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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Chingus Anneseyong !!!!

@Yoshikitty @sia3 @Maja @vangsweetie637 @adlyn13 @guadi @awesomeduck @lynlily @katymac @deyhra  @shenny @WutHmone @LuvMinHo  @azzurri @Anomalous @violetts @dr25 @kappy @mongray @Yuuni @farstrep @Gukja @pandaeve @Hanjae @jasy @filchiny @myphim  @mattie2012 @Krrypton @laquetahodge @Harukogirl @cassopeia @pooh77 @wisteria7 @jerboa83 @luena @hayuinblue @jjsweeter 0211 @foevergirl @LorenHaze@laquetahodge @Kappy..@ohohelli.@Everyone ..sorry if I missed ...but itz for ALL.....




Damn I expected this scene in "HEIRS"!!!! wae yo wae this scene didn't happen !!!!


>:) >:) >:) >:) >:)  BROMANCE THEN...








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Hi everyone,

I just finished watching ep6 today...

Think i should express my appreciations to those of you who had wrote the reviews and posted the pics... I really like them... Thanks...

I hate YD's character in this series! Such a bullying character coming from a chaebol that haven't even earn a single cent is shameful...

Sorry if there will be a love triangle between YD and Tan, i'll be the last person, who will be supporting YD...

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Guest jjsweeter0211

'everything you say is correct, but why do i feel like its unfair?  i dont know anything, i dont do anything, but,  what i am supposed to do when my existence seems to bother you?


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Wow this thread is moving fast. I have to back read several pages. It's interesting to read everyone's opinion and point of view.
I've back read some interesting things on why Daddy Kim would want to transfer ES. It may be possible that he is testing her. If she would survive and rise up to the challenge of being in KT's world. I would love for this theory to be true. In my xx years of watching dramas, especially K-daramas, most parents of a rich hero/heroine never does something nice out of charity/goodness. I think Daddy Kim is sly and he knows he is still very much in power. He pretty much showed it when he called everyone on a freaking Saturday just to show everyone he's still there. Honestly I don't understand a father like him. He's driving the brothers apart with his machinations. But I am hoping that being at his advanced age and with weak health, he's softened a bit and he is doing this weird way to make his sons come together. 
And why is it always heart breaking between KT and KW? A part of me understand why KW wants to protect what is his. But KT doesn't want anything but big bro's love. Judging from a picture when KT was young, it seemed like he and KW were okay. Both were smiling in the picture. I wonder if something hapened that made KW be like that to KT or did I miss something in KW's character description?
KW and KT's loveline seemed to mirror each other. Both like ordinary girls with no extraordinary background and right now I am partial to think that Daddy Kim may indirectly do something to break these women. But I'm crossing my fingers. Like what I've said, I'm hoping dad would have softened a bit and be a nice dad in the end. Though sometimes I wonder why KT is engaged and KW is not? Hmmm...
Anyway episode 6 was a little bit uncomfortable to watch mainly because I was afraid for ES. She's so out of her element. Some may be disappointed with her because she did not stand up against the bullies. But you know what, as the scene plays where YD and company were bullying this kid, I was praying that she stays put and not do something righteous. It's not because I don't feel any sympathy for the kid and if I can, I'd yank YD away from him as well as the others and I'll sit those bullies in the corner for a very very long time out. But in order to survive in the new school, ES should know self-preservation. Also if she stepped in and stopped those bullies, people would say, that's so Jandi-ish and the comparison with BOF lives on.
Don't you think it's a bit unfair to expect ES to be this rigtheous on her first few days in school? She's still feeling every thing. The environment, the people and even the heirarchy. Her reaction as the beating plays in front of her is, for me realistic. You can see the fear in her eyes and the part of her wanting to do something to stop the cruelty. 
One thing I'm afraid though is ES losing her spunk. She's going to be so afraid to be outed (not a nouveau riche) and with that fear, she may shrink back. But I'm getting way ahead of myself ain't I? She still got that fire in her in some scenes (when she told YD to, alright let's eat, you too, eat a lot) and I'm going to trust that the writer will develop her further into this realistic heroine with spunk and flaws.
Though I must say, I wanted to flaten YD's hair when he pulled ES down to sit back. That was rude of him. He just can't yank any woman for power play. I can see KT trying his best to keep cool. But dang, YD is an interesting character that I wouldn't want to exist in real life and enjoy watching in a drama. Sometimes when he speaks, I feel like he's always threatening or something. He's one scary character and I'm still trying to figure him out.
But between YD and KT, I think KT would be scarier. It's just that he is being passive at the moment. But once the tiger in him awakens, I'm afraid of what damage he could do. We got hints here and there about his bullying past and I would really like to see the him before. While YD is outright agressive, I wonder how KT did it? It's something I would want to see, but I'm sure it'll be an uncomfortable watch with all the bullying.
I know there's still a long way to go, but I would like to see ES express affection for KT. But that would be a bit of stretch isn't it? She knows he is engaged. But still for a change, I would like to see her show some affection to KT. We know that underneath her pride and wanting to be away from KT, she likes him. Maybe not yet at the same level of KT's. But slowly I think she's getting there.
It feels like so many things happened in episodes 5 and 6 and yet nothing happened, know what I mean? I love this drama. though I'm not blind to it's slow pace and not so good editing. I'm pretty much setlled that the pace may never pick up as I would want to so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.
And for those who continue to bash the actors and actresses, don't watch this drama if you'll only nitpick on everything the actors and actresses do. It'll save you from frustrations and time. 

