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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Thank you, Marie67, for the summary.  That was another clever move on the part of this writer to lead us to believe that YS might have tampered with equipment.

Roy is pretty much on a fence with no easy choices, but he'll have to choose pretty soon.   Eugenia doesn't look like the type to go away quietly after being dumped again, and clawing his way back into the graces of his family will certainly take some heroic event.  We're entering into the dueling match for NB, so we'll see how NB sorts it all out in the end.  All of the face slapping was refreshing!  Ha!  Don't forget that teacher/brother also slapped Roy... when does Eugenia get hers?!

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Thank you marie for the summary.  It sounds like a huge cliffhanger.  I don't think I can handle it so maybe I have to wait until next week to watch the whole thing.  (Heck, I'm only up to 24.)

The writer is telling me that though it seems like she already puts all the cards on the table, there are still hidden cards in her sleeves.  Let's see how she makes things up as she goes along.

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Guest lantawmako

hello all. i havent logged in to soompi for a very long time but have to do it this time. love this drama. the woman with roy can't they get a better actress? someone who could say jeff instead of jep?  she  prefers to call him jeff but can't pronounce it right.

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marie67 said: Sorry but some things I left out because they were not that important, but the ex-gf is very clingy and she definitly wont let R go back to NB. I also dislike the fact that they beg R and his ex-gf to let R go to NB because she cant live without him. The grandma wants to see R and she is kinda fine as long as he comes home, so she is not that worried about NB. But the mother is hurt, I think she feels guilty just like his father.

I hate it that they all will only accept R back if he gets together with NB again, like it doesnt matter that he is cheating on her or that he pretended to be dead. They are really crazy. I also dislike the fact that R gave NB his blood because maybe NB will wafer...I just want ASAP NB and JW together.

And the F* grandpa of JW annoys the H#ll out of me because of his manners and how he talks with that annoying screaming just like YS botox face.

Do you guys think YS did that to NB? And will WJ go back to YS because to save NB? I dont hope so please! Just NO marriage between YS and JW, or else....

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Guest manquant

Well said, @Arishia . WooJae would be deluded himself if he still thinks turning himself to Seol Ah would cure her dreadful state now. I haven't watched the raws yet but from @marie67 's recap (thanks btw :D ) , I might be too violent with how things proceeded. Isn't it too absurd that Roy would be NaBi's blood match? =)) But the end part is no joke, that implies murder staining Seol Ah's hands. I know she's too revenge-driven in her actions but going to that extreme is well, really extreme. First, an innocent unborn baby and now, NaBi herself. [-X At least, she's proving she's really the villain of the show but nonetheless, that move on her part is too makjang for me. 
WooJae, as I've said before, doesn't need his dysfunctional family's approval to be with the woman he loves. He's already done with that part, right? But I laud his hyung and Hong Mo Ran for helping him escape. Instead of just bickering in every episode, they did one right thing this time. =D>
Surely, NaBi will live (she will just stare at the Reaper with her fish eyes that's enough to scare him away :-j ) , what I'm excited for is how things will go once she wakes up. Will she create more ruckus or step up her game and straighten things up once and for all? I won't have any qualms if I'm assured that our shoemaking Cinderella (NaBi) will be with her Prince Charming (WooJae) at the end of all these. 8->

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For my money I want NB to recover dump Roy and move on. The new girlfriend is really a piece of work, she didn't even want Roy to give the blood to save NB. Roy thinks he feels bad now wait till he finds out about the baby, because Roy loves NB but he didn't think she would stay by his side, Now he is finding out how wrong he was. SA has done enough dirt and I think is time for her to get whats coming to her. WJ already know's that she was part of the fraud and that she has the money, the police must also suspect her or the detective would not have mentioned her introducing Roy to the scam artist guy.
I can see SA and the new girlfriend plotting together trying to get there men away from NB but the truth be told SA should be in jail. Roy's father really disappointed me when he told WJ that it was inappropriate for him to be there but it was OK for the new girlfriend to be there, not only that they stood and watched as NB mother got down on her knees and begged her to let Roy go, without a word from the in-laws.
I want NB and WJ to become partners in crime and  get NB's money back, expose SA involvement and send Roy and new girlfriend packing.

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Thanks you everybody for the recaps and comment!!!!

Seriously, whats up with Jeff New Girlfriend??/ She is soo disrespectful to the parent. How will you get married to Jeff when you are rude to the parent/ your in-law to be?? I don't care how rich she is but been disrespectful is not a good image at all.

YS, will soon get it. i feel like now the battle is between WJ and YS and that NB is just in the middle of it because WJ like NB and YS hate NB. So the common factor between both of then is NB....

Aww... Poor NB mother. I feel for her.

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I hope the ex-gf will also plot against YS because in the end, its her fault that she lost Roy to NB and how she has made Roys life a Hell. If she really loves Roy then she wont be helping B* YS because what YS put Roy through is unacceptable. Also, if Roy discovers about their alliance then it's the end for her so she better keep Roy away from NB by clinging to him like glue :P.

