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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Jazzme said: ...please dont be mad with me.  I still have a gleamer of hope that jw and nb will end up together.  From ep 32, seems like nb still not able to let go of jw.  jw is actually in love with nb.  I really want to see jw being able to redeem himself.  Not that i do not like wj, but i would prefer if the ending will be nb/jw

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msmy said: Jazzme said: ...please dont be mad with me.  I still have a gleamer of hope that jw and nb will end up together.  From ep 32, seems like nb still not able to let go of jw.  jw is actually in love with nb.  I really want to see jw being able to redeem himself.  Not that i do not like wj, but i would prefer if the ending will be nb/jw

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Good episode but I really hate when they get to cocky and reveal to much to soon. Why did NB have to tell SA about the duplicate documents, it would have been fine it they had made it to the police station already. Now she is in a position to head them off. Maybe NB detective report will be of some use, at least it will establish that SA and JW were in constant contact.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but a few episodes back WJ contacted someone in the police department and was told that they knew about SA's dealings with the guy that ran off with the money and that they didn't really believe that JW was the culprit. Now it's as if that never happened. I truly hope that this portioned doesn't drag out a long time. Even if they can't send SA to jail they can destroy her reputation clear JW of the fraud and lets move on. It's time for a new arc the SA revenge plot is dead, and I don't know if I could take a now it's NB turn at revenge. It's time for WJ's story.

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Guest thampatura

hi guys,>:D<is it just me or anyone else feel that JW's grandmother is irritating~X(, all she care's about is JW and she always belittle the bad things he has done X( and expect's everyone to do the sameX(. on the contrary JW's mom, i love her character:x and i love the way she treats nabi :x, she  and YJ are my favorite characters and i too agree that YJ should be given more importance in the coming episodes, and i like to see some positive development in YJ and nabi's relationship:x :\">

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I found it interesting the reaction that was had by all at JW arrest. They all knew he was wanted and could be discovered so I found it a bit of an over reaction. I also couldn't understand why him and YJ were not better prepared for such an event. He was accused of stealing a lot of people's money and anyone of them could have spotted him walking around and reported him to the police. Did he think just denying he was JW would be enough to stop him from getting arrested.
Kdrama's would have you believe that Koreans have the weakest constitutions in the world, they faint for everything. They need to stop doing that so much. Every piece of bad news they geT makes them faint. SA would never had been able to get the documents and the recording if not for this, plus why are they always so welcoming to their enemies. In YJ shoes I would have never let SA in, why would I care about her rantings?

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Guest manquant

@thampatura , don't worry dear, you're not the only one irritated with Jeong-wook's maternal halmoni. Right from the very start, she was so annoying to me that I usually just skip her parts. Yes, she cares for nothing else except her puppy grandson and she's even mean to innocent GeumDan halmoni who happened to turn out that way because of JW's doings. A flat character, I might say, consistent character, no sign of changing in the near future. 8-|
Anyway, I really had a strange dream last night. When I went online, I just saw that this episode was the indicated as final. OMO How peeved I am that I woke up. Good thing it was just a dream. :)) But I do think that for the remaining 17 episodes, writer-nim should focus on WooJae's story and she should make sure everyone gets what he/she deserves. ;;)

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This drama started off slow and for a while, I lost interest but it has finally turned interesting!  I do want Nambi to end up with Woojae.  I think that they compliment each other quite well.  She is kind albeit scattered while he is consistent and steadfast.  Disappointed that his role is so monotone.  The only real emotion I recall is when he yelled at SA and called off the wedding.  I would like to see alot more personality from him.

As for JW, well they say you get what you reap.  What he did was disgusting, mean and selfish.  And to boot, he gets engaged with his ex-girlfriend and pretends to be dead. Of course, all this was done to right the wrong??? What girl could forgive him and start over again?  And what happens to the ex-fiance?  She told him several times that she can not live without him.  Apparently she was used as was Nambi so he should not end up with anyone....

