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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Just watched episode 12 again to see if I have any missing details.. 
Wow.. ep 12 is really awesome.. finally Kim Tan decided to rebel on his father's dictatorism by revealing his birth mother in front of Madame Lee and Rachel. That's like the first (and could be the only) biggest life changing decision for a 18 years old Kim Tan. After struggling to accept the fate that he's born from a concubine's womb to a strictly aristocrate Chaebol family, being locked outside a brotherhood world by his half brother, living under his father's iron clad family rules, stoic and reserved feet, and on the top of that.. losing a brother-like good friend in the most terrible way... Kim Tan is bravely breaking his inner Great Wall and free him self from the suffocation that has been torchering him for the last 18 years... 
Now I hope that he realizes the consequence of his act... his mother would probably still living in Kim senior's palace but he surely will treat her coldly...(OMG that old man is creepy)Kim Tan is 18 years old and if his father kick him out of the family.. he'll effed up badly. I hope Kim senior forgive him....
For Young Do (or should we start call him "Uri Do Do?" hehehehe.... He's such a gentle giant. I mean... he's THE Choi Young Do right? well... we're all know who, what and how he is.. so I won't type again here..But there he was.. kneeling, hopelessly, surrenderring and desperately want to be by Eun sang's side. The girl has chaptured his cold and lonely heart.
This guy... he will still falling in love with ES even though it wasn't Kim Tan who become his love rival. His attraction to Eun Sang is somewhat organic. Built slowly step by step.. the beauty of this naturally gorgeous, sensual aura (thick long hair, red full lips, big brown eyes with lush eye lashes, volluptuous body) girl has lead YD to his curiosity over her.. and... curiosity is friggin' addicting if you're able to put the puzzle one by one or find the answer for your every question regarding theobject of interest..But since KT is involved.. this is my opinion..
Eun Sang is a new different world for YD and this is something that YD never ever predicted or thought that will happen in his life.. I think, YD is in his greatest agony now.. because of ES.That girl has bringing his London Bridge down and I bet he won't be taking any step back when it comes to winning her over Kim Tan.. Choi Young Do need Eun Sang to continue living sanely.
Dongsaengs......It's gonna be a fight of two giants.. it will be an awesome war and I can't wait to indulge my K drama soul with it...... exciting!!!!!
:D :-bd

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tiamama said: Speaking about Tanny gonna work hard and being successful, I think he will become a great writer in the future (remember first episode, he was thinking and WRITING) and Eun Sang will be famous as a movie director. They can work hand in hand as a great team in the future. :D

BTW, Chingu-ya, this picture...

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We all knew it was going to happen, the meddling Chaebol father. (He just screams dirty old man to me.)


Things I find funny and interesting:

1. Daddy Kim thinks that his high handed tactics that he used with Won are really going to work on Tan.  (Tan has already shown him that he is not like Won, he does not care about the company and he does not care to continue to see his mother in that situation.) It would have been better to allow them to live apart from daddy but to keep KA in line they brought her into the house.

2. Daddy Kim is hard headed, you created this situation with you selfishness of having your cake and eat it too. He really thinks that he is not at fault. Sad. Someone mentioned they believe he did not divorce JS because he did not want to due to possibly losing money/stocks etc . I believe you are correct (this is where Won got that crap from business over personal) I think it is also about losing face too how would it look to find out he has a son out of wedlock. Not to mention JS family, she looks like she came from that crowd. It looks like he just did not want to marry  KA and had no intention of doing so. (I hope this is later proven wrong and we see some level of emotion for her from him.) Perhaps her leaving that house with Tan will wake him up.

3.Daddy Kim automatically thinks (from the preview) that Cha Eun Sang has something to do with this  (indirectly yes, directly no.) and she had no clue about this since she is no longer living in the house and her mom is about to leave too.  One of the sure fire ways to make his son mad is to mess with ES. I think he will see how strong willed his second son is. I am thinking that the old KT will come back but not to fight YD but to take on Dad. He thinks KT is stupid. But all he is , is lazy, he is a smart kid just never had the motivation before to fight for what he wanted. He now does.  His Mom, ES and his self respect. Trying to send ES abroad? I cannot wait to see how this plays out. I can see by Secretary Yoon's face he is not pleased. I know he has been concerned for ES. I wonder how he will lend a hand in this issue. I see him trying to do something to help ES and KT. (in return maybe helping his self since he went through the same thing with Esther.) I think he would have been a great dad to Rachel (look at CY, the most well adjusted kid on the show besides Bo Na)

