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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Omg I leave and all KT/ES and YD/ES shippers talking about sinking ships and lawssuits lol I thought this was battleship and not heirs thread.lol

I want to put my two cents in @marie67 I understand your reasons for being and YD/ES shipper which is perfectly fine but your post about KT slap and many of us being surprised more than for YD being abused up and down by his dad and singling out LMH fans was really uncalled for. I for one did voice my disgust everytime YD was hit,no child deserves to be treated that way. But when KT dad slapped him we didn't see it coming and it felt so real,which in fact it was. Given that we are at episode 12 we know that everytime YD does something that angers his father and we are 100% sure he will get physically hurt and we can expect it from here on out

unless his dad changes.KT dad has been more vocal when angered and come on he can't without any support so him getting physical seemed unlikely. Also the story is about KT and not YD.The central story is about KT its fine to ship and love other characters but don't get upset when others cheer on the male lead and well at times can disregard other characters,which is not true.


Love at first sight is in fact very real and very common in teenagers,honestly it isn't love its lust at first sight,illusion infatuation.Reason why I think its rare that people end up with their first love.Love has no explanation it just happens

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Rewatching ep 12 again (provoked by @briseis posted pictures ;;)) and found this part where YD was searching through sns  cha eun sang, i think surprised there were a lot listed...he  clicked the first one but the photo profile is not ES then gave up, lol....what he didnt know is that the horror-movie-fan ES uses the "hellosidney13" as pseudonyme and apart from CH & Bonna, KT knows it too.

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Question: Did YD do what I think he did on the golf course. He threaten Tan to step away from ES with the fact she is the maids daughter so he could have a chance right? Basically saying if you protect her I will reveal the truth but if you don't I will protect your secret and hers while I have a chance with her. 
Tell me if I am wrong and interpreted that incorrectly.
Still no written preview..  :((

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minggay68 said: Rewatching ep 12 again (provoked by @briseis posted pictures ;;)) and found this part where YD was searching through sns  cha eun sang, i think surprised there were a lot listed...he  clicked the first one but the photo profile is not ES then gave up, lol....what he didnt know is that the horror-movie-fan ES uses the "hellosidney13" as pseudonyme and apart from CH & Bonna, KT knows it too.

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jielun_aini said: I can't get out Yongiee on my mind I miss him every day I really don't know why? I know Tanni is so charming, smart and handsom but Ottoke I need Yongiee on the scene more and please PD nim I really want some romantic scene between YD&ES more because when he stay with ES he's so really cute pleaseeeeeeee Yongiee team neeed that's scene ...5-10 min has not enough :P

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Guest Enonane1 .

I leave the forum for 5-6 hours and there are pages and pages to catch up on! And more spam points against me....I am clueless evidently....
Re-watched starting with 1st episode....watching the episodes back to back gives one a better feel of how wonderful this story is so far....there are so many hidden meanings behind everything....I find it hard to even think of our characters as actors b/c they are so believable! 
On a broken record for me......I still am afraid YD will end up on the rebound with Rachel....can't Rachel and KW be a pairing and HS and his tutor/teacher be a pairing....how wonderful that would be imo....
I agree with so many of my fellow YD fans, the writer should let YD and ES get closer as friends and at least let ES have some feelings for YD for however short a time it would be.....And YD can be there for her when Tan and Eun Sang break up...the writer is so good at making us believe the scenes we are watching that she could write some really believable and touching scenes between YD and ES that will allow YD to experience real feelings back from ES and then be able to put everything in perspective and end up deciding to be a true friend to ES and thru that a true friend to KT....
I'm afraid to mention my infatuation with YD b/c I might make the spam god hate me again......(but the infatuation is still alive and kicking)

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I never thought about this at all til now. Why does ES have a fascination with horror movies. I guess cuz like she said she wanted to fill it hopes and dreams .ES does have dreams but I think that first she wants to secure stability for her mom first .Another reason why I think ES may not follow her dream to be with KT is cuz she is afraid he will regret it later and hurt her,or just because she does not want to see him suffer but because she in fact wants to achieve her dreams without the need of others ,meaning that no one gets hurt.Soon she will realize that no matter how independent people try to be they need people for all sorts of support at one point or another. Now KT needs her and she will need him too and not necesarily for financial support but the most important support which is love.

