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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Hello everyone,

it's a while since I actively posted on soompi but I would like to join this thread as I really enjoyed most of the writer's dramas so far. And I do see some familiar faces around here. :)

I haven't seen the long trailer or read the characterizations yet and I'm still in process of watching the first episode (currently at the half-way point) but so far I do like the give pace of the show. I admit having some difficulties getting used to the spoken English but I think it's okay and it actually serves the story well that it's not accent-free even for the main male character. I mean I wasn't suprised by it when I first heard the English spoken by Kim Tan given the fact that his own brother actually advised him not to take studying and the foreign language barrier to seriously as he will able to live a life of carelessly frolicking around and having fun without the financial worries most of the people would face. It's like is given a prolonged holiday abroad in exchange for tuning down any ambitions as chaebol heir he may have had within his younger years back in Korea. And although his dislikes his exile he's actually complying to what his brother asked of him which shows that he loves him despite the coldness his brother is showing towards him.

I'm a bit suprised that Kim Tan seems to be the opposite of what one would expect from chaebol characters after many years of watching K-dramas. But I do like it. He can be cold if he want's to (like when not reacting to his fiance's call) but I feel like it's more a mechanism of defense than because that's what chaebols are expected to be like. And maybe the exile in America actually served him well without him knowing yet cause what I've seen from the other chaebol heirs till now shows the good old dysfunctional family dynamics one get to see in all dramas portraying the world of the super-rich. No wonder all these kids actually would need counseling so him being out of this cold world may have given him the chance to keeps some kindness within him alive.

As with the dream-catcher I like that Eun Sang actually bought it and did not just stare at it although the money could have been saved for other more needed things instead. It serves as a symbol and confirmation to herself of her willingness to chase after her own dreams. And it's in line with the importance of all the other symbols the writer used in her other stories as well.

I'm not sure why but somehow Eun Sang reminds me of the writer's female lead in City Hall. She seems to be a very layered and well thought out character and she seems to have the same spunkiness Mi Rae tried to hide as well for being able to keep up with her given job and life. Both seem to be rather obedient characters and accepting of the circumstances of their life's first but it's just one side of them born out of pragmatism. They need to make a living so they try to comply but they are true to themselves as well.

Anyway this post is once again way to long so I'm going to stop my flood of words for now. But I hope to have a great time with all of you within this thread.

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Guest myphim


I love sunset and this is such a nice shot of it here. :x



Poor Kim Tan!
He may be surrounded by many people, but he's still a sad little boy inside. :((
By the way, what is he eating here?
I can't tell?!!

And, love the actress playing ES's sister. :x


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Guest prosperity

Another thing that I find interesting that we have not discussed in the thread yet, is the fact That Kim Won is not doing well at the company. He has sent Kim Tan away, to give himself no competition, I am guessing, yet he is not making waves at the company. His project is actually failing, losing money instead of making a profit. I am guessing that this will be how Kim Tan will get back into the running, and possibly becoming the heir. As their story develop, I can see it becoming even more intriguing. 

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Kim Won won't be taken down easily by Kim Tan... eventhough they are both are legitimate children, Kim Tan's mom is not officially wedded to Kim Tan's father. And the fact that Kim Won is the older one, that alone can make a huge hierarchy winning point that advantages Kim Won. That actress who play all rich kids mother.. (Secret Garden, Goddess of Mariage etc) she must be Kim Won's mother right? The official madame of Empire Group... Whoaaa battle of the madames is always always taste like a mixed bitter sweet sour candy to me.. Bring it on!!!!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SeGafanlady said: Kim Won won't be taken down easily by Kim Tan... eventhough they are both are legitimate children, Kim Tan's mom is not officially wedded to Kim Tan's father. And the fact that Kim Won is the older one, that alone can make a huge hierarchy winning point that advantages Kim Won. That actress who play all rich kids mother.. (Secret Garden, Goddess of Mariage etc) she must be Kim Won's mother right? The official madame of Empire Group... Whoaaa battle of the madames is always always taste like a mixed bitter sweet sour candy to me.. Bring it on!!!!

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prosperity said:

Ok, like I said earlier, real time ratings are not always a great indicator of what the final ratings will be.
Anyway here is what the real time ratings say:
MBC = Medical Top Team = Green
KBS2 = Secret (episode 5) = Orange
SBS = Heirs = Yellow
So the race is really between Heirs and Secret, because neither really dipped below the green line at anytime during the airing. In actuality based on what we see here, they both maintained a 2 to 3 point lead on MTT.
The Heirs didn't really see a major dip at anytime during airing and seemed to have maintained their viewership throughout airing. While Secret did see a noticeable drop around the 25 min mark, but they also had a big spike around the 50 min mark.
In conclusion, I really don't know to tell you the truth :P . However, I think the race will be between Secret and Heirs for the number 1 spot for this episode. Tomorrow is where we will really see a front runner imo, and these positions could change drastically.
ETA: I also want to point out that Secret is on episode 5 this week, so they already have an established audience.