I want to see Roy destroy YS very bad, I think WJ has it not in him to destroy YS the way Roy is capable. And NB needs to speak up for herself and let those clingy dumb in-laws have their Roy and leave her alone so she can be with WJ again.

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Guest lantawmako

dexter8010 thank you.  got it. but they gave him an english name, oh well i guess i just don't like her so i just have to say something mean since i can't slap her

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Oh man, I need a preview for next week. Seol Ah...you crazy richard simmons. Haha

I also wanted to add that I hope we start to learn more about exactly what happened between Na Bi and Sang Hyun, and perhaps more details surrounding why Seol Ah is convinced Na Bi caused him to "commit suicide" (aside from the fact that Seol Ah's kind of crazy herself). I feel the writers have been focusing the heat on Roy and the whole hiding from his family thing, and we kind of need to see a bit more of this other buried conflict.

I also keep forgetting that this drama is supposedly 50 episodes? Guess the writers have a long run.

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@BoAFriend - Maybe YS said things over time to him about his relationship with NB that ended up making him feel worse and pushed him over the edge, and she is covering her guilt by projecting it onto NB. That's usually what this type of person does. But yeah, I'm curious too.

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@BoAFriend and @Arishia That was explained in an earlier episode, First the brother called SA while driving his car crying about how he couldn't live without NB so she heard the accident, when she went to identify the body one of the police officer told her it looked like suicide, she begged him to list it as an accident. She also asked if they had contacted NB and they told they had but NB said that they had broke up and she was in the middle of filming so she would be unable to come.
 At the same time SA was pregnant and married to WJ but he was away and she couldn't reach him. So she went to the TV studio to find NB who didn't know who she was and thought she wanted an autograph but before she could give it to her the new boyfriend walked up and gave NB a kissed and they walked away. SA was so shocked she ended up having a miscarriage.
NB on the other hand was his I think English student  and was attracted to him because he was kind and attentive, but once they started to date he became to possessive so NB broke it off, he then started to stalk NB so she tried to hide from him and wouldn't take his calls which of course made matters worse. They showed a scene where he called her assistant because she wouldn't answer her phone, NB took the call and told him to stop or she would report him to the police. I think that was the call that pushed him over the edge.
NB did admit to SA that she could have been kinder and maybe handled things better,

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I just watched 27 over again and SA is really delusional, from the first time WJ was shown in relation to SA he has been telling her that he saw her as a friend and there was no chance for them to get married. The current wedding was only taking place because Gpa had struck a deal with WJ to leave NB alone if he agree to marry her. Once WJ discovered her involvement in NB's and Roy's marriage as well as her involvement in the fraud he again told her the wedding was off. Yet her she is with the dress all laid out on the bed waiting.
Again I found NB FIL behavior towards WJ wrong, the whold family stood by why NB mom got on her knees and beg the NGF to let Roy go without a word but just the sight of WJ made them question why he was there, it's OK for her but not for him. I want NB to wake up not have amnesia and not wanting to have anything to do with Roy. Pryor to accident she made it clear to Roy and SA she would get even. I want her shoe design  business to take off  and at the same time SA involvement in the fraud to leak out thus making her lose business. She will also have to move from the in-law's house but I want her to stay close to them, and help them to get from SA what Roy couldn't. I feel a little sorry for Roy because it's clear that he is a weak man. He is quick to lean on the NGF but it is also clear that he doesn't love her.
I do think that NB will be a shoe designer and that involvement along with WJ will bring out things from the FIL and WJ Gpa past. I would also like to know how SA father ended up with Roy's family land in the first place.
I can't say this enough the SIL cracks me up, she listen at key holes and then does her own commentary on what she hears for her own enjoyment. 
Where is the preview?

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@IBELIS, I'm also looking forward to the preview. I also want NB to wake up and not have amnesia and bring SA down. SA has been freely doing evil things for far too long. And I would like to see NB become partners with WJ. As he told her repeatedly in ep 27 he will always be there. I hope NB realizes that WJ is the person that can give her the support she needs (and he has been there time and time again to support and help her).

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@IBELIS... I have to disagree with you about FIL's reaction to WJ.  Remember that the family doesn't know anything about the nefarious deeds of Roy.  We all have heard about it, as well as NB, so we know he is a louse.  But  they know nothing other than he disappeared and now he's back.  I know they don't like girlfriend hanging around, with is inappropriate, but they refrain from making a scene.  Secondly, in Korean culture, I believe that FIL's handling of  WJ's desire to be supportive,  is probably correct for the circumstances.  NB is still married to their son, so this is not the time for WJ to get involved in FIL's opinion.

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Guest apache934

I'm starting watching this drama

Sorry fans ...NB's nose looks funny ! I don't know where she got cosmetic surgery ,her nose bother me

sorry fans !!( please don't hit me )

Epi 1-2 she's so annoyance !

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