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Guest park_shindae

before this drama aired, i was thinking why would there be a drama about rich kids? now i understand what the writer wants to convey. eun sang will be in the middle of mess in the coming episodes. i believe the drama would go to the story of kim tan's coming out of the shell. the crown he wants to wear won't be the empire group, but more probably the crown of the person he is. of course, time jump is a 90% chance at the end of this drama. i would love to see them back in cali.

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I hope people dont misunderstand my post...but I really think that the director is not doing any good for this drama...like for examplethe drama nice guy...even though the storyline is a bit all over the place...the good directing and cinematography really made the drama interesting...kes is a very good writer but I think the director do not give her script any justice...the editing is choppy and the scenes are very slow...I hope the director does not take the drama lightly and step up his game...I wish they used another director instead..if I violated any rules please inform me

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Guest destinii23

Top 10 Moments from The Heirs: Episode 5
Were your hearts fluttering in Episode 5 of The Heirs?

Click through if you want to experience all of that over again in our Top 10 Moments of The Heirs: Episode 5

Jeon Hyun Joo: I′ve grown up with sponsorships from your family. But I do my own thing and earn enough to eat and live. So-
Kim Won: Sponsor? Why can’t what I do for you just be a present?

We wish the wishbone will bring some happiness for this couple.


Oh Kim Tan, you romantic, you.

Kim Tan: Can you push over that girl who looks like she has strong kidneys?

We have strong kidneys.

Kim Tan: Kim Tan is SOOOOO handsome.

Oh, yes you are.


When Kim Tan tried to blend into a brick wall with that shiny, blingy shirt of his.

Cha Eun Sang: This is terrible timing. We might run into the second son. He always comes in at this time. 
Kim Tan: Ah~ That second son who’s really handsome?

Lee Bona: What was the title of the song I was singing in my head? I’m so frustrated that I can’t remember it, so I’m going to ask Ye Sol. 
Yoon Chan Young: What song is it? g.o.d’s Lie? Big Bang’s Lie? T-ara’s Lie?

Finding out your ex is back in town and wearing the world′s worst poker face.


Cha Eun Sang: Sorry, but can you get out of my way?
Choi Young Do: You weren’t leaving because of me? Not because you just didn’t want to go? Am I blocking this entire road?Choi Young Do, you adorably good-looking jerkface.



Kim Tan: Look at the second floor. 
Look behind you.

Did I….miss you?
Look behind you.

Did I….miss you?

DYING….just dying.



This never happens when we walk and text.
Photo Credit: SBS
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moon_firefly said: Wow this thread is moving fast. I have to back read several pages. It's interesting to read everyone's opinion and point of view.
I've back read some interesting things on why Daddy Kim would want to transfer ES. It may be possible that he is testing her. If she would survive and rise up to the challenge of being in KT's world. I would love for this theory to be true. 

One thing I'm afraid though is ES losing her spunk. She's going to be so afraid to be outed (not a nouveau riche) and with that fear, she may shrink back. But I'm getting way ahead of myself ain't I? She still got that fire in her in some scenes (when she told YD to, alright let's eat, you too, eat a lot) and I'm going to trust that the writer will develop her further into this realistic heroine with spunk and flaws.

But between YD and KT, I think KT would be scarier. It's just that he is being passive at the moment. But once the tiger in him awakens, I'm afraid of what damage he could do. We got hints here and there about his bullying past and I would really like to see the him before. While YD is outright agressive, I wonder how KT did it? It's something I would want to see, but I'm sure it'll be an uncomfortable watch with all the bullying.

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Guest Enonane1 .

nistymaj I so agree with what you said about the ages of students.....There are times in this drama that Shin Hye/CES looks like she is 14 or 16 years old. There are times that Min Ho/KT looks like he is definitely 18. I went to high school with a guy that was 18 and he could have been anywhere from 18 to 30 if one were trying to guess his age....kinda like YD......
(love the way you think)

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Roseugene said: I hope people dont misunderstand my post...but I really think that the director is not doing any good for this drama...like for examplethe drama nice guy...even though the storyline is a bit all over the place...the good directing and cinematography really made the drama interesting...kes is a very good writer but I think the director do not give her script any justice...the editing is choppy and the scenes are very slow...I hope the director does not take the drama lightly and step up his game...I wish they used another director instead..if I violated any rules please inform me

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hnin wintnaing said: Auntie Mame said: Youtube is legal.  However,  the content owners and licensed sites are very vigilant in monitoring Youtube to find their 'property'.  At which time, they demand Youtube to delete the video.

There have been cases where the videos were deleted minutes after it was uploaded.  And, the YT account of the uploader could be terminated, too.  :-<

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said: I hope people dont misunderstand my post...but I really think that the director is not doing any good for this drama...like for examplethe drama nice guy...even though the storyline is a bit all over the place...the good directing and cinematography really made the drama interesting...kes is a very good writer but I think the director do not give her script any justice...the editing is choppy and the scenes are very slow...I hope the director does not take the drama lightly and step up his game...I wish they used another director instead..if I violated any rules please inform me

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Actually, I also wondered about the director and what his intentions were to put in two scenes that I couldn't figure out the reason to have.

One scene was when Tan's bio-mom went to a gallery to visit Tan's paper-mom, i.e. legal wife.  Did bio-mom go to ask about Tan's first day in school or for another round of 'sparring' or what?  That scene was a filler scene that moved the drama nowhere.

The second scene was ES' mom and scrubbing bathtub scene.  I know the movie, from which the scene was copied.  But, what's the purpose of that scene?  A joke?  It wasn't funny.  8-|  Again, this was another filler scene that did not propel the drama forward.

If the director has a need for these filler scenes and we're only on episode 6, I'm not so confident about this director and the direction he's taking this drama.  :-?

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