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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest yellowumbrella

Watched it for the 2nd time. So the plot thickens. and Im getting confused on which people are on their sides. Im getting confused with Rachel giving Cha Eun Sang some commission after hearing Kim Tan's " weak should not get sides with weak.. etc." can somebody explain this?

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briseis said:

As I said before I’m leaving on a 2 days trip to Berlin in few hours so I don’t have time to gush over all the incredible shippy moments like I would normally do but this scene just stole my breath away and made my heart hurt but it hurts so good I simply had to make a couple of posts about it!

I’ve been thinking that there have been always something mildly similar about Tan and ES’s moments together and I’ve realized that on more than one occassion there was always some sort of barrier standing between them - the sheets, the wall in the wine cellar,…- it is as real as it is symbolic of all the obstacles, the social divergence and unsaid feelings between them. It has always been Tan so far who walked around it or leaped over it and reached toward ES with his genuine feelings, however, that wall is still standing there and no matter how much he tries Tan won’t be able to break it alone - he needs ES to stop being afraid and reaches out to him just as he does reache out to her and the wall will fall apart…

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I would like to share some POV from Softy of Cadence about Tan & Won relationship which was so spot-on:

"He who wears the crown must endure its weight” in Tan case means that if he wants to go home, he has to deal with the repercussions such as alienating his older brother even more and taking up the burden of his legacy down the line. Even though he keeps insisting to Won that nothing Won fears will ever happen, Tan is saying that from a mindset of a teenager. Won knows better cuz he doesn’t see Tan as just a kid – the threat Tan poses to his current position is inevitable so that’s why it’s hard for Won to take Tan’s reassurances to heart. Tan has years before he can even be considered a rival for Won, but Tan’s mere presence in the household again will threaten to topple everything Won has worked so hard to build up. In Won’s defense, it really does seem like their dad is rooting for Tan to succeed and even Secretary Yoon seems to be on Tan’s side. It must feel so lonely for Won not to have a single person on his side. Tan may have felt alone in California, but it’s worse for Won since he felt the same way surrounded by his father and two stepmothers.

      왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-08-56]

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.  왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-29-56]This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge. 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 - 상속자들.E04.131017.HDTV.X264.720p-BarosG[01-31-46]This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

I love those scenes when Tan imagined what he wanted to say to his parents and his brother. The words were simple and honest: ”I want to come home father” “I miss you mom” “after sending me off that rudely, I trust that you hurt just once,” but it carried the weight of all his repressed emotions over the years. Little does he know that Won actually felt that. I was so relieved to see Won have a flicker of remorse when he glanced down at the photo of himself in LA just like the one of Tan - hopefully the look on his face was a bit of regret about how he mistreated his younger brother when they met. There just has to be some residual brotherly affection towards Tan. I still don’t get why Won feels so much resentment towards Tan over something he has no control over. I bet when they were younger, Won wasn’t this cold to him since Tan posed no threat as a little kid. It’s just now as Tan gets older that Won is feeling more territorial. He lives in a home with parents he doesn’t even seem that close to so you would think he would welcome an ally like Tan, but I guess greed and ambition is dictating all his actions and emotions. It’s too bad cuz you can tell that Won could’ve been a great older brother to Tan. If any sibling could look more eager to try and make their relationship work, Tan would be at the head of the line. You just know that one kind word from Won would make him break down in tears out of gratitude. By Softy

Thanks to Softy for her wonderful insight! 

Personally, I believe their parallel love lives will be the catalyst to unite them against their manipulative and deceptive father...that is something I want to see happen, let them triumph just like in Secret Garden...may the bromance begin!   :x

BTW,  Hyun Joo is not yet a teacher at Jeguk High now only a private tutor, right? Since there is no mention of her working there yet. I guess Daddy Kim gonna up his game of sponsorship by hiring her to increase the debt and thus keeping Won & Joo further apart?  =((

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Tan giving CES the dream catcher back may be a sign he is about to morph back into the Tan who ruled the school.

Tan believed for a moment that he could be different but being back he realised that in order for him to survive hE has to add some grit to his personality.

I think he wanted to stop YD from hurting the kid but held himself back. I expect that to change soon.

Tan is afraid that he will have to become the bully to put a stop to YD and I sense it is not something he wants to do. But he will find he must.

