cold castle...

Jh has emphasised umpteen times her reasons of not returning with tw to cold castle but tw just refuses to believe her and accept her reasons...

Q: How to talk to a wall and get your words heard by it?

A: Call 911 and ask for an ambulance to send you to a sanitarium now.

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You know and I know TW is an idiot!!!   Yes, I really mean it this time.  When he confronted JH over by the Hans River - he said he did not feel as JH had any love etc. for him.  It was himself.  I nearly lost it and wanted so badly to hit my poor chair.  Idiot if you spend some quality time with her you would not say that.  Prosecutor do have time off.  He has never taken her anywhere since he got married.  The only time he made the mistake was telling her he was going to New York and then had to bail out.  She was really happy then.  Idiot did you see how happy she was.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out to make your other half happy, you go out of your way to show it to her.  What does he do, she has been confined to the ice castle the day she was married. 

You can live outside of the ice castle.  There is no rule saying you have to live near the ice castle.  You choose to live there because you cannot stand up to your Mom/Dad.  What an idiot that does not have backbone to stand up to his own parents.  I am so glad for the older brother who broke away. 

That's all from me.

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Guest lettykay

kaciemom said:

You know and I know TW is an idiot!!!   Yes, I really mean it this time.  When he confronted JH over by the Hans River - he said he did not feel as JH had any love etc. for him.  It was himself.  I nearly lost it and wanted so badly to hit my poor chair.  Idiot if you spend some quality time with her you would not say that.  Prosecutor do have time off.  He has never taken her anywhere since he got married.  The only time he made the mistake was telling her he was going to New York and then had to bail out.  She was really happy then.  Idiot did you see how happy she was.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out to make your other half happy, you go out of your way to show it to her.  What does he do, she has been confined to the ice castle the day she was married. 

You can live outside of the ice castle.  There is no rule saying you have to live near the ice castle.  You choose to live there because you cannot stand up to your Mom/Dad.  What an idiot that does not have backbone to stand up to his own parents.  I am so glad for the older brother who broke away. 

That's all from me.

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@kaciemon    Same sentiments!    

I know most of my recent posts are all about TW, it's just that he has ALL the characteristics of my pet-peeves in a guy.  Everything about him (kudos to KJH!) pushes all the wrong buttons with me and after watching the recent episodes with subs, I need to let it out.   
TW is just so arrogant, domineering and so full of himself.  How could he tell his wife to basically align his thoughts to his (saying it mildly) and then ask JH live as if she's dead and just be with him and serve his family?  And then he has the gall to demand that she returns "his love".  First of all, he knew everything about the "affair" and the fact that she doesn't love him and he's fine with it, so what's the deal?  So he expected JH to love him wholeheartedly, even if he renegaded on all his promises, his mother insults her day in and day out, he doesn't really spend time with JH, talks down to her, treats her like a possession and doesn't respect her as a person?     Wow, what an idiot!!!!!!!  And No, you don't get the parents card pass, he's old enough to know what's right and wrong.  I know some of our actions and reactions are influence by our upbringing, but at some point we need to exercise our own judgement and take responsibility.  
Personally, nothing matters just as long as JH doesn't up with TW.  That's how I hate his character.  And No, even if he change, I still can't forget everything.


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I know this is getting repetitive but TW must be pretending to not understand what's going on, I refuse to believe he's so dim. Does he really think a normal person would put up with everything JH has put up with at the cold castle?? Does he not see how the marriages of his two brothers ended? And he's still grasping at straws, blaming it on and unresolved thing between JH and HW. I'm PRETTY sure that if his family wasn't such a burden and he treated her nicely, like when he said he'd take her to America and some cute moments when they first got married, she would have grown to love him and wouldn't have looked at HW twice.
I honestly understand JH's wavering, it's like HJ stole her thunder divorce-wise, and I expect FIL to be harsher in his no-divorce-allowed policy as a result. I too think she might go back for a bit but she won't last three days, and then she'll leave again (I'll be VERY impressed if she refuses to go back at all). I just hope TW doesn't pull the fauxdultery card because that's one thing JH doesn't need.. I get annoyed just when imagining MIL's reaction, ughhh.