4.I was looking at YD 's expression when talking to KT and he did not look mad. I am glad of that. LOL @ KT saying they are lover's (boy you wish it was true... perv) he cannot resist trying to re stake his claim to YD.  (sheesh these two... ) I think although YD hates it when ES and KT are together he also gets that KT can be possessive (LMAO , like YD would not be the same way . Wait!! he was lol during the golf scene)

5. I do not know what to say about the possibility of ES going abroad on one hand I think it would be a great opportunity her (and daddy will find out that ES is not like HJ I think) on another I do not want her to leave her mom KT, YD, CY or Bo Na. If they could go to that would be great, but I know Daddy would veto KT lol, he is trying to get her away from KT. lmao. We know if he threatens her mom or perhaps pays the debt she would go. I think even threatening KT would do it. Will it happen? Who knows if the production team will have enough money for this (to fully send her and show her there like they did with KT and ES in the US.)  It could be it is done on a sound stage and the rest is just someone going to the country and shooting video to bring back. Daddy Kim is a nasty piece of work.

I want to see more interaction now that Rachel knows, I liked the scene in the beginning of her asking YD what he is going to do. I loved his responses.  Rachel dear don't you think that YD would have done something about this a long time ago? I wonder if she realizes he has known for 3 years or just thinks he found out when he came to KT's house.  I also need my YD and ES scenes as well. I want ES KT and YD scenes to.  What now that YD is aware that KT has just opened a can of worms at home. YD can not say that KT is not consistent he told him he was about to have a bigger fight.

Now Tan has to step up and be a man for himself, his mom and ES. Dad is not going to let this go and will do anything and everything to bring him to obey him.  As much as I wished Tan had waited to make his move I think the dad just pushed his hand. This force marriage and the treatment and atmosphere in that house just made him move up his time line. Then ES being made to leave , the one person in the house that made him coming home bearable they got rid of.  Time to roll up the sleeves and wade in. I can see him opening a can of kick a** soon.  Will we see his friends step in to help, protect or contribute to his downfall?

Counting the days until the next two episodes


Thanks to those that posted the preview and to those that gave us the translation.

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Gomapta, Chingu-ya, gracias  >:D<
Episode 4 was the one that Tanny hasn't met Eun-Sang at his home right? So that pic was a BTS still, waaah, my imagination was just going wild watching EunSang standing near Tanny there, because she looks like a caring wife preparing dinner for her husband :D

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I am really hoping that they do not send ES abroad and that her mom really leaves Kim's house I am hoping that somehow ES and her mom can be ok... But I am also hoping that she is not easily threatened by Kim Daddy or easily persuaded if they pay her debts.... I am hoping that somehow YD HS and even Bona would help on this not sure how but it would be nice to have a different take on the story instead of lets send heroine abroad threaten KT and she bends to Daddy's will and pushes KT away I hope not  [-X also I am hoping that KT can stand up for himself I hope his mom would help on this.. hope she saved some money all those 18 years of being in that mansion I really hope she did ... I am hoping Esther can be the one to reject Daddy Kim and say something that will bring Daddy Kim down a peg or two.... I am thinking there will be a time jump but I am hoping it would be a real fast one like the one when ES was back in Korea and KT was in America like a 5 min jump it seemed that they were apart days almost till the end of summer so had to be more than days but it seemed fast... I hope Yoon daddy will help ES maybe turn against Kim Daddy and give those shares to ES making her one of the major holders? something different please writernim... as long as the end I can see KT and ES major lip lock and have at least one baby tanny and some major skinship please truly want to see something really nice not just pecks at end or open ending no please not that make it different and epic!   [-O< ^:)^

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Episode 12 - the tear jerker (everybody is sad and 'Crying again' + stop with the sad piano music, you're making me cry as well *sob*)    :o3