As for YD I think in episode 6 he was more upset at the way she looked at him when he was hurting the kid than anything else. It was not the look he wanted to see in her eyes. He may be acting violent but he does not really want CES afraid of him. I think he wants her to be interested and like him. However he does not know how to achieve this.

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Some of you seem to have unreasonable expectations and not a clear idea on how hard it is for ES to stand up to YD. If the bullying here is as bad as BoF, remember Jandi and how she was bleeding and lying on the ground and someone was going to bash her head in with a fire extinguisher or some other heavy thing before Jun Pyo stopped him. ES can get really hurt and who can she complain to , you think the school will take her word over some Chaebol's son ? Don't simply look at this situation from a point of view of some drama but irl a maid's daughter will have no possibility of standing up to YD if he decides to hit her. I think her fear is a very real demonstration of how it would go down irl and her watching while that kid got bullied was not at all out of character it was fear that rooted her.
YD behaving this way was exactly what I guessed in a previous post that he just considered her new and improved prey while some of you were gushing over his interest in her as romantic I was thinking his attention was more sinister. I am really hoping she is not physically abused but otoh it would not be very realistic if she is not. I mean he bullies others and why not her. KT can help her but he is only making it worse for her. Poor,poor ES ,I'm really not looking forward to the coming abusive scenes. My only consolation is Kim Eun Sook did not write Boys over Flowers herself as it was based off a manga and in the manga if I am not mistaken Makino was even dragged by a car before the abuse stopped. So Kim Eun Sook was not so bloodthirsty it was part of the story so I am really hoping the abuse will not get as bad in Heirs.
It is also not fair to say ES is always pushing KT away and not giving him a chance but he is engaged for crying out loud. It is not like he has said to her he is breaking off his engagement so you seriously expect her to be flattered by his attention and reciprocate. To what end would she give him back any interest when he is someone's else fiancee ? I know it is romantic and all but if she did less I was would be disappointed in her. She is completely right to push him away. She is also completely accurate that he is the reason that has caused her to become the focus of attention from YD and the other vicious females in that school. KT's dad is a sadistic and manipulative person. He knew she would be in hell once KT paid her any attention in school and as he said she will realise a 100 times why being with KT is a mistake. He is letting KT do his dirty work by doing what he knew his son would do protect her and thereby getting her bullied and hurt and bringing home in vivid technicolour why KT is not someone she should ever be interested in. Hats off to the old fart he definitely knows how to do things the Machiavellian way.

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i,m going to make her mine like this




look at this ... u won,t even have a single chance :))




and besides it,s her how drag me ...



and look at her now


how do u feel right now :)))


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I'm like this @-) after reading over 50 pages on this thread :)  I was behind lately also with ep 5, 6 ...with my sleep... because of work.
I want to thank everybody for the gifs , picture, insights, news , wonderful comments.
And I love ChangMin's Moment ;) ...i'm listening over and over .

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haodinh thi said: < src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IeGAWH6MBWE/UmuZIvQXyZI/AAAAAAAAurI/CQQLc4LrPpo/s1600/lim-joo-eun.jpg">

[News] Lim Joo Eun gets you smiling with her spoon aegyo in BTS photos from 'Heirs'


Pls kindly do not posts that has been already posted . Thank you

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You spoke my mind..I have the same thoughts with you. In reality ES situation is really like hell. In the preview we can see that KT is going to be a victim from YD manipulation. Expecting the teachers will believe her over chaebols is so impossible.

And ES reaction towards KT is also my ideal reaction for their situation.

But I want to add my thought about KT, Rachel and Es.

KT and ES spent only few days in America. Their feeling grew, yes BUT not enough for an 18 years old boy to risk his life by making a huge decision like breaking his engagement. He will do it later when he has enough power to do it.

and now when ES also study at Jeguk, breaking the engagement is will not only harm him but harm ES more. Rachel won't leave her alone, so does the other girls. KT will defend her from Rachel and the bulliers? No man will involve in girl fights. Beside ES hates depending herself to others, even to CY his long time best friend.

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hey guys I found the song Moment by Changmin can we post it?all the new rules I just don't want to get our forum in trouble so if someone that knows the rules can pm me or email that way I can post it here love that song!! I even found the other one too the Two Person song too... :)

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