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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Hi everyone...love all you comments, and your gif..which are not suppose to be here and many more things that against the rule..sorry Maja ..I do love it( I am not encouraging it though).I have been a quiet observer for a while.I love this drama because I watched it due to Park Shin Hye..but Lee Min Ho is a bonus here because he is awesome as KT much better from all his last characters...He changes all everyone thoughts of PSH can't kiss....hahaha episode 16 is too hard to forget especially with signature from Leim and Leery...sorry if I got your name wrong...Thank you everyone for making me brave enough to post here.Can't wait for tonight episode..and left 2 more next week...I have been hanging around every blogs that recaps this episode, long before it was aired and now I know this Drama is a success...It will go down in history as my most love drama ever.....Love you, all its  awesome to be a member with Soompi and have new friends here.Thank you<3

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Guest krcodai

faidaris said: krcodai said: from bts pics:
- KT with new hair
- ES with red dress and high heels
they are in frond of the hotel!!! --> what party???
I wish this is ending scene for ep18 but may be not (too fast???) :((

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It's simply unfair that anyone would hate Kim Tan for living recklessly after all that he's been through. One can only take so much until they are at the brink of breaking; and saying goodbye to Eun Sang was the last blow for Kim Tan. It might be easy to pick yourself up after one stressor but it will only take so much hits until you fall into learned helplessness and thus entering depression. I find it rather disturbing that some people can talk about this so easily as if it is the victim's fault that they are depressed. Kim Tan isn't just love sick from Eun Sang, there are other factors that have pulled him in all directions that is causing him to act the way he does and two of those are obviously his father and his brother. Rather than blaming him for ruining his life, I find it unbearable to watch as he slowly destroys himself pitifully because this man has done nothing wrong to be so undeserving of everyone's love. But like I said, love is just one contributing factor to his fall; when he's been made to bear all the weight of the crown, it's only sooner or later that he will break. Sometimes, we need to take a step back and look at the big picture because it might be surprising how differently things appear.

Psychological, people take and respond to situations differently. I have even heard of people whose way of expressing sadness is by laughing. You can't blame Kim Tan for not smiling because there is no reason to, he's dying. I'm actually glad writer Kim is using lmh's acting to her advantage because he portrays reckless, helplessness, and beaten so exceptionally flawless!

"You can have her." -KT

I'm just utterly surprised that after all the cruel things Eun Sang has said to Kim Tan, people can hold this one line against him. It's the same in two directions, while it is killing her to say those things to him, it is killing him to say this to Young Do. No, he does not see her as item he can give and take anytime he wishes. Rather, he sees her as someone out of his reach that he wishes to be with. And in fact, I don't even know where the idea that she's an item he can give and take comes from. Never once did he play around with her heart, never once did his feelings waver in opposite directions, never once did he say one thing and do another. He was always straightforward about everything with her. Saying Kim Tan treats Eun Sang like a toy is like saying Eun Sang plays around with Kim Tan's heart, because she was the one all along who kept changing her mind, one minute holding his hand and the next letting it go.

I just simply do not know how anyone can enjoy watching this drama if they hate Kim Tan or Eun Sang so much. I can only get upset for so long, in the end, I am always going to root for them whether they end up or not, I just want both of them to be happy and if that means not being together in the end then so be it.

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I feel so depressed right now I can't even explain it... this episode really had me... I know it's just a drama so why am I feeling like this, it's crazy how much it has affected me. I think I'll just call it a night and catch up 2morrow. BTW it seems like we will really have a time jump based on the spoiler pics. Have a goodnight/day everyone. :(

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@maizangel Please edit your post and delete the picture! :)


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The fact that people are in an uproar over the fact that Tan said you can have her as if it is the end of the world is kind of funny to me.
They basically forgot the entire episode to nick pick 1 line. You had nothing to say about the entire episode, however this one line affected you so much? :)) Did you not see ES basically bark at Tan and tell him never to return? Would it be ok for people to say she didn't love him? Should we think that she saw him as a dog she could shew away? No, because we saw that she was in pain, and she said this to push him away, not because she didn't love him, but because she thought it would be best for them at that time. So I understand why she said the things she did.
So why is it so hard to see that Tan said those words out of pain as well. He is merely a shell of a human being, and he is basically trying to be numb to what he is feeling, so why is it so hard to see that in that moment he is trying to distance himself from ES and her value to him? How can you use all this common sense to explain everything everyone else feels, but not Tan in that moment? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
You know, I had written this long message to post about this topic, however I am going to reflect on the episode instead.
I thought the episode was satisfying. I have my issues with certain scenes but I won't share, because people are really sensitive about this drama, and it is hard to really share opinions if they aren't really glowingly positive.
ES/PSH had very little screen time today, however I thought the scenes she did have were really effective and well done. I really enjoyed her cctv goodbye scene. For that little time she was on screen she really made me feel her sadness in that scene. The way KT reacted when he saw this just really completed this scene for me. I won't rant about KT?LMH's performance today, because many already have, however these past 2 episodes he has really been hitting home runs scene after scene after scene after scene. I hope he gets some good rest after the drama has wrapped, because the sheer amount of screen time that he has had, must be hard on him.
My favorite scenes:
1. Tan taking down the dream catcher, so symbolic, as he has decided to stop dreaming what seems to be the unattainable dream.
2. ES waving good bye to Tan on the CCTV and Tan reacting.
3. The flashback scene where ES was hanging her clothing, and remembering what happened with Tan when she wore each piece of clothing.
4 The breakup scene. For some reason it made my heart break into pieces to hear Tan apologize again and again, and when he asked her if it had been troublesome for her, and she said "yes", and he said "I see", I don't know that just really cut me up on the inside, more so than seeing ES breakdown. Also hearing Tan promise to return everything to it's place, IDK  too many feels. This might be my favorite scene of the episode.
5. When Tan came home from being in the rain and told his father that his heart hurt, and for him to leave ES alone, because he will never see her again. Then when he went to his room and trashed it, and cried in his sleep. I just lost it.
6. My favorite scene for YD was actually the final scene. When he tried to wake KT up out of his slumber, and realized just how broken KT was. I think in this moment he realized that he did not love ES as much as Tan did. In that moment I think he realized that he didn't deserve the girl, because he didn't love her as much as his friend.

I also want to add that I thought PSH looked absolutely beautiful this episode. Prettiest she has looked the whole series.

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OMG!! Time Jump??  Can we expect a bed scene then?  :\">, i mean, there is one in city hall and there is one in secret garden, so i hope at least one in Heirs alsoRed carpet?..omo..eunsang become an actress maybe? horror movie actress?Can't wait for the hot bed scene ep. 18 tonight !!  :D:D

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The guy is broken and lifeless, the only person the matters to him is also gone.

Him saying "you can have her" kills him more than anyone else because he has to let go of her so she can have her life back and in return it will be his downfall not being with her. He loves her more than his life that YD was able to realized that he has to let go of his feeling for ES. He knows they belong together.

We can't blame anyone but his Dad for what happened to them.

I feel like the one who can save him from self destruction is ES. I'm so looking forward to the last episodes and lets enjoy it.

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