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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest Enonane1 .

my ramblings and apologies.......I originally asked the question if anyone else had seen the comment made by someone that CY turns his back on ES....I have hunted for the comment I saw originally and can't find it anywhere..I don't know where to even begin to find it....It was a random comment by someone that supposedly read it on one of recap threads.....I apologize for even stating it.....I don't think CY will turn his back on ES and wasn't saying I knew this was the case. Yes CY and BoNa are cute and their line needs to be developed a little more. I believe CY (and maybe BoNa thru CY) will be a strength for ES that will get her thru some very terrifying experiences revolving around YD/KT/Rachel. She probably wouldn't survive without him.
I don't think YD is as awful as some think he is. He has been raised to be in control and his father's idea of control is by force. So he does what he knows. Tan set the bully system up and YD continued it after Tan was exiled.  I do not see a romantic/sexual type chemistry between YD and Rachel. The chemistry seems to be one of dislike and the intensity of resentment. They have no choice but to be thrown together because of the looming marriage of their parents. Doesn't mean the marriage will actually happen. Course YD/Rachel's relationship can change as the story develops but both need to change for the better before they become a couple. They would be hard to like as they are now and would be a horrible force to turn loose on the employees of their companies or anyone "beneath" them socially (ahem)  YD has the capacity to change. YD does show interest in ES before KT comes along and seemed to be quite upset that KT already knew ES especially since he felt she was somewhat special and he "discovered" her. If KT could change so can YD. ES may not be showing any "like" toward YD but she certainly is aware of him and that he is a force to be reckoned with.....like can grow from awareness if YD plays his cards right....won't happen b/c of his all consuming anger toward KT.And I do ship YD and ES but not as the ending OTP. I just want them to connect on some level. I agree with the comments that by the time YD figures out how he feels toward ES it will be too late for any type of romantic relationship for them. But YD is just so.....something. Gets under one's skin....sigh......But in the end I am a KT/ES shipper. And why do people think there is no chemistry between KT/ES? She is fighting it but she is definitely feeling it. There is definitely yearning and want to know more in her eyes when she stares back at him. How she manages to do that without blinking is beyond me! I would not want to be in her shoes and trying to convince myself I don't feel anything toward him just because society says we can't.This is such a thought provoking drama. So many ways to think, feel and wonder about the characters. 

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  Jeguk High School’s caste system.

First group, the business-heir group. Put it simply, Chaebol son, Chaebol daughter.

Second class, the stock-heir group. They’re not going to inherit the family business, but they’re already major shareholders.

Third class, the honorable-heir group. Ministers, politicians, supreme court justices, and law firm owners. Children from these types of families.

And the fourth class, the social-welfare group, for you people like you and me. It’s the name for people on welfare scholarships. You know of the caste system? Son of a secretary, here, I’m a “shudra.” I’m at the lowest of the pyramid.

CR: the-inheritors.tumblr.com
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Guest prosperity

Did any one see a spoiler as to why Tan and Young Do got into a fight? I saw it on twitter with credit to Heirs Baidu. So don't kill me if this is not what happens  :)) , I am just sharing this info with everyone, I am not the originator of the information. Don't click the link if you don't want to be spoiled


Spoiler: Kim Tan wants to go school with Eun Sang, early morning already waiting for her outside the house, however Young Do snatches Eun Sang's bag to confirm the things inside (not sure what he wants to confirm). This makes Kim Tan very angry and looks for Young Do...so this is how they get into a fight.

탄은 은상과함께등교하기위해 새벽부터문앞에서기다린다 영도는 은상의가방을 빼앗아 안의 내용물을 확인하고이에화가난탄은영도를 찾아나선다

Credit source: Heirs Baidu

I got the info from @leeminho_heirs 

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So from the character story we find out that indeed Young Do&Tan were best friends and Tan told him his true identity,that he is the son of a mistress and YD took that truth as a betrayer because he didn't tell him till them and turn his back on him...Mmm,hope it's more to it than that because i find it kinda light..I might understand YD to be a little mad because he didn't trusted him maybe a lot of years with that but not strong enough to make him his enemy and breake a friendship...speeks kinda bad about YD sence of friendship if he turns around for such a thing especially in the case that Tan had the courage to reveal something like that without the permision of his family...(we know that in their world is a big deal)...And yeah,please no more pink lipstick on the poor guy:-t

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Guest prosperity

Wait... So we get a kiss? But why I don't like the kiss though? Hopefully the video is much better. They couldn't pick better pictures? Lordt

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Guest destinii23

But yes, I rather it not a forced kiss :/ Knowing our ES, she might just kick KT in the gut :oI see ES's phone in her hand being held back by KT though, so it certainly seems forced (for the first part at least).

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Guest goodjobbear

Hmm. I know what it looks like. But then again, it could be that she was feeling really emotionally drained (and about to cry) so Tan was trying to comfort her by leaning in- and then later she accepts (hence the pics on the top). 
I know what it looks like. And I do NOT condone forced kisses at all. But let's not judge until we actually see it. :) Personally I don't think it's in Tan's nature to FORCE a kiss. Remember how he was with his confessions? He always respected her. And I just don't think he'll suddenly morph into that kind of guy. 
Anyways, KISSES ALREADY?! Excuse me while I try to calm down. :-O

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Guest destinii23

According to google translate, it's a 'Hush Kiss'. Hmmm...I'm guessing KT is the one who called ES and then stopped her from answering the phone with a kiss. o.o?

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Guest sunset88

ohhh Kiss stills :) lol  I really like the picture with their foreheads touching. Looks intense and it does look like a forced one just by him grabbing her hands but I don't mind. Especially with a personality like ES's lol You just got to grab her and lay one on or else you'd never even be allowed a hand holding with this girl. lol Ahh first kiss for ES. :) I think it'll be special for her regardless of how and why he went for it. So excited, can't wait. 

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