SA is just a piece of work.  I really wasn't crazy about her n Gentlemen Dignity and it is also holding true with his drama.  Her acting is flat and she is typecast as playing the cold hard card carrying b----.
I would like to see her get what she deserves.  And I would also like to see Woojae's father/grandfather also get what he deserves.  Maybe they should end up together.....

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I share my thought about this drama.

This drama wasnt good from the start unlike MDSY and HYI but when NB moved intor her inlaws, this drama become very good and uniqe. NB who lost everything and get up then i see a strong woman and after that whenever she felt WJ was there help her unconditionally. it was good to see how they get closer and closer during that time NB clompletly merged into the Kim family and developed a very uniqe MIL-DIL relationship this peak was when Kim mama saved NB from suicide at ther river. That was on of best scene ever see i cryed with them too like a crybaby and jw show up and everything went wrong way. Amnesia plot, revenge plot, Do NaBi showmaker plot the whole thing credibility. I feel disappoint this drama recently. One reason i have why i see this drama, Guk Hee and Baek Gi relationship its so funny last time they drink grandma special potion so maybe Guk Hee pregnant too. The question of the drama: Why is Sal Go(Baek Gi sisters) in this drama?

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Guest thampatura


said: @thampatura , don't worry dear, you're not the only one irritated with Jeong-wook's maternal halmoni. Right from the very start, she was so annoying to me that I usually just skip her parts. Yes, she cares for nothing else except her puppy grandson and she's even mean to innocent GeumDan halmoni who happened to turn out that way because of JW's doings. A flat character, I might say, consistent character, no sign of changing in the near future. 8-|

Anyway, I really had a strange dream last night. When I went online, I just saw that this episode was the indicated as final. OMO How peeved I am that I woke up. Good thing it was just a dream.


) But I do think that for the remaining 17 episodes, writer-nim should focus on WooJae's story and she should make sure everyone gets what he/she deserves. ;

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I love how I always comment in here, but all I care about is SA, who everyone else could give a flip about (aside from seeing her get her richard simmons kicked.) I have a very weird love/hate relationship with her. And I agree,...her acting is pretty flat. Limited range of expressions.

Anyways, I know subs are still slugging on by (thanks Viki, I know you guys have a ton of work on your hands, esp with so many dramas coming out) but can someone explain how the eff SA wiggles her way out of that interrogation at the police station? She knows about the duplicate land documents (is this before or after the interrogation? I'm not clear because I can't understand Korean and am only going on the recaps given earlier) and she knows JW threatened her before with the recording of her disclosing her involvement with Moon S H...whatever his name is...so how is this girl not richard simmons herself? I'm guessing JW didn't disclose the recording...which is stupid in my opinion because it'll shut her down.

And at this point, I'm wondering if the writers will ever go more into depth about Yoon Sang Hyun's relationship with Na Bi, or if at this point it's not even relevant anymore since we just need to know that SA wants Na Bi dead to avenge her brother. Because I feel what we were shown was pretty surface level.

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Guest thampatura

@dexter8010 I feel the same way, the one of things i like the most about this drama is MIL and DIL relationship
@islegirl wow , we think in the same line, and i lol at the last comment about grandfather and SR ending up together=))=))=))))=)), you are right they are made for each other  couple =))

I also feel that JW has a awful personality  L-) X( X( how can he move from one girl to an another without any scene of remorse X( and i don't think he actually loved anyone, he just jumps from one person to another person whomever he think is best option  at that point X(

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@thampatura, I totally agree about JW. He never reacts or says anything about any of the situations that come up. He just stands with this look of deep thought. It's like he's thinking over and calculating his next move. Now that he's back in the good graces of his family he just wants to dump YJ like a sack of potatoes. I've noticed another thing about JW. He never fights his own battles. The women around him are always running around trying to solve his problems. When the police came to arrest him the papers were right in the next room. That's what he went there to get in the first place. If he could prove his innocents then why did he keep quiet and let them arrest him without even bothering to mention the papers. Once again NB and YJ are running around for his benefit.