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Guest mystisith

eva23 said:PD-nim and writer-nim.. jaebal...  be more fair here.. why.. uri Young Do has less on screen.. Youngieaa.. want to see your action more in this drama.. (and I just keep replying your scene even its just 5 minute and less.. My Goshh my poor heart :( )

Kim Woo Bin you should ask writer-nim who brought you in this drama to have your on screen more available.. I demand that..
:)>- :)>-

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said: Rewatching ep 12 again (provoked by @briseis posted pictures ;


) and found this part where YD was searching through sns  cha eun sang, i think surprised there were a lot listed...he  clicked the first one but the photo profile is not ES then gave up, lol....what he didnt know is that the horror-movie-fan ES uses the "hellosidney13" as pseudonyme and apart from CH

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I want to know what KW is going to say and do when he finds out what Tan has done. (I am sure either JS, dad or someone from the board will say something since Esther holds stocks.) I hope it sinks in that Tan was serious about not wanting to take anything from him. If he would go to that extremes KW should listen. I keep hoping that Tan could stay with him but I do not know if we will see that closeness yet.) We know that Tan did not reveal this secret because of ES, but because it was time to take away the power of people using it against him and the pain of having to hide who he really is and for his mom to wake up (18 years and you are still not on the registry and are being treated like crap.) ES is just a catalyst I think. I am thinking that KW will see the Parallels between ES and HJ. (I wonder if he wishes he had as much courage as Tan for someone he cares for?) Tan may not because he really doesn't know about his brother and HJ but I think he suspects that she may have been his girlfriend or someone really close to him. (perhaps if he saw the article on her he would then see the parallels) I can not wait to see Tan's face when she shows up as a teacher at school. 
More ES and YD scenes please... no I am not shipping them.. just want to see these two together and relaxed. 

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Guest prosperity

My wish for Young Do isn't more scenes with ES. I want them to build YD his own arc. It would be nice if KT or someone (I wouldn't even mind if it is ES), would give him a redo of the day he missed seeing his mom. I am way more interested in that side of his story than him and ES. I want them to be friends though. However I want YD to deal with his abandonment issues from the source. I would love to hear from his mother's point of view what happened those years ago, because as of now we only know what the young YD remembers, and what he has been told by his father. But what about his mother's side of the story. That is what I am more curious about when it comes to YD. IDK, his obsession and one sided love of ES doesn't do it for me. I want real angst and growth for YD.
I also want a true story for ES these next couple of episodes. I am tired of seeing her being pulled between the 2 guys. I want to learn more about her struggles, and how she will chose to deal with her love for KT. The steps she makes to be there for him, the steps she makes to be there for her mom. Also the steps she makes to evolve into a "swan". Because right now, I don't even think she thinks she is worthy of being with someone like KT. I want to see that inner battle where she decides that she is worthy, and that she can shoot for more than just a $2000 a month office job. I want to see that moment where she goes from being dragged along this journey, to where she takes charge of her journey.
I don't get people discussing who has it worse or which one of the guys are stronger. Because at the end of the day, they are all dealing with their own family issues, in different ways. I want to see them all come out of it for the better. I want character development for all.