I think part of the casting requirement for Heirs  was 'Can I cry convincingly' or if I believe the 'King of Dramas' they simply offered the roles to actors who are good at it. Lee Min Ho. Check. Park Shin Hye. Check. Kim Sung Ryung. Double Check. OMG that poor woman was crying so hard, I felt so bad for her. Not to forget Kim Ji Won and Im Joo Eun as well. And they were all awesome. This is not a coincidence. It's on purpose. Not to forget Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Hyuk who can break my heart when they cry as well (previous dramas), I hope writer-nim gives them a crying scene too!
First, I really like the intersection scene but after the second or third re-watch, I find myself grinning like an idiot because those three are standing in the middle of the street and the light turns red. Our love triangle is lucky that this is a drama or they would all be dead. lol The longer the scene goes on, the more worried I become that a car will show up...and then I remember they still have to film 8 episodes, so no dying allowed. lol Although I found the scene itself a bit cheesy, the actors did a wonderful job to portray the dialogue and the emotions. I'm also thankful that director-nim didn't do a 3-times repetetion to enhance the importance of ES letting go of Tan's hand. Kamsamnida! I dislike this technique in kdramas in general. It's a sad scene but actually I feel the worst for YD, the poor boy stands there while ES and Tan are talking. At least, YD shares a little scene with ES later. For a guy who has to comfort a crying girl for the first time, he isn't doing too bad of a job. At least, he tries to distract her. Too bad even crying ES knows to say the right thing, as Tan mentioned previously and her comment about him being in 98th place of the test was hilarious. It always cracks me up, no matter how I often I watch the scene. You just got burned YD!! lol The look on his face is priceless.   :))
I love the new song they're playing when ES leaves YD, 'Smile brightly' or something. It hasn't been released yet right? Sad Kim Tan, his memories of holding ES' hand and that song are a touching combination. Thank God just when you feel sad for the OTP, our happy couple shows up to save the day. CY and BN. The moment they're on screen, I can't help it but smile. They are too adorable. Maybe they serve as a mirror of ES and Tan's future, after they got all the obstacles out of the way, they will behave like a love-sick couple and go on double dates with CY and BN. I know it's wishful thinking but it would be nice. I like the fact that Tan's mom is more worried about Tan's father finding out and sending him back to the US than talking bad about ES to convince Tan of stopping her relationship. I also think that he already plans to confess when asking his mother if she likes her current life. 
At first, I didn't think much of why Tan is jogging to meet HS and test out if he gets nervous confessing his illegitimate status to his friend but then you see him preparing himself for the confession during the entire episode. So I guess he's also running to mentally prepare himself and reduce his nervousness. 
The scene between Won, his father and HJ was heartbreaking but it also showed that Won has more urgent issues than Tan threatening his position. Tan loves his brother, even if the company choose him, Tan would simply refuse or work together with his brother. Although both Tan and Won have a woman they like, Tan was able to find courage through being in love, Won wasn't. Following the conversation, Won and HJ must have been in a relationship for a while but it always has been company first for him, otherwise why wasn't he able to confess to her for so long? Makes me think about secretary Yoon's words? I believe since the beginning he has been this way without giving any thought to exactly when that later will be and how long HJ will wait for him. I understand his father, he's obviously not happy with Won's choice but it should have been Won trying to convince him. He focused too much on the threat that he could loose the company if he displeases his father. He hasn't received any thanks for his behavior since his dad believes he's only in his position due to his sickness. I obviously prefer secretary Yoon as an example of a good father but the real problem is that Won is handling his relationship with his father who is a very controlling old businessman used to getting what he wants in the wrong way. Obedience is expected of him, nothing he will get praised for. I can't stop thinking that a little rebellion on Won's side would have maybe temporarily cost him his seat in the company but I also got the feeling that his father really wants to see one of his sons as his successor rather than a stranger and he would have asked Won back.
A real suprise was that HJ and Won were talking about Tan. After watching how cold he treated his little brother, I didn't think he would have mentioned him to anyone, let alone his girlfriend and describe him in such a nice way. Now I really want to see Tan and Won's relationship improve.I think Tan's mother will be really lonely if ES' mom leaves at the end of the month. After all, even when Tan's mother yells at her, she seems to see it more as venting her anger at the only person she can. Not once did I see ES' mother looking scared or sad because of Tan's mom. I always thought that she looked at her with pity when she was complaining about the wrong wine or something.
YD's confession to ES was beautiful. If he continues to prove himself, I'm sure ES will start to trust him. YD and Tan quarreling is always a treat. Their confrontations are really intense. Although YD was only making an empty threat to reveal ES' real identity, he only requested of Tan to stop protecting ES and promised to keep their secret in return, I loved the way it made Tan's voice shake when he again asked YD if they looked good together but this time without any confidence. It was even better that YD noticed it right away. LMH did a great job with delivering his threat of going back to his old self to destroy YD but I think we really need a flashback or at least see a victim of Tan's bullying past to believe that he was worse than YD. I still have trouble with it. The reveal that YD was actually blaming Tan for missing out on the last meal with his mother was unexpected but fit so well with YD's character. After confessing to ES that he knows every food in a tiny convenience store because anywhere else it would look awkward to eat alone, you can't just help it and want YD to have a better life with a caring family. I wonder if YD's behavior towards Kim Tan will change a little bit now. After Tan's confession that he was angry and only punished him for 5 minutes and that it was really YD wanting to win over him that cost him his chance, YD looked like he admited that truth to himself. I also kept thinking that since YD mentioned to MS that he lost a mother and a friend at the ddeokbokki place, you have to wonder how often YD went to eat with his friend Tan before. This bromance is making me sad, just hug OK? *sob*