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Guest myphim

Every school should have a sexy looking bully. :P




KT and CYD, you both need to be friends again quickly, so I can swoon at the both of you together. :))
I feel like CYD is just acting out.
Is it because he misses Kim Tan?
Or is it because of his dad?
He doesn't feel like a really bad person deep down.

And boy! I'd love to go to this school.
Even the boy being bullied is kind of cute. ;))


I notice the crown on their school uniform.

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Yes you are right.. she's a rich woman herself that all those Hermes Birkin and Kelly that she wear in any drama.. all those mink and fox fur coats and even the ultra expensive jewelries are her own private collection! Wow must be nice to be her.. she's loaded and she loves acting and she get to meet all of our dream namja.. now that's what I call a dream life.... envy envy envy me...

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SexyDolceVita said: I just watched the premiere episode...

The character that impresses me the most is Rachel.
The actress Kim Ji Won really fits that role perfectly!

The way she carries herself and talks in Japanese proudly to Park Shin Hye...woohoo...HOT!

I think the main reason I will watch The Heirs now is...Kim Ji Won...I want to see if she has the acting chops to bring the usual feisty spoiled chaebol rich daughter's role to another level...

Yup if Rachel is The Heir's version of Blair from Gossip Girl... then I think the production team has got it right!

Of course, hopefully, the other actors can fully showcase their individual acting abilities too....

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Guest myphim

prosperity said: Another thing that I find interesting that we have not discussed in the thread yet, is the fact That Kim Won is not doing well at the company. He has sent Kim Tan away, to give himself no competition, I am guessing, yet he is not making waves at the company. His project is actually failing, losing money instead of making a profit. I am guessing that this will be how Kim Tan will get back into the running, and possibly becoming the heir. As their story develop, I can see it becoming even more intriguing. 

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Guest favoree

Now as I am rewatching the episode with subs, I have to say that Kim Woo Bin is a revelation. Just very excellent acting! Kim Ji Won is awesome as well. What a great drama! I wonder why don't they do a drama of such quallity every time!

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Yup...the actress is Park Joon Geum.

She is the go to actress for chaebol mother roles...

And yes, she is really wealthy in real life.

Her father was in the steel industry business.

She owns a land, an apartment, and a building...plus many other stuff.

Apparently, her 2 sisters and her each receive the same amount of inheritance when their father passed away.

A real fair father huh.


I don't think that has to do with being a fair father. its more of just being a real father. I never understood the you're first second or third because it doesn't matter the order in which you were born the same amount of genes and blood runs through their veins so how can their be a measure of how much you give to each one be it love anything else.

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myphim said: Every schools need a sexy looking bully. :P

KT and CYD, you both need to be friends again quickly, so I can swoon at the both of you together. :))
I feel like CYD is just acting out.
Is it because he misses Kim Tan?
Or is it because of his dad?
He doesn't feel like a really bad person deep down.

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Okay, I finally finished the first episode and it felt like a good introductory episode.

And I want to agree with @prosperity that it seems rather interesting for the further development of the story that Kim Won doesn't seem to have the genius touch concerning business but is rather struggling. It makes for some compelling twists further down the line. And it's definitely an intruiging twist of the usual chaebol fair we are used to till now as they are always portrait as perfect in everything.

I wonder whether that could also be the main reason why he did send Kim Tan away as soon as he had the chance to do so. I mean we don't know anything about Kim Tans school life and performance in Korea but couldn't it be that even his younger self shoved that kind of genius business instinct and good grades in any subject related to and important for economics? It would be compelling the see that the main ambition to get rid of his younger brother is the fear of the talent Kim Tan may have inherited from his father while he doesn't. I mean he is the older one so within a traditional hierarchy he would be the first inheritor. But what if he knows to well that this may be enough to have a hold on it till now but it is not enough to keep the company at the long run. I mean he knows he is on probation period as the meeting with the company's higher-ups showed. And he knows that everyone is watching him carefully and that his father will most likely get reports about his performance which he could use to judge that he's not fit enough for being his heir.

That would also explain why he tried to cut Kim Tans self-esteem and advising him not to aim to high before sending him abroad. And it would maybe also explain why Kim Tan is still committed to his studies even if he tries to hide that fact from his friends and explains it with being being a rebel. Maybe he subconsciously can't keep low and just play around as it's against his drive for gaining knowledge because he really wants to know and not because he's supposed to learn.

But who knows. Let's see how the story will unfold...

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