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I don't know if I should continue re-watching episode 12, definitely my favorite and most-watched episode so far,re-watch all the episodes from the beginning or listen to the new OST again and again. I love 'I will see you' so much!!! And the songs of Big Baby Driver are just daebak! And all the awesome instrumental versions of 'Love is..', 'Moment' and 'I'm saying'....   :x :x :x
Episode 11 - the happy one ( there are tears but we still got 'Love is the moment')We continue with YD hugging ES and Kim Tan arriving just in time to see it. One of the reasons why I like Heirs more than the average kdrama rom-com, Tan doesn't make a fuzz and screams at YD for hugging his girl. No, he just calmly walks over and sees ES breaking free. Of course, YD and Tan can't resist to bicker about ES. I didn't expect anything different from our ex-BFF but I seriously love ES's annoyed reaction when she tells them both to stop. And poor YD, telling Tan to convey his feelings to ES because she will believe Tan. I love my OTP but I can't resist YD when he shows his vulnerable side. Just become best friends with Tan and ES OK?
I really don't know what the writer got planned for HS and Rachel, they continue to have funny and entertaining little scenes but I still believe that Rachel and YD will end up together at the end. The joke about Tan being in the trunk was hilarious. 
I noticed some posts about the engagement and the importance of breaking it off. If you listen to Tan's and Rachel's conversation in the hotel room, you clearly see that Rachel actually suffers from the same problem that she mentions to Tan, "Your feelings are not important". Of course, she means his feelings for ES but on the other hand her feelings, even it's maybe more possessive than affectionate, don't matter to Tan because he doesn't reciprocate them. Rachel always mentions that their engagement is important because it's a business deal, at the same time she gets hurt because Tan doesn't treat her like a real fiancee. I believe she desperately wants to be loved and have a loving relationship after her parents divorce. I just felt so sad for her when she mentions her father being there. For whatever reason, this engagement is important to her and she won't allow Tan to end it by asking nicely, that was clear when she storms out after Tan tells her he wants to talk about it. So he can only break  it by force (episode 12).
I really like YD's changed behavior. Now that he knows that he likes ES, their scenes as a couple or friends or whatever you want to call them are getting really enjoyable. He has a crush on ES, yet bravely acknowledges the fact that he can't even have a real conversation with her due to his own fault and even asks her if she really likes Tan. I believe they will become good friends over the remaining episodes. He will continue to prove that he won't bully her anymore and ES will some day believe him. Please don't rush ES in opening her heart, YD was a real jerk before so it wouldn't make sense if she gives in after  a couple of looks at his sad puppy eyes. ES and YD need time to build up trust. 
After seeing how ES started to miss Tan and even acknowledging the fact to Rachel after she got hit. I loved that she was brave enough to grab her chance when Tan appeared again. Of course, Tan doesn't stay mad at her for long, he always forgets his pride and seeks ES out first, even if it's only to ask her why she called him. Silly boy. lol. Seeing Tan confused because ES wanted to stay with him and even tells him that she missed him was funny and sweet at the same time. I loved the way ES looked when she leaned against him 'with her heart'. There are still so many episodes left, it doesn't really matter to me if the kissing hasn't been mind-blowing or never will be as long as they continue to have such great couples scenes as the one at the bonfire. Actually I can't decide if I like the bonfire or their walking scene more. When ES tells him that he isn't the cause but the relief to her misery, I seriously swooned at the screen. You could clearly see Kim Tan falling for ES all over again after that unexpected confession. The beauty of KES writing is that neither ES or Tan are wrong when she says that he seems close but is far away from her and he asks her how much closer he has to get for her to believe him and try to make the first step towards him. You will never know how far a distance will be if you don't give it a try. But there is also no denying the fact that the road towards Kim Tan would be long and difficult. They could make it but only if they do it together and actually try going towards each other. I admit I'm not the director's biggest fan but the wide shot of Tan and ES holding hands with the trees was perfect.
I continue to love every time writer-nim decides to let BN appear that girl is so funny and adorable. ES and YD's water scene was fun too, seeing Tan kicking YD into the water was hilarious and YD's wet look is definitely very sexy. ;D
My second favorite scene of the episode was definitely when HS confronted his mother about not wanting to know why he tried to commit suicide with tears in his eyes. I don't think the big rebellion that HS has planned will be another suicide attempt but rather choosing a college, maybe something entertainment related since he's in the broadcast club, which his parents do not approve of or something different that will ruin the successful future they got planned for him.  
ES' and Tan's mothers continue to be a highlight of every episode. I love them together. They would make great in-laws and I want to see them planning ES and Tan's wedding simply because I bet it would be hilarious. lol  I really liked the scene where Tan tried to solve some misunderstandings between ES and him and ended up destroying the mood by getting jealous about YD. I love it when a couple can joke around. 
The break-up scene was beautifully played by LMH, PSH, KSR and KMK and didn't disappoint because it was only a question of time before ES and her mother had to move out of Tan's house. There can be no progress if she is stuck in that tiny room and as suspected moving out and quitting is not such a big deal as ES thought. ES' mom is definitely up for most awesome kdrama mother of the year. I found the scene when ES'mom is comforting her daughter so touching as well as ES' confession that she was sorry because her liking Tan causes problems for her mother. I loved Es's mom reminding everyone that Tan is always asking after her daughter, too bad that neither Tan or his mother can understand sign language. I don't think it would have helped a lot if Tan had made up a lie, I remember when he told his mother that he fell over a ball when his face was all beat up. I really doubt that his mother would have believed him, so I think saying the truth was the best option for him. I also understand Tan's mother. Tan wanting to be together with someone like ES destroys her dreams of seeing Tan taking Won's place in the company. Her one reason that made it more bearable to suffer all the little jabs and humiliations from the official wife. 
The intersection cliffhanger, seriously this show is just....every time it gets more DIFFICULT to wait for the next episode. Is this a cruel plan of SBS to rise their ratings? I know it's good for the drama but I don't like it at all. I got a question does this three-way wrist grab happen often in kdramas? I was really surprised that after Tan took ES' hand, YD chose to go for Tan's arm. 
( I really like this shot of ES, the light is gorgeous and makes it look like a dream) Director-nim fighting!!
I can't believe I just wrote all this ONLY about episode 11, episode 12 is gonna kill me!!!!  @-)

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