I love that they keep mentioning ES and her love for horror movies. The girl even watches splattter, I'm impressed but how should I imagine a horror film filmed with hopes and dream? Zombies eating brains and dreaming about a better life where you only need to buy brains in the supermarket and don't have to hunt the annoying humans yourself. lol
The whole Kim family is making me sad. The official wife hides Tan's mother in the house and refuses to divorce her unfaithful husband for 18 years without thinking that humiliating the mistress is not a real compensation for her own happiness. If she had chosen divorce, she could have made her husband pay, maybe even make him go bankrupt, and who knows be happy and re-married by now. That's why I don't like revenge stories that much, the characters always forget that they're destroying their own life as well when focusing on how to make another person pay for the injustice they suffered. I don't like to see the mistress and the wife fight when the real jerk is the husband who gets to live a good life without getting revealed for being a coward. Tan suffers because he can't call his real mom mother when others are present, Tan's mother suffers because she lives in hiding and humiliation and the wife suffers because her pride and trust is hurt. The only one who doesn't suffer his Tan's father. He can comfortably seat in his chair and eat with Rachel's mother and sleep in the master bedroom with his mistress. I really want to see him suffer in the upcoming episodes.
Kim Tan seeking out ES before the family dinner is bitter-sweet. I simply love seeing the OTP together. Tan doesn't just go to ES to warn her about coming home even if his mother calls her but also to gather strength for what he's about to do. He's trying to be like always, scolding her for leaving him behind on that dangerous dangerous road without even calling once. lol But there is something in his face that worries ES, so I think the two little kisses are appropriate since Tan seems to try to be playful without revealing anything and get courage from ES at the same time. If he kisses her like there is no tomorrow, it would be very clear to ES that something is up. I don't think she would have let him go without explaining himself. There were a lot of great scenes in this episode but the dinner confession delivered in all points. Seeing Kim Tan's mother cry so heartbreaking, Tan's honest apology to Rachel in advance, I just love the way LMH said that one word 'sorry', and Tan drying his mother's wet face while giving her that look were amazing. The throwing water in the face thing was a bit over-the-top for my taste but I didn't mind because of the sweet mother-son scene which showed the love between them. It was also a dramatic set up for Tan to take his mother's hand and drag her in front of the other guests. The poor woman looked miserable. I don't think after seeing Esther's shocked face that she will allow Rachel to continue the engagement. I wonder if Rachel will keep quiet about Tan's secret or out him to the entire school for making a fool out of her. You could see that it wasn't easy for Tan to reveal his secret because he knew that he would hurt everyone with it. I loved that he referred to Rachel as his old friend and not his fiance. Tan's mother trying to take responsibility for Tan's action and trying to shield him from his father's anger was heartbreaking. Even better was that Tan didn't let her and reminded his father that he could throw him out for his decision but shouldn't punish her. The slap was shockingly realistic. Previously, I felt really uncomfortable watching YD's father hitting his son and hated it but the sound and the way Tan's face shook was so realistic that I was just in shock the first time I watched it. It made it even scarier that Tan's father didn't say anything besides those three insulting words (stupid, pathetic, idiot). I could be wrong but I thought besides all the anger I also saw something like hurt or sadness in his father's eyes. I think he really wanted Tan to have the same rights as Won, unfortunately he didn't come up with a better solution than the charade the Kim family has been playing for 18 years. Tan's devasting and drained look after his father left was perfect. No wonder he went to seek out ES after it, the confession took a lot of energy and courage and seeing his mother cry this much in his room made him feel worse. But I love the fact that although it was hurtful for everyone involved, he didn't think it was wrong. He apologizes to his mother only for thinking differently and refuses to beg for forgiveness to his father now, only acknowledging that there could be a time when he will regret it but has confidence that it won't happen. If it had ended with Tan comforting his crying mom, it would still have been a great episode but having Tan go to ES and have them crying in silence plus playing the sad piano instrumental was an epic way to end things. I especially love the way it switches from ES to Tan and from music mixed with traffic noises to only the sound of the piano. At first, I thought it would have been even better if there were more close-ups but then I noticed that the director actually closes in on their faces a little bit. It starts with shots that are a bit farther away and with every switch, we get closer ending it with a a still frame of ES and YD faces. I can't help but get emotional about it, I just love everything but this scene. Or if I'm wrong I think I just watched this episode too often and see things moving now. lol
(Visually I really liked the way they shot this scene, the moving camera followed by close-ups, with the two people that Won loves the most - HJ and Tan.)

Gosh, I love this episode so much that I'm actually afraid of episode 13 and at the same time can't wait to watch it!   :-SS

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