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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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You know I still cannot get over the lipstick thing. I am not going to tell my husband because I finally got him to watch a couple of scenes and I showed him a few pictures and he said that they use lipstick and I scoffed saying no way ,there is no way they did. Then you guys go and burst my bubble so I am not going to say anything to him. He watched that scene of LMH watching PSH and her sister and I was waxing poetic about camera angles and how it was perfectly done. No way am I going to share what I have learnt. Cannot wait for wednesday pali,pali.

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Yes, I wish I could remember the exact reason...why are there so many characters.... :-SS
But as far as I remember, the reason why the reveal of Tan being an illegitimate son of a mistress was a problem was because what happened to his mum and something with a mistress. Sorry, I just can't remember what exactly happened to his mum. It's also the reason why YD hates his father. And have you seen the preview for episode 3? YD says he lost to his father in Taekwondo because he was more like his mum. So there was something that happened to her. 

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cassopeia said: @juju84 
Yes, I wish I could remember the exact reason...why are there so many characters.... :-SS
But as far as I remember, the reason why the reveal of Tan being an illegitimate son of a mistress was a problem was because what happened to his mum and something with a mistress. Sorry, I just can't remember what exactly happened to his mum. It's also the reason why YD hates his father. And have you seen the preview for episode 3? YD says he lost to his father in Taekwondo because he was more like his mum. So there was something that happened to her. 

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cassopeia said: @juju84 
Yes, I wish I could remember the exact reason...why are there so many characters.... :-SS
But as far as I remember, the reason why the reveal of Tan being an illegitimate son of a mistress was a problem was because what happened to his mum and something with a mistress. Sorry, I just can't remember what exactly happened to his mum. It's also the reason why YD hates his father. And have you seen the preview for episode 3? YD says he lost to his father in Taekwondo because he was more like his mum. So there was something that happened to her. 

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Guest Mishiellie

 Character Description Translation:   Kim Won (Heirs)

Transation by booha from Choi Jin Hyuk thread


어떻게 이길까를 고민하기보단 어떻게 살아남을까을 먼저 생각하 인생이었다.   눈떠보면 생기는것들만큼이나 사라지는 것들연속이었다. 

그중하나가엄마였다원은 여섯 살이었다.   죽는다는 의미를 잘이해하지 못했다.   하지만 엄마가 새상을떠난지 얼마지나지 않아새로운엄마가호적에올랐고,중학교 입학을 압두곤또다른여자가내동생이라면난갓난아기를 안겼다.  호적상엄마에게 아기가  걸다행으로 여겨야하는 자신의 열네살 인생이 기막혔다.

원은삐뚤어지는대신 모든것에치열하게매진했다. 본능적으로그렇게하지않으면 안된다는  알았다.   찔러도피한방을은커녕,찌를수도없는차가운금속같은 사람이 되기로했다.그의드센노력은,  아버지가지병으로 쓰러진 제국그룹의 사장자리에 앉게 했다.

호시탐탐자신의자리를탄이차지하길바라는탄의엄마와이유없이호적에올라있는여자와,언제나자신을탐탐지않게바라보는아버지까지, 원은여전히온사방이적이였다. 딱한사람,현주를제외하곤.  부모따윈없는편이훨씬낫다는결론를내렸든스무살진짜부모님이안계셔제국그릅장학재단의후원을받고크는현주를만났다.자신의꿈은선생님이라며주눅들지않고원의잘못된생각들을선생님처럼꾸짖는그녀가원은귀여왔다.   그로부터지금까지원의멘토는여섯 살어린현주다

유학후오랜만에본현주는어느덧대학교졸업반이되어있었다.   멘토인지사랑인지헷갈리기시작한걱도그때쯤이었다.  하지만밀려드려오는선자리들을보며,원은자신의감정을자조했다.   좋은결혼으로더욱강력해져야한다는걸가장잘아는사람은원자신이었으므로.

그러던어느날,미국으로유학보냈던탄이돌아온다.   여전히형을이해한다는듯한눈빗으로미안하다말한다.  "나니눈치보느라한번도탄이를안아준적없다."아버지가말한다.   아버지의그말은마치너는사람으로키왔다는뜼같다.    모든감정들을통탈했다고생각했는데,이건좀서럽다.

It wasn’t about how to win which had consumed his life, but learning how to survive, because, to his eyes, life continuously took things away from him.


One of them was his mom.  Won was 6 years old.    He could not at the time understand the meaning of death.  Soon a new mom was moved on the family registry, and before starting junior high school, another woman put an infant onto his arms as his brother.    The only consolation at 14 years old was that the second mom didn’t have her own offspring.

 Won, instead becoming warped and rebellious, concentrated on everything.   He knew instinctively it was the only way.     It had molded him into a cold and hard man.  The fierce effort to survive made him grab the ceo chair after his father collapsed from illness.

 Guarding Kim Tan’s mom ‘s ambition for her son in his place,  living with a second mom,  and watching his dad’s disapproving glance,   Won felt he was surrounded by enemies.   He was alone except for Hyun Joo.

 Feeling that having no parents was better, he, at the age 20, met Hyun Joo.   Hyun joo had no parents and got the help of a scholarship from the company. She was smart and spirited.  She wanted to become a teacher.   She corrected him whenever Won looked into a wrong direction. For that he became fond of her who was 6 years younger.   Eventually Hyun became Won’s  mentor.

After studying abroad he met Hyun Joo again who was a senior in the university.   He experienced confusion.    He wasn’t sure whether Hyun was still his mentor or he was in love with her.  

Despite these feelings, Won managed to push them aside because of his unsecured position.   He was quite well aware of that a good marriage will make him much stronger and more powerful.

 Then one day, Kim Tan, who was forced to go the US, returned home to Korea.  Looking at his brother sadly, Kim Tan said to his brother Kim Won that he was sorry.   The father told Kim Won that ‘because of you, I couldn’t hold Tan not even once.’  This dad’s remark sounded to Kim Won like he was raised normally.     Even though he gave up any expectation from his dad, he felt disappointed and hurt.

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juju84 said: iamhe said: Hi everyone, what does Kim Tan mean when he said that he got engaged with Rachel so that he doesn't have to marry her later?
That's probably true. I wouldn't be surprised if the engagement came about from an arranged marriage so that there is some financial benefit to both families. But there is obviously no love from Kim Tan's side. The way he blatantly states such directly to her also clarifies to the audience that he has no intentions to follow through with the marriage. There also seems to be a genuine lack of respect for her. I wonder why Kim Tan dislikes her so much? I mean, she's not a loveable character so far, although she may redeem herself somewhat with a back story, yet, there is disdain in the way he treats her. 
As for Rachel, she barely smiles at him. I'm not entirely sure if she loves him. It's more like she's set on just making sure she claims him - like he's some sort of possession. I feel that she's like her mother. To them, marriage is not about love, but more about wealth and status.

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@cassopeia @juju84
Yeah I think there will be bromance, just my own speculation of course but if we think logically, Young Do likes Kim Tan. From what we can see so far, nobody knows Kim Tan is illegitimate so that tells us Young Do never told anyone, has he? And the character description mentioned things like Young Do wants to get Tanny's attention but Tanny isn't very responsive, so Young Do turns to Eun Sang in order to get Tanny's attention... in the end, he just wants his bff back, isn't it? :))

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sia3 said: @cassopeia @juju84
Yeah I think there will be bromance, just my own speculation of course but if we think logically, Young Do likes Kim Tan. From what we can see so far, nobody knows Kim Tan is illegitimate so that tells us Young Do never told anyone, has he? And the character description mentioned things like Young Do wants to get Tanny's attention but Tanny isn't very responsive, so Young Do turns to Eun Sang in order to get Tanny's attention... in the end, he just wants his bff back, isn't it? :))

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I doubt that, it will be more like YD really falling for ES otherwise the conflict is not very deep it needs to be to be useful to the emotional part of the story for it to work. As a result the conflict between YD and KT will worsen.

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@juju84 Don't be sad! It could be both! Maybe he gets curious about ES because of Tan's interest in her and then he truly falls ins love with ES. It would be a good explanation for why YD who treats poor people very mean, remember the student in episode one, to approach ES in the first place.Or we could be totally wrong and YD just remembers meeting her in the bike shop and gets curious because he meets her again. Maybe ES somehow reminds him of his mother or it's something else. ;)

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Guest jjsweeter0211

@Mishiellie : Thanks so much for sharing the character description of Kim Won. I could guess there must be many reasons behind his coldness and harshness towards Tan but this is just so sad. I hope that HJ will heal his heart. I think she is the one and only person who could bring him out from darkness.I am really looking forward to their loveline and waiting for  Im Ju Eun's appearance in next week's episodes. Remember the previous stills of Kim Won in jewellery store that they have released? I think he wants to propose to her.  I believe he will choose love over ambition in the end.

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