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Guest PinkNinjaStar

I really love reading all your thoughts about GOM..no matter how much the writer is leading us to disappointment each episodes I still find myself checking for updates and reading your posts. My main reason for continuing to watch this drama are the actors..especially, the lead actors..they just portray their roles so well. The feelings they want to convey were so effective. The director really did a good job on casting them. No matter how ridiculous the scenes are sometimes and how upsetting it is..i will still continue to watch it til the end and enjoy the great acting from our leads..But, still hoping that HW and JH will find their way back into each other's arms in the end and SK & TW will also eventually find their own partner that will love them back.. :)

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Nam Mi Sang's beauty comes from an internal elegance that she carries within herself.  It has little to do with her physical attributes which are many, anyway.

I'm actually curious as to why the writer made the TW character into such a dim-witted idiot, at least in his perspective to JH.  He didn't seem dim-witted, at the beginning of the drama.  And, he certainly isn't dim about the antics of his own family.  That's why I can't quite figure out why he is so blind to the sufferings of the one he, supposedly, loves.  :-??

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Auntie Mame said: Nam Mi Sang's beauty comes from an internal elegance that she carries within herself.  It has little to do with her physical attributes which are many, anyway.

I'm actually curious as to why the writer made the TW character into such a dim-witted idiot, at least in his perspective to JH.  He didn't seem dim-witted, at the beginning of the drama.  And, he certainly isn't dim about the antics of his own family.  That's why I can't quite figure out why he is so blind to the sufferings of the one he, supposedly, loves.  :-??

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jdkk09 said: Auntie Mame said: Nam Mi Sang's beauty comes from an internal elegance that she carries within herself.  It has little to do with her physical attributes which are many, anyway.

I'm actually curious as to why the writer made the TW character into such a dim-witted idiot, at least in his perspective to JH.  He didn't seem dim-witted, at the beginning of the drama.  And, he certainly isn't dim about the antics of his own family.  That's why I can't quite figure out why he is so blind to the sufferings of the one he, supposedly, loves.  :-??

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Guest SexyDolceVita

jdkk09 said:

Auntie Mame said:

Nam Mi Sang's beauty comes from an internal elegance that she carries within herself.  It has little to do with her physical attributes which are many, anyway.

I'm actually curious as to why the writer made the TW character into such a dim-witted idiot, at least in his perspective to JH.  He didn't seem dim-witted, at the beginning of the drama.  And, he certainly isn't dim about the antics of his own family.  That's why I can't quite figure out why he is so blind to the sufferings of the one he, supposedly, loves.  :-??

I don't think he is blind to her sufferings as he is in denial.  If he TRULY acknowledges what she's been going through, he will have to admit it is his fault and do something to rectify the situation.  I think he feels like he's between a rock and a hard place.  He thought he could placate her and she would accept it and return home.  Anyway that's what he hoped would happen.  Now he's taken the stand his family has taught him.  THREATEN AND INTIMIDATE.  I remember in the early episodes when she didn't want to marry him and they had yelling matches.  She needs to kick it up a notch and stop feeling sorry for him.  She told him from the beginning she didn't love him and he was happy to accept that state because it was always better when one loved more than the other.  His statement.  So now it's come to fruition and he's eating his words.  That's why I dislike the conversation by the river.  She needed to remember what he told her before they got married and defend her position.  Yeah, was it right for her to be emotionally unfaithful with HW?  No!  Let's take it back to grass roots and lay the problem where it began, right at his (TW) feet.  You got what you bargained for, so stop crying over spilt milk.  IMO. :)>-

Threaten and Intimidate - so true!! Definitely traits that he learned growing up in his dysfunctional and controlling abode. His loyalty to his family comes first and the needs of his wife almost always placed in the back burner. TW doesn't know how to be a good husband because he didn't have a role model to guide him. He doesn't know how to be selfless and sacrificial love is not in his vocabulary. TW...a marriage counselor would be a great idea right now....set aside your pride and do something positive to save your marriage. At least do this...if all fails...then move on!

Now i think...even if tw and jh did move to new york as planned...they will still be remote controlled by mil and fil...

They might be happy for a while but they cannot escape from kang family...forever... sigh.

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Thank you @gemmie for sharing with us the pictures from the confrontation.  HW is so handsome in the white shirt and guess what ???  He is smiling.  Now writer PD, why can't we have more  scene with him smiling???  This will make a lot of us really happy... >:D< >:D<

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