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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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kooriyuki said: Hello everyone, just thought I'd drop a note here coz I'll be joining in the recapping of this drama (only for the HW-JH-TW triangle, maybe occassionally on the other characters) because I totally <3 Lee Sang Woo. Linkie in my siggy. Thanks for the support!! :D

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I just love watching when JH/HW are together.  I was hoping and praying when JH was asked that question when the preacher asked of her "would you take blah, blah to be your lawful husband?"  What would happen if she had said "no" - because TW was holding his breath.  That would have been interesting!!

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kooriyuki said: Hello everyone, just thought I'd drop a note here coz I'll be joining in the recapping of this drama (only for the HW-JH-TW triangle, maybe occassionally on the other characters) because I totally <3 Lee Sang Woo. Linkie in my siggy. Thanks for the support!! :D

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Guest bashful

j3di said: I've strong feeling that JH would pregnant with HW's baby, and her in-laws know it, because of that no choice for TW to not divorce her.

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Its only 2 more days but feels like a long time. Looking foward for the episodes preview tomorrow. @kooriyuki thanks for recapping ^^ Im not looking foward for ep 11 n 12 since it will mainly show jihye n tw current household. They might show hw meeting the new girl. Sighhhh............. I just hope they wont drag the storyline. N hopefully hw n jihye bump into each other more often XD missing hw n jihye moments badly :(( :((

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Guest filmfreak16

j3di said: I've strong feeling that JH would pregnant with HW's baby, and her in-laws know it, because of that no choice for TW to not divorce her.

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A lot of us is thinking JH is pregnant with HW baby.  I also disagree because what is the point if she is pregnant.  TW will never divorce her because he is so determine to have her than he didn't even blink when she told him she had an affair let alone she is pregnant.  As for the divorce - he will never give it to her.  Remember again, he is so obsessed with having her there is no way he was ever going to let her go - don't even think of divorce!!!  :-O :-O

The writer is building something big to create a big disaster to happen before the writer will let JH/HW get together.  That's why the next 10 episodes will be interesting to watch as how the character JH, HW and TW will be developed.  Hopefully at the end JH/WH will be reunite.  If not, there will be some dirty and angry people (me included) who will blast a hole in the writer car.

X( X(
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i don't think jihye is pregnant since it has been 1.5 months since they met and she would have found out by then if she is pregnant.  i reckon every episode will have jihye crying coz of MIL and TW. once in a while she might go to that lake where she can breathe and find peace.

i really want a scene when jihye is crying by herself and she bump into HW and his new girl. i wonder what he is going to do. or
jihye is at the lake crying and hw bump into her there. :\">  as much as being mean, I want HW to know that she is actually suffering. the thing is jihye will try to be happy in front of HW but eventually the truth will come out.

mannnnn.....i really can't wait for their next meeting or when HW knows that jihye is divorced. i hope we don't have to wait for 5 or 6 episodes until they meet again.

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@SexyDolceVita,  Thank you...I only find it with either Japanese or Chinese subs...
kaciemom said:

I just love watching when JH/HW are together.  I was hoping and praying when JH was asked that question when the preacher asked of her "would you take blah, blah to be your lawful husband?"  What would happen if she had said "no" - because TW was holding his breath.  That would have been interesting!!

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