Then there's the question of who tipped the police off of JW's where abouts. They knew his fake name, where his family lived and also about his apartment. NB and none of his family turned him in. YJ was still under the impression that Jeff was coming back after he divorced NB. SA wouldn't do it because she would be implicated in the scam. WJ stands by NB and goes along with what she wants to do. The only other person would be YJ's mother, but that would hurt her daughter. There's no one else which makes me believe that JW himself tipped off the police. NB is set on divorce. She has WJ by her side. She hadn't told his family why he married her. He needed to do something to bring out a reaction from NB. The love he was sure she still had for him. He needed to bring that love back to the surface so that NB would be focused only on helping him and WJ would be pushed to the back burner.

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Korean drama Character 1: *walking at family home, accidentally trips and get a scratch*

Korean drama Character 2: "Oh my God...you've been really hurt...we have to go to the hospital and get you special medicine so that you never ever scar.  Oh God, you mustn't - you won't get married". How could I have raised such a son/daughter?

Old Korean drama Character 3: *Beating their breasts* "Aigoo...Aigooo...what is to be come of us?! *Aigoo"  If she is scarred we will never live the shame down. Why have the heavens done this? *Fall on floor, clutching at heart* "Aigoo".

**Audience narrows eyes and.....backs off slowly**

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Grumpy82 said: Korean drama Character 1: *walking at family home, accidentally trips and get a scratch*

Korean drama Character 2: "Oh my God...you've been really hurt...we have to go to the hospital and get you special medicine so that you never ever scar.  Oh God, you mustn't - you won't get married". How could I have raised such a son/daughter?

Old Korean drama Character 3: *Beating their breasts* "Aigoo...Aigooo...what is to be come of us?! *Aigoo"  If she is scarred we will never live the shame down. Why have the heavens done this? *Fall on floor, clutching at heart* "Aigoo".

**Audience narrows eyes and.....backs off slowly**

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I've just been hit by a car - rather badly (broken bones, heavy internal injuries and bleeding).

My once dead husband is nearby - what should he do:

A) Call the ambulance and ensure that I am not moved at all.

B) Cradle me (regardless of injuries) shouting my name and shaking me.

C) Turn to page 76.  You forgot to pick up the Golden Axe and the Minotaur kills you.  Your adventure ends here.

Also you're sodding criminal - how in all that is holy can you expect to carry on a normal life?


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Grumpy82 said: I've just been hit by a car - rather badly (broken bones, heavy internal injuries and bleeding).

My once dead husband is nearby - what should he do:

A) Call the ambulance and ensure that I am not moved at all.

B) Cradle me (regardless of injuries) shouting my name and shaking me.

C) Turn to page 76.  You forgot to pick up the Golden Axe and the Minotaur kills you.  Your adventure ends here.

Also you're sodding criminal - how in all that is holy can you expect to carry on a normal life?


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awsparkle said:

@thampatura, I totally agree about JW. He never reacts or says anything about any of the situations that come up. He just stands with this look of deep thought. It's like he's thinking over and calculating his next move. Now that he's back in the good graces of his family he just wants to dump YJ like a sack of potatoes. I've noticed another thing about JW. He never fights his own battles. The women around him are always running around trying to solve his problems. When the police came to arrest him the papers were right in the next room. That's what he went there to get in the first place. If he could prove his innocents then why did he keep quiet and let them arrest him without even bothering to mention the papers. Once again NB and YJ are running around for his benefit.

Then there's the question of who tipped the police off of JW's where abouts. They knew his fake name, where his family lived and also about his apartment. NB and none of his family turned him in. YJ was still under the impression that Jeff was coming back after he divorced NB. SA wouldn't do it because she would be implicated in the scam. WJ stands by NB and goes along with what she wants to do. The only other person would be YJ's mother, but that would hurt her daughter. There's no one else which makes me believe that JW himself tipped off the police. NB is set on divorce. She has WJ by her side. She hadn't told his family why he married her. He needed to do something to bring out a reaction from NB. The love he was sure she still had for him. He needed to bring that love back to the surface so that NB would be focused only on helping him and WJ would be pushed to the